The Bible


Mark 1


1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God;

2 As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.

3 The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

4 John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.

5 And there went out unto him all the land of Judaea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins.

6 And John was clothed with camel's hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins; and he did eat locusts and wild honey;

7 And preached, saying, There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose.

8 I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.

9 And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.

10 And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:

11 And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

12 And immediately the Spirit driveth him into the wilderness.

13 And he was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan; and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered unto him.

14 Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,

15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.

16 Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.

17 And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.

18 And straightway they forsook their nets, and followed him.

19 And when he had gone a little further thence, he saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were in the ship mending their nets.

20 And straightway he called them: and they left their father Zebedee in the ship with the hired servants, and went after him.

21 And they went into Capernaum; and straightway on the sabbath day he entered into the synagogue, and taught.

22 And they were astonished at his doctrine: for he taught them as one that had authority, and not as the scribes.

23 And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out,

24 Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God.

25 And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him.

26 And when the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him.

27 And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, What thing is this? what new doctrine is this? for with authority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they do obey him.

28 And immediately his fame spread abroad throughout all the region round about Galilee.

29 And forthwith, when they were come out of the synagogue, they entered into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John.

30 But Simon's wife's mother lay sick of a fever, and anon they tell him of her.

31 And he came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto them.

32 And at even, when the sun did set, they brought unto him all that were diseased, and them that were possessed with devils.

33 And all the city was gathered together at the door.

34 And he healed many that were sick of divers diseases, and cast out many devils; and suffered not the devils to speak, because they knew him.

35 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.

36 And Simon and they that were with him followed after him.

37 And when they had found him, they said unto him, All men seek for thee.

38 And he said unto them, Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also: for therefore came I forth.

39 And he preached in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and cast out devils.

40 And there came a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.

41 And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean.

42 And as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed.

43 And he straitly charged him, and forthwith sent him away;

44 And saith unto him, See thou say nothing to any man: but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing those things which Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them.

45 But he went out, and began to publish it much, and to blaze abroad the matter, insomuch that Jesus could no more openly enter into the city, but was without in desert places: and they came to him from every quarter.



Exploring the Meaning of Mark 1

By Ray and Star Silverman

Chapter One

Proclaiming Jesus’ Divinity

1. The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

As we begin the Gospel According to Mark, we need to keep in mind that the first thing said in any book of the Word becomes the essence of everything that follows. Like a keynote on a musical scale, the first thing said sets the tone, provides the central theme, and establishes the focus for everything that follows. It is essential, therefore, that when we are reading the Word of God, the “first thing said” should be kept in mind throughout the exposition of everything that follows. 1

In Matthew, the first thing said is, “The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.” This is the beginning of the gospel narratives. Taken literally, these words refer to the merely human heredity of Jesus Christ. These “first words” describe Him as a descendent of David, who is a descendent of Abraham. While this royal lineage is an important and respected one, it is, nevertheless, a human one.

This is a picture of how we first see Jesus; we see Him as another human being, the offspring of human parents. But by the time we come to the end of the Gospel According to Matthew, something wonderful has taken place. As the idea of Jesus grows in our understanding, there is a gradual unveiling of His divinity. And by the time we come to the end of that gospel, Jesus says, “All power is given to Me in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:18).

The Gospel According to Matthew, then, brings us to the recognition of Jesus’ divinity. This marks a critical stage in the development of our faith. In fact, Jesus Himself said that the recognition of His divinity is the first and foremost building block, or cornerstone, of Christian faith. In Matthew, when Peter said to Jesus, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,” Jesus did not deny it. Instead, Jesus told him told him that this foundational truth did not come to him by flesh and blood, but rather it was revealed to him by “My Father who is in the heavens” (Matthew 16:17). “On this rock,” said Jesus, “I will build My Church” (Matthew 16:18). 2

The Gospel According to Mark begins where Matthew left off — with the recognition of Jesus’ divinity. Whereas Matthew began with the words, “The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham” (Mark 1:1), Mark begins with the words: “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (Mark 1:1).

It should also be noted that Matthew refers to itself as “the book of the generation of Jesus Christ,” while Mark refers to itself as “the gospel of Jesus Christ.” The use of these different terms is significant. The term “book” signifies the successive, perfectly ordered states we go through in the process of our spiritual development as we gradually come to acknowledge the divinity of Jesus Christ. This is our “book of life,” a divinely arranged narrative that describes the rise and development of love and wisdom in us. This is called the regeneration process, or, in the language of sacred scripture, the generation of Jesus Christ in each of us. 3

But a “gospel” is not a “book.”

The term gospel comes from the Greek word εὐαγγέλιον (evangelium), which means “good news.” For the early Christians, the “good news” is that God Himself had come into the world to reveal His true nature, to conquer evil, and, especially, to teach people the way to heaven. At the end of Matthew, therefore, the disciples are commissioned to go forth into every nation and proclaim this good news. As it is written in the closing words of Matthew, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19,20).

