The Harrowing of Hell Explained (Matthew 27:52)

Ovo je izvorni tekst: The Harrowing of Hell, autor Jonathan S. Rose


We explore the popular medieval idea, captured earlier in two of the ecumenical creeds, that after He died on the cross, Jesus descended "into hell." In later Christianity, this idea has been largely swept aside. We look at it from a fresh perspective and see how it relates to our lives.

Izradio ili preveo: Jonathan S. Rose

Datum nastanka: 2012

Kreditna: Spirit and Life Bible Study

Autorska prava: Spirit and Life Bible Study

Copyright by Spirit and Life Bible Study. All rights reserved.

Licenca: Used with permission - vidjeti uslove

Oko: Spirit and Life Bible Study began on July 28, 2010. Its purpose is to look at the Bible, the whole Bible, and nothing but the Bible, through a Swedenborgian lens.

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