

創世記 19



1 那兩個天使晚上到了所多瑪;羅得正所多瑪門口見他們,就起來迎接,臉伏於下拜,

2 :我阿,請你們到僕人家裡,住一夜,清起來再走。他們:不!我們要在街上過夜。

3 羅得切切的請他們,他們這才進去,到他裡。羅得為他們預備筵席,無酵餅,他們就吃了

4 他們還沒有躺下,所多瑪城裡各處的人,連老帶少,都來圍住那房子,

5 呼叫羅得:今日晚上到你這裡的人在那裡呢?把他們,任我們所為。

6 羅得出來,把上,到眾人那裡,

7 :眾弟兄,請你們不要作這惡事。

8 我有兩個女兒,還是處女,容我領出,任憑你們的心願而行;只是這兩個既然到我舍,不要向他們作甚麼。

9 :退去罷!又:這個寄居,還想要作官哪!現在我們要害你比害他們更甚。眾就向前擁擠羅得,要攻

10 只是那二人伸出來,將羅得拉進去,把上,

11 並且使外的人,無論老少,眼都昏迷;他們摸來摸去,總尋不著房

12 二人對羅得:你這裡還有甚麼人麼?無論是女婿是兒女,和這城中一切屬你的人,你都要將他們從這地方帶出去。

13 我們要毀滅這地方;因為城內罪惡的聲音在耶和華面前甚大,耶和華我們來,要毀滅這地方

14 羅得就出去,告訴娶了(或作將要娶)他女兒的女婿們:你們起來離開這地方,因為耶和華要毀滅這城。他女婿們卻以為他的是戲言。

15 天明了,天使催逼羅得說:起來!帶著你的妻子和你在這裡的兩個女兒出去,免得你因這城裡的罪惡同被剿滅。

16 但羅得遲延不走。人因為耶和華憐恤羅得,就拉著他的和他妻子的,並他兩個女兒,把他們領出來,安置在城外;

17 領他們出來以,就:逃命罷!不可回頭,也不可在平原站住。要往上逃跑,免得你被剿滅。

18 羅得對他們:我阿,不要如此!

19 僕人已經在你眼前蒙恩;你又向我顯出莫大的慈愛,我的性命。我不能逃到上去,恐怕這災禍臨到我,我便死了

20 看哪,這座城又小又近,容易逃到,這不是一個小的麼?求你容我逃到那裡,我的性命就得存活。

21 天使對他:這事我也應允你;我不傾覆你所的這城。

22 你要速速地逃到那城;因為你還沒有到那裡,我不能作甚麼。因此那城名瑣珥(就是小的意思)。

23 羅得到了瑣珥,日頭已經出來了

24 當時,耶和華硫磺耶和華那裡降與所多瑪和蛾摩拉,

25 把那些城和全平原,並城裡所有的居民,連地上生長的,都毀滅了。

26 羅得的妻子邊回頭一看,就變成了一根柱。

27 亞伯拉罕起來,到了他從前站在耶和華面前的地方

28 所多瑪和蛾摩拉與平原的全,不料,那方煙氣上騰,如同燒窯一般。

29 毀滅平原諸城的時候,他記念亞伯拉罕,正在傾覆羅得所之城的時候,就打發羅得從傾覆之中出來。

30 羅得因為在瑣珥,就同他兩個女兒從瑣珥上去,裡;他和兩個女兒在一個洞裡。

31 大女兒對小女兒我們父親老了,上又無按著世上的常規進到我們這裡。

32 來!我們可以叫父親喝酒,與他同寢。這樣,我們好從他存留後裔。

33 於是,那夜他們叫父親喝酒,大女兒就進去和他父親同寢;他幾時躺下,幾時起來父親都不知道

34 第二天,大女兒對小女兒:我昨夜與父親同寢。今夜我們再叫他喝酒,你可以進去與他同寢。這樣,我們好從父親存留後裔。

35 於是,那夜他們又叫父親喝酒,小女兒起來與他父親同寢;他幾時躺下,幾時起來父親都不知道

36 這樣,羅得的兩個女兒從他父親懷了孕。

37 大女兒生了兒子,給他起名摩押,就是現今摩押人的始祖。

38 小女兒也生了兒子,給他起名便亞米,就是現今亞捫人的始祖。


Ze Swedenborgových děl


属天的奥秘 # 2328

Prostudujte si tuto pasáž

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2328. 创世记 19:2. 说, 看哪, 我主啊, 请你们转到仆人家里, 住一夜, 洗洗脚, 清早起来再赶路. 他们说, 不, 我们要在街上过夜.