As we examine the continuous stream of divine truth in the gospel narratives, Matthew culminates with what has become known as the Great Commission: Jesus commissions His disciples to preach the good news of His birth, life, death, resurrection, and, especially, His teachings. Mark picks up precisely at that point — with “the voice of one crying in the wilderness” proclaiming that the Messiah, the Son of God, has come. In brief, the Gospel of Mark begins as a gospel of proclamation — the proclamation that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God who calls us to go into the whole world to preach the good news. Very soon, however, we discover that the good news begins with repentance.

Prepare the Way of the Lord

2. As it is written in the Prophets, Behold, I send My messenger before Thy face, who shall make ready Thy way in front of Thee.

3. The voice of one crying in the wilderness, “Prepare ye the way of the Lord; make His paths straight.”

Five hundred years before Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, the Lord said through the prophet Malachi, “Behold, I will send My angel, and he shall sweep the way before Me” (Malachi 3:1). As the Gospel of Mark begins, this “angel” who will “sweep the way” is John the Baptist. He has been sent by God to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.

In an even older prophesy, given seven hundred years before Jesus’ birth, the Lord said through the prophet, Isaiah, “The voice of one proclaiming in the wilderness, ‘Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight’” (Isaiah 40:3). Taken together, these two prophecies become a single statement as the Gospel of Mark begins. As it is written, “Behold I send My messenger before Your face, who will prepare Your way before You. The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, Make His paths straight” (Mark 1:2-3). This messenger who has come to prepare the way for the reception of the Lord is John the Baptist. Although two thousand years have intervened between that momentous occasion and today, it is still possible to hear the words of John’s powerful proclamation: “The Lord is coming!” “Prepare the way!” “He is coming into your mind and your heart!” “Make His paths straight!” 4

At the end of Matthew, Jesus had told His disciples to “Go forth and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them” (Mark 28:19), and this is exactly where Mark picks up the story — with John performing baptisms. Although there is no biblical evidence that John the Baptist ever became one of the twelve disciples, there is evidence that he did what Jesus said, teaching people “to observe all things that [Jesus] had commanded” (Mark 28:20), beginning with the necessity of baptism.

As we have already noted in Matthew, baptism represents the willingness to receive new truth. It is not about a vicarious atonement, justification by faith, or instantaneous salvation; rather, it is a willingness to be spiritually washed through learning truth and doing what truth teaches while believing that the Lord gives us the power to live according to that truth. While water baptism is not saving in itself, it represents how salvation takes place — through the process of repentance for the remission of sins. 5

It is no accident that this gospel of proclamation begins with the words of a powerful preacher, urging us not only to prepare the way of the Lord, but also to receive “a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins” (Mark 1:4). Apparently, John’s preaching was well received for “all the land of Judea, and those from Jerusalem, went out to him and were all baptized by him in the Jordan River, confessing their sins” (Mark 1:5).

A baptism of repentance, then, and the confessing of sins will be key ideas as we enter the Gospel According to Mark.

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

4. John was baptizing in the wilderness, and preaching the baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.

5. And all the country of Judea went out to him, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.

6. And John was wearing camel’s hair, and a leather belt around his loins, and ate locusts and wild honey;

7. And preached, saying, “There comes one stronger than I after me, the strap of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and loose.

8. I indeed have baptized you with water, but He shall baptize you with [the] Holy Spirit.”

9. And it came to pass in those days, [that] Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan.

10. And straightway going up from the water, he saw the heavens ripped [open], and the Spirit as a dove descending on Him.

11. And there was a voice from the heavens, [saying], “Thou art My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

12. And straightway the Spirit casts Him out into the wilderness.

13. And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan; and was with the [wild] beasts; and the angels ministered to Him.

John the Baptist is aware of his limitations. While he knows that his preaching may be able to help people recognize their need for a Savior, he also knows that his words alone cannot bring about salvation. Therefore, he says, “One is coming after me who is more powerful than I am” (Mark 1:7). He is referring, of course, to Jesus, for whom John the Baptist is preparing the way. “I indeed baptize you with water,” says John the Baptist, “but He [who is coming after me] will baptize you with the Holy Spirit” (Mark 1:8).

In the language of sacred scripture, receiving the “water of baptism” represents the willingness to receive truth — especially the truth which is based on the literal teachings of the Word. This is the first baptism. But it must be followed by another kind of baptism called the “baptism of the Holy Spirit.” This second baptism takes place when the truth that we know is tested during times of inner spiritual combat. At such times, mere belief is not enough. Rather, our beliefs must be put to the test, so that they might be strengthened and eventually become an essential part of our character. If we allow truth from the Lord’s Word to fill our mind during a time of temptation, the Lord will come to us through that truth with love and power. In the language of sacred scripture, this is called “the baptism of the Holy Spirit.” 6

John the Baptist, then, is not just an historical figure. When he utters his cry in the barren wilderness to “prepare the way of the Lord,” it represents how we need to arm ourselves with truth from the Lord’s Word as we prepare for spiritual combat. As our example in all things, this is precisely what Jesus does in the next verse. We read, “At that time Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan” (Mark 1:9). As Jesus came up from the Jordan River, the heavens were torn open “and the Spirit descended upon Him like a dove” (Mark 1:10).

The descent of the Spirit “like a dove” represents the process of inner purification that Jesus is about to undergo. Whenever we are victorious in temptation, we emerge a little gentler and with the ability to see from a more elevated perspective — like a dove. In this regard, the descent of the dove is a sign from heaven, followed by a voice from heaven saying, “You are my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased (Mark 1:11). 7

In the Gospel According to Matthew, immediately after He is baptized, Jesus is led by the spirit into the desert where He is tempted by the devil. In that gospel Jesus’ temptations are described in considerable detail. He is tempted to turn stones into bread, to cast Himself down from a temple, and to worship Satan. These temptations represent, in summary form, all the temptations that Jesus will undergo as He steadily and gradually conquers hell, restores freedom, and teaches the way to heaven.

The same sequence of events occurs in the Gospel According to Mark. Immediately after His baptism the Spirit sends Jesus out into the desert (Mark 1:12). This is in keeping with the spiritual law that truth is not merely something to be believed; it must also be lived. Therefore, baptism (the reception of truth) must necessarily be followed by temptation (the opportunity to live according to that truth). The reception of truth, then, is merely the beginning of our spiritual development. If that truth is to become our own, it must be called to mind and used during times of spiritual combat. That’s why we see the same sequence in both gospels. In Mark, however, the whole temptation process is described in just one verse. As it is written, “He was in the desert forty days, being tempted by Satan. He was with the wild beasts, and angels attended Him” (Mark 1:13). 8

These “wild beasts” refer to the evil desires and false thinking that prevent us from living according to the truth. They are the vicious, ferocious loves of self and the world that would devour that which is from the Lord in us. But when we overcome in temptation, compelling ourselves to do what is right, we are protected throughout by truths from the Lord’s Word, and, in the end, comforted by those same truths. As it is written, “And the angels ministered to Him” (Mark 1:13). 9

This, then, is what John calls “the baptism of the Holy Spirit.” 10

Jesus Preaches the Gospel

14. And after John was delivered up, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God,

15. And saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is near; repent [ye], and believe in the gospel.”

16. And walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon, and Andrew his brother, casting a net in the sea; for they were fishermen.

17. And Jesus said to them, “Come [ye] after Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”

18. And straightway leaving their nets, they followed Him.

19. And advancing a little from thence, He saw James [the son] of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were in the ship, mending the nets.

20. And straightway He called them, and leaving their father Zebedee in the ship with the hirelings, they went after Him.

21. And they went into Capernaum; and straightway on the Sabbaths, coming into the synagogue, He taught.

22. And they wondered at His teaching, for He was teaching them as one that had authority, and not as the scribes.

This gospel begins with John the Baptist preaching on repentance for the remission if sins — the keynote theme of this gospel. Immediately after the wilderness temptation, Jesus continues to preach on this same theme. As it is written, “Now after John was delivered to custody, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God” (Mark 1:14). The imprisonment of John the Baptist is a significant moment in the continuous internal sense. As we have mentioned, John the Baptist represents the literal sense of the Word — the first truths that we learn as we begin to study the scriptures. If, however, we are deprived of these truths or if these truths are twisted to mean things that they do not mean, it is as if John the Baptist has been put in prison, or “taken into custody.” 11

When this happens, Jesus takes over where John leaves off. Like John, Jesus begins His preaching with the theme of repentance: “The time has come,” says Jesus, “And the kingdom of God is near. Repent, and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15). Jesus then wastes no time gathering the evangelists who will assist Him in His mission. Walking by the Sea of Galilee, He sees Simon and Andrew casting their nets into the sea. “Come after Me, “He says to them, “and I will make you fishers of men” (Mark 1:17). He does the same for James and John; and all of them, without delay, follow Him (Mark 1:19-20).

The action is swift. Losing no time at all, Jesus “immediately goes into the synagogue and starts preaching (Mark 1:21). “And they were astonished at His doctrine, for He taught them as one that had power, and not as the scribes” (Mark 1:22).

Jesus Commands an Unclean Spirit to Be Quiet

23. And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out,

24. Saying, “Ah! What [is there] to us and to Thee, Jesus of Nazareth! hast Thou come to destroy us? I know Thee who Thou art, the Holy [One] of God.”

25. And Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be speechless and come out of him.”

26. And having convulsed him, the unclean spirit, having also cried with a great voice, came out of him.

27. And they were all astonished, so that they disputed among themselves, saying, “What thing is this? What new teaching [is] this? For with authority He orders even the unclean spirits, and they obey Him.”

28. And straightway the report of Him went out into the whole countryside of Galilee.

The events recounted in Mark are brief, immediate, and to the point. There is no genealogy, no record of Jesus’ birth, and no Sermon on the Mount (which covers the first seven chapters in Matthew). Instead, the action in Mark begins immediately with John the Baptist preaching repentance in the desert, and now Jesus is preaching in the synagogue. There He astonishes all with His teaching, and drives out an unclean spirit. When the unclean spirit acknowledges that Jesus is “the Holy One of God,” Jesus tells it to be quiet, and the spirit obeys Him (Mark 1:24-25). The people who are standing by in the synagogue are amazed. They cry out, “What is this? What new doctrine is this?” Observing Jesus’ great power, they say, “With power He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey Him” (Mark 1:27).

