

利未記 9



1 到了第八摩西召了亞倫和他兒子,並以色列的長老來,

2 亞倫:你當取牛群中的一隻公犢作贖祭,一隻公綿作燔祭,都要沒有殘疾的,獻在耶和華面前。

3 你也要對以色列人:你們當取一隻公山羊作贖祭,又取一隻犢和一隻綿羊羔,都要一歲、沒有殘疾的,作燔祭,

4 又取一隻公牛,一隻公綿作平安祭,獻在耶和華面前,並取調的素祭,因為今天耶和華要向你們顯現。

5 於是他們把摩西所吩咐的,帶到會幕前;全會眾都近前來,站在耶和華面前。

6 摩西:這是耶和華吩咐你們所當行的;耶和華的榮光就要向你們顯現。

7 摩西亞倫:你就近前,獻你的贖祭和燔祭,為自己與百姓贖,又獻上百姓的供物,為他們贖,都照耶和華所吩咐的。

8 於是,亞倫就近前,宰了為自己作贖祭的犢。

9 亞倫的兒子把血奉給他,他就把指頭蘸在血中,抹在的四角上,又把血倒在腳那裡。

10 惟有贖祭的脂油和腰子,並上取的網子,都燒在上,是照耶和華所吩咐摩西的

11 又用燒在外。

12 亞倫宰了燔祭牲,他兒子把血遞給他,他就灑在的周圍,

13 又把燔祭一塊一塊的、連遞給他,他都燒在上;

14 了臟腑和,燒在上的燔祭上。

15 他奉上百姓的供物,把那給百姓作贖祭的公山羊宰了,為獻上,和先獻的一樣;

16 也奉上燔祭,照例而獻。

17 他又奉上素祭,從其中取一滿把,燒在上;這是在早晨的燔祭以外。

18 亞倫宰了那給百姓作平安祭的公牛和公綿。他兒子把血遞給他,他就灑在的周圍;

19 又把公牛和公綿的脂油、肥尾巴,並蓋臟的脂油與腰子,和上的網子,都遞給他;

20 把脂油放在胸上,他就把脂油燒在上。

21 胸和右腿,亞倫當作搖祭,在耶和華面前搖一搖,都是照摩西所吩咐的。

22 亞倫向百姓舉,為他們祝福。他獻了贖祭、燔祭、平安祭就來了。

23 摩西亞倫進入會幕,又出為百姓祝福耶和華的榮光就向眾民顯現。

24 耶和華面前出來,在上燒盡燔祭和脂油;眾民一見,就都歡呼,俯伏在地。






In Genesis 19:37; 21:26; 30:32; 40:7; Matthew 6:30; Luke 12:28, this signifies the perpetuity and eternity of a state. (Arcana Coelestia 2838)

In Psalm 2:7, this signifies in time; for with Jehovah the future is present. (True Christian Religion 101)

The expression 'even to this day' or 'today' sometimes appears in the Word, as in Genesis 19:37-38, 22:14, 26:33, 32:32, 35:20, and 47:26. In a historical sense, these expressions have respect to the time when Moses lived, but in an internal sense, 'this day' and 'today' signify the perpetuity and eternity of a state. 'Day' denotes state, and likewise 'today,' which is the current time. Anything related to time in the world is eternal in heaven, and to represent this, 'today' or 'to this day' is added. Although, in the historical sense, this appears as if the expressions only have a literal meaning, just like it says in other parts of the Word, such as Joshua 4:9, 6:25, 7:20, Judges 1:21, 26, etc. 'Today' means something perpetual and eternal in Psalms 2:7, 119:89-91, Jeremiah 1:5, 10, 18, Deuteronomy 29:9-14, Numbers 28:3, 23, Daniel 8:13, 11:31, 12:11, Exodus 16:4, 19, 20, 23, John 6:31, 32, 49, 50, 58, Matthew 6:11, and Luke 11:3.

(Odkazy: Arcana Coelestia 2838 [1-4], Genesis 47:26)