스웨덴보그의 저서에서


Om Himlen och om Helvetet #1

해당 구절 연구하기

/ 603  


När Herren inför lärjungarna talar om tidevarvets fulländning, som är kyrkans sista tid 1 , säger Han vid slutet av förutsägelserna om dess efter varandra följande tillstånd med avseende på kärlek och tro 2 :

»Strax efter de dagarnas bedrövelse skall solen förmörkas, och månen skall inte giva sitt sken, och stjärnorna skola falla från himlen, och himlarnas krafter skola bäva. Och då skall Människosonens tecken synas i himlen; och då skola jordens alla stammar jämra sig, och de skola se Människosonen komma i himlens skyar med makt och mycken härlighet. Och Han skall utsända sina änglar med basun och stor röst, och de skola församla Hans utvalda från de fyra vindarna, från himlarnas ena ände till den andra.» (Matteus 24:29-31.)

De som förstå dessa ord efter bokstavsmeningen tro inte annat än att på den sista tid som kallas den yttersta domen skall allt detta ske i enlighet med den bokstavliga skildringen. De tro sålunda inte endast, att solen och månen skola förmörkas, och att stjärnorna skola falla från himlen, samt att Herrens tecken skall synas i himlen, och att de skola se Honom i skyarna jämte änglar med basuner, utan även, enligt förutsägelser på andra ställen, att hela den synliga världen skall förgås, och att det sedan skall uppstå en ny himmel och en ny jord.

Denna uppfattning ha de flesta i kyrkan nu för tiden. Men de som tro så känna inte till de hemligheter som är dolda i Ordets alla enskilda ting. Ty i varje särskilt uttryck i Ordet är det en inre mening, i vilken inte förstås naturliga och världsliga saker, sådana som är i bokstavsmeningen, utan andliga och himmelska ting, och detta inte endast med avseende på meningen av flera ord, utan även med avseende på vart enda ord 3 . Ordet är nämligen skrivet helt och hållet medelst motsvarigheter 4 för det ändamåls skull, att det må vara en inre mening i alla enskilda ting. Hur beskaffad den meningen är, kan inses av allt som blivit sagt och visat därom i Arcana Coelestia (Himmelska Hemligheter) och även av vad som sammanförts därifrån i förklaringen om Vita Hästen, varom talas i Uppenbarelseboken.

Enligt samma mening bör man förstå Herrens ovan anförda ord om sin ankomst i himlens skyar. Med solen, som skall förmörkas, betecknas Herren med hänsyn till kärleken 5 ; med månen Herren med avseende på tron 6 ; med stjärnorna kunskaperna om det goda och det sanna eller om kärlek och tro 7 ; med Människosonens tecken i himlen uppenbarandet av den Gudomliga Sanningen; med jordens stammar, som skola jämra sig, allt som hör till det sanna och det goda eller till tro och kärlek 8 ; med Herrens ankomst i himlens skyar med makt och härlighet Hans närvaro i Ordet och uppenbarelse 9 ; med skyar betecknas Ordets bokstavsmening 10 , och med härlighet Ordets inre mening 11 ; med änglar med basun och stor röst betecknas himlen, varifrån den Gudomliga Sanningen är 12 .

Härav kan man inse, att med dessa Herrens ord förstås, att vid kyrkans slut, då det inte mer finns någon kärlek och i följd därav inte heller någon tro, Herren skall upplåta sitt Ord med avseende på dess inre mening och uppenbara himlens hemligheter. De hemligheter som skola uppenbaras i vad som nu följer angå himlen och helvetet samt människans liv efter döden.

Den människa som tillhör kyrkan känner nu för tiden knappt något om himlen och helvetet, ej heller om sitt liv efter döden, ehuru alla dessa saker är beskrivna i Ordet. Ja, många som är födda inom kyrkan förneka dem även, sägande i sitt hjärta: Vem har kommit därifrån och berättat? För att inte ett sådant förnekande, som i synnerhet råder hos dem som ha mycken världslig vishet, även må besmitta och fördärva de i hjärtat okonstlade och de i tron enkla, har det givits mig att vara tillsammans med änglar och att tala med dem såsom en människa med en människa samt även att se, vad som är i himlarna och vad som är i helvetena, och detta nu i tretton år. Därför får jag nu beskriva dessa ting på grund av vad jag har sett och hört, i förhoppning om att okunnigheten sålunda må upplysas och otron skingras. Att nu för tiden en sådan omedelbar uppenbarelse sker, är därför, att det är den som förstås med Herrens ankomst.


