

耶利米書 19



1 耶和華如此:你去買窯匠的瓦瓶,又帶百姓中的長老祭司中的長老

2 出去到欣嫩子谷、哈珥西(就是瓦片的意思)的門口那著,宣告我所吩咐你的

3 猶大耶路撒冷居民哪,當耶和華的。萬軍之耶和華以色列的如此:我必使災禍臨到這地方,凡見的人都必耳鳴;

4 因為他們和他們列祖,並猶大離棄我,將這地方看為平常,在這裡向素不認識的別燒香,又使這地方滿了無辜人的血,

5 建築巴力的邱壇,好在中焚燒自己的兒子,作為燔祭獻給巴力。這不是我所吩咐的,不是我所提的,也不是我所起的意。

6 耶和華:因此,日子將到,這地方不再稱為陀斐特和欣嫩子谷,反倒稱為殺戮谷。

7 我必在這地方使猶大耶路撒冷的計謀落空,也必使他們在仇敵面前倒於刀下,並尋索其命的人下。他們的屍首,我必空中的飛上的野獸作食物。

8 我必使這城令人驚駭嗤笑;凡經過的人,必因這城所遭的災驚駭嗤笑。

9 我必使他們在圍困窘迫之中,就是仇敵和尋索其命的人窘迫他們的時候,各人自己兒女的和朋友的

10 你要在同去的人眼前打碎那瓶,

11 對他們:萬軍之耶和華如此:我要照樣打碎這民和這城,正如人打碎窯匠的瓦器,以致不能再囫圇。並且人要在陀斐特葬埋屍首,甚至無處可葬。

12 耶和華:我必向這地方和其中的居民如此行,使這城與陀斐特一樣。

13 耶路撒冷房屋猶大的宮殿是已經被玷污的,就是他們在其上向上的萬象燒香、向別澆奠祭的宮殿房屋,都必與陀斐特一樣。

14 耶利米從陀斐特─就是耶和華差他去預言的地方─回,站在耶和華殿的院中,對眾人

15 萬軍之耶和華以色列的如此:我必使我所的一切災禍臨到這城和屬城的一切城邑,因為他們硬著頸項不我的





The Siege and Destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans Under the Command of Titus, by David Roberts

In the ancient world cities were nearly nations unto themselves – they existed within walls, with their own laws and customs, generally centered on the common purpose of trade. This is not as much the case in the modern world, but we still tend to divide ourselves city by city in terms of sports teams, accents, music and culture, and still tend to generalize the character of people from other cities. It follows, then, that in the Bible cities represent various doctrines – collections of inter-related ideas about spiritual reality. Such doctrines can be based on anything from the Lord’s true teachings – the New Jerusalem seen by John in Revelation – to the falsity and heresy of Sodom and various cities obliterated by the people of Israel at God’s command. On the most personal level, a city can also represent the natural mind of one person – which makes sense since we each to some extent have our own doctrine and our own set of ideas and beliefs.