

撒迦利亞書 6



1 我又舉目觀,見有輛車從兩中間出來;那是銅

2 第一輛車套著紅,第二輛車套著黑

3 第三輛車套著白第四輛車套著有斑點的壯

4 我就問與我話的天使啊,這是甚麼意思?

5 天使回答:這是風,是從普下的面前出來的。

6 套著黑的車往北方去,白跟隨在;有斑點的往南方去。

7 壯馬出來,要在遍走來走去。天使:你們只管在遍走來走去。他們就照樣行了。

8 他又呼叫我哪,往北方去的已在北方安慰我的心。

9 耶和華的臨到我說:

10 你要從被擄之人中取黑玳、多比雅、耶大雅的金銀。這三人是從巴比倫到西番雅的兒子約西亞的家裡。當日你要進他的家,

11 取這做冠冕,戴在約撒答的兒子祭司約書亞的上,

12 對他,萬軍之耶和華如此:看哪,那名稱為大衛苗裔的,他要在本處長起來,並要建造耶和華的殿。

13 他要建造耶和華的殿,並擔負尊榮,在位上掌王權;又必在位上作祭司,使兩職之間籌定和平。

14 這冠冕要歸希連(就是黑玳)、多比雅、耶大雅,和西番雅的兒子賢(就是約西亞),放在耶和華的殿裡為記念。

15 遠方的人也要建造耶和華的殿,你們就知道萬軍之耶和華差遣我到你們這裡。你們若留意耶和華─你們的話,這事必然成就。





Four Mandalas

The number "four" in the Bible represents things being linked together or joined. This is partly because four is two times two, and two represents the ultimate linking between our desire to be good and our understanding of truth. We can also see this in the fact that most buildings are rectangular, with the four sides linking together to make a whole. We also divide directions into four -- north, east, south and west -- and talk about the "four corners" of something meaning all of it. So our special thinking naturally looks at four sides as linking together into a whole.

(Odkazy: Apocalypse Explained 417; Arcana Coelestia 1686, 9103, 9601, 9767, 9864)