2. Královská 23:12



12 Ano i oltáře, kteříž byli na vrchním paláci Achasovu, jichž byli nadělali králové Judští, a oltáře, jichž nadělal Manasses v obou síních domu Hospodinova, pobořil král, a pospíšiv s nimi odtud, dal vysypati prach jejich do potoka Cedron.

Komentář k tomuto verši  

Napsal(a) Henry MacLagan

Verse 12. And thus, in short, he penetrates into and destroys in himself the inmost principles of corrupted worship, the work of the perverted church from self-love, and also its exterior principles as to evil and error from the love of the world; and these things he does thoroughly, condemning all corrupt worship by the power of the Word in ultimates.