

Matthew 13



1 AYO na jaane, jinanaoña si Jesus gui guima, matachong gui oriyan tase.

2 Ya mato guiya güiya dangculo na linajyan taotao; ya jumalom güe gui un batco, ya matachong; ya todo y linajyan taotao manmatachong gui oriyan unae.

3 Ya jacuentuse sija megae na acomparasion, ilegña: Estagüe y tátanom na jumuyong para ufananom.

4 Ya anae manananom, palo gui semiya manpodong gui oriyan chalan, ya manmato y pájaro sija ya macano.

5 Palo gui semiya manpodong gui jilo acho na lugat, na ti megae odaña; ya doco ti apmam, sa ti tadong papa gui eda.

6 Lao anae manina y atdao, mansinenggue sa taejale, ya ninamalayo.

7 Ya palo mamodong gui entalo títuca sija ya mandoco y títuca ya chiniguet.

8 Ya palo manpodong gui mauleg na oda, ya manmanogcha; y uno siento, y otro sesenta, y otro treinta.

9 Y gaetalanga para ufanjungog, güiya ujungog.

10 Ayo nae manmato y disipuluña sija ya ilegñija: Jafajao na cumuecuentuse sija pot acomparasion sija?

11 Ya güiya manope ilegña. Sa esta manmanae jamyo, para intingo y misterion y raenon langet, lao sija ti ufanmanae.

12 Sa jayeja y guaja, umanae para uguaja mas; lao ayo y taya iyoña, achog uguaja y iyoña, umachule.

13 Enaomina jucuentuse sija pot acomparasion; sa y manmanaatan, ya ti manmanlie, ya manecungog, ya ti manmanjujungog, ni ujatungo.

14 Y ya sija nae umacumple y sinangan Isaias ni ilegña: Anae manmanjujungog, ujungog ya ti utungo; ya anae manmanaatan, ufanmanlie, ya ti ujasiente.

15 Sa y corasonñija este na taotao sija manmacat, ya y talangañija mapot manmanjungog, ya y atadogñija jajujuchom; para chañija fanmanlilie ni atadogñija, yan ufanmanjungog ni talangañija, ya ujatungo ni corasonñija, ya ujatolaeca sija, ya guajo junajomlo sija.

16 Lao mandichoso y atadogmiyo, sa manmanlie, yan y talanganmiyo sa manmanjungog.

17 Sa magajet jusangane jamyo, na megae na profeta, yan manunas na taotao jagasja manmalago na ujalie y liniinmiyo, ya ti jalie; yan ujajungog y jiningogmiyo, ya ti jajungog.

18 Ecungog jamyo y acomparision y tátanom.

19 Jayeja y umecungog y sinangan y raeno, ya ti jatungo, mato y Taelaye ya janajanao y esta matanme gui corasonña. Este yuje semiya ni y pedong gui oriyan chalan.

20 Ya ayo y matanme gui jilo acho na lugat, este yuje y jumungog y sinangan, ya jaresibe ni y minagofña.

21 Lao taya jale guiya güiya, ya gaegue un ratoja; sa anae mato y triniste yan minamajlao pot causan di y sinangan, ti apmam matompo gui isao.

22 Ya ayo y matanme gui entalo títuca sija; este yuje y jumungog y sinangan; lao y inadajiña ni y tano, yan dinague ni güinaja, jañucot y sinangan ya sumaga sin tinegchaña.

23 Lao ayo y matanme gui mauleg na oda; este yuje y jumungog y sinangan ya jatungo, ya manogcha locue; ya y tinegchaña y uno siento, ya y otro sesenta, ya y otro treinta.

24 Otro acomparasion jasangane sija ilegña: Y raenon langet parejoja yan un taotao ni manananom gui fangualuanña, mauleg na semiya.

25 Ya y tiempo nae manmamaego y taotao sija, mato y enemigo ya jatanme y taelaye na chaguan gui entalo y trigo, ya mapos.

26 Ya anae mandoco y trigo ya manmanogcha, y taelaye na chaguan mandoco locue.

27 Ya manmato y tentago y tatan familia ya ilegñija nu güiya: Señot, ada ti mauleg na semiya tinanommo gui fangualuanmo? Jafa mina guaja taelaye na chaguan?

