Второзаконие 23:14



14 Поелику Господь, Богъ твой, ходитъ среди стана твоего, чтобъ избавлять тебя, и предавать тебј враговъ твоихъ: а посему станъ твой долженъ быть святъ, чтобъ Онъ не увидјлъ у тебя чего срамнаго, и не отступилъ отъ тебя.

Commentary on this verse  

By Alexander Payne

Verse 14. For the Love and Wisdom proceeding from the Divine Humanity walk through and survey the affections and thoughts of the soul to save what is good, and to deliver up to the evil whatever would hurt or destroy the soul; therefore shall your affections and thoughts be kept pure and holy; for if the impure things proceeding from the loves of self and of the world are not removed from the soul, the Lord cannot dwell there, and all His holy influences would be rejected therefrom.