

Om Himlen och om Helvetet#1


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När Herren inför lärjungarna talar om tidevarvets fulländning, som är kyrkans sista tid 1 , säger Han vid slutet av förutsägelserna om dess efter varandra följande tillstånd med avseende på kärlek och tro 2 :

»Strax efter de dagarnas bedrövelse skall solen förmörkas, och månen skall inte giva sitt sken, och stjärnorna skola falla från himlen, och himlarnas krafter skola bäva. Och då skall Människosonens tecken synas i himlen; och då skola jordens alla stammar jämra sig, och de skola se Människosonen komma i himlens skyar med makt och mycken härlighet. Och Han skall utsända sina änglar med basun och stor röst, och de skola församla Hans utvalda från de fyra vindarna, från himlarnas ena ände till den andra.» (Matteus 24:29-31.)

De som förstå dessa ord efter bokstavsmeningen tro inte annat än att på den sista tid som kallas den yttersta domen skall allt detta ske i enlighet med den bokstavliga skildringen. De tro sålunda inte endast, att solen och månen skola förmörkas, och att stjärnorna skola falla från himlen, samt att Herrens tecken skall synas i himlen, och att de skola se Honom i skyarna jämte änglar med basuner, utan även, enligt förutsägelser på andra ställen, att hela den synliga världen skall förgås, och att det sedan skall uppstå en ny himmel och en ny jord.

Denna uppfattning ha de flesta i kyrkan nu för tiden. Men de som tro så känna inte till de hemligheter som är dolda i Ordets alla enskilda ting. Ty i varje särskilt uttryck i Ordet är det en inre mening, i vilken inte förstås naturliga och världsliga saker, sådana som är i bokstavsmeningen, utan andliga och himmelska ting, och detta inte endast med avseende på meningen av flera ord, utan även med avseende på vart enda ord 3 . Ordet är nämligen skrivet helt och hållet medelst motsvarigheter 4 för det ändamåls skull, att det må vara en inre mening i alla enskilda ting. Hur beskaffad den meningen är, kan inses av allt som blivit sagt och visat därom i Arcana Coelestia (Himmelska Hemligheter) och även av vad som sammanförts därifrån i förklaringen om Vita Hästen, varom talas i Uppenbarelseboken.

Enligt samma mening bör man förstå Herrens ovan anförda ord om sin ankomst i himlens skyar. Med solen, som skall förmörkas, betecknas Herren med hänsyn till kärleken 5 ; med månen Herren med avseende på tron 6 ; med stjärnorna kunskaperna om det goda och det sanna eller om kärlek och tro 7 ; med Människosonens tecken i himlen uppenbarandet av den Gudomliga Sanningen; med jordens stammar, som skola jämra sig, allt som hör till det sanna och det goda eller till tro och kärlek 8 ; med Herrens ankomst i himlens skyar med makt och härlighet Hans närvaro i Ordet och uppenbarelse 9 ; med skyar betecknas Ordets bokstavsmening 10 , och med härlighet Ordets inre mening 11 ; med änglar med basun och stor röst betecknas himlen, varifrån den Gudomliga Sanningen är 12 .

Härav kan man inse, att med dessa Herrens ord förstås, att vid kyrkans slut, då det inte mer finns någon kärlek och i följd därav inte heller någon tro, Herren skall upplåta sitt Ord med avseende på dess inre mening och uppenbara himlens hemligheter. De hemligheter som skola uppenbaras i vad som nu följer angå himlen och helvetet samt människans liv efter döden.

