Departing into Our Own Country Another Way

Это оригинальный текст: Departing into Our Own Country Another Way по Gladish


Being warned in a dream, the wise men do not return to Herod, but depart into their own country by another way.

Об этом переводе:

As the Christmas season winds down, we often have mixed emotions - some gratitude, some sadness, perhaps a little wistfulness, a blend of inspired, happy memories and much food for thought.

Создано или переведено: Gladish

Дата создания: 2013

Благодаря: Rev. Michael Gladish

Авторские права: Copyright by the author

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

Лицензия: Used with permission - Просмотрите условия

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Departing into Our Own Country Another Way. Retrieved from:
