

路得记 3



1 路得的婆婆拿俄米对他说:女儿啊,我不当为你找个安身之处,使你享福麽?

2 你与波阿斯的使女常在一处,波阿斯不是我们的亲族麽?他今夜在场上簸大麦;

3 你要沐浴抹膏,换上衣服,到场上,却不要使那认出你来。你等他完了,

4 到他睡的时候,你看准他睡的地方,就进去掀开他脚上的被,躺卧在那里,他必告诉你所当做的事。

5 路得说:凡你所吩咐的,我必遵行。

6 路得就到场上,照他婆婆所吩咐他的而行。

7 波阿斯完了,里欢畅,就去睡在麦堆旁边。路得便悄悄地掀开他脚上的被,躺卧在那里。

8 到了夜半,那忽然惊醒,翻过身来,不料有女子躺在他的脚下。

9 他就说:你是谁?回答说:我是你的婢女路得。求你用你的衣襟遮盖我,因为你是我一个至近的亲属。

10 波阿斯说:女儿啊,愿你蒙耶和华赐福。你末的恩比先前更大;因为少年人无论贫富,你都没有跟从。

11 女儿啊,现在不要惧,凡你所说的,我必照着行;我本城的人都知道你是个贤德的女子。

12 我实在是你一个至近的亲属,只是还有一个人比我更近。

13 你今夜在这里住宿,明他若肯为你尽亲属的本分,就由他罢!倘若不肯,我指着永生的耶和华起誓,我必为你尽了本分,你只管躺到天亮。

14 路得便在他脚下躺到天快亮,彼此不能辨认的时候就起来了。波阿斯说:不可使知道有女子到场上

15 又对路得说:打开你所披的外衣。他打开了,波阿斯就撮了簸箕大麦,帮他扛在肩上,他便进城去了。

16 路得回到婆婆那里,婆婆说:女儿啊,怎麽样了?路得就将那向他所行的述说了一遍,

17 又说:那人了我簸箕大麦,对我说:你不可空手回去见你的婆婆。

18 婆婆说:女儿啊,你只管安等候,看这事怎样成就,因为那今日不办成这事必不休息。






Like so many common verbs, the meaning of "know" in the Bible is varied and dependent on context. And in some cases -- when it is connected to ideas or objects -- its spiritual meaning and natural meaning are essentially the same. When the Bible talks about people knowing each other and especially when it talks about the Lord knowing people, the meaning has more to do with the states of love within people than it does with any factual knowledge. This makes sense if you think about it. When we really "know" somebody, what we mean is that we know what kind of person they are, what their motivations are, what they love, what they hate, what makes them tick. Those things are far more important than knowing their parents' names, where they were born or what year they graduated from school. Most often then, especially applied to people, "knowing" has to do with the perceptions we have about other people's loves and the conjunction that can exist between those with similar loves, not just a collection of facts.