In this gospel there is frequent mention of “unclean spirits,” “evil spirits,” “demons,” and “devils.” While each of these terms can have a specialized meaning, they are frequently used interchangeably to refer to any evil desire or false belief that is contrary to the Lord’s will. In this regard, it’s important to keep in mind that “unclean spirits,” “evil spirits,” “demons,” and “devils” were once people who, while they lived on earth, chose deceit over honesty, cruelty over kindness, and confidence in self rather than faith in God. Therefore, when Jesus casts out the unclean spirit and tells it to “be quiet,” it represents how the Lord works through the holy teachings of sacred scripture to cast out evil desires and silence false thoughts in each of us. 12

In this gospel, then, Jesus gets to work immediately, fulfilling His purpose: He has come to preach the gospel and thereby cast out demons. The good news is spreading rapidly. As it is written, “the news about Him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee” (Mark 1:28). It should be noticed, however, that the “good news” is about repentance. This is symbolized by Jesus’ initial preaching and His first healings. He preaches repentance and He casts out demons.

The Devils are Forbidden to Speak

29. And straightway, coming out from the synagogue, they came into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John.

30. But Simon’s mother-in-law lay down [sick] with a fever, and straightway they tell Him about her.

31. And He came and raised her up, having taken hold of her hand, and straightway the fever left her, and she ministered to them.

32. And evening having come, when the sun set, they brought to Him all that had an illness, and the demon-possessed.

33. And the whole city was gathered together at the door.

34. And He cured many that had an illness of different diseases, and cast out many demons; and He let not the demons speak, because they knew Him.

In the previous episode when Jesus cast the unclean spirit out of the demon-possessed man, the evil spirit said to Him, “I know who you are. You are the Holy One of God” (Mark 1:24). It’s curious that an evil spirit would recognize Jesus’ divinity, but Jesus refuses to let the evil spirit say anything about it. “Be quiet,” Jesus said to the demon. He then commanded the demon to come out of the person, and the demon obeyed Him.

This initial story is important to keep in mind as we now consider the next series of miraculous healings. These begin with the healing of Simon’s mother-in-law who is sick with a fever (Simon is the name of the disciple Peter). As soon as Jesus touches her hand, the fever leaves her (Mark 1:31). Apparently, her recovery was so instantaneous that she was able to rise and serve the people who were in her house. This also, like the healing of the man with an unclean spirit, created quite a stir. The news about Jesus’ miraculous healings was spreading far and wide. That same evening, after the sun had set, people who were suffering from a variety of different diseases were brought to Him, and Jesus healed them “and cast out many demons.” Once again, He refuses to let the demons speak “because they knew who He was” (Mark 1:34).

This is an important detail. Although it is only the first chapter, we have seen that on at least two occasions, Jesus has not permitted the demons to speak. On the literal level it could be assumed that Jesus wants to keep His identity secret. After all, if it were discovered that He were capable of such extraordinary powers, He might arouse the suspicion of the religious leaders who were determined to destroy Him. Therefore, it would be in His best interest to keep these things secret.

On a more interior level, however, it’s important to keep in mind the audience that Jesus is addressing when He performs the miracle healings: He is speaking directly to demons and devils — also known as evil spirits. No matter what they say, demons, devils, and evil spirits cannot be trusted; they lie, they twist the truth; they make up stories about things that never happened; and they pretend to know things about the future that no one could predict. They induce worries, insinuate fears, remind us of things that should be long forgotten, and cause us to forget things that should be remembered. It is best, therefore, to refuse to listen to them. No wonder Jesus told them to “be quiet” (Mark 1:25) and “refused to let them speak” (Mark 1:34) — even if it was about His miraculous healings. They would be sure to twist a good report into an evil one. 13

Jesus Declares His Purpose

35. And in the morning, far into the night, standing up He came out, and went away into a deserted place, and there prayed.

36. And Simon and they that were with him pursued after Him.

37. And finding Him, they say to Him, “All are seeking Thee.”

38. And He says to them, “Let us go into the neighboring towns, that I may preach there also, because for this [purpose] I came forth.”

39. And He was preaching in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and casting out demons.

40. And a leper came to Him, imploring Him, and kneeling before Him, and saying to Him, “If Thou willest, Thou canst make me clean.”

41. And Jesus, being moved with compassion, stretching out [His] hand, touched him, and says to him, “I am willing; be thou cleansed.”

42. And having said this, straightway the leprosy went away from him, and he was cleansed.

43. And He admonished him, and straightway sent him away,

44. And says to him, “See thou say nothing to anyone, but go thy way, show thyself to the priest, and offer for thy purification what Moses directed, for a testimony to them.”

45. And he, having gone out, began to preach many [things] and to make the word public, so that He could no more manifestly come into the city, but was outside in deserted places; and they came to Him from everywhere.

