Dry Bones Come Alive

This is the original text of: Dry Bones Come Alive, by Todd Beiswenger


God shows Ezekiel a valley of dry bones, then tells him to prophesy them back to life. Which he does. Amazing! While it is a vision of resurrection, it is for us a story of us going from knowledge to wisdom. Knowledge is like dry bones, but God breathes life into them and they become wisdom. You've got to have the bones, as knowledge is necessary to have wisdom, but without God's breath the knowledge is essentially dead.

Created or translated by: Todd Beiswenger

Date of creation: 2016

Credit: Thanks to the Rev. Todd Beiswenger and the Hurstville New Church, NSW, Australia.

Copyright: Copyright by the author

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved.

License: Used with permission - see terms

Obtained from: http://hurstvillenewchurch.com

Suggested Citation:

Dry Bones Come Alive. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
