Nga veprat e Swedenborg


真实的基督教 #1

Studioni këtë pasazh

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1. 前言:新天國與新教會的信仰

首先, 將本書中所講述的真實的基督徒信仰, 也就是新天國和新教會的信仰, 分別以總體和具體的形式概要地說明。作為接下來全書的引言, 或作為進入聖殿的大門, 又或作為詳細內容的概要。此信仰被稱為新天國和新教會的信仰, 因為天人(angel)組成的天國和世人組成的教會, 如同一個人的靈魂與肉體, 內外一致,行動如一。因此, 若教會之人活在良善與真理之中, 對於思想內在而言, 他就是天國的一名天人。在肉身死後, 他便進入天國, 照著良善與真理在他裡面聯合的狀態在那裡安享極樂。當知道, 在主現在正建立的新天國中, 這樣的信仰是新天國的引言,入門和概要。

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Thanks to our friends at for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)



但以理书 6



1 大利乌随心所愿,立一百二十个总督,治理通国。

2 又在他们以上立总长人(但以理在其中),使总督在他们人面前回覆事务,免得王受亏损。

3 因这但以理有美好的灵性,所以显然超乎其馀的总长和总督,王又想立他治理通国。

4 那时,总长和总督寻找但以理误国的把柄,为要参他;只是找不着他的错误过失,因他忠心办事,毫无错误过失。

5 那些人便:我们要找参这但以理的把柄,除非在他神的律法中就寻不着。

6 於是,总长和总督纷纷聚集来见王,:愿大利乌王万岁!

7 国中的总长、钦差、总督、谋士,和巡抚彼此商议,要立一条坚定的禁令(或译:求王下旨要立一条……),三十日内,不拘何人,若在王以外,或向神或向人求甚麽,就必扔在狮子坑中。

8 王啊,现在求你立这禁令,加盖玉玺,使禁令决不更改;照玛代和波斯人的例是不可更改的。

9 於是大利乌王立这禁令,加盖玉玺。

10 但以理知道这禁令盖了玉玺,就到自己家里(他楼上的窗户开向耶路撒冷),一日三次,双膝跪在他神面前,祷告感谢,与素常一样。

11 那些人就纷纷聚集,见但以理在他神面前祈祷恳求。

12 他们便进到王前,提王的禁令,:王啊,三十日内不拘何人,若在王以外,或向神或向人求甚麽,必被扔在狮子坑中。王不是在这禁令上盖了玉玺麽?王回答:实有这事,照玛代和波斯人的例是不可更改的。

13 他们对王:王啊,那被掳之犹大人中的但以理不理你,也不遵你盖了玉玺的禁令,他竟一日三次祈祷。

14 见这话,就甚愁烦,一心要救但以理,筹划解救他,直到日落的时候。

15 那些人就纷纷聚集来见王,:王啊,当知道玛代人和波斯人有例,凡王所立的禁令和律例都不可更改。

16 王下令,人就把但以理带来,扔在狮子坑中。王对但以理:你所常事奉的神,他必救你。

17 有人搬石头放在坑口,王用自己的玺和大臣的印,封闭那坑,使惩办但以理的事毫无更改。

18 王回宫,终夜禁食,无人拿乐器到他面前,并且睡不着觉。

19 次日黎明,王就起来,急忙往狮子坑那里去。

20 临近坑边,哀声呼叫但以理,对但以理:永生神的仆人但以理啊,你所常事奉的神能救你脱离狮子麽?

21 但以理对王:愿王万岁!

22 我的神差遣使者,封住狮子的口,叫狮子不伤我;因我在神面前无辜,我在王面前也没有行过亏损的事。

23 王就甚喜乐,吩咐人将但以理从坑里系上来。於是但以理从坑里被系上来,身上毫无伤损,因为信靠他的神。

24 王下令,人就把那些控告但以理的人,连他们的妻子儿女都带来,扔在狮子坑中。他们还没有到坑底,狮子就抓住(原文是胜了)他们,咬碎他们的骨头。

25 那时,大利乌王传旨,晓谕住在全地各方、各国、各族的人说:愿你们大享平安!

