

撒母耳記上 25



1 撒母耳死了以色列眾人聚集,為他哀哭,將他葬在拉瑪─他自己的墳墓(原文是房屋)裡。大衛起身,到巴蘭的曠野。

2 在瑪雲有一個,他的產業在迦密,是一個富戶,有綿,一山羊;他正在迦密剪毛。

3 名叫拿八,是迦勒族的;他的妻名叫亞比該,是聰明俊美的婦。拿八為剛愎凶惡。

4 大衛在曠野見說拿八剪毛,

5 大衛就打發個僕人,吩咐他們:你們上迦密去見拿八,提我的名問他安。

6 要對那富戶如此:願你平安,願你家平安,願你一切所有的都平安。

7 現在我說有人為你剪羊毛,你的牧人在迦密的時候和我們在一處,我們沒有欺負他們,他們也未曾失落甚麼。

8 可以問你的僕人,他們必告訴你。所以願我的僕人在你眼前蒙恩,因為是在日子的。求你隨取點賜與僕人和你兒子大衛

9 大衛的僕人到了,將這大衛的名都告訴了拿八,就住了口。

10 拿八回答大衛的僕人大衛是誰?耶西的兒子是誰?近來悖逆奔逃的僕人甚多,

11 我豈可將飲食和為我剪羊毛人所宰的我不知道從哪裡來的人呢?

12 大衛的僕人就轉身從原回去,照這告訴大衛

13 大衛向跟隨他的:你們各都要帶上刀!眾就都帶上刀,大衛也帶上刀。跟隨大衛上去的約有,留下二看守器具。

14 有拿八的個僕人告訴拿八的妻亞比該大衛從曠野打發使者來問我人的安,人卻辱罵他們。

15 但是那些人待我們我們在田野與他們來往的時候,沒有受他們的欺負,也未曾失落甚麼。

16 我們在他們那裡牧的時候,他們晝夜作我們的保障。

17 所以你當籌劃,怎樣行才好;不然,禍患定要臨到我人和他全家。他性情凶暴,無人敢與他說話

18 亞比該急忙將餅,兩皮袋酒,五隻收拾好了的,五細亞烘好了的穗子,一葡萄餅,無花果餅,馱在上,

19 對僕:你們前頭走,我隨著你們去。這事他卻沒有告訴丈夫拿八。

20 亞比該,正坡,見大衛和跟隨他的人從對面來,亞比該就迎接他們。

21 大衛:我在曠野為那人看守所有的,以致他一樣不失落,實在是徒然了!他向我以惡報善。

22 凡屬拿八的男丁,我若留一個到明日早晨,願重重降罰與我!

23 亞比該見大衛,便急忙,在大衛面前臉伏於叩拜,

24 俯伏在大衛的前,:我啊,願這罪歸我!求你容婢女向你進言,更求你婢女的

25 不要理這壞拿八,他的性情與他的名相稱;他名叫拿八(就是愚頑的意思),他為果然愚頑。但我所打發的僕,婢女並沒有見。

26 啊,耶和華既然阻止你親報仇,取流血的罪,所以我指著永生的耶和華,又敢在你面前起誓說:願你的仇敵和謀害你的人都像拿八一樣。

27 如今求你將婢女送來的禮物跟隨你的僕人。

28 求你饒恕婢女的罪過。耶和華必為我建立堅固的家,因我耶和華爭戰;並且在你平生的日子查不出有甚麼過來。

29 雖有人起來追逼你,尋索你的性命,你的性命卻在耶和華─你的那裡蒙保護,如包裹寶器一樣;你仇敵的性命,耶和華必拋去,如用機弦甩石一樣。

30 現在若不親手報仇流無辜人的血,到了耶和華照所應許你的話賜福與你,立你作以色列的王,那時我必不至心裡不安,覺得良心有虧。耶和華賜福與我主的時候,求你記念婢女。

31 a

32 大衛對亞比該耶和華以色列的是應當稱頌的,因為他今日使你來迎接我。

33 你和你的見識也當稱讚;因為你今日攔阻我親報仇、流人的血。

34 我指著阻止我加害於你的耶和華以色列永生的起誓,你若不速速地迎接我,到明日早晨,凡屬拿八的男丁必定不留一個。

35 大衛受了亞比該送來的禮物,就對他:我了你的話,准了你的情面,你可以平平安安地回家罷!

36 亞比該到拿八那裡,見他在家裡設擺筵席,如同王的筵席;拿八快樂醉。亞比該無論小事都沒有告訴他,就等到次日早晨

37 到了早晨,拿八醒了酒,他的妻將這些事都告訴他,他就魂不附體,身僵如石頭一般。

38 過了耶和華擊打拿八,他就死了

39 大衛見拿八死了,就:應當稱頌耶和華,因他伸了拿八羞辱我的冤,又阻止僕人行惡;也使拿八的惡歸到拿八的上。於是大衛打發人去,與亞比該,要娶他為妻。

40 大衛的僕人到了迦密見亞比該,對他大衛打發我們見你,想要娶你為妻。

41 亞比該就起來,俯伏在:我情願作婢女,僕人的

42 亞比該立刻起身,,帶著五個使女,跟從大衛的使者去了,就作了大衛的妻。

43 大衛先娶了耶斯列人亞希暖,他們作了他的妻。

44 掃羅已將他的女兒米甲,就是大衛的妻,了迦琳人拉億的兒子帕提為妻。






The Hebrew of the Old Testament has six different common words which are generally translated as "wife," which largely overlap but have different nuances. Swedenborg uses two different Latin words, which largely overlap but have different nuances. Meanwhile, "wife" is often paired with "man" or "husband," which are also catch-all translations for a basket of Hebrew and Latin terms. So it's hard to pin down one universal meaning for "wife"; context and subject matter have a large effect.

In general, though, marriage in the Bible represents the union we all seek between our hearts and our minds. If we know what is right and pursue it faithfully, the Lord will ultimately help us love doing what is good, and the two aspects of ourselves will be unified. On a higher level, marriage represents the union we can have with the Lord, both individually and collectively as a church. As an intrinsic part of the marriage, the wife plays a key role in that meaning. But that meaning is different depending on what is being described.

If the marriage is describing a person who is spiritual in nature – "spiritual" being the second degree of heavenly life, in which people are led by intellect and knowledge with the desire for good following – the wife represents the desire for good, the affections that drive the person. If the marriage is describing someone who is celestial in nature – "celestial" being the highest degree of heavenly life, in which people are led from love, with the intellect and ideas following – the wife represents the true ideas held by the person or church. If the marriage is describing the union between the Lord and the church, the wife represents the church.

In a way, these are symbolic meanings that actually have little to do with gender. When "wife" describes a church, obviously that church can include both male and female people. When "wife" describes an aspect of a person, that person can obviously be either male or female.

(Odkazy: Arcana Coelestia 915, 1468, 1904 [1-2], 3246 [3-4], 3398, 4823 [2])