1. »Tidevarvets fulländning» är kyrkans sista tid, Himmelska Hemligheter 4535, 10672.

2. Herrens förutsägelser i Matteus kap. 24 och 25 om tidevarvets fulländning och sin ankomst, således om kyrkans steg för steg fortgående ödeläggelse och om yttersta domen, förklaras i inledningarna till kapitlen 26-40 av Första Mosebok Himmelska Hemligheter 3353-3356, 3486-3489, 3650-3655, 3751-3759, 3897-3901, 4056-4060, 4229-4231, 4332-4335, 4422-4424, 4635-4638, 4661-4664, 4807-4810, 4954-4959, 5063-5071.

3. Att det i Ordets alla samtliga och enskilda ting finns en inre eller andlig mening, Himmelska Hemligheter 1143, 1984, 2135, 2333, 2395, 2495, 4442, 9049, 9063, 9086.

4. Att Ordet är skrivet helt och hållet medelst motsvarigheter, och att på grund därav alla samtliga och enskilda saker däri beteckna andliga ting, Himmelska Hemligheter 1404, 1408, 1409, 1540, 1619, 1659, 1709, 1783, 2900, 9086.

5. Att solen i Ordet betecknar Herren med hänsyn till kärleken och i följd därav kärlek till Herren Himmelska Hemligheter 1529, 1837, 2441, 2495, 4060, 4696, 4996, 7083, 10809.

6. Att månen i Ordet betecknar Herren med hänsyn till tron och i följd därav tro på Herren Himmelska Hemligheter 1529, 1530, 2495, 4060, 4996, 7083.

7. Att stjärnorna i Ordet beteckna kunskaper om det goda och det sanna Himmelska Hemligheter 2495, 2849, 4697.

8. Att stammar beteckna alla sanningar och godheter i en sammanfattning, sålunda trons och kärlekens alla ting Himmelska Hemligheter 3858, 3926, 4060, 6335.

9. Att Herrens ankomst är Hans närvaro i Ordet samt uppenbarelse Himmelska Hemligheter 3900, 4060.

10. Att skyarna i Ordet beteckna Ordet i bokstaven eller dess bokstavsmening Himmelska Hemligheter 4060, 4391, 5922, 6343, 6752, 8106, 8781, 9430, 10551, 10574.

11. Att härlighet i Ordet betecknar den Gudomliga Sanningen sådan den är i himlen och sådan den är i Ordets inre mening Himmelska Hemligheter 4809, 5292, 5922, 8267, 8427, 9429, 10574.

12. Att basun eller trumpet betecknar den Gudomliga Sanningen i himlen och uppenbarad från himlen Himmelska Hemligheter 8815, 8823, 8915; detsamma betecknas med röst nr 6971, 9926.

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Matteus 25



1 »Då skall det vara med himmelriket, såsom när tio jungfrur togo sina lampor och gingo ut för att möta brudgummen.

2 Men fem av dem voro oförståndiga, och fem voro förståndiga.

3 De oförståndiga togo väl sina lampor, men togo ingen olja med sig.

4 De förståndiga åter togo olja i sina kärl, tillika med lamporna.

5 Då nu brudgummen dröjde, blevo de alla sömniga och somnade.

6 Men vid midnattstiden ljöd ett anskri: 'Se brudgummen kommer! Gån ut och möten honom.'

7 Då stodo alla jungfrurna upp och redde till sina lampor.

8 Och de oförståndiga sade till de förståndiga: 'Given oss av eder olja, ty våra lampor slockna.'

9 Men de förståndiga svarade och sade: 'Nej, den skulle ingalunda räcka till för både oss och eder. Gån hellre bort till dem som sälja, och köpen åt eder.'

10 Men när de gingo bort för att köpa, kom brudgummen, och de som voro redo gingo in med honom till bröllopet, och dörren stängdes igen.