28 Ylegña nu sija: Un enemigo fumatinas este. Ya y tentagoña ilegñija nu güiya: Malagojao ya infanjanao ya inchile?

29 Ylegña: Munga, sa no sea yaguin inchile y taelaye na chaguan, innabineog locue y trigo.

30 Polo ya ufandaña mandoco sija na dos asta y quineco; an mato y tiempon quineco, bae jualog ni para ufanmangoco: Chile finena y taelaye na chaguan, ya inguede famanojo para umasonggue; ya y trigo polo gui jalom y camalinjo.

31 Otro acomparasion sinangane sija ilegña: Y raenon langet parejoja yan y pepitas y mostasa, ni jachule un taotao ya jatanme gui fangualuanña.

32 Magajet na güiya mas diquique gui todo y semiya sija; lao anae esta mandoco, güiya mas dangculo gui manmagogulae, ya mamatrongconjayo, ya manmato sija y pájaron y aire, ya manmamatinas y chenchon gui ramasña.

33 Otro acomparasion sinangane sija ilegña: Y raenon langet, parejoja yan y libadura, ni y un palaoan jachule ya janana gui tres medidan arina, asta qui todo manbolacho.

34 Todo estesija jasangan si Jesus pot acomparasion gui linajyan taotao; ya taya jasangane sija sin acomparasion.

35 Para umacumple y munjayan masangan pot y profeta na ilegña: Jubaba y pachotto pot acomparasion: ya jusangan güinaja sija ni manafanatog desde y plinantan y tano.

36 Ayo nae jadingo y linajyan taotao ya mapos, ya jumalon gui guima; ya manmato guiya güiya y disipuluña sija, ya ilegñija: Naclaruyejam ni y acomparasion y taelaye na chaguan gui fangualuan.

37 Ya manope sija ilegña: Ayo y mananom mauleg na semiya y Lajin taotao yuje.

38 Y fangualuan, y tano; y manmauleg na semiya, y famaguon y raeno, ya y taelaye na chaguan y famaguon y Maligno.

39 Y enemigo, ni y tumanme, y anitegüe; ya y quineco, y jinecog y siglo; ya y para ufanmangone, y angjet sija.

40 Sa taegüenao machule y taelaye na chaguan ya masonggue gui guafe, taegüijija locue y jinecog y siglo.

41 Ya utago y Lajin taotao y angjetña sija; ya urecoje todo ayo sija y fumatitinas y tinempo, yan y fumatitinas y tinaelaye;

42 Ya uyute gui jetnon guafe; ya ayo nae uguaja tumanges, yan chegcheg nifen.

43 Ayo nae y manunas, ufanmanina calang y atdao, gui raenon y Tatanñija. Y gaetalanga para ufanjungog, güiya ujungog.

44 Y raenon langet locue, parejoja yan un senguaguan na güinaja ni y mananana gui un fangualuan, ya un taotao, anae jasoda, janana, ya mapos yan pot y minagofña jabende todo y iyoña ya jafajan ayo na fangualuan.

45 Y raenon langet parejoja locue yan un taotao ni manbebende, na manaliligao bonito na petlas:

46 Ya anae mañoda un petlas na senguaguan, mapos ya jabende todo y güinajaña ya jafajan ayo.

47 Y raenon langet parejoja locue, yan un lagua ni y mayute guato gui tase, ya mangone todo clase:

48 Ya anae esta bula, majala guato gui oriyan unae; ya manmatachong, ya majoca y manmauleg ya masajguane gui sajguanñija, ya y manaelaye mayute juyong.

49 Taegüinija locue y jinecog y siglo: ufato y angiet sija ya ujanafanjanao y manaelaye gui entalo y manunas;

50 Ya ujayute gui jetnon guafe; ya ayo nae uguaja güije tumanges, yan chegcheg nifen.

51 Ayo nae si Jesus ilegña nu sija: Intingo todo estesija? Sija ilegñija nu guiya: Junggan.

52 Ya güiya ilegña nu sija: Pot este todo escriba ni mafatinas disipulo gui raenon langet, parejoja yan y tatan un familia, ni y jachuchule gui güinajaña bijo sija, yan nuebo sija.

53 Ya anae janafonjayan si Jesus todo este sija na acomparasion, mapos güije.

54 Ya anae mato gui tanoña, mamanagüe gui guimayuusñija, ya sija ninafanmanman, ya ilegñija: Guine mano nae jumuyong este na tiningoña, ya este sija mandangculo na ninasiña?

55 Ada ti güiya este y lajin y catpintero? Ada si nanaña ti mafanaan si Maria? yan y mañeluña, ti sija si Santiago, si José, si Simon, yan si Judas?

56 Ya ada ti manjijita yan y mañeluña palaoan? Guine mano nae uguaja este na taotao todo estesija? Ya guaja guiya güiya disgusto.

57 Lao si Jesus ilegña nu sija: Y profeta taya onraña, gui tanoña yan y guimaña; lao gaeonraña gui otro lugat.

58 Ya ti jafatinas güije megae na mannamanman, sa taya jinengguenñija.


Ze Swedenborgových děl


True Christian Religion # 38

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Everyone knows that everything has reference to good and truth, an indication that everything owed its origin to love and wisdom. For everything which comes from love is called good, for so it is felt, and the pleasure by which love shows itself is each person's good. Everything which comes from wisdom is called truth, for wisdom is composed of nothing but truths and bathes its objects in beautiful light; this beauty when so perceived is the truth arising from good. Love therefore is a compound of all kinds of goodness, and wisdom a compound of all kinds of truth. But both of these are from God, who is Love itself and thus Good itself, and Wisdom itself and thus Truth itself. This is why the church has two essentials, called charity and faith, which make up its whole structure and are present in every part of it. The reason is that all the kinds of good belonging to the church are part of and are called charity, and all its truths are part of and are called faith. The delights of love, which are also the delights of charity, are responsible for the delights being called goods; and the beauties of wisdom, which are also the beauties of faith, are responsible for truths being called truths. It is the delights and beauties which give them life; unless they have life from this source, the different kinds of good and truth are so to speak lifeless and barren.

[2] But the delights of love are of two kinds, and so are the beauties which look as if they belonged to wisdom. There are the delights of the love of good and those of the love of evil, and so too there are the beauties of faith in truth and those of faith in falsity. Both those kinds of delight of love are called good by the people who possess them, because this is how they are felt; and both those kinds of faith are also called good, since this is how they are perceived. But because they are in the understanding they are actually truths. All the same they are opposites, and the good of one love is good, that of the other is evil; and the truth of one faith is truth, that of the other is falsity. The love whose delight is in essence good resembles the heat of the sun, which gives life and fruitfulness as it works upon a fertile soil, useful trees and crops. Where its power is felt, a paradise is created, a garden of Jehovah, a sort of land of Canaan. The beauty of its truth resembles the sun's light in springtime, or light striking a crystal vessel full of lovely flowers, and giving out fragrance when it is opened. But the delight of the love of evil is like the heat of the sun parching and withering as it works on barren soil, and harmful trees, such as thorns and briars. Where its power is felt, an Arabian desert is created, full of poisonous snakes and fiery serpents; and the beauty of falsity is like the sun's light in winter, or light striking a leather bottle, full of worms swimming in vinegar, and foul-smelling creeping things.

[3] It ought to be known that every good is formed by truths, and clothes itself by their means, so as to be distinct from any other good. Moreover, the goods of one family group themselves in bundles, and give these a covering, to make them distinct from others. It is evident from all the parts of the human body that its structures are so organised. The reason the same thing happens in the human mind is that everything in the mind perpetually corresponds to the details of the body. Consequently the human mind is organised inwardly out of spiritual substances, externally out of natural substances and finally out of matter. The mind, whose delights of love are good, is inwardly built up of the kind of spiritual substances which are to be found in heaven. But the mind whose delights are evil is built up inwardly of the kind of spiritual substances which are to be found in hell. The evils of one are gathered into bundles by falsities, the kinds of good of the other by means of truths. Since kinds of good and evil are made up into such bundles, the Lord says that the tares are to be collected into bundles for burning, and so are the things which give offence (Matthew 13:30, 40-41; John 15:6).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.