

約書亞記 18



1 以色列的會眾聚集在示羅,把會幕設立在那裡,那已經被他們制伏了。

2 以色列人中其個支派還沒有分給他們地業。

3 約書亞對以色列人耶和華─你們列祖的所賜你們的,你們耽延不去得,要到幾時呢?

4 你們每支派當選舉個人,我要打發他們去,他們就要起身走遍那,按著各支派應得的明(或作:畫圖),就回到我這裡

5 他們要將地分做分;猶大仍在方,住在他的境內。約瑟家仍在北方,住在他的境內。

6 你們要將分做分,明了拿到我這裡。我要在耶和華─我們面前,為你們拈鬮。

7 利未人在你們中間沒有分,因為供耶和華祭司的職任就是他們的產業。迦得支派、流便支派,和瑪拿西半支派已經在約但河東得了地業,就是耶和華僕人摩西他們的。

8 勢的人起身去的時候,約書亞囑咐他們說:你們去走遍那,劃明勢,就回到我這裡來。我要在示羅這裡,耶和華面前,為你們拈鬮。

9 他們就去了,走遍那,按著城邑分做分,在冊子上,回到示羅中見約亞。

10 約書亞就在示羅,耶和華面前,為他們拈鬮。約書亞在那裡,按著以色列人的支派,將分給他們。

11 便雅憫支派,按著宗族拈鬮所得之地,是在猶大、約瑟子孫中間。

12 他們的界是從約但河起,往上貼近耶利哥邊;又往西通過地,直到伯亞文的曠野;

13 從那裡往接連到路斯,貼近路斯(路斯就是伯特利),又到亞他綠亞達,靠近伯和崙邊的

14 從那裡往西,又向南,從伯和崙對面的,直達到猶大人的城基列巴力(基列巴力就是基列耶琳);這是西界。

15 界是從基列耶琳的儘邊起,往西達到尼弗多亞的水源;

16 到欣嫩子對面的儘邊,就是利乏音邊的;又到欣嫩,貼近耶布斯的邊;又到隱羅結;

17 又往通到隱示麥,達到亞都冥坡對面的基利綠;又到流便之子波罕的磐

18 又接連到亞拉巴對面,往到亞拉巴;

19 又接連到伯曷拉的邊,直通到汊,就是約但河的頭;這是界。

20 東界是約但河。這是便雅憫人按著宗族,照他們四圍的交界所得的地業。

21 便雅憫支派按著宗族所得的城邑就是:耶利哥、伯曷拉、伊麥基悉、

22 伯亞拉巴、洗瑪臉、伯特利

23 亞文、巴拉、俄弗拉、

24 基法阿摩尼、俄弗尼、迦巴,共十二座城,還有屬城的村莊

25 又有基遍拉瑪、比錄、

26 米斯巴、基非拉、摩撒、

27 利堅、伊利毘勒、他拉拉、

28 洗拉、以利弗、耶布斯(耶布斯就是耶路撒冷)、基比亞、基列,共十四座城,還有屬城的村莊。這是便雅憫人按著宗族所得的地業。






Water is the basis of life, the essential ingredient in all drinks, and in the form of rivers, lakes and oceans supports life in myriad ways. The spiritual meaning of water is similarly basic: It represents truth in general, the ideas and concepts that guide us to do good things in our lives. In a more specific sense, it represents truth at its simplest level: the ideas we learn from the Bible and simply believe. Swedenborg refers to this as “natural” truth or “truths of faith.” They are not things we have explored, figured out or confirmed through life; rather they are things that we accept to be true because we’ve been told they are true. Like water, these ideas flow to us from other sources. And like water, they are ever-changing; to build something permanent we might look to the more permanent ideas represented by stones. But water is crucial to life, and so are these accepted ideas. Water can also, of course, be threatening. Rivers, lakes and oceans are inherently dangerous, and flooding was an ever greater threat in Biblical times than it is now. These aspects represent the opposite meaning – water as falsity, twisted ideas which support evil and can overwhelm and destroy us if we’re not careful.

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