

民數記 36



1 約瑟的後裔,瑪拿西的孫子,瑪吉的兒子基列,他子孫中的諸族長來到摩西和作首領的以色列人族長面前,

2 耶和華曾吩咐我拈鬮分以色列人為業,我也受了耶和華的吩咐將我們兄弟西羅非哈的產業分他的眾女兒

3 他們若嫁以色列別支派的人,就必將我們祖宗所遺留的產業加在他們丈夫支派的產業中。這樣,我們拈鬮所得的產業就要減少了。

4 到了以色列人的禧年,這女兒的產業就必加在他們丈夫支派的產業上。這樣,我們祖宗支派的產業就減少了。

5 摩西耶和華的話吩咐以色列人:約瑟支派的人得有理。

6 論到西羅非哈的眾女兒耶和華這樣吩咐:他們可以隨意嫁人,只是要嫁同宗支派的人。

7 這樣,以色列人的產業就不從這支派歸到那支派,因為以色列人要各守各祖宗支派的產業。

8 凡在以色列支派中得了產業的女子必作同宗支派的妻,好叫以色列人各自承受他祖宗的產業。

9 這樣,他們的產業就不從這支派歸到那支派,因為以色列支派的人要各守各的產業。

10 耶和華怎樣吩咐摩西,西羅非哈的眾女兒就怎樣行。

11 西羅非哈的女兒瑪拉、得撒、曷拉、密迦、挪阿都嫁了他們伯叔的兒子

12 他們嫁入約瑟兒子瑪拿西子孫的族中;他們的產業仍留在同宗支派中。

13 這是耶和華摩押平原─約但河邊、耶利哥對面─藉著摩西所吩咐以色列人命令典章。





"Ahimelech Giving the Sword of Goliath to David" by Aert de Gelder

Like other common verbs, the meaning of "give" in the Bible is affected by context: who is giving what to whom? In general, though, giving relates to the fact that the Lord provides us all with true teachings for our minds and desires for good in our hearts, and for the fact that we need to accept those gifts while acknowledging that they come from the Lord, and not from ourselves. One of the most common and significant uses of "give" in the Bible is the repeated statement that the Lord had given the land of Canaan to the people of Israel. This springs from the fact that Canaan represents heaven, and illustrates that the Lord created us all for heaven and will give us heaven if we will accept the gift.