11 Omsider kommo ock de andra jungfrurna och sade: 'Herre, herre, låt upp för oss.'

12 Men han svarade och sade: 'Sannerligen säger jag eder: Jag känner eder icke.'

13 Vaken fördenskull; ty I veten icke dagen, ej heller stunden.

14 Ty det skall ske, likasom när en man som ville fara utrikes kallade till sig sina tjänare och överlämnade åt dem sina ägodelar;

15 åt en gav han fem pund, åt en annan två och åt en tredje ett pund, åt var och en efter hans förmåga, och for utrikes.

16 Strax gick då den som hade fått de fem punden bort och förvaltade dem så, att han med dem vann andra fem pund.

17 Den som hade fått de två punden vann på samma sätt andra två.

18 Men den som hade fått ett pund gick bort och grävde en grop i jorden och gömde där sin herres penningar.

19 En lång tid därefter kom tjänarnas herre hem och höll räkenskap med dem.

20 Då trädde den fram, som hade fått de fem punden, och bar fram andra fem pund och sade: 'Herre, du överlämnade åt mig fem pund; se, andra fem pund har jag vunnit.'

21 Hans herre svarade honom: 'Rätt så, du gode och trogne tjänare! När du var satt över det som ringa är, var du trogen; jag skall sätta dig över mycket. Gå in i din herres glädje.'

22 Så trädde ock den fram, som hade fått de två punden, och sade: 'Herre, du överlämnade åt mig två pund; se, andra två pund har jag vunnit.'

23 Hans herre svarade honom: 'Rätt så, du gode och trogne tjänare! När du var satt över det som ringa är, var du trogen; jag skall sätta dig över mycket. Gå in i din herres glädje.'

24 Sedan trädde ock den fram, som hade fått ett pund, och sade: 'Herre, jag hade lärt känna dig såsom en sträng man, som vill skörda, där du icke har sått, och inbärga, där du icke har utstrött;

25 och av fruktan för dig gick jag bort och gömde ditt pund i jorden. Se här har du vad dig tillhör.'

26 svarade hans herre och sade till honom: 'Du onde och late tjänare, du visste att jag vill skörda, där jag icke har sått, och inbärga, där jag icke har utstrött?

27 Då borde du också hava satt in mina penningar i en bank, så att jag hade fått igen mitt med ränta, när jag kom hem.

28 Tagen därför ifrån honom hans pund, och given det åt den som har de tio punden.

29 Ty var och en som har, åt honom skall varda givet, så att han får över nog; men den som icke har, från honom skall tagas också det han har.

30 Och kasten den oduglige tjänaren ut i mörkret härutanför.' Där skall vara gråt och tandagnisslan.

31 Men när Människosonen kommer i sin härlighet, och alla änglar med honom, då skall han sätta sig sin härlighets tron.

32 Och inför honom skola församlas alla folk och han skall skilja dem från varandra, såsom en herde skiljer fåren ifrån getterna.

33 Och fåren skall han ställa på sin högra sida, och getterna på den vänstra.

34 Därefter skall Konungen säga till dem som stå på hans högra sida: 'Kommen, I min Faders välsignade, och tagen i besittning det rike som är tillrett åt eder från världens begynnelse.

35 Ty jag var hungrig, och I gåven mig att äta; jag var törstig, och I gåven mig att dricka; jag var husvill, och I gåven mig härbärge,

36 naken, och I klädden mig; jag var sjuk, och I besökten mig; jag var i fängelse, och I kommen till mig.'

37 Då skola de rättfärdiga svara honom och säga: 'Herre, när sågo vi dig hungrig och gåvo dig mat, eller törstig och gåvo dig att dricka?

38 Och när sågo vi dig husvill och gåvo dig härbärge, eller naken och klädde dig?

39 Och när sågo vi dig sjuk eller i fängelse och kommo till dig?'

40 Då skall Konungen svara och säga till dem: 'Sannerligen säger jag eder: Vadhelst I haven gjort mot en av dessa mina minsta bröder, det haven I gjort mot mig.'

41 Därefter skall han ock säga till dem som stå på hans vänstra sida: 'Gån bort ifrån mig, I förbannade, till den eviga elden, som är tillredd åt djävulen och hans änglar.

