

約拿書 4



1 這事約拿不悅,且甚發怒,

2 就禱告耶和華耶和華啊,我在本國的時候,豈不是這樣嗎?我知道你是有恩典、有憐憫的神,不輕易發怒,有豐盛的慈愛,並且後悔不降所的災,所以我急速逃往他施去。

3 耶和華啊,現在求你取我的命吧!因為我死了比活著還好。

4 耶和華:你這樣發怒合乎理嗎?

5 於是約拿出城,在城的東邊,在那裡為自己搭了一座棚,在棚的蔭,要那城究竟如何。

6 耶和華安排一棵蓖麻,使其發生高過約拿,影兒遮蓋他的,救他脫離苦楚;約拿因這棵蓖麻喜樂。

7 次日黎明,卻安排一條子咬這蓖麻,以致枯槁。

8 出來的時候,安排炎熱的東,日曝曬約拿的,使他發昏,他就為自己求:我死了比活著還好!

9 約拿:你因這棵蓖麻發怒合乎理嗎?他:我發怒以至於死,都合乎理!

10 耶和華:這蓖麻,不是你栽種的,也不是你培養的;一夜發生,一夜乾死,你尚且愛惜;

11 何況這尼尼微城,其中不能分辨左手右手的有十二萬多人,並有許多牲畜,我豈能不愛惜呢?






As with many common verbs, the meaning of “to say” in the Bible is highly dependent on context. Who is speaking? Who is hearing? What is it about? Is it a command, a message, an apology, instruction? All these things enter into the meaning of “say.” In general, though, “saying” has to do with sharing truth at various levels -- from the most exalted power people can have to perceive the Lord's desires directly to the most basic of orders issued to people at their lowest.