

以西結書 20:31



31 你們奉上供物使你們兒子的時候,仍將一切偶像玷污自己,直到今日麼?以色列家啊,我豈被你們求問麼?耶和華:我指著我的永生起誓,我必不被你們求問。



耶利米書 44:17



17 我們定要成就我們中所出的一切,向后燒香、澆奠祭,按著我們我們列祖、君、首領在猶大的城邑中和耶路撒冷的街上素常所行的一樣;因為那時我們吃飽飯、享福樂,並不見災禍。





The sun in the Bible represents the Lord, with its heat representing His love and its light representing His wisdom. “Daytime,” then, represents a state in which we are turned toward the Lord, receiving His love and being enlightened by His truth. And “nighttime,” obviously, represents states in which we are turned away from the Lord, left cold and blind to the truth. The most common word used for it in the New Christian theology is “obscurity.” The darkness is not absolute, of course. The light of the moon represents the understanding we can have based on facts and our own intelligence. But while the moon reflects some of the sun's light, it offers almost no heat, so this kind of understanding is a cold one, without the warmth of love. And at its darkest and coldest, night represents a state of judgment. This happens when a person -- or a church -- becomes so mired in evil and falsity that there is no light or heat. The Lord can then step in, separate the good from the evil, consign the evil to hell and begin rebuilding based on the remnant that is still good. Drastic as that sounds, it is something that we all go through repeatedly in various aspects of our loves, so that we can be rid of what is evil and let the Lord rebuild us as angels.