42 Ty jag var hungrig, och I gåven mig icke att äta; jag var törstig, och I gåven mig icke att dricka;

43 jag var husvill, och I gåven mig icke härbärge, naken, och I klädden mig icke, sjuk och i fängelse, och I besökten mig icke.'

44 Då skola också de svara och säga: 'Herre, när sågo vi dig hungrig eller törstig eller husvill eller naken eller sjuk eller i fängelse och tjänade dig icke?'

45 Då skall han svara dem och säga: 'Sannerligen säger jag eder: Vadhelst I icke haven gjort mot en av dessa minsta, det haven I ej heller gjort mot mig.'

46 Och dessa skola då då bort till evigt straff, men de rättfärdiga till evigt liv


스웨덴보그의 저서에서


Apocalypse Explained #513

해당 구절 연구하기

/ 1232  

513. And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had lives, died.- That this signifies that every living scientific in the natural man died, is clear from the signification of dying as denoting to perish spiritually, or as to the life of heaven; and from the signification of third part, as denoting all (see above, n. 506); and from the signification of the creatures in the sea, or fishes, which denote scientifics, of which we shall speak presently; and from the signification of having lives, as denoting to be alive. Therefore by the third part of the creatures in the sea that had lives dying, is signified the perishing of every living scientific. A living scientific means a scientific which derives life from spiritual affection; for this affection gives life to truths, and consequently life to scientifics, scientifics being the containants of spiritual truths, as may be seen above (n. 506, 507, 511).

[2] The reason why the creatures of the sea, or fishes, signify scientifics is, that the sea signifies the natural man, and therefore the fishes in the sea signify scientifics themselves in the natural man. That fish signify these things is also from correspondence; for spirits who are not in spiritual truths, but in natural truths only, which are scientifics, appear in the spiritual world in seas like fish, when seen by those who are above. It is their thoughts, which proceed from the scientifics which they possess, that have this appearance. For all the ideas of the thought of angels and of spirits are turned into various representatives outside of them; when into such things as belong to the vegetable kingdom, they are changed into trees and shrubs of various kinds; but when into such things as belong to the animal kingdom, they are turned into animals of the earth, and into birds of various kinds. When the ideas of the angels of heaven are turned into animals of the earth, they are changed into lambs, sheep, she-goats, heifers, horses, mules, and others of a similar kind; but when into birds, they are turned into turtle-doves, doves, and many kinds of beautiful birds; but on the other hand the ideas of the thought of those who are natural, and think from scientifics alone, are turned into the forms of fishes. For this reason various species of fish appear in the seas, which I have been often permitted to see.

[3] Hence it is that in the Word fishes signify scientifics as in the following places.

In Isaiah:

"At my rebuke, I dry up the sea; I make the rivers a wilderness; their fish shall grow putrid, because there is no water, and shall die of thirst" (50:2).

The rebuke of Jehovah means the destruction of the church, which comes to pass when there is no knowledge of good and truth, or no living cognition, because no perception. Drying up the sea, signifies to deprive the natural man of scientific truths, and thence of natural derived from spiritual life. To make the rivers a wilderness, has a similar signification in regard to the rational man, in consequence of which there is no longer any intelligence; their fish becoming putrid, because there is no water, and dying of thirst, signifies that the scientific is no longer alive, because not true, fish denoting what is scientific, water, truth, while to grow putrid, denotes to die as to spiritual life.

[4] It is said here similarly of the sea that the third part of it became blood, and that thence a third part of the creatures therein died. Also it is said of Egypt that its river and all its waters became blood, and that in consequence the fish died. Moses told Pharaoh that the waters of the river should be turned into blood, and that the fish should consequently die, and the river stink, so that the Egyptians would loathe to drink of the waters of the river. This also took place with all the water in Egypt (Exodus 7:17-20).

Concerning this circumstance it is thus written in David:

"He turned their waters into blood, and killed their fish" (Psalm. 105:29).

The reason why similar things were done in Egypt is, that Egypt signified the natural man as to the scientifics thereof, or the scientific of the natural man. The river of Egypt signifies intelligence procured by means of scientifics; the river being turned into blood, signifies that that intelligence is from pure falsities; by the fish dying, is signified that scientific truths perished by falsities, for scientifics live by truths but perish by falsities, the reason of which is, that all spiritual truth is living, and the entire life or, as it were, the soul in scientifics is thence, wherefore without spiritual truth, the scientific is dead.

