

何西阿书 11



1 以色列年幼的时候,我他,就从埃及召出我的儿子来。

2 先知越发招呼他们,他们越发走开,向诸巴力献祭,给雕刻的偶像烧香。

3 我原教导以法莲行走,用膀抱着他们,他们却不知道是我医治他们。

4 我用慈(慈:原文是人的)爱索牵引他们;我待他们如人放松牛的两腮夹板,把粮食放在他们面前。

5 他们必不归回埃及,亚述人却要作他们的王,因他们不肯归向我。

6 必临到他们的城邑,毁坏门闩,把人吞灭,都因他们随从自己的计谋。

7 我的民偏要背道离开我;众先知虽然招呼他们归向至上的主,却无人尊崇主。

8 以法莲哪,我怎能舍弃你?以色列啊,我怎能弃绝你?我怎能使你如押玛?怎能使你如洗扁?我回意,我的怜爱大大发动。

9 我必不发猛烈的怒气,也不再毁灭以法莲。因我是神,并非世,是你们中间的圣者;我必不在怒中临到你们。

10 耶和华必如狮子吼叫,子民必跟随他。他一吼叫,他们就从西方急速而来。

11 他们必如雀埃及急速而来,又如鸽子从亚述来到。我必使他们自己的房屋。这是耶和华的。

12 以法莲用谎话,以色列家用诡计围绕我;犹大却靠神掌权,向圣者有忠心(或译:犹大向神,向诚实的圣者犹疑不定)。






Everyone knows the phrase "the natural order of things." It means that everything is in its proper place, occupying the niche it is meant to fill. There is also the phrase "the spiritual order of things," meaning that every spiritual thing is in its proper spiritual place, occupying the spiritual niche it is meant to fill. This is, of course, what the Lord intends for us, and happens when we accept life and love from Him by willing what is good and acting according to truth. Of course, things are frequently out of order, because even the best of us indulge in unhealthy self-obsession and attachment to the material world. Ideally, we will repeatedly turn to the Lord and ask for His help with the cleanup, putting things back where they belong in the "spiritual order of things." This is what is meant when the Bible talks about restoring things -- it means putting them back into their proper spiritual place.