

哈該書 1


1 利烏王第二初一日,耶和華的先知哈該向猶大省長撒拉鐵的兒子所羅巴伯和約撒答的兒子祭司約書亞說:

2 萬軍之耶和華如此:這百姓建造耶和華殿的時候尚未來到。

3 那時耶和華的臨到先知哈該說:

4 這殿仍然荒涼,你們自己還天花板的房屋麼?

5 現在萬軍之耶和華如此:你們要省察自己的行為。

6 你們撒的種多,收的卻少;你們,卻不得飽;,卻不得足;穿衣服,卻不得暖;得工錢的,將工錢裝在破漏的囊中。

7 萬軍之耶和華如此:你們要省察自己的行為。

8 你們要上料,建造這殿,我就因此喜樂,且得榮耀。這是耶和華的。

9 你們盼望多得,所得的卻少;你們收到家中,我就吹去。這是為甚麼呢?因為我的殿荒涼,你們各卻顧(原文是奔)自己的房屋。這是萬軍之耶和華的。

10 所以為你們的緣故,就不降甘也不出土產。

11 我命乾旱臨到土、岡、五穀、新酒,和油,並上的出產、人民、牲畜,以及人手一切勞碌得來的。

12 那時,撒拉鐵的兒子所羅巴伯和約撒答的兒子祭司約書亞,並剩下的百姓,都耶和華─他們先知哈該奉耶和華─他們差來所說的;百姓也在耶和華面前存敬畏的心。

13 耶和華的使者哈該奉耶和華差遣對百姓耶和華:我與你們同在。

14 耶和華激動猶大省長撒拉鐵的兒子所羅巴伯和約撒答的兒子祭司約書亞,並剩下之百姓的心,他們就為萬軍之耶和華─他們的殿做工。

15 這是在大利烏王第二二十日。



Exploring the Meaning of Haggai 1

Napsal(a) New Christian Bible Study Staff

Haggai’s prophecy holds something new and happy, and also something old and unhappy. In his time, the ancient church has petered out, and the substitute for it, the Jewish church, has lost its way and become a church only on the outside. The time is approaching for the coming of the Lord, and this scolding by Haggai has in it, in verses 6-9, a prophecy of that coming.

The time of this prophecy is after the 70 years of exile in Babylon, when many of the exiles are coming back to the holy land. Zerubbabel is the appointed governor of the land and Joshua, the son of Josedech, is the high priest.

In Chapter 1, in Verses 1-5, Haggai tells these leaders that the Lord has told him that the people believe that it isn’t yet time to build the Lord's house, but that he is here to say that it is time. He asks them, "Is it time for you to live in your fancy houses while the Lord’s house lies in waste? Consider your ways!" The people are willing to wait for Messiah to raise them to earthly wealth and power but that time has gone and the church they represent lies in waste.

In verse 6, Haggai reminds them that none of what they have done so far has prospered, and then he alternates between telling them to get busy on the Lord’s house and telling them the troubles that will come if they don’t (in verses 7-11). A true church can't be set up with them because they only care about themselves and don’t care about the Lord.

A good thing happens: Haggai's message gets through. The leaders - Zerubbabel and Joshua - listen, and enough of the people are worried enough about the way things were going (as Haggai had said) that work starts on a new rebuilding on the old foundation. (verses 12-14)



Haggai 1:7-11



7 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways.

8 Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the LORD.

9 Ye looked for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith the LORD of hosts. Because of mine house that is waste, and ye run every man unto his own house.

10 Therefore the heaven over you is stayed from dew, and the earth is stayed from her fruit.

11 And I called for a drought upon the land, and upon the mountains, and upon the corn, and upon the new wine, and upon the oil, and upon that which the ground bringeth forth, and upon men, and upon cattle, and upon all the labour of the hands.