

何西阿书 7



1 我想医治以色列的时候,以法莲的罪孽和撒玛利亚罪恶就显露出。他们行事虚谎,内有贼人入室偷窃,外有强盗成群骚扰。

2 他们心里并不思想我记念他们的一切恶;他们所行的现在缠绕他们,都在我面前。

3 他们行恶使君王欢喜,说谎使首领喜乐。

4 他们都是行淫的,像火炉被饼的烧热,从抟面到发面的时候,暂不使火着旺。

5 在我们王宴乐的日子,首领因酒的烈性成病;王与亵慢人拉

6 首领埋伏的时候,中热如炉,就如饼的整夜睡卧,到了早晨气炎炎。

7 众民也热如火炉,烧灭他们的官长。他们的君都仆倒而死;他们中间无一人求告我。

8 以法莲与列邦人搀杂;以法莲是没有翻过的饼。

9 外邦人吞他劳力得来的,他却不知道;头发斑白,他也不觉得。

10 以色列的骄傲当面见证自己,虽遭遇这一切,他们仍不归向耶和华─他们的,也不寻求他。

11 以法莲好像鸽子愚蠢无知;他们求告埃及,投奔亚述。

12 他们去的时候,我必将我的撒在他们身上;我要打他们,如同空中的。我必按他们会众所见的惩罚他们。

13 他们因离弃我,必定有祸;因违背我,必被毁灭。我虽要赎他们,他们却向我谎。

14 他们并不诚哀求我,乃在上呼号;他们为求五谷新酒聚集,仍然悖逆我。

15 我虽教导他们,坚固他们的膀,他们竟图谋抗拒我。

16 他们归向,却不归向至上者;他们如同翻背的。他们的首领必因舌头的狂傲倒在刀下;这在埃及必作人的讥笑。






Like "say," the word "speak" refers to thoughts and feelings moving from our more internal spiritual levels to our more external ones -- and ultimately from the Lord, who is in a sense the most internal spiritual level of all. This is generally called "influx" and "perception" in the Writings, meaning they are thoughts and feelings that flow in in a complete way from the Lord, rather than being things we have to think about and figure out. On a number of occasions "speak" and "say" are used together; in these cases "speak" refers more to intellectual instruction in matters of thought and "say" refers more to feelings and affections that flow in directly.