

阿摩司书 8



1 耶和华又指示我一件事:我见一筐夏天的果子。

2 :阿摩司啊,你见甚麽?我见一筐夏天的果子。耶和华:我民以色列的结局到了,我必不再宽恕他们。

3 耶和华:那日,殿中的诗歌变为哀号;必有许多尸首在各处抛弃,无人作声。

4 你们这些要吞吃穷乏人、使困苦人衰败的,当我的话!

5 你们说:朔几时过去,我们好卖粮;安息日几时过去,我们好摆开麦子;卖出用小升斗,收银用大戥子,用诡诈的天平欺哄人,

6 好用子买贫寒人,用一双鞋换穷乏人,将坏了的麦子卖给人。

7 耶和华指着雅各的荣耀起誓说:他们的一切行为,我必永远不忘。

8 岂不因这事震动?其上的居民不也悲哀吗?必全然像尼罗河涨起,如同埃及河涌上落下。

9 耶和华:到那日,我必使日头在间落下,使在白昼黑暗。

10 我必使你们的节期变为悲哀,歌曲变为哀歌。众人腰束麻布上光,使这场悲哀如丧独生子,至终如痛苦的日子一样。

11 耶和华:日子将到,我必命饥荒降在上。人饥饿非因无饼,乾渴非因无,乃因不耶和华的

12 他们必飘流,从这到那,从边到东边,往来奔跑,寻求耶和华的,却寻不着。

13 当那日,美貌的处女和少年的男子必因乾渴发昏。

14 那指着撒玛利亚牛犊(原文是罪)起誓的:但哪,我们指着你那里的活起誓;又:我们指着别是巴的道(:原文是活)起誓。这些人都必仆倒,永不再起来





Photo by Joy Brown

The head is the part of us that is highest, which means in a representative sense that it is what is closest to the Lord. Because of this the head represents what is inmost in us, the thing at the center of our being. In most cases this means intelligence and wisdom, since most of us are in a state of life in which we are led by our thoughts and reason. In the case of the Lord, however, it often represents His perfect love. And in many cases the head is used to represent the whole person.

(Odkazy: Apocalypse Explained 577; Apocalypse Revealed 538, 823; Arcana Coelestia 7859, 9656, 10011)