Volume I

Part 1: The Academy of the New Church, 1876-96

Part 2: The General Church, 1897--37

by the Rev. Dr. William Whitehead



Preface p. i
Abbreviations List ii

PART I: The Academy of the New Church, 1876-96
Preliminary Steps, 1874, 75 - p. i.
Official Beginning, 1876, p. 7

1877 11 1989 53
78 14 90 57
79 17 91 67
80 20 92 74
81 23 93 81
82 26 94 87
83 30 95 97
84 34 96 105
85 38 Appendix: 
86 41 Meetings and Reports p. i
87 45 Notable Memorials v
88 49 Ordinations vii

PART 2: The General Church of the New Jerusalem, 1897-1937.
1897 1 1918 149
98 9 19 154
99 18 20 159
1900 26 21 165
01 33 22 170

02 43 23 176
03 52 24 181
04 60 25 186
05 66 26 191
06 73 27 197
07 79 28 203
08 85 29 209
09 90 30 215
10 97 31 221
11 104 32 227
12 110 33 232
13 116 34 237
14 122 35 242
15 131 36 248
16 138 37 255
17 143 Appendix for Part 2: p. 1


This volume begins the chronicle of a new body of the New Church, The Academy of the New Church (1876), later organized under the name of "The General Church of the New Jerusalem." (1897) We have, therefore, titled these two volumes under the latter name as being more general, and have made two parts of the first volume, viz. "The Academy, 1876-96", and "The General Church, 1897-1937". Vol. II is "The General Church, 1938-76".

It should be noted that we have not retained the former title, "Annals of the New Church," since the materials offered do not include items from other bodies of the Church, with a few exceptions.

In its beginning, the Academy was both a church and an educational institution. But by 1890, it was seen that the two uses should be more clearly distinguished. Accordingly and preliminarily, there was first formed "The Church of the Advent of the Lord". Finally, in 1897, there was formed "The General Church of the New Jerusalem" as the general religious body, the Academy becoming its educational institution.

Generally speaking, the material collected has been retained in its original form, style and content. There have been necessary, however, a large amount of editing, compacting, and some cutting as well as adding.

As in Vol. II of Annals of the New Church, there will be found the year-by-year chronicle of outstanding events, noteworthy articles, publications, and contemporary events. An Appendix lists Meetings and Reports, Notable memorials, and Ordinations. As previously, these are not complete by any means; they are selective, being lifted out of the main text. (cf. Preface to Vol. II, Annals of the New Church.)

Morley D. Rich, Ed.

for periodicals, books and libraries to which references are made in these volumes (Annals of the Academy of the New Church, and Annals of the General Church of the New Jerusalem.)

AA - Archives of the Academy of the New Church, Bryn Athyn, Pa.
AL - Academy of the New Church Library.
Anniv. Record - The Academy of the New Church, 1876-1926. AL.
Block - The New Church in the New World.
BSA - Bulletin of the Sons of the Academy.
Coll. Lres. - College Letters, AL, 1886.
I - Intellectual Repository. London, 1812-81.
JE - Journal of Education (of the Academy), AL, 1901-.
Journal - Journals of the General Church of Pennsylvania, 1845-89.
JPD - John Pitcairn Diary. AA.
L - New Church Life, Bryn Athyn, Pa. 1881 - date.
LM - The New Jerusalem Magazine, London, 1826-.
M - New Jerusalem Magazine, Boston, 1827-72.
Mns - New Jerusalem Magazine, new series. Boston, 1875-93.
Mess. - New Jerusalem Messenger (now New Church Messenger), New York, et al, 1855 - date.
ML - Morning Light. London, 1878-1914.
NCH - New Church Herald. London, 1920 - date.
NCM - New Church Magazine. London, 1882 - date.
NCQ- New Church Quarterly, 1910-18.
NCReview - New Church Review, Boston. 1882-1934.
NCT - New Church Tidings. Toronto. 1889-94.
NE - Early Days of the Immanuel Church. Glenview, III. S.G. Nelson, 1927. AL.
PES - Pastoral Extension Service. Bryn Athyn, 1944-. AL.
TA - Theta Alpha Journal. Bryn Athyn.
WNC - Words for the New Church, Philadelphia, 1876-86.



Vol. 1; Part 2



Berlin, Ont., April 27. - The Berlin Society resigns from the "General Church of the Advent"; the pastor and members apply for membership in the new General Church. This application is granted. - L. 80, 143.

N. d. - A Pastor's Council of 7 members is instituted. - L. 80.

Sept. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli accepts an urgent call to the pastorate of the Baltimore German (Convention) Society. - L. 143.

Sept. 6. - The Academy School re-opens, with Mr. Ernest J. Stebbing, B. A., as assistant. A School Board is appointed. - L. 143.

Sept. 9. - Pastor Waelchli leaves for Baltimore; tributes are presented by the Society and school children. - L. 159.

Nov. 20-26. - First episcopal visit by Bishop Pendleton; a "Local Assembly of the General Church" is held. - Account in L. 1890:16.

Nov. 21. - Installation of Rev. J. E. Rosenqvist as Faster, by Bishop Pendleton. - L. 1898:31.

Dec. 31. - The Society adopts the name "The Carmel Church". - L. 1898:31.

Toronto, Ont., N. d. - The Parkdale Society is received into the new General Church. L. 1898:15.


Denver, Nov. 19 - The Society applies for membership in the new General Church. - L. 1898:15.

Dec. - The pastor (Rev. Richard de Charms, Jr.), describes the methods of instruction in the Denver Society. - L. 191.