Den människa som tillhör kyrkan känner nu för tiden knappt något om himlen och helvetet, ej heller om sitt liv efter döden, ehuru alla dessa saker är beskrivna i Ordet. Ja, många som är födda inom kyrkan förneka dem även, sägande i sitt hjärta: Vem har kommit därifrån och berättat? För att inte ett sådant förnekande, som i synnerhet råder hos dem som ha mycken världslig vishet, även må besmitta och fördärva de i hjärtat okonstlade och de i tron enkla, har det givits mig att vara tillsammans med änglar och att tala med dem såsom en människa med en människa samt även att se, vad som är i himlarna och vad som är i helvetena, och detta nu i tretton år. Därför får jag nu beskriva dessa ting på grund av vad jag har sett och hört, i förhoppning om att okunnigheten sålunda må upplysas och otron skingras. Att nu för tiden en sådan omedelbar uppenbarelse sker, är därför, att det är den som förstås med Herrens ankomst.


1. »Tidevarvets fulländning» är kyrkans sista tid, Himmelska Hemligheter 4535, 10672.

2. Herrens förutsägelser i Matteus kap. 24 och 25 om tidevarvets fulländning och sin ankomst, således om kyrkans steg för steg fortgående ödeläggelse och om yttersta domen, förklaras i inledningarna till kapitlen 26-40 av Första Mosebok Himmelska Hemligheter 3353-3356, 3486-3489, 3650-3655, 3751-3759, 3897-3901, 4056-4060, 4229-4231, 4332-4335, 4422-4424, 4635-4638, 4661-4664, 4807-4810, 4954-4959, 5063-5071.

3. Att det i Ordets alla samtliga och enskilda ting finns en inre eller andlig mening, Himmelska Hemligheter 1143, 1984, 2135, 2333, 2395, 2495, 4442, 9049, 9063, 9086.

4. Att Ordet är skrivet helt och hållet medelst motsvarigheter, och att på grund därav alla samtliga och enskilda saker däri beteckna andliga ting, Himmelska Hemligheter 1404, 1408, 1409, 1540, 1619, 1659, 1709, 1783, 2900, 9086.

5. Att solen i Ordet betecknar Herren med hänsyn till kärleken och i följd därav kärlek till Herren Himmelska Hemligheter 1529, 1837, 2441, 2495, 4060, 4696, 4996, 7083, 10809.

6. Att månen i Ordet betecknar Herren med hänsyn till tron och i följd därav tro på Herren Himmelska Hemligheter 1529, 1530, 2495, 4060, 4996, 7083.

7. Att stjärnorna i Ordet beteckna kunskaper om det goda och det sanna Himmelska Hemligheter 2495, 2849, 4697.

8. Att stammar beteckna alla sanningar och godheter i en sammanfattning, sålunda trons och kärlekens alla ting Himmelska Hemligheter 3858, 3926, 4060, 6335.

9. Att Herrens ankomst är Hans närvaro i Ordet samt uppenbarelse Himmelska Hemligheter 3900, 4060.

10. Att skyarna i Ordet beteckna Ordet i bokstaven eller dess bokstavsmening Himmelska Hemligheter 4060, 4391, 5922, 6343, 6752, 8106, 8781, 9430, 10551, 10574.

11. Att härlighet i Ordet betecknar den Gudomliga Sanningen sådan den är i himlen och sådan den är i Ordets inre mening Himmelska Hemligheter 4809, 5292, 5922, 8267, 8427, 9429, 10574.

12. Att basun eller trumpet betecknar den Gudomliga Sanningen i himlen och uppenbarad från himlen Himmelska Hemligheter 8815, 8823, 8915; detsamma betecknas med röst nr 6971, 9926.

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Matteus 24:29-31



29 Men strax efter den tidens vedermöda skall solen förmörkas och månen upphöra att giva sitt sken, och stjärnorna skola falla ifrån himmelen, och himmelens makter skola bäva.

30 Och då skall Människosonens tecken visa sig himmelen, och alla släkter jorden skola då jämra sig. Och man skall få se 'Människosonen komma himmelens skyar' med stor makt och härlighet.

31 Och han skall sända ut sina änglar med starkt basunljud, och de skola församla hans utvalda från de fyra väderstrecken, från himmelens ena ända till den andra.




