Второзаконие 23:20



20 Иноземцу отдавай въ ростъ, а брату твоему не отдавай въ ростъ, чтобы Господь, Богъ твой, благословилъ тебя во всемъ, что проходитъ чрезъ руки твои, на землј, въ которую ты идешь, чтобы взять ее въ наслјдіе.

Komentář k tomuto verši  

Napsal(a) Alexander Payne

Verse 20. Amongst those who are external, it is permitted to do good for the sake of reward; but not amongst those who are internal or spiritual: for it is by doing good without expectation of reward that the Divine Love and Wisdom become conjoined to the soul in all its efforts after holiness, which will then be attained in those heavenly states to which the soul is being led.