Glenview, Feb, 13. - At a special meeting, almost all the members of the Immanuel Church in Glenview and Chicago resign membership in the "two churches", after a review of the "documents in the case". The Pastor Rev. N. D. Pendleton, is asked to continue his use pending re-organization. - L. 43, 48.

March 12. - Members of the Immanuel Church pass a formal resolution of confidence in the "General Church of the New Jerusalem", and apply for membership therein. - Text in L. 64.



April 16. - The Society, by ballot, unanimously selects the Rev. N. D. Pendleton as pastor out of four candidates named by Bishop Pendleton. - L. 94.

July 22. - The Immanuel Church celebrates its 20th anniversary. - L. 128.

Aug. 27. - The Society resumes the custom of annual meetings. Important historical review by Rev. N.D. Pendleton; Mr. Alvin E. Nelson becomes Secretary. - L. 159.

Sept. - Rev. David H. Klein becomes assistant pastor. - L. 143. The local school opens, with the two pastors and the Misses Augusta Pendleton and Jessie Carpenter as teachers. - L. 143.

Nov. 5-19. - Bishop Pendleton makes his first episcopal visit to the Immanuel Church. - L. 1898:9, 15.

Nov. 12. - First "Local Assembly of the General Church": Bishop Pendleton presiding. - Full account in L. 1898:9-14.

Nov. 16. - Meeting of the "Teachers' Institute". - L. 1898:31.

La Porte. - During the summer, the Society worships at the resort at Stone Lake. - L. 143.

July 4. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli begins to preach to the German New Church Society. Later in the year, he becomes Pastor. A "Baltimore Reading and Social Circle" is formed for doctrinal study and the promotion of New Church brotherhood. - Mess. 73:50; L.1950:237.

Detroit. - The Rev. E. J. E. Schreck now ministers to the Detroit Society. - L. 48, 95.

Brooklyn, Feb. 19. - Death of Mrs. Mary Arion Burnham, aged 74 years. Widow of Rev. N. C. Burnham, whom she married in 1842, she taught a class of small boys in the Academy Schools. - L. 48. Obits., Mess. 72:280; L. 80. See pamphlet, - A. L.

Middleport, July. - The Rev. R. H. Keep is now pastor here. - L. 32, 176.



Huntingdon Valley, Jan. 23. - The congregation here formally decides to form a Society independent of the "Church of the Academy". - L. 32.

Jan. 31. -- The members at Huntingdon \/alley decline to be part of the Philadelphia "Particular Church of the Academy", under Bishop Benade; end express their confidence in Bishop Pendleton. - L. 48.

Feb. 6, (Saturday, 11 a.m.). - Pastors E. S. Price, C. T. Odhner, H. Synnestvedt, N.D. Pendleton, and Minister C. E. Doering, resign from. both General Churches, on the ground of loss of confidence in the ability of Bishop Benade to conduct the affairs of those bodies so as to conduce to their welfare. At a meeting in the school-house, they request Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton to inaugurate them into the priesthood of a new general body of the New Church, under his episcopal authority. The provisional name of "The General Church of the New Jerusalem" is chosen. - L. 43, 48. Eye-witness account by Rev. C. E. Doering, in L. 259-268.

Feb. 7. - At a meeting of the congregation, Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton announces the inauguration of a new priesthood as the first step in the formation of a new "General Church". He outlines its fundamental policy, which includes the restoration of Council and Assembly. The "Principles of the Academy" are re-emphasized. Membership is to be by application, and not selection. Nearly all members of the congregation sign written resignations from the former "two churches". - L. 43, 44, 48. See ed. on "Council and Assembly", 49.

Feb. 15. - Theological and collegiate classes open here to meet the needs of pupils of the suspended schools. Professor Price takes charge of collegiate work, assisted by Messrs. Odhner and Doering. Bishop Pendleton teaches the three theological students. - L. 48.

Feb. 28. - The priesthood of the new General Church now includes: 1 bishop; 6 pastors; and 3 ministers. Secretary, Rev. C. T. Odhner; Provisional Treasurer, Mr. John A. Wells. - L. 44.

June 11. - Closing exercises of the Academy Theological School, College, and Girls' School. Degrees granted: B.Th. to Messrs. D. Klein, E. Stebbing, and H. B. Cowley; B.A. to Messrs. E. Cronlund and R. W. Brown. - L. 112, 122, 124, 152.

June 25-29. - First General Assembly of the General Church of the New Jerusalem. - See Journal. A general account of its spirit and proceedings appears in an editorial summary in L. 97-109; also N. C. R., (Jan. 1890).

July 18. - The Huntingdon Valley congregation is received as a constituent society of the General Church of the New Jerusalem. The Rev. Homer Synnestvedt is chosen pastor. - L. 128.



Aug. 4. - In a friendly, candid letter to New Church Messenger, the Rev. Frank Sewall comments on the recent General Assembly; and suggests that "our brothers of the Assembly" consider "application for re-admission to the General Convention". The Rev. C. T. Odhner replies in a frank review of the differences of viewpoint. The full text of both letters appears in Mess., (Aug. 4 and 18); and New Church Life, (Sept.). The discussion is continued by the Revs. A. F. Frost, C. T. Odhner, and N. D. Pendleton and F. Sewall, in Mess., Sept. 8, 22, 29, Oct. 27. See editorial in L. on "Unity in the New Church", Oct. and Nov.; also L. 1898:4, 6.

Aug. 15. - M. and Mme. Camille Vinet arrive from Paris. M. Vinet was formerly Professor of French in the "Instituut Noorthey", Voorschoten, Holland. - L. 143.

Sept. 15. - Opening of the local school, with 32 pupils. Mr. H. B. Cowley and the Misses Grