

創世記 2



1 萬物都造齊了。

2 第七日,造物的工已經完畢,就在第七日歇了他一切的工,安息了。

3 賜福給第七日,定為日;因為在這日,歇了他一切創造的工,就安息了。

4 創造的來歷,在耶和華的日子,乃是這樣,

5 還沒有木,田間的菜蔬還沒有長起來;因為耶和華還沒有降上,也沒有人耕

6 但有霧氣從上騰,滋潤遍

7 耶和華用地上的塵土造人,將生氣吹在他鼻孔裡,他就成了有靈的活人,名叫亞當。

8 耶和華在東方的伊甸立了一個園子,把所造的人安置在那裡。

9 耶和華使各樣的從地裡長出來,可以悅人的眼目,其上的果子作食物。園子當中又有生命和分別善惡的

10 從伊甸流出來,滋潤那園子,從那裡分為道:

11 道名叫比遜,就是環繞哈腓拉全的。在那裡有子,

12 並且那子是的;在那裡又有珍珠和紅瑪瑙。

13 第二道名叫基訓,就是環繞古實全的。

14 第三名叫底格里斯,流在亞述的東邊。第四就是伯拉

15 耶和華將那人安置在伊甸園,使他修理,看守。

16 耶和華吩咐他說:園中各樣上的果子,你可以隨意

17 只是分別善惡上的果子,你不可,因為你的日子必定

18 耶和華:那人獨居不,我要為他造一個配偶幫助他。

19 耶和華用土所造成的野地各樣走獸和空中各樣飛到那人面前,甚麼。那人怎樣各樣的活物,那就是他的名字

20 那人便給一切牲畜和空中飛、野地走都起了名;只是那人沒有遇見配偶幫助他。

21 耶和華使他沉睡,他就睡了;於是取下他的肋骨,又把合起來。

22 耶和華就用那人身上所取的肋骨造成一個女人,領他到那人跟前。

23 :這是我中的中的,可以稱他為女人,因為他是從男人身上取出來的。

24 因此,要離開父母,與妻子連合,二成為體。

25 當時夫妻人赤身露體,並不羞恥。





woman looking to sky
woman looking to sky

The word "woman" is used a number of different ways in the Bible – as a simple description, as someone connected to a man ("his woman"), as a temptation to the men of Israel (women of other nations) and even as a term of address (Jesus addresses Mary as "woman" twice). There are also various spiritual meanings, and context is important. In most cases, a "woman" in the Bible represents a church, either a true one following the Lord or a false one out to deceive. This follows from the idea that the true character of an organization – or of an individual person – is determined by its goals, its mission, what it cares about most. This is well represented by women, because women are, at their inmost levels, forms of affection and love. Men, by contrast, are forms of thought and intellect, which appear prominent but actually play the secondary role of describing and supporting the defining loves and affections. The most central of a woman's loves and affections is the love of truth. On an individual scale this is central to the union between a wife and a husband: She loves his intellect and ideas, and blends them with her own to produce acts of love and kindness; meanwhile her love inspires him to seek more true ideas and greater wisdom so those acts of love and kindness can be ever better. The relationship between the church and the Lord is different, obviously, because the Lord is perfect love and perfect wisdom in balance, and is ultimately both masculine and feminine. The church is also not specifically feminine, being made up of men and women working in harmony. Even so, the defining aspect of a church is its love for truth, and how it receives ideas from the Lord. So while "woman" sometimes represents a church in general, it can also represents the love of truth that exists in that church, or the love of truth itself. Not all churches are true, of course. The reason the people of Israel were so strongly forbidden to intermarry with the people that surrounded them was that the foreign women represented false churches and false beliefs. And for an Israeli woman to take a foreign husband represented introducing falsity into the Israeli church. Two other uses of "woman" are more limited, primarily to the Book of Genesis. One of them is Eve, the first woman, formed from the rib of Adam. In that story Adam represents the Most Ancient Church, and the woman represents what the Writings call the "proprium," a sense of self, of identity, of control that the Lord gave to people of the church at that time. In a way this fits with the more general representation, because the love of truth is an important way we can feel a sense of power in our own spiritual growth, but the representation of Eve is relatively unique. Much of the rest of Genesis is dealing rather directly with the Lord's own development during his childhood on earth. Since the Lord thought and felt more deeply than we can possibly imagine, the women in this stories – Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, Rachel and others – represent true ideas themselves, rather than affections for truth.