1 Královská 11:2



2 Z národů těch, kteréž zapověděl Hospodin synům Izraelským, řka: Nebudete se směšovati s nimi, aniž se oni budou směšovati s vámi, neboť by naklonili srdce vaše k bohům svým. K těm přilnul Šalomoun milostí,

Komentář k tomuto verši  

Napsal(a) Henry MacLagan

Verse 2. Although such evils are opposed to celestial love, and also to the genuine Spiritual Church, so that spiritual good cannot be truly conjoined therewith, nor can these evils be truly conjoined with spiritual good; yet they are either serviceable as means to celestial love, where genuine truths are wanting, as among the Gentiles; or they are the beginning of a corrupted state of the celestial church.