[5] In Ezekiel:

"Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh, king of Egypt, the great whale that lieth in the midst of his rivers, which hath said, My river is mine own, and I have made myself. But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto thy scales, and I will bring thee up out of the midst of thy rivers, and all the fish of thy rivers shall stick unto thy scales. And I will leave thee in the wilderness, thee and all the fish of thy rivers" (29:3, 4, 5).

Pharaoh has a similar signification to Egypt, the king like the people signifies the natural man, and the scientific therein. On this account he is called a great whale. For a whale or sea monster signifies what is scientific in general, and therefore it is said that he shall be drawn out of the river, and that the fish shall stick to his scales, which signifies that all intelligence would perish, and that the knowledge (scientia) in the sensual man in the place of it would be without life. In the sensual man, which is the lowest natural man lying nearest to the world, there are fallacies and thence falsities, and this is signified by the fish adhering to the scales of the whale. That the natural man, and what is scientific therein, would be without life from any intelligence, is signified by, "I will leave thee in the wilderness, thee and all the fish of thy rivers." That such things would come to pass through the natural man ascribing all intelligence to itself, is signified by the words, "which hath said, My river is mine own, and I have made myself," river denoting intelligence.

[6] In Moses:

The sons of Israel in the wilderness said, "We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlick; but now our soul is dried up; there is nothing at all beside this manna before our eyes. Afterwards a wind went forth from Jehovah, and brought quails from the sea, and let them fall over the camp." But because of their lust "Jehovah smote the people with a very great plague; and the name of that place was called the graves of lust (Kibroth-hattaavah)" (Num. 11:5, 6, 31, 33, 34).

These words signify that the sons of Israel turned away from spiritual things, and greedily desired natural things; for they were merely natural, and not spiritual, only representing the spiritual church by external things. That they turned away from spiritual things, is signified by their saying "our soul is dried up, there is nothing at all beside this manna before our eyes," manna signifying spiritual food, which is knowledge (scientia), intelligence, and wisdom. That they greedily desired natural things, is signified by their lusting after the fish of Egypt, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlick; all these signify such things as pertain to the lowest natural, that is, to the corporeal sensual man; and because they rejected spiritual things, and desired merely natural things instead of them, therefore they were smitten with a great plague, and the name given to the place was "the graves of lust."

[7] In Ezekiel:

He said unto me, "These waters issue out toward the eastern border, and go down into the plain, and go towards the sea; which being brought forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed, therefore it comes to pass, that every living soul which creepeth, whithersoever the rivers come, shall live whence a very great multitude of fish. Therefore it comes to pass that the fishers shall stand upon it from Engedi, even unto En-eglaim; in the spreading of nets they are present; their fish shall be according to their kind, as the fish of the great sea, exceeding many. But the miry places and the marshes thereof shall not be healed; they shall be given to salt" (47:1, 8-11).

The subject here is the house of God which signifies heaven and the church; and the waters issuing out of the house of God towards the east, signify the Divine Truth reforming and regenerating; by the plain and by the sea into which the waters descend, are signified the ultimates of heaven and the church, which, with the men of the church, are those things that pertain to the natural and sensual man; by the plain are signified the interior things thereof, and by the sea, the exterior things thereof. That knowledges from the Word, as well as confirmatory scientifics, receive spiritual life by means of that Divine Truth, is signified by the waters of the sea being thence healed, and by every living soul which creepeth, and by there being a great multitude of fish; that there shall thence be true and living scientifics of every kind, is signified by the fish being according to their kind, as the fish of the great sea, exceeding many. Those who are reformed, and thence become intelligent, are meant by the fishers from Engedi, even to En-eglaim. Those who cannot be reformed, because they are in the falsities of evil, are signified by the miry places and marshes, which are not healed, and are given to salt. That fishes multiplied by waters issuing out of the house of God are not here meant, every one can see, but that fishes mean such things in man as can be reformed, because the house of God means heaven and the church, and the waters issuing therefrom mean the Divine Truth reforming.

[8] In the Word throughout, mention is made of the beast of the earth, the bird of heaven, and the fish of the sea, and he who does not know that the beast of the earth, or of the field, means the Voluntary of man, the bird of heaven, his Intellectual, and the fish of the sea, his Scientific, cannot at all know the meaning of those expressions; as in the following passages.