Arcana Coelestia#3938


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3938. 'And Leah said, In my blessedness! for the daughters will call me blessed' in the highest sense means eternity, in the internal sense the happiness of eternal life, in the external sense the delight that belongs to the affections. This is clear from the meaning of 'blessedness', and from the meaning of 'the daughters will bless me'. That 'blessedness' in the highest sense means eternity cannot be seen except from its correspondence with the things which exist with man, for the mind cannot have any grasp of things that are Divine or infinite except through those that are finite, of which man is able to have mental images. Without mental images formed from finite things, and especially images formed from things that exist within space and time, man cannot begin to comprehend Divine things, let alone the Infinite. Without mental images formed from space and time man is not even capable of thinking anything, 3404, for as to the body, and so as to thoughts which are formed from external sensory impressions, he dwells within the confines of time. But angels, since they are not bounded by time or space, have mental images formed from states of being. This is why spatial or temporal references in the Word mean states, see 1274, 1382, 2625, 2788, 2837, 3254, 3356, 3827.

[2] But there are two states - a state which corresponds to space and a state which corresponds to time. The state which corresponds to space is a state in regard to being, while the state which corresponds to time is a state in regard to manifestation, 2625. There are two entities which constitute man, namely being (esse) and manifestation (existere). Man's being is nothing else than a recipient of the eternal which proceeds from the Lord. Indeed men, spirits, or angels are nothing else than recipients - that is, recipient forms - of life from the Lord. The actual reception of life is what the term manifestation refers to. Man imagines that he has being, and indeed that he is self-existent, when in fact he is not a self-existent being but, as has been stated, one who manifests being. Self-existent BEING occurs solely in the Lord, and that BEING is called JEHOVAH. This BEING which is JEHOVAH is the source from which all things that seem to be self-existent derive their being. But the Lord's or Jehovah's actual BEING cannot possibly be imparted to any, except to the Lord's Human. This Human was made the Divine Being, that is, it was made Jehovah. On the point that the Lord is Jehovah as to both Essences, see 1736, 2004, 2005, 2018, 2025, 2156, 2329, 2921, 3023, 3035.

[3] Manifestation too is used of the Lord, but only of the time when He was in the world and there assumed the Divine Being. But ever since He was made the Divine Being the term Manifestation could no longer be used of Him except to refer to whatever proceeds from Him. That which proceeds from Him seems like a Manifestation within Him, but it is not. Rather it is that which goes forth from Him and causes men, spirits, and angels to be forms manifesting His Being, that is, to have life. In so manifesting His Being man, spirit, or angel has life, and the life he has is eternal happiness. The happiness of eternal life is what eternity, the source of which is the Lord's Divine Being, corresponds to in the highest sense. The fact that the happiness of eternal life is what is meant in the internal sense by 'blessedness' is evident from this, as also is the fact that the delight which belongs to the affections is meant in the external sense, and so is evident without explanation.

[4] But it is the delight belonging to the affections for truth and good, a delight which corresponds to the happiness of eternal life, that is meant. All affections have their own delights, but the nature of the affections determines that of the delights. The affections for evil and falsity have their own delights as well, and before a person is regenerated and receives from the Lord the affections for truth and good those delights seem to be the only delights, so much so that people believe that no other delights are possible, and consequently that if these were taken away from them they would perish completely. But people who do receive from the Lord the delights which belong to the affections for truth and good gradually see and perceive the true nature of the delights of that life which they had believed to be the only possible delights - that they are by comparison worthless, indeed foul. But the more he enters into the delights that belong to the affections for truth and good the more a person begins to despise those delights in evil and falsity, and at length to loathe them.

