5 Mózes 12:3



3 És rontsátok el azoknak oltárait, törjétek össze oszlopaikat, tûzzel égessétek meg berkeiket, és vagdaljátok szét az õ isteneiknek faragott képeit, a nevöket is pusztítsátok ki arról a helyrõl.

Commentary on this verse  

By Alexander Payne

Verse 3. You shall overthrow the affections of these evil loves, and break down the falses which support them, and the intelligence derived from them which is defiled with self-love shall be consumed by zeal for heaven, and shall be rejected; and you shall extirpate the simulated appearances of good in externals derived from self, which formed the supreme worship of the soul in those states, and completely remove the quality of them from the mind.