In Hosea:

"Jehovah hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the earth, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the earth. Therefore shall the earth mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall pine away, among the beast of the field, and among the bird of the heavens; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away" (4:1, 3).

In Zephaniah:

"I will consume man and beast, I will consume the bird of the heavens, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling-blocks with the wicked" (1:3).

In Ezekiel:

"In the day when God shall come against the land of Israel, there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel, and the fishes of the sea, and the birds of the heavens, and the beasts of the field, shall tremble before my presence" (38:18, 19, 20).

In Job:

"Ask the beasts, and they shall teach thee; or the birds of the heaven, and they shall tell thee; or the thicket of the earth, and it shall teach thee; and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee. Who knoweth not from all these that the hand of Jehovah doeth that?" (12:7-9).

In these passages, the beasts of the field mean the Voluntary of man, the birds of the heavens, his Intellectual; and the fish of the sea, his Scientific. For what other reason would it be said, "the beasts shall teach thee, the birds of the heaven shall tell thee, and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee that the hand of Jehovah doeth this?" It is also said, "Who knoweth not from all these?"

[9] Similarly in David:

"Thou hast made him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet. The flock and all herds, the beasts of the fields; the bird of the heaven, and the fish of the sea, passing through the paths of the sea" (Psalm 8:6-8).

These things are said concerning the Lord, and His dominion. That He has dominion over the angels in the heavens, and over man on the earth, is known from the Word, for He Himself says, that all power is given to Him in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18). But that dominion was given to Him over animals, birds, and fishes, is not of sufficient importance to be mentioned in the Word, where all things, even the most minute, have reference to heaven and the church. It is evident therefore that the flock and the herds, the beasts of the field, the bird of the heaven, and the fish of the sea, mean such things as pertain to heaven with the angels, and to the church with man. The flock and the herds signify, in general, spiritual things and natural things; the flock, spiritual things; and herds, natural things pertaining to man, or those things that belong to his spiritual mind and to his natural mind. Beasts of the field signify voluntary things, which pertain to the affections; the birds of heaven, intellectual things, which pertain to the thoughts; and fishes of the sea, things scientific, which pertain to the natural man.

[10] Similar things are signified by these words in the first chapter of Genesis:

"God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; in order that they may have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the bird of the heaven, and over every animal creeping upon the earth" (verses 26-28).

The subject of that chapter, in the internal spiritual sense, is the establishment of the Most Ancient Church, thus the new creation or regeneration of the men of that church. That it was granted them to perceive all things of their affection, which are of the will, and to see all things of their thought, which are of the understanding, and so to rule those things, lest they should fall away into the lusts of evil and into falsities, is meant by the words, "in order that they may have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the bird of the heaven, and over every animal of the earth." And man rules over these when the Lord rules over man, for man of himself cannot rule over any thing in himself. Such things are signified by the fish of the sea, the bird of the heaven, and the beast of the field, because they correspond. In the spiritual world it is made clear to the sight that the interior things of man correspond to such things; for there beasts of every kind appear, also birds, and in the seas, fishes which are nevertheless nothing else but the ideas of thought which flow forth from the affections and are presented to view under such forms, because they correspond.

[11] Because fishes signify the scientifics and knowledges of the natural man, which are to the spiritual man the means of becoming wise, therefore fishers, in the Word, mean those who are in knowledges only, and who procure knowledges for themselves, and also those who teach others, and reform them by means of knowledges. This work of theirs is meant by the casting and spreading of nets, as in the following passages.

In Isaiah:

"The fishers shall mourn, and all they that cast the hook into the river shall be sad, and they that spread the net upon the faces of the waters shall languish" (19:8).

Here the fishers that cast the hook into the river, and they that spread the net, mean those who desire to procure for themselves cognitions, and by means of them intelligence; here that they are not able, because the cognitions of truth no where exist.

[12] In Jeremiah:

"I will bring again" the sons of Israel "into their land, I will send for many fishers, saith Jehovah, and they shall fish them; then will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks" (16:15, 16).

By sending for fishers to fish them, and for hunters to hunt them, is meant to call together and establish the church with those who are in natural good, and in spiritual good, as may be seen above (n. 405:7).