“说, 看哪, 我主啊” 表对主的神圣人性和神圣活动的一种内在承认和表白. “请你们转到仆人家里, 住一夜” 表邀请到他家里作客. “请你们转到仆人家里” 表居于仁之善. “洗洗脚” 表适应其属世层. “清早起来再赶路” 表以这种方式得以巩固在良善与真理中. “他们说, 不” 表质疑, 这在试探期间是很常见的. “我们要在街上过夜” 表祂可以说愿意通过真理审判.

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)



Evil in Sodom

Napsal(a) New Christian Bible Study Staff

The men of Sodom crowd Lot's door seeking to attack his angel visitors in this 1555 engraving by German artist Heinrich Aldegrever.

On the surface, the story of the angels' visit to Sodom is about an aggressive rape threat against innocents. It's an ugly story. In its internal, spiritual sense, the story is about the way that, in our minds, our evil, selfish loves will attack the remnants of good, mutual love that we have. If, like Lot and his daughters, we follow the angels out of the city, we can be saved. If, like the men of Sodom, we are so mired in self-love that we attack the very loves and truths that could save us, we destroy ourselves. We reject salvation.

In terms of spiritual history, Genesis 19 describes the final judgment of what the Writings call the Ancient Church, the second in a succession of churches which had true knowledge about the Lord.

The first – the Most Ancient Church – is represented by Adam in the Garden of Eden, and was centered on a pure love of the Lord. It fell, however, as people began to trust their senses and their own intelligence instead of the Lord – a fall which began with the serpent and ended with the flood. The Ancient Church was formed from a remnant represented by Noah, was inspired by mutual love of people for each other, and possessed tremendous knowledge of the relationships between the natural world and the spiritual world. The people of that church eventually began to value the natural knowledge more than the underlying spiritual reality, however – represented in the story of the Tower of Babel – and began a descent into evil and falsity. The story of Sodom illustrates the end of that descent.

The people of Sodom represent the people of the Ancient Church, who still had forms of worship based on their knowledge, but were consumed by love of self and serving themselves. Lot represents a remnant within that church which still had an idea of mutual love – a representation much like Noah’s. The two angels represent the Lord preparing to judge the evil remains of the Ancient Church and start a new one.

That new church could be formed in part from the group of people represented by Lot. But for it to happen those people had to choose between Sodom and the angels. Most of this story is about that choice.

At first the good people welcomed the Lord’s presence, the new ideas and new spirit that came to them. They internalized them, and were fortified – represented by Lot taking the angels to his house and feeding them. But when the rest of the people of the Ancient Church realized what was going on, they went on the attack. Their first move was against the idea that the new presence was from the Lord, represented by the Sodomites’ desire to rape the angels.

Lot’s response – offering his virgin daughters to the crowd instead – is nothing short of horrifying. Its spiritual meaning, though, is quite different. The good people welcomed the Lord’s new presence, but didn’t want to give up their lives, either, didn’t want to believe that their church was truly corrupt. So they tried to appeal to the good they believed was still there. The daughters here represent affections for what is good and true, and offering them to the crowd represents inviting the people of the church to share the delights of mutual love.

The people of the church were having none of it, however, and prepared an even more furious attack on the idea of mutual love itself – represented by the threat directed at Lot himself. But the Lord pulled the good people away from the evil and filled the evil with so much falsity that they could no longer pose a threat, represented by the angels pulling Lot into the house and striking the men with blindness.

Like most stories in the Word, this story also offers a more personal lesson, describing stages we go through as we grow spiritually.

As we come to new desires to be good and new ideas of how to be good, we at first embrace them. They seem wonderful and happy, and we feel purified. But the hells don’t want us going there, and will attack those ideas inside our minds. Our first inclination, like Lot, is to try to reconcile the two – enjoy the new state without giving up the evil delights and comforting falsities of the old one. The doesn’t work, though, and the two end up in conflict, a conflict we call temptation.

If we persist in that battle, though, the Lord will step in, will bring us into a peaceful goof state and render the evils powerless, even as the angels did for Lot.

As the story in the Bible continues, of course, we witness the actual judgment of the Ancient Church in the destruction of Sodom. Lot, meanwhile, is rescued and taken to Abram as part of the third great church, the Israelitish Church.