A Grain of Wheat

Ово је оригинални текст: A Grain of Wheat од Junchol Lee


If you read any given story in the Bible carefully, you may find a few things that you might not have noticed before. In John 12:20-26, there is a short story illustrating what happened to Jesus right after the triumphant entry into Jerusalem on the day that we celebrate as Palm Sunday. Greeks came to see Jesus, and Jesus' answer to them begins as "The hour has come ..." For me, the fascinating point of this story is that no one actually asked Jesus a question! Seeing the Greeks triggered something in Jesus to teach this teaching in John 12:20-26. I explore a few possibilities...

Креирао или превео: Junchol Lee

Датум креирања: 2011

Кредит: Thanks to the Rev. Junchol Lee, the San Francisco Swedenborgian Church, and the Louis C. Iungerich Publication Fund for their support for publishing these talks.

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

Лиценца: Used with permission - погледајте термине

Добијено из: https://sfswedenborgian.org

Предложени цитат:

A Grain of Wheat. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