As the next episode begins, we find that Jesus has gone off to a desert place to pray. When Simon and the others find Him, they say to Jesus, “Everyone is looking for You” (Mark 1:37). Jesus’ answer is significant for it reveals His purpose: “Let us go into the next towns,” He says, “that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come” (Mark 1:38). Indeed, Jesus has come to preach the good news. As it is written, “And He was preaching in their synagogues throughout all Galilee and casting out demons” (Mark 1:39). Once again, it is important to note that the purpose of Jesus’ preaching is to “cast out demons” and this begins with repentance. 14

Most people would agree that “good news” should be spread. Interestingly, Jesus is careful about whom He allows to spread the news. As we have seen in two previous episodes, Jesus told an unclean spirit to be quiet about Him, and He refused to let the demons speak. As we shall see, it isn’t just the unclean spirits and demons who are admonished to be quiet. For example, in the very next episode, Jesus heals a man with leprosy. After healing him, Jesus says to him, “See that you tell no one about this” (Mark 1:43). Once again, Jesus gives a strict warning to say nothing about this healing. Instead, Jesus tells the man to show himself to the priest “and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded.” These things which Moses commanded, says Jesus, will serve as “a testimony” for the leper’s cleansing. (Mark 1:44).

On one level, Jesus is referring to the laws of ritual cleaning that are found throughout the Hebrew scriptures. According to these teachings, there were specific procedures for anyone suffering from an infectious skin disease, in this case, leprosy. This included the thorough washing of the leper’s home and clothing as well as the sacrifice of a bird over fresh water and the sprinkling of its blood seven times upon the leprous person. There was much more involved, as well, including the sacrifice of a lamb without blemish, and the offering of fine flour mixed with oil (See Leviticus 14:1-16). These are all symbols of an innocent willingness to keep the Lord’s commandments and be internally purified thereby from evil desires and the false thinking that arises to support those desires. 15

The true sacrifices commanded by Moses, understood spiritually, are quite simply, the giving up of selfish concerns through a life according to the commandments. This is the only testimony required. It is the testimony of a life that has been cleansed inwardly, not just healed outwardly. All the sacrifices and all the washings in the Hebrew scriptures relate to the purification of the desires and the cleansing of the thoughts. It is for this reason that David says, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a firm spirit in me” (Psalms 51:10, 17). 12

Unfortunately, even though the leper was healed of his disease, He did not do as Jesus commanded. Instead of remaining silent about what happened, showing himself to the priest, and offering the sacrifices that Moses commanded, he did exactly what Jesus told him not to do. He went out and “proclaimed freely,” spreading the news about what Jesus had done for him (Mark 1:45).

The spiritual meaning of leprosy

Earlier in this chapter, Jesus told an unclean spirit to “Be quiet and come out of him” (Mark 1:25). A few verses later, when Jesus cast out several demons, “He did not allow the demons to speak” (Mark 1:34) and, in this episode, He says to the leper “See that you say nothing to anyone.” It is noteworthy that whenever Jesus casts out an unclean spirit or a demon, He does not allow the unclean spirit or demon to say anything about what has happened. As we have mentioned, evils spirits and demons are not reliable witnesses. They lie, they exaggerate, they leave out important details, and they twist the story to make themselves look good and others look bad. Therefore, it’s best if Jesus silences them.

But what about the leper whom Jesus has just healed? This time Jesus does not address the unclean spirits or the demons. Instead, He speaks directly to the leper, telling him to not speak to anyone.


One explanation might be found in a spiritual understanding of leprosy, and what it might signify to be cured of that disease. Because leprosy is a skin disease, it represents what it looks like spiritually when people have learned the truth, but don’t really believe it. They have not, so to speak, received it inwardly. Because the healing is only “skin deep,” it represents the healing of an external imperfection. This is one kind of leprosy.

There is, however, a deeper, more serious form of leprosy. This occurs when the leprosy goes unaddressed and penetrates to the inner parts of the body, affecting the nervous system and internal organs. This represents what it looks like spiritually when people know the truth, deeply believe it, and yet do not live according to what they believe. Even worse, they twist the truths of the Word to justify their selfish lusts and evil desires. Although they may go around looking unblemished and as white as snow on the outside, on the inside, they are full of dark desires and shady schemes. Whenever this happens, there is an unholy mixture of heavenly goodness and truth with hellish evil and falsity. This commingling of good and evil, truth and falsity is called “profanation.” 17

Returning to the case of the leper whom Jesus has just healed, it should be remembered that Jesus commanded him to say nothing to anyone about the healing that had taken place. In addition, Jesus told him to show himself to the priest and offer the sacrifices commanded by Moses. If the man had done this, he would have experienced an inner healing, not just an external one. Instead, he disregarded Jesus’ directive and did what he wanted to do. This kind of deliberate disobedience indicates that the leper may have been healed externally, but not internally.

