

申命记 1


1 以下所记的是摩西在约但河东的旷野、疏弗对面的亚拉巴─就是巴兰、陀弗、拉班、哈洗录、底撒哈中间─向以色列众人所

2 从何烈经过西珥到加低斯巴尼亚有十一天程。)

3 出埃及第四十年十一初一日,摩西耶和华藉着他所吩咐以色列人的话都晓谕他们。

4 那时,他已经击杀了希实本的亚摩利王西宏和以得来、亚斯他录的巴珊王噩。

5 摩西在约但河东的摩押讲律法

6 耶和华我们在何烈晓谕我们:你们在这的日子够了;

7 要起行到亚摩利人的和靠近这的各处,就是亚拉巴、、高原、,沿一带迦人的,并利巴嫩又到伯拉

8 如今我将这摆在你们面前;你们要进去得这,就是耶和华向你们列祖亚伯拉罕以撒雅各起誓应许赐他们和他们裔为业之

9 那时,我对你们:管理你们的重任,我独自担当不起。

10 耶和华─你们的使你们多起来。看哪,你们今日像上的那样多。

11 惟愿耶和华─你们列祖的使你们比如今更多倍,照他所应许你们的话赐福与你们。

12 但你们的麻烦,和管理你们的重任,并你们的争讼,我独自一人怎能担当得起呢?

