5 Mózes 22:5



5 Asszony ne viseljen férfiruházatot, se férfi ne öltözzék asszonyruhába; mert mind útálatos az Úr elõtt, a te Istened elõtt, a ki ezt míveli.

Komentář k tomuto verši  

Napsal(a) Alexander Payne

Verse 5. The things of the affectional nature or proprium that naturally belongs to man must be kept most distinct from those of rational wisdom, nor is it according to order for the intellect and understanding to adopt truths because they are favoured by the natural proprium: for by this means the Divine Love and Wisdom are averted from the soul. [Note.—It is by the complete separation between the will and intellect that man is capable of regeneration; for by this the understanding can be elevated into a higher state than that to which the man belongs, but to which he can afterwards attain if he follows the light thus given. (See Arcana Coelestia 875, 927, 1023, 1044, etc.)]