[13] And in Habakkuk:

"Wherefore makest thou man as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping thing that hath none to rule it. Let him draw out all of them with a hook and gather him into his net. Shall he therefore empty his net, and not spare continually to slay the nations?" (1:14, 15, 17).

These things are said concerning the Chaldean nation vastating and destroying the church; the Chaldean nation signifying the profanation of truth, and the vastation of the church. To make men as the fishes of the sea, and as the reptile that hath none to rule it, signifies to make man so natural, that his scientifics are without spiritual truth, and his pleasures without spiritual good. For in the natural man there are scientifics by means of which there are thoughts, and pleasures, and by means of these there are affections; if the spiritual man does not rule over these, both thoughts and affections are wandering, and thus man is destitute of the intelligence, which should teach and rule him. That in this case they can be drawn over to their side by every falsity and evil and so destroyed altogether, is signified by, "let him draw out all of them with a hook, and gather into his net, and afterwards he shall slay." To draw out means away from truth and good; into his net, means into falsity and evil; and to slay, denotes to destroy.

[14] In Amos:

"The days shall come in which they shall draw you out with hooks, and your posterity with fish-hooks" (4:2).

These words signify that they would be led by subtle reasonings from falsities and fallacies, and be turned away from truths. These things are said concerning those who abound in knowledges because they have the Word and the prophets, and they are meant there by the kine of Bashan in the mountain of Samaria. From these things it is now evident what is meant by fishermen, fishes, and nets, so often mentioned in the New Testament, as in the following passages:

[15] "And Jesus saw two brethren, Simon, called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishers. And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men" (Matthew 4:18, 19; Mark 1:16, 17).

And in another place it is said that Jesus, having entered into Simon's ship, taught the multitude, and afterwards told Simon to let down their nets for a draught, and they caught a great multitude of fish, so that their ships were filled, and began to sink; and they were all astonished at the draught of fish; and He said to Simon, Fear not, from henceforth thou shalt catch men (Luke 5:3-10).

In these words also there is a spiritual sense, just as in the other parts of the Word. The Lord's choosing the fishermen, and saying that they should become fishers of men, signified that they should gather men to the church; the nets which they let down, and in which they inclosed a great multitude of fish, so that the ships began to sink, signified the reformation of the church by their means; for fishes there signify the knowledges of truth and good by which reformation takes place, also the multitude of men who would be reformed.

[16] Similar things are also signified by the draught of fish taken by the disciples after the resurrection of the Lord, concerning which it is stated in John, that when Jesus showed Himself to His disciples who were fishing, He told them to cast their net on the right side of the ship; and they caught and were not able to draw the net for the multitude of fish. And after they came to land they saw a hearth [or fire of coals] there and a little fish laid thereon, and bread, and similarly Jesus gave them bread and fish (21:2-13). The reason why the Lord showed Himself to His disciples while they were fishing, was, that to fish signified to teach the cognitions of truth and good, and so to reform. He commanded them to cast the net on the right side of the ship, which signifies that all things are from the good of love and of charity; for the right signifies the good from which they are; for cognitions live, and multiply so far as they are recipients of good. They said also, that they had laboured all the night, and taken nothing, which signifies that nothing was from themselves or their proprium, but everything was from the Lord. Similar also was the signification of the hearth [or fire of coals] on which there was a little fish, and of the bread; for the bread signified the Lord, and the good of love from Him, and the little fish upon the hearth the knowledge of truth from good; the little fish, the knowledge of truth, and the hearth or fire, good. At that time there were not any spiritual men, for the church was wholly vastated, but all were natural, the reformation of these was represented by that fishing, and also by the fish upon the hearth. He who supposes that the fish upon that hearth and the bread given to the disciples to eat are not significative of something of a higher nature, is much mistaken. For everything that the Lord did and said, signified celestial Divine things, which are made evident only by the spiritual sense. That a hearth and fire, denote the good of love, and bread the Lord as to that good, has been shown above; and that fish denote the cognition of truth, and the Scientific of the natural man, is evident from what has been said and shown in this article.

[17] The Lord also says that:

"The kingdom of the heavens is like unto a net (sagena), that was cast into the sea, and which gathered of every kind; which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away. So shall it be in the consummation of the age" (Matthew 13:47-49).