26 现在我降旨晓谕我所统辖的全国人民,要在但以理的神面前,战兢恐惧。因为他是永远长存的活神,他的国永不败坏;他的权柄永存无极!

27 他护庇人,搭人,在天上地下施行神迹奇事,了但以理脱离狮子的口。

28 如此,这但以理,当大利乌王在位的时候和波斯王古列在位的时候,大享亨通。




Ezekiel 47



1 He brought me back to the door of the house; and behold, waters issued out from under the threshold of the house eastward; (for the forefront of the house was toward the east;) and the waters came down from under, from the right side of the house, on the south of the altar.

2 Then he brought me out by the way of the gate northward, and led me round by the way outside to the outer gate, by the way of [the gate] that looks toward the east; and behold, there ran out waters on the right side.

3 When the man went forth eastward with the line in his hand, he measured one thousand cubits, and he caused me to pass through the waters, waters that were to the ankles.

4 Again he measured one thousand, and caused me to pass through the waters, waters that were to the knees. Again he measured one thousand, and caused me to pass through [the waters], waters that were to the waist.

5 Afterward he measured one thousand; [and it was] a river that I could not pass through; for the waters were risen, waters to swim in, a river that could not be passed through.

6 He said to me, Son of man, have you seen [this]? Then he brought me, and caused me to return to the bank of the river.

7 Now when I had returned, behold, on the bank of the river were very many trees on the one side and on the other.

8 Then he said to me, These waters issue forth toward the eastern region, and shall go down into the Arabah; and they shall go toward the sea; into the sea [shall the waters go] which were made to issue forth; and the waters shall be healed.

9 It shall happen, that every living creature which swarms, in every place where the rivers come, shall live; and there shall be a very great multitude of fish; for these waters are come there, and [the waters of the sea] shall be healed, and everything shall live wherever the river comes.

10 It shall happen, that fishermen shall stand by it: from En Gedi even to En Eglaim shall be a place for the spreading of nets; their fish shall be after their kinds, as the fish of the great sea, exceeding many.

11 But the miry places of it, and its marshes, shall not be healed; they shall be given up to salt.

12 By the river on its bank, on this side and on that side, shall grow every tree for food, whose leaf shall not wither, neither shall its fruit fail: it shall bring forth new fruit every month, because its waters issue out of the sanctuary; and its fruit shall be for food, and its leaf for healing.

13 Thus says the Lord Yahweh: This shall be the border, by which you shall divide the land for inheritance according to the twelve tribes of Israel: Joseph [shall have two] portions.

14 You shall inherit it, one as well as another; for I swore to give it to your fathers: and this land shall fall to you for inheritance.

15 This shall be the border of the land: On the north side, from the great sea, by the way of Hethlon, to the entrance of Zedad;

16 Hamath, Berothah, Sibraim, which is between the border of Damascus and the border of Hamath; Hazer Hatticon, which is by the border of Hauran.

17 The border from the sea, shall be Hazar Enon at the border of Damascus; and on the north northward is the border of Hamath. This is the north side.

18 The east side, between Hauran and Damascus and Gilead, and the land of Israel, shall be the Jordan; from the [north] border to the east sea you shall measure. This is the east side.

19 The south side southward shall be from Tamar as far as the waters of Meriboth Kadesh, to the brook [of Egypt], to the great sea. This is the south side southward.

20 The west side shall be the great sea, from the [south] border as far as over against the entrance of Hamath. This is the west side.

21 So you shall divide this land to you according to the tribes of Israel.

22 It shall happen, that you shall divide it by lot for an inheritance to you and to the aliens who live among you, who shall father children among you; and they shall be to you as the native-born among the children of Israel; they shall have inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel.

23 It shall happen, that in what tribe the stranger lives, there you shall give him his inheritance, says the Lord Yahweh.