An external healing, spiritually seen, would be the correction of one’s understanding so that the Word might be properly interpreted. But an internal healing, spiritually seen, would be the healing of the affections, and this would be represented by obedience to the Word of the Lord. When the leper defied Jesus’ command, he demonstrated that his healing had been an external one. Therefore, just as Jesus commanded the evil spirits and the demons not to speak, He also commanded the leper not to tell anyone about what had happened. Before the leper did anything else, and especially before the leper was to broadcast the news about his physical healing, Jesus commanded him to first observe the Levitical laws that represented the cleansing of the inside.

This brings us to the end of the first chapter. Jesus has been baptized, fought the devil, proclaimed the gospel, cast out demons, healed the sick, and cleansed a leper. On at least three occasions Jesus told people not to speak about the healings that had taken place. As we continue our study of the Gospel According to Mark, we will take a closer look at how Jesus prepares His disciples (and us) to receive and proclaim the gospel.


1Arcana Coelestia 8864:3-4: “The first thing said … reigns universally in each and all things that follow. Therefore, the first thing said must be kept in the memory in the things that follow and must be regarded as the universal thing that is in them…. The things said by the Lord are all of this nature, namely, that the things said first are to reign in the things which follow, and are to involve them, and so successively the things that follow in the series…. Whatever is first [in any series] is inmost, and what follows in order adds itself to the inmost successively and thus grows. That which is inmost reigns universally in each and all things [and is] essential to the existence of all things.”

2True Christian Religion 342: “The first step toward faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is acknowledging that He is the Son of God. This was the first step toward faith that the Lord revealed and proclaimed when He came into the world…. The Lord said that He would build his church on this rock, that is, on the truth and the confession that He is the Son of God. In fact, a ‘rock’ means a truth…. The confession that Jesus is the Son of God is the very beginning of faith.”

3Apocalypse Revealed 867: “By ‘books’ are not meant books, but the interiors of the mind…. The interiors of the mind are described as ‘books’ because in the interiors of the mind of everyone are inscribed all the things that the person has thought, intended, spoke, and did in the world from the will or the love, and thence from the understanding or faith” See also Arcana Coelestia 9325:3: “In the internal sense of the Word, ‘births’ and ‘generations’ signify the things of the new birth and generation from the Lord.”

4True Christian Religion 110[4-5]: “As people prepare their understanding by means of truths from the Word, they adapt their understanding to the reception of faith from God. And as they prepare their will by works of charity, they accommodate it to the reception of love from God. This can be compared to a worker who cuts a diamond, preparing it to receive and reflect the brilliant rays of light. To prepare oneself for the reception of God, and union with Him, is to live according to divine order, and all the commandments of God are laws of order.”

5True Christian Religion 621:6: “There must be repentance from sins in order that a person may be saved, and unless one repents one remains in the sins in which one was born. Repentance consists in not willing evils because they are contrary to God, in examining oneself … in seeing one’s evils, confessing them before the Lord, imploring help, desisting from them, and beginning a new life; and so far as a person does this and believes on the Lord, a person’s sins are remitted.” See also The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine 207: “Let those therefore who are baptized know, that baptism itself does not give faith nor salvation, but it testifies that they may receive faith and be saved, if they are regenerated.”

6True Christian Religion 138: “The Holy Spirit is … the divine power which proceeds from the one omnipresent God.” See also Apocalypse Explained 278:9: “All power is from the Lord by means of divine truth.”

7True Christian Religion 144: “We read that when Jesus was baptized the heavens opened and John saw the Holy Spirit coming down like a dove. This happened because baptism means regeneration and purification, and so does a dove…. In heaven doves appear quite often. Every time they appear, the angels know that they correspond to feelings and thoughts about regeneration and purification.”

8Arcana Coelestia 9335: “By ‘beasts’ of various kinds mentioned in the Word are signified good and evil affections; consequently, by ‘wild beasts’ are signified the affections of falsity that arise from the delights of the loves of self and of the world. Moreover, these affections are represented in the other life by wild beasts, as by panthers, tigers, wild boars, wolves, and bears. They are also like wild beasts, for those who are in these loves are in evils of every kind and in the derivative falsities, and like wild beasts do they look at and act toward their associates.”

9Arcana Coelestia 5036:3: “In this passage the ‘beasts’ do not mean beasts, but the hells and the evils that rise out of them. And the ‘angels’ who ministered unto Him do not mean angels, but divine truths, through which from His own power He overcame and subjugated the hells.”

10Arcana Coelestia 5120:13: “Temptation arises when evil, by means of falsity, combats against goods and truths. For baptism signifies regeneration, and this is brought about through spiritual combats. Therefore, ‘baptism’ also signifies temptation.”

11Apocalypse Explained 619:16: “John the Baptist’s clothing of ‘camel’s hair,’ which signifies the most exterior things of the natural man, also signifies the most exterior things of the Word. His ‘leathern girdle about the loins’ signifies the external bond and connection of these exterior things with the interior things of the Word, which are spiritual…. By his clothing and his food, John represented the most exterior sense of the Word [which is] the Word in the sense of the letter or the natural sense.”

