

撒母耳記下 6



1 大衛聚集以色列中所有挑選的人三萬。

2 大衛起身,率領跟隨他的眾人前往,要從巴拉猶大將的約櫃運來;這約櫃就是在二基路伯上萬軍之耶和華留名的約櫃。

3 他們將的約櫃從岡上亞比拿達的家裡抬出來,放在新車上;亞比拿達的兩個兒子烏撒和亞希約趕這新車。

4 他們將的約櫃從岡上亞比拿達家裡抬出來的時候,亞希約在櫃前行走。

5 大衛以色列的全家在耶和華面前,用松製造的各樣樂器和琴、瑟、、鈸、鑼,作樂跳舞。

6 到了拿艮的禾場,因為牛失前蹄(或譯:驚跳),烏撒就伸手扶住的約櫃。

7 耶和華向烏撒發怒,因這錯誤擊殺他,他就的約櫃旁。

8 大衛耶和華擊殺(原文是闖殺)烏撒,心裡愁煩,就稱那地方為毗列斯烏撒,直到今日。

9 那日,大衛耶和華耶和華的約櫃怎可運到我這裡

10 於是大衛不肯將耶和華的約櫃運進大衛的城,卻運到迦特人俄別以東的家中。

11 耶和華的約櫃在迦特人俄別以東耶和華賜福給俄別以東和他的全

12 有人告訴大衛耶和華因為約櫃賜福給俄別以東的家和一切屬他的。大衛就去,歡歡喜喜地將的約櫃從俄別以東家中抬到大衛的城裡。

13 耶和華約櫃的人走了步,大衛就獻牛與肥羊為祭。

14 大衛穿著細麻布的以弗得,在耶和華面前極力跳舞。

15 這樣,大衛以色列的全家歡呼吹角,將耶和華的約櫃抬上來。

16 耶和華的約櫃進了大衛城的時候,掃羅的女兒米甲從窗戶裡觀,見大衛王在耶和華面前踴躍跳舞,裡就輕視他。

17 眾人將耶和華的約櫃請進去,安放在所預備的地方,就是在大衛所搭的帳幕裡。大衛耶和華面前獻燔祭和平安祭。

18 大衛獻完了燔祭和平安祭,就奉萬軍之耶和華的名給民祝福

19 並且分給以色列,無論女,每個餅,塊肉,個葡萄餅;眾就各回各家去了。

20 大衛回家要給眷屬祝福掃羅的女兒米甲出來迎接他,以色列王今日在臣僕的婢女眼前露體,如同個輕賤人無恥露體樣,有好大的榮耀啊!

21 大衛對米甲:這是在耶和華面前;耶和華已揀選我,廢了你父和你父的全家,立我作耶和華以色列的君,所以我必在耶和華面前跳舞。

22 我也必更加卑微,自己看為輕賤。你所的那些婢女,他們倒要尊敬我。

23 掃羅的女兒米甲,直到死日,沒有生養兒女。





David the King

David is one of the most significant figures in the Bible. He was a musician, one of history’s greatest poets, the boy warrior who killed the giant Goliath, a devout servant of God, a great leader of men and ultimately Israel’s greatest king. His stories cover the second half of the First Book of Samuel and all of the Second Book of Samuel, and his legacy was such that Jesus himself was born in the “City of David” to fulfill prophecies. For all that, David the man was not perfect. Most notoriously, he ordered his soldiers to make sure one of their comrades was killed in battle because he had seen the man’s wife bathing and wanted her as his own. He was also willing to actually ally with the Philistines for a time, while his predecessor Saul was still king. But in spiritual terms, David’s meaning matches his reputation: He represents the Lord, and especially the Lord as we are able to know Him and understand Him. The Writings call this “divine truth,” and it can be our ultimate guide if we want to serve the Lord and make His desires our own. This representation makes sense if we look at following the Lord as a whole picture. There are essentially two elements. First, we need to accept the Lord, believe in Him, open our hearts to Him, worship Him. These are matters of affection, and related to the Lord’s divine goodness. And they are generally represented by priests, who lead worship and perform rituals. Second, we need to act in accord with the Lord’s wishes: We need to serve others, care for those in need, defend the defenseless and work to make life and society better for everyone. These actions require thought, judgment, design, and are thus related to Lord’s divine truth, or divine guidance. They are generally represented by kings, who are men of action and are responsible for the activity of their nations. As the greatest of the kings, David represents this truth in its greatest form.