numerot 18:17



17 Mutta esikoisia karjasta, taikka lampaista, taikka vuohista, ei sinun pidä antaman lunastettaa; sillä ne ovat pyhät: heidän verensä pitää sinun priiskottaman alttarille, ja lihavuutensa pitää sinun polttaman makian hajun tuleksi Herralle.

Commentary on this verse  

By Henry MacLagan

Verse 17. But the good of faith in its three degrees, namely, natural, spiritual, or celestial, is from the Lord, and is not tainted with evil; it is holy; and it must be ascribed to Him. For such faith is conjoined with charity in all worship ; and such charity must be acknowledged as proceeding from the Divine Love, as being consecrated by it, and therefore as being well pleasing and acceptable to the Lord.

SWORD version by Tero Favorin (tero at favorin dot com)