

耶利米书 24



1 巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒将犹大约雅敬儿子耶哥尼雅和犹大的首领,并工匠、铁匠从耶路撒冷掳去,到巴比伦。这事以耶和华指给我,有两筐无花果放在耶和华的殿前。

2 筐是极无花果像是初熟的;筐是极坏的无花果,坏得不可

3 於是耶和华问我耶利米见甚麽?我:我无花果的极,坏的极坏,坏得不可

4 耶和华的临到我说:

5 耶和华以色列的如此:被掳去的犹大人,就是我打发离开这迦勒底人去的,我必看顾他们如这无花果,使他们得处。

6 我要眷顾他们,使他们得处,领他们归回这。我也要建立他们,必不拆毁;栽植他们,并不拔出。

7 我要赐他们认识我的知道我是耶和华。他们要作我的子民,我要作他们的,因为他们要一归向我。

8 耶和华如此:我必将犹大王西底和他的首领,以及剩在这耶路撒冷的馀民,并埃及犹大人都交出来,好像那极坏、坏得不可无花果

9 我必使他们交出来,在天下万国中抛来抛去,遭遇灾祸;在我赶逐他们到的各处成为凌辱、笑谈、讥刺、咒诅。

10 我必使刀、饥荒、瘟疫临到他们,直到他们从我所赐给他们和他们列祖之地灭绝。






A 'sword,' as in Ezekiel 21:9-15, signifies a person so desolated that he can see nothing good and true, but only falsities and contradictions. A 'sword,' in the Word, signifies the truth of faith combating and the vastation of truth. In an opposite sense, it signifies falsity combating and the punishment of falsity.

The 'sword,' in Revelation 1:16, represents a dispersion of falsities by the Lord because the sword came out from His mouth, which means it comes from the Word. Because the Word is understood by doctrine taken from it, this is also symbolically meant. It is called a sharp two-edged sword because it pierces the heart and soul.

A 'flaming sword which turned every way,' as in Genesis 3:24, signifies divine truth in extremes, which, like the Word in its literal sense, can be turned.

(Odkazy: Arcana Coelestia 2799)