Jesus Cures a Deaf Man

Hic est textus originalis: Jesus Cures a Deaf Man, ab Junchol Lee.


In the stories of Jesus’s miracles found in the Gospels, over and over again, he only heals those who either happen to be found on his way and cry out to him or those who have been brought before him by caring hands. In Mark 7, Jesus heals a man who is deaf and mute. What is the significance of this story?

Factum vel convertatum a(b): Junchol Lee

Dies creationis: 2011

Prolatio: Thanks to the Rev. Junchol Lee, the San Francisco Swedenborgian Church, and the Louis C. Iungerich Publication Fund for their support for publishing these talks.

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

Potestas: Used with permission - Conditiones manifestae:


Relatio Suggesta:

Jesus Cures a Deaf Man. Retrieved from:
