

阿摩司書 7



1 耶和華指示我一件事:為王割菜(或譯:草)之,菜又發生;剛發生的時候,造蝗蟲。

2 蝗蟲盡那的青物,我就耶和華啊,求你赦免;因為雅各微弱,他怎能站立得住呢?

3 耶和華就後悔,:這災可以免了。

4 耶和華又指示我一件事:他命懲罰以色列,就吞滅深淵,險些將地燒滅。

5 我就耶和華啊,求你止息;因為雅各微弱,他怎能站立得住呢?

6 耶和華就後悔,:這災也可免了。

7 他又指示我一件事:有一道是按準繩建築的,主拿準繩站在其上。

8 耶和華對我:阿摩司啊,你見甚麼?我見準繩。:我要吊起準繩在我民以色列中,我必不再寬恕他們。

9 以撒的邱壇必然淒涼,以色列的聖所必然荒廢。我必興起,用刀攻擊耶羅波安的家。

10 伯特利的祭司亞瑪謝打發人到以色列王耶羅波安那裡,說:阿摩司在以色列家中圖謀背叛你;他所說的一切,這國擔當不起;

11 因為阿摩司如此:耶羅波安必被刀殺,以色列民定被擄去離開本地。

12 亞瑪謝又對阿摩司:你這先見哪,要逃往猶大去,在那裡糊口,在那裡預言,

13 卻不要在伯特利再說預言;因為這裡有王的聖所,有王的宮殿。

14 阿摩司對亞瑪謝:我原不是先知,也不是先知的門徒(原文是兒子)。我是牧人,又是修理桑樹的。

15 耶和華選召我,使我不跟從羊群,對我:你去向我民以色列預言。

16 亞瑪謝啊,現在你要耶和華的。你:不要向以色列預言,也不要向以撒家滴下預言。

17 所以耶和華如此:你的妻子必在城中作妓女,你的兒女必倒在刀下;你的地必有人用繩子量了分取,你自己必在污穢之地。以色列民定被擄去離開本地。





Photo by Gretchen Keith

The basic meaning of "follow" in the Bible is pretty obvious if we consider what it means to "follow the Lord." That obviously doesn't mean we're going to wait for Him to go for a walk and tag along; it means we're going to do the things He said and believe the things He tells us in the Bible. We're going to follow Him by making His precepts a part of our lives. That same idea applies to other cases. When people in the Bible follow something, it means they are making that spiritual thing (whatever spiritual thing is described) a part of their lives. And the order of the language can even be reversed: sometimes things are described as following people (as in Psalm 23: "surely goodness and mercy will follow me..."), which again means that people are making those spiritual qualities a part of their lives.