

撒母耳記上 2



1 哈拿禱告:我的耶和華快樂;我的角因耶和華舉。我的向仇敵張開;我因耶和華的救恩歡欣。

2 只有耶和華為聖;除他以外沒有可比的,也沒有磐石像我們的

3 人不要誇驕傲的話,也不要出狂妄的言語;因耶和華是大有智識的神,人的行為被他衡量。

4 勇士的都已折斷;跌倒的人以量束腰。

5 素來飽足的,反作用人求食;飢餓的,再不飢餓。不生育的,生了兒子;多有兒女的,反倒衰微。

6 耶和華使人,也使人活,使人陰間,也使人往上升。

7 他使人貧窮,也使人富足,使人卑微,也使人貴。

8 他從灰塵裡抬舉貧寒人,從糞堆中提拔窮乏人,使他們與王子同,得著榮耀的座位的柱子屬於耶和華;他將世界立在其上。

9 他必保護民的步,使惡黑暗中寂然不動;都不能靠力量得勝。

10 耶和華爭競的,必被打碎;耶和華必從上以攻擊他,必審判極的人,將力量賜與所立的王,高舉受膏者的角。

11 以利加拿往拉瑪回家去了。那孩子在祭司以利面前事奉耶和華

12 以利的兩個兒子是惡人,不認識耶和華

13 這二祭司待百姓是這樣的規矩:凡有獻祭,正的時候,祭司的僕齒的叉子,

14 將叉子往罐裡,或鼎裡,或釜裡,或鍋裡一插,插上的肉,祭司都取了去。凡上到示羅的以色列人,他們都是這樣看待。

15 又在未燒脂油以前,祭司的僕對獻祭的:將祭司,叫他烤罷。他不要過的,要生的。

16 獻祭的:必須先燒脂油,然後你可以隨意取肉。僕:你立時我,不然我便搶去。

17 如此,這二少年人的耶和華面前甚重了,因為他們藐視耶和華的祭物(或譯:他們使人厭棄給耶和華獻祭)。

18 那時,撒母耳還是孩子,穿著細麻布的以弗得,侍立在耶和華面前。

19 母親每年為他做一件小外袍,同著丈夫上來獻年祭的時候帶來給他。

20 以利為以利加拿和他的妻祝福:願耶和華由這婦人再賜你後裔,代替你從耶和華求來的孩子。他們就回本鄉去了。

21 耶和華眷顧哈拿,他就懷孕生了兒子,兩個女兒。那孩子撒母耳在耶和華面前漸漸長大。

22 以利年甚老邁,見他兩個兒子待以色列眾人的事,又見他們與會幕前伺候的婦人苟合,

23 他就對他們:你們為何行這樣的事呢?我從這眾百姓見你們的惡行。

24 我兒啊,不可這樣!我見你們的風聲不,你們使耶和華的百姓犯了罪。

25 若得罪,有士師審判他;若得罪耶和華,誰能為他祈求呢?然而他們還是不父親的話,因為耶和華想要殺他們。

26 孩子撒母耳漸漸長大,耶和華與人越發喜愛他。

27 見以利,對他耶和華如此:你祖父在埃及法老家作奴僕的時候,我不是向他們顯現麼?

28 以色列眾支派中,我不是揀選人作我的祭司,使他燒香,在我上獻祭,在我面前穿以弗得,又將以色列人所獻的火祭都賜你父家麼?

29 我所吩咐獻在我居所的祭物,你們為何踐踏?尊重你的兒子過於尊重我,將我民以色列所獻美好的祭物肥己呢?

30 因此,耶和華以色列的:我曾,你和你父家必永遠行在我面前;現在我卻,決不容你們這樣行。因為尊重我的,我必重看他;藐視我的,他必被輕視。

31 日子必到,我要折斷你的膀和你父家的膀,使你家中沒有一個老年人。

32 在神使以色列人享福的時候,你必看見我居所的敗落。在你家中必永遠沒有一個老年人。

33 我必不從我前滅盡你家中的;那未滅的必使你眼目乾癟、心中憂傷。你家中所生的都必在中年。

34 你的兩個兒子何弗尼、非尼哈所遭遇的事可作你的證據:他們人必日同

35 我要為自己立一個忠心的祭司;他必照我的心意而行。我要為他建立堅固的家;他必永遠行在我的受膏者面前。

36 你家所下的人都必叩拜他,求塊子,求個餅,:求你賜我祭司的職分,好叫我得點餅




Exploring the Meaning of 1 Samuel 2

Napsal(a) Garry Walsh

1 Samuel 2 is a story of contrasts. It describes Hannah’s joy in the Lord’s gifts and how she was supporting her son Samuel’s faithful worship of the Lord. On the other hand, Eli did nothing to stop his sons from doing evil. So Hannah and Elkanah were blessed with more sons and daughters while Eli’s sons died and the priestly duties were taken away from his family.

The chapter begins with Hannah’s prayer of joy and praise of God after Samuel was born. What a difference this is from her sad and desperate prayer for a son! Hannah’s prayer might remind us of another mother’s prayer of praise for a son many years later. Remember Mary’s song of praise in Luke 1:46-55 when the angel Gabriel told her that she was to be the mother of the Lord.

Eli, the High Priest, had grown so old that his sons Hophni and Phinehas were doing his priestly duties. However, Hophni and Phinehas didn’t love God and disobeyed His laws. They took the best part of the meat offerings for themselves before the meat had been properly sacrificed, and took advantage of the woman who worked at the gate of the sanctuary.

Their corrupt behavior is contrasted with the wholesome ministry of the young boy Samuel who followed the Lord and did right to those who came to worship. He wore a simple tunic (called an ephod) that Hannah brought to care for him each year as he grew.

Eli heard about his sons’ wrongdoings, and he pleaded with them to stop. But they did not change their ways and he did nothing to punish them. Then, a messenger from God came with a message of doom for not only Eli’s two sons, but for his whole family.

As Anita Dole describes the situation, in her "Bible Study Notes":

"This is a picture of a state in which worship is degraded by being used for self-interest and self-exaltation,… In 1 Samuel 2:17 quoted above, there is the suggestion of the harm which such a state does to others as well as to ourselves. Many people are turned against the church by the self-seeking and hypocrisy they see in some of its members. Our duty to keep our worship sincere and to live according to the teachings of the church is not for our own salvation alone. The Lord's service requires of us constant watchfulness and ever-renewed devotion." (Anita Dole, Bible Study Notes, "The Birth of Samuel", © 2001 by The Swedenborg Foundation.)

Let’s look at the contrasts again. On one side are Hannah and Samuel who are faithful to the Lord. Hannah praises Him for the wonderful gifts that He provides, especially the gift of her son. This story reminds us that all children are gifts from God. Our children don’t belong to us. Instead, they are always God’s children, and we have been blessed to care for them for a time and help them grow.

On the other side are the sons of Eli, who profaned what was holy because they loved themselves and didn’t love and follow God.

This story is a message about true worship. True worship comes from humbly loving God with all our hearts. (See Arcana Coelestia 1153:2.)



Luke 1:46-55



46 And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,

47 And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.

48 For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.

49 For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name.

50 And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.

51 He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.

52 He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.

53 He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.

54 He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy;

55 As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.