The separation of the good and the evil is here likened to a net cast into the sea which gathered of every kind of fish, because fish signify natural men as to scientifics and cognitions, and these, in the consummation of the age, or at the time of a last judgment, are separated. For there are good natural men and wicked natural men, the separation of whom in the spiritual world appears like a net (rete) or drag-net (sagena) cast into the sea, drawing the fish together, and bringing them to shore. This appearance is from correspondence, therefore the Lord likened the kingdom of the heavens to a net (sagena) which drew the fish together. That such is the appearance of the separation of the good from the evil, I have also seen.

[18] That natural men are signified by fish, is evident from this miracle of the Lord:

"They that received the half shekel (didrachma) came." Jesus said to Simon, "Of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? of their own sons, or of strangers? Peter saith unto him, Of strangers. Jesus saith unto him, Then are the sons free. Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea and cast a hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money (stater); that take, and give unto them for me and thee" (Matthew 17:24-27).

The paying of tribute or custom signified subjection and servitude; therefore tribute was levied on strangers, who were not of the sons of Israel, as is clear from the historical parts of the Word. The sons of Israel, with whom the church was, signified those who are spiritual, and strangers, those who are natural. The Natural is subject to the Spiritual, and serves it, for the spiritual man is as a lord, and the natural man as a servant; and because the natural are servants, and thus are meant by those who are tributary, therefore it came to pass that neither the Lord nor Peter paid tribute, but the fish, by which the natural man is signified.

That the Lord glorified His Human even to its ultimate, which is called natural and sensual, is signified by the following:

Jesus showed Himself to His disciples and said, "Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I; handle me and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. And he showed them his hands and his feet, and said unto them, Have ye here any meat? They gave him a piece of a broiled fish, and of a honeycomb. And he took it, and did eat before them" (Luke 24:38-43).

[19] That the Lord glorified His Human even to its ultimate, which is called natural and sensual, He proved by His showing His hands and His feet; by His disciples touching these, and by His saying that a spirit had not flesh and bones as He [had], and also by His eating of the broiled fish and honeycomb. By the hands and feet are signified the ultimates of man; similarly by the flesh and bones. The broiled fish signifies the Natural as to truth from good, and honey the Natural as to good from which is truth. These things were eaten in the presence of the disciples, because they corresponded to the natural man and therefore signified it. For a fish, as shown in this article, signifies, from correspondence, the Natural as to what is scientific; therefore also a fish, in the Word, signifies the scientific, and the cognitive faculty of the natural man, and a broiled fish signifies the scientific which is from natural good; but, with the Lord, it signified the Natural Divine as to truth from good. That honey signifies natural good, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 5620, 6857, 10137, 10530). He who is ignorant of the fact that there is a spiritual sense in every part of the Word, and that the sense of the letter, which is the natural sense, consists of correspondences with spiritual things, cannot understand the arcanum why the Lord ate of the broiled fish, and of the honeycomb in the presence of His disciples, and also, why He gave broiled fish and bread to His disciples, although every particular thing that the Lord spoke and did, was Divine, and these are interiorly stored up in every thing written in the Word.

[20] It is now evident from these things that the words, "And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had lives, died," signify that every living scientific in the natural man perished, or, what is the same, that the natural man as to the scientifics therein died; this is said to be dead when it is not vivified from the spiritual man, that is, by influx out of heaven from the Lord through the spiritual man, for the Lord flows through the spiritual man into the natural; therefore when no truth of heaven is any longer acknowledged, nor any good of heaven operates, then the spiritual mind which is called the spiritual man, is closed, and the natural mind receives merely falsities from evil; and falsities from evil are spiritually dead, for truths from good are spiritually living.

[21] It is said, "the third part of the creatures," because creatures and animals in the Word, signify the affections and thence the thoughts in man; consequently, men themselves in regard to these are also meant. Creatures, have a similar meaning in Mark:

Jesus said to His disciples, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" (16:15).

And also above in the Apocalypse:

"And every creature which is in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and which are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, unto the ages of the ages" (5:13).

That by every creature are there meant both angels and men is evident, for it is said that he "heard them saying." See above (n. 342-346), where these things are explained.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.