12Heaven and Hell 311: “All the people in heaven and in hell are from the human race — in heaven the ones who have lived in heavenly love and faith, and in hell the ones who have lived in hellish love and faith…. People who were devils in the world are devils after death.” See also Apocalypse Revealed 458: “In hell, those are called ‘demons’ who [while in the world] did not search out any evil in themselves as a sin against God. Therefore, after death they are called ‘demons.’” See also Apocalypse Explained 586: “By ‘demons’ are meant evil spirits. All evil spirits in hell are nothing but evil desires.”

13Spiritual Experiences 1622: “When spirits begin to speak with a person, one must take care not to believe them at all, for almost everything they say, they have made up, and they are lying. If for example they are allowed to tell what heaven is like, and how matters stand in the heavens, they would tell so many lies, with great assurance, that the person would be astounded…. They are very fond of fabricating, and whenever any topic of conversation is raised, they think they know all about it, and express their opinions about it one after the other, as if they knew exactly; and if anyone then listens to them and believes them, then they press on, and in various ways trick and mislead the person.”

14Apocalypse Explained 586: “In the Word, ‘demons’ signify infernal spirits. All spirits in the hells are nothing but evil lusts…. The affection of evil and falsity is called ‘lust,’ and is signified by the word ‘demon.’”

15. Arcana Coelestia 3919:5: “Lambs without blemish are states of innocence.” See also Arcana Coelestia 4581:4: “Fine flour mingled with oil, signifies celestial good, or what is the same, the good of love, ‘oil’ signifying love to the Lord, and ‘fine flour’ charity toward the neighbor.”

Arcana Coelestia 2634: “The precepts concerning the purification of the heart constitute divine order wholly and in every single detail. To the extent therefore that a person is living within those commandments one lives within divine order.” See also Conjugial Love 340:3: “The Lord directed His teaching to the internal, spiritual self…. Thus, His precepts concerning washing related to the cleansing of the inner self.”

17. Arcana Coelestia 6947:4: “A person who is ‘leprous from his head to his heel’ is one who knows internal truths but does not acknowledge or believe them. Such a one is not inwardly in profanation, but outwardly. This kind of profanation can be removed, and therefore the person is clean. But if the person knows the truths of faith, and believes them, and yet lives contrary to them, the person is in profanation inwardly, as is the case also with one who has once believed, and afterward denies.” See also Arcana Coelestia 716:3: “Leprosy signifies the profanation of holy things.”

From Swedenborg's Works


Arcana Coelestia #5943

Study this Passage

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5943. 'And you will eat the fat of the land' means making the good there their own. This is clear from the meaning of 'eating' as being communicated, joined together, and made one's own, dealt with in 2187, 2343, 3168, 3517 (end), 3832, 4745; and from the meaning of 'the fat of the land' - of Egypt - as the good within the natural. The meaning of 'fat' as that which is celestial or good is clear from many places in the Word, not only the fat found in an animal's body but also fat obtained from other sources, such as butter and oil; and other products with any fat in them - such as milk, honeys, or resins - also mean good in the measure that they have it in them.

[2] 'Fat' was representative of celestial good, thus of love received from the Lord, as is clear from the burnt offerings and sacrifices in these all the fat had to be burned on the altar, thereby providing 'an odour of rest to Jehovah'; and the children of Israel were forbidden because of this to eat fat. From these regulations, as from all the rest, it may be plain to see that the observances established among the Israelites were representative of celestial and spiritual realities and thus held what was holy within them. If this had not been so there would have been no Divine purpose at all behind the requirements to sacrifice all the fat of an animal, making this 'an odour of rest to Jehovah', or behind the Prohibition that forbade the eating of fat, and also of blood. It would surely be a stupid way of thinking about the Divine if one were to believe that He could take pleasure in fat or that Jehovah should make a requirement that did not conceal something deeper. Furthermore a person would be far too earthly - and bodily-minded if he had no interest at all in knowing the real meaning of such requirements; it would be a sign that he had no desire to know anything about the Word and eternal life.

[3] Regarding 'the fat' the following is stated in Moses,

You shall take all the fat covering the entrails, and the omentum over the liver, and the fat on the kidneys; and you shall burn them on the altar. Exodus 29:13, 22.

See also Leviticus 3:4-5, 9-10, 14-15; 4:8-9, 19, 26, 31, 35; 7:3-4. They were also required to sacrifice the fat on the breast, Leviticus 7:30-31. The phrase 'an odour of rest to Jehovah' occurs in the following places,

This is the bread of Jehovah's fire-offering for an odour of rest. Leviticus 3:16. The priest shall sprinkle the blood on the altar of Jehovah, and shall offer the fat for an odour of rest to Jehovah. Leviticus 17:6.

And elsewhere,

The fat of the firstborn of an ox and of a sheep must be burned on the altar as an odour of rest to Jehovah. Numbers 18:17.

'An odour of rest' means the pleasure gained from the good of love.

[4] As regards the non-eating of fat by the children of Israel, Let all the fat be for Jehovah. Therefore this is a perpetual statute throughout your generations, in all your dwelling-places: You shall not eat any fat or any blood. Leviticus 3:16-17.

