1 Konger 8:37



37 Når der kommer Hungersnød i Landet, når der kommer Pest, når der kommer Kornbrand og ust, Græshopper og Ædere, når Fjenden belejrer Folket i en af dets Byer, når alskens Plage og Sot indtræffer -

Komentář k tomuto verši  

Napsal(a) Henry MacLagan

Verse 37. Fourthly, when there is with man a defect of knowledge, the presence of interior evils, the non-reception of good, the non-reception of truth, or falsities and evils on the sensual plane of bis life; or when evil and falsity corrupt the good and truth of his doctrine; in short, whatever interior corruption or spiritual disease there may be;

The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University