13 你们要按着各支派选举有智慧、有见识、为众人所认识的,我立他们为你们的首领。

14 你们回答:照你所的行了为妙。

15 我便将你们各支派的首领,有智慧、为众人所认识的,照你们的支派,立他们为长、夫长、夫长、五十夫长、夫长,管理你们。

16 当时,我嘱咐你们的审判官说:你们讼,无论是弟兄彼此争讼,是与同居的外争讼,都要按公义判断

17 审判的时候,不可看的外貌;讼不可分贵贱,不可惧怕,因为审判是属乎的。若有难断的案件,可以呈到我这里,我就判断

18 那时,我将你们所当行的事都吩咐你们了。

19 我们照着耶和华我们所吩咐的从何烈起行,经过你们所见那可怕旷野,往亚摩利人的地去,到了加低斯巴尼亚。

20 我对你们:你们已经到了耶和华我们所赐我们的亚摩利人之地。

21 哪,耶和华─你的已将那摆在你面前,你要照耶和华─你列祖的的上去得那为业;不要惧,也不要惊惶。

22 你们都就近我我们要先打发人去,为我们窥探那,将我们上去该走何道,必进何城,都回报我们

23 我以为美,就从你们中间选了十二个,每支派

24 於是他们起身上地去,到以实各谷,窥探那地。

25 他们里拿着那的果子来,到我们那里,回报耶和华我们所赐我们的是美

26 你们却不肯上去,竟违背了耶和华─你们的命令,

27 在帐棚内发怨言耶和华因为恨我们,所以将我们埃及领出来,要交在亚摩利人中,除灭我们

28 我们上那里去呢?我们的弟兄使我们的心消化,说那地的民比我们又又高,城邑又广又坚固,高得顶,并且我们在那里见亚衲族的人。

29 我就对你们:不要惊恐,也不要他们。

30 在你们前面行的耶和华─你们的必为你们争战,正如他在埃及和旷野,在你们眼前所行的一样。

31 你们在旷野所行的上,也曾见耶和华─你们的抚养你们,如同抚养儿子一般,直等你们到这地方

32 你们在这事上却不信耶和华─你们的

33 他在上,在你们前面行,为你们找安营的地方;夜间在柱里,日间在柱里,指示你们所当行的

34 耶和华见你们这,就发怒,起誓

35 这恶世代,连一个也不得见我起誓应许赐你们列祖的美

36 惟有耶孚尼的儿子迦勒必得见,并且我要将他所踏过的{赐他和他的子孙,因为他专心跟从我。

37 耶和华为你们的缘故也向我发怒,:你必不得进入那地。

38 伺候你、嫩的儿子约书亚,他必得进入那地;你要勉励他,因为他要使以色列人承受那地为业。

39 并且你们的妇人孩子,就是你们所、必被掳掠的,和今日不知善恶的儿女,必进入那地。我要将那地赐他们,他们必得为业。

40 至於你们,要回,从红旷野去。

41 那时,你们回答我们得罪了耶和华,情愿照耶和华我们一切所吩咐的上去争战。於是你们各带着兵器,争先上地去了。

42 耶和华吩咐我:你对他们:不要上去,也不要争战;因我不在你们中间,恐怕你们被仇敌杀败了。

43 我就告诉了你们,你们却不从,竟违背耶和华的命令,擅自上地去了。

44 地的亚摩利人就出来攻击你们,追赶你们,如蜂拥一般,在西珥杀退你们,直到何珥玛。

45 你们便回来,在耶和华面前哭号;耶和华却不你们的声音,也不向你们侧耳。

46 於是你们在加低斯许多日子。

Ze Swedenborgových děl


Doctrine of Life # 59

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59. What we have said about the law’s promulgation, holiness and power in no. 55 above, may be found in the Word in the following passages:

That Jehovah descended onto Mount Sinai in fire, and that the mountain smoked and quaked then, and that there were thunderings, lightnings, a thick cloud, and the sound of a trumpet, see Exodus 19:16, 18, and Deuteronomy 4:11, 5:19-23.

That before Jehovah descended, the people readied themselves and sanctified themselves for three days, see Exodus 19:10-11, 15.

That bounds were set around the mountain to keep anyone from drawing near and approaching its base, on pain of death, and that not even the priests were to approach, but only Moses, see Exodus 19:12-13, 20-23, 24:1-2.

For the law promulgated from Mount Sinai, see Exodus 20:2-14, Deuteronomy 5:6-21.

That the law was written on two tablets of stone with the finger of God, see Exodus 31:18, 32:15-16, Deuteronomy 9:10.

That when Moses brought those tablets down from the mountain a second time, his face shone, see Exodus 34:29-35.

That the tablets were placed in the Ark, see Exodus 25:16, 40:20, Deuteronomy 10:5 and 1 Kings 8:9.

That on the Ark was set a mercy seat, and placed on this were cherubim of gold, see Exodus 25:17-21.

[2] That the Ark, together with the mercy seat and cherubim, constituted the inmost constituents of the Tabernacle, and that the golden lampstand, the golden altar of incense, and the table overlaid with gold which held the showbread constituted its outer constituents, and the ten curtains of linen, purple and scarlet its outmost constituents, see Exodus 25,26, 40:17-28.

That the place where the Ark was, was called the holy of holies or most holy place, see Exodus 26:33.

That the Israelite people all camped in order by tribes about the place where it resided, and set out in order after it, see Numbers 2.

That a cloud then stood over its abode by day, and fire by night, see Exodus 40:38, Numbers 9:15-16, 14:14, and Deuteronomy 1:33.

That the Lord spoke with Moses from above the Ark between the cherubim, see Exodus 25:22 and Numbers 7:89.

That because of the law it contained, the Ark was called the abode of Jehovah, for whenever the Ark set out Moses said, “Rise up, O Jehovah!” and when it rested, “Return, O Jehovah!” see Numbers 10:35-36, and also 2 Samuel 6:2, Psalms 132:7-8.

That because of the holiness of that law, Aaron was permitted to enter within the veil only with sacrifices and incense, see Leviticus 16:2-14ff.

That David brought the Ark into Zion with sacrifices and jubilation, see 2 Samuel 6:1-19. That Uzzah later died because he touched it, see verses 6 and 7 in that same chapter.

That the Ark was placed in the midst of the Temple in Jerusalem, where it constituted its inner sanctuary, see 1 Kings 6:19ff., 8:3-9.

[3] That because of the Lord’s presence and power in the law contained in the Ark, the Jordan’s waters were parted, and as long as the Ark rested in the midst of it, the people crossed over on dry ground, see Joshua 3:1-17, 4:5-20.

That the Ark’s being carried around caused the walls of Jericho to fall, see Joshua 6:1-20.

That Dagon, the Philistine god, fell down before the Ark, and after that lay at the threshold of the shrine with its head broken off, see 1 Samuel 5:1-4.

That because of the Ark many thousands of the inhabitants of Beth Shemesh were struck, see 1 Samuel 6:19.

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.