

以西結書 38



1 耶和華的臨到我說:

2 人子啊,你要面向瑪各的歌革,就是羅施、米設、土巴的王發預言攻擊他,

3 耶和華如此:羅施、米設、土巴的王歌革啊,我與你為敵。

4 我必用鉤子鉤住你的腮頰,調你,將你和你的軍兵、馬匹兵帶出來,都披掛整齊,成了大隊,有大小盾牌,各拿刀

5 波斯人、古實人,和弗人(又作呂彼亞人),各拿盾牌,頭上戴盔;

6 歌篾人和他的軍隊,北方極處的陀迦瑪族和他的軍隊,這許多國的民都同著你。

7 那聚集到你這裡的各隊都當準備;你自己也要準備,作他們的大帥。

8 過了多日,你必被差派。到末後之年,你必到脫離刀從列國收回之,到以色列常久荒涼的上;但那從列國中招聚出的必在其上安然居住

9 你和你的軍隊,並同著你許多國的民,必如暴風上,如密遮蓋地面

10 耶和華如此:到那時,你心必起意念,圖謀惡計,

11 :我要上那無城牆的鄉村,我要到那安靜的民那裡,他們都沒有城牆,無、無閂,安然居住

12 我去要搶財為擄物,奪貨為掠物,反攻擊那從前荒涼、現在有人居住,又攻擊那世界中間、從列國招聚、得了牲畜財貨的民。

13 示巴人、底但人、他施的客商,和其間的少壯獅子都必問你:你要搶財為擄物麼?你聚集軍隊要奪貨為掠物麼?要奪取,擄去牲畜、財貨麼?要搶奪許多財寶為擄物麼?

14 人子啊,你要因此發預言,對歌革耶和華如此:到我民以色列安然居住之日,你豈不知道麼?

15 你必從本地,從北方的極處率領許多國的民,都,乃一隊極多的軍兵。

16 歌革啊,你必上攻擊我的民以色列,如密遮蓋地面。末後的日子,我必攻擊我的,到我在外邦人眼前,在你身上顯為的時候,好叫他們認識我。

17 耶和華如此:我在古時藉我的僕人以色列的先知的,就是你麼?當日他們多年預言我必攻擊以色列人

18 耶和華:歌革上攻擊以色列地的時候,我的怒氣要從鼻孔裡發出。

19 我發憤恨和烈怒如:那日在以色列地必有震動,

20 甚至中的魚、天空的、田野的獸,並上的一切昆蟲,和其上的眾人,因見我的面就都震動;嶺必崩裂,陡巖必塌陷,垣都必坍倒。

21 耶和華:我必命我的諸發刀來攻擊歌革;都要用刀殺害弟兄。

22 我必用瘟疫和流血的事刑罰他。我也必將暴、大雹與,並硫磺降與他和他的軍隊,並他所率領的眾民。

23 我必顯為大,顯為,在多國人的眼前顯現;他們就知道我是耶和華





by Mask: anonymous, Photo: Andreas Praefcke

Gold means good, and just as gold was the most precious metal known to ancient mankind so it represents the good of the highest and wisest of the angels. These angels foremostly love the Lord, and because they do they act from that love at all times. So the things they do are from love or as the writings for the new church often say, their acts are "goods of love". This is what gold represents. As soon as God planted the garden of Eden, He created a river in it, to water it. This river went out and branched into four, the first branch mentioned, Pishon, encompassed the "…land of Havilah, where there is gold… and the gold…is good". Another mention of gold comes in Exodus where the Lord is telling Moses how to make the Tabernacle. If you pay attention you will see that inside the tabernacle the main thing you see is gold, the boards of the wall are covered with it and all the furniture is either wood covered completely with gold, or is made of solid gold. Then at the end of the Word the holy city descends from God and it is made of gold, "gold like unto clear glass" good of love that can be clearly and completely understood. And it has its river. This is a promise from the Lord that we can come into a state similar to that of the garden of Eden, if we follow Him so as to come into love for Him, and act from that love.