And elsewhere,

Speak to the children of Israel, saying, You shall not eat any fat, neither of ox, nor sheep, nor she-goat. Everyone who eats the fat from a beast, from one offered as a fire-offering to Jehovah, that soul eating it will be cut off from his peoples. Nor shall you eat any blood Leviticus 7:23-26.

[5] Burnt offerings and sacrifices were the main form taken by Divine worship among those people, 923, 2180. For this reason worship is meant by 'burnt offerings and sacrifices' in general, while the essential nature of worship is meant by what was offered in sacrifice and by the whole procedure followed then. 'The fat and the burning of it' meant the very Divine celestial itself, namely the good of love received from the Lord, as may also be seen in the following places:

In Isaiah,

Jacob, you have not bought Me [sweet] cane with silver, and you have not satisfied Me with the fat of your sacrifices; you have wearied Me so much with your sins. 1 Isaiah 43:24.

'You have not bought [sweet] cane with silver' stands for, You have not acquired the truths of faith for yourself; and 'you have not satisfied Me with the fat of sacrifices' stands for, Nor [have you offered] the good of love.

[6] In David,

I will offer You burnt offerings of fat ones, with the incense of rams. Psalms 66:15.

'Burnt offerings of fat ones' stands for worship fired by love. In Moses,

When it will be said, Where are their gods, the rock in which they trusted, who ate the fat of their sacrifices, [who] drank the wine of their drink-offering? Deuteronomy 32:37-38.

This would have been said by gentiles who imagined that the gods were fed especially by such offerings. They were totally unaware of the fact that 'the fat of sacrifices' was what was celestial, or the good of love, within worship, and that 'the wine of a drink-offering' was the truth of faith derived from that good. These offerings, when they were made, stirred the affections of the angels and were therefore prescribed so that through representatives and correspondences heaven might be near to man.

[7] In David,

Jehovah will remember all your offerings, and will make your burnt offering fat. Psalms 20:3.

'Making a burnt offering fat' stands for making worship good. In Isaiah,

Jehovah Zebaoth will make for all peoples on this mountain a feast of fat things, a feast of lees, 2 of fat things full of marrow, of sedimentary lees. 3 He will swallow up death for ever, and the Lord Jehovah will wipe away tears from upon all faces. Isaiah 25:6, 8.

'A feast' stands for heaven and being joined to angels there through love and charity, 3596, 3832, 5161, 'fat things' being forms of the good of love and charity. In the same prophet,

Why do you spend money on that which is not bread, and your labour on that which does not satisfy? Attend diligently to Me and eat what is good, that your soul may delight itself in fatness. Isaiah 55:2.

[8] In Jeremiah,

I will turn their mourning into joy, and will comfort them, and will give them gladness instead of their sorrow. And I will fill the soul of the priests with fat, and My people will be satisfied with My goodness. Jeremiah 31:13-14.

'Fat' plainly stands for what is good, for it is said that 'the soul will be satisfied' with it and it is referred to as 'Jehovah's goodness', meaning nothing else than what is celestial, which is received from Him. In David,

My soul will be satisfied as with fatness and fat, and my mouth will praise You with joyful lips. 4 Psalms 63:5.

Here the meaning is similar. In the same author,

You have crowned the year of Your goodness, and Your tracks drip with fatness. Psalms 65:11

In the same author,

The sons of man put their trust in the shadow of Your wings. They will be filled with the fat of Your house, and You give them drink from the river of Your delights. Psalms 36:7-8.

In Isaiah,

Then Jehovah will give rain for your seed with which you will sow the land, and bread of the produce of the earth; and there will be fatness and wealthiness. Isaiah 30:23.

[9] In John,

All things fat and splendid have gone away, and you will find them no more. Revelation 18:14.

This refers to Babylon. 'All things fat and splendid have gone away' stands for the departure of all forms of the good of love and truth of faith. In Moses,

He caused him to suck honey out of the crag and oil out of the stony rock - butter from the herd, and milk from the flock, with the fat of lambs and of rams, the breed 5 of Bashan, and of goats, with the kidney-fat of wheat; and of the blood of the grape you drink unmixed wine. Deuteronomy 32:13-14.

This refers to the spiritual Ancient Church, whose various kinds of good - meant by 'honey', 'oil', 'butter', 'milk', and 'fat' - are enumerated.

[10] Because 'fat' meant good, the word was also applied to the kinds of things that had no fat in them but nevertheless had good as their meaning, so that 'fat' and 'good' were so to speak one and the same. An example of this is the fat of wheat in the verses quoted immediately above, and similarly in David,

I would feed them with the fat of wheat. Psalms 81:16.

And elsewhere,

He is the one who makes peace your border, and with the fat of wheat He satisfies you. Psalms 147:14.

Also in Moses,

Because all the fat of the pure oil, and all the fat of the new wine and of the grain, which were the first fruits, were Jehovah's, they were given to Aaron. Numbers 18:12.


1. literally, so much have you made Me serve through your sins

2. i.e. sweet wines

3. i.e. well-refined, very mature wines

4. literally, lips of songs

5. literally, sons

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.