[5] I have on occasions spoken to spirits in the next life whose delights have been those of evil and falsity, and I have been allowed to tell them that they do not have life until these delights are taken away from them. But as with people like them in the world those spirits have said that if they were deprived of such delights they would no longer have any life at all. I have been allowed to reply however that that is just when that life begins, and with that life happiness such as exists in heaven, which compared with any other happiness defies description. But this they have been unable to grasp because of unbelief in anything which they do not actually know. They are like all those in the world who are governed by self-love and love of the world and who do not therefore have any charity. They know the delight that belongs to self-love and love of the world, but not the delight that belongs to charity. Consequently they have no knowledge at all of what charity is, and have less idea still of any delight residing within charity, when in fact the delight belonging to charity is the delight which fills the whole of heaven and is the producer of the blessedness and happiness there. And if you are willing to believe it, it is also the producer of intelligence and wisdom together with the delights that go with them, for the Lord enters with the light of truth and with the flame of good, and therefore with intelligence and wisdom, into the delights belonging to charity. But falsities and evils reject, stifle, and pervert those delights, and thereby cause stupidity and madness. These considerations show the identity and the nature of the delight which belongs to the affections and corresponds to the happiness of eternal life.

[6] People of the present day and age imagine that if only a person has the confidence received through faith even in his final hour before death, then regardless of whatever affection has been pre-eminent throughout the whole course of his life, he can enter heaven. I have on occasions spoken to spirits who have lived and believed as these people do. When they enter the next life they at first think of nothing else than of being able to enter heaven, irrespective of their previous life, that is to say, irrespective of the fact that by means of that life they have acquired the delight that belongs to the affection for evil and falsity arising out of self-love and love of the world, which loves constituted the ends they had in view. I have been allowed to tell them that everyone is able to be admitted into heaven, for the Lord denies heaven to none. But whether they have the ability to live in that place they will be able to know if admitted. Some who were resolute in the belief were admitted. But because the life that belongs to love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbour reigns in heaven, which life enters into the whole sphere of life and the happiness there, when they arrived they began to feel a pain, for they were unable to breathe in such a sphere and began to become aware of the foulness of their own affections, and so to suffer hellish torment. As a consequence they hurried away from there, saying that they wanted to get right away from it, amazed that heaven should be what to them was hell. This shows the essential nature of the two different delights, and that people whose delight has been that of the affection for evil and falsity cannot in any way be among those whose delight has been that belonging to the affection for good and truth, and that the two delights are opposites, like heaven and hell, see 537-539, 541, 547, 1397, 1398, 2130, 2401.

[7] Furthermore as regards the happiness of eternal life, no one who is moved by the affection for good and truth is able when he is living in the world to perceive that happiness, but only a certain delight instead. The reason why he is unable to do so is that he is confined to the body, and when confined in the body he is subject to worldly cares and as a consequence to anxieties. These prevent the happiness of eternal life, which is inwardly present in him, being manifested in any other way, for when that happiness passes from the inward parts of his being into cares and anxieties which reside in his outward parts, it sinks into the cares there and the anxieties, and becomes a kind of obscure delight. Nevertheless it is a delight that holds blessedness within it, and happiness within that. Being content in God constitutes such happiness. But once a person casts aside the body, and at the same time those worldly cares and anxieties, the happiness which has been so lying hidden in obscurity within his more internal man comes forward and reveals itself.

[8] As the term affection is used so often, let a definition of what that term means be given here. Affection is nothing else than love, yet it is an extension branching out of it. For the affection anyone has, whether for evil and falsity or for good and truth, stems from love. And as this love is present with and exists in every single part of a person it, is not perceived as love but is varied according to circumstances and according to the states, and the changes of these states, through which that person is passing. And this is unceasingly the case in everything he wills, thinks and does. This extension from love is what is called affection, and it is this extension which reigns in a person's life and which produces every delight residing with him. And in producing his every delight it produces his actual life, for a person's life is nothing else than the delight which belongs to his affection, and so is nothing else than the affection which belongs to his love. Love constitutes man's willing, and from this his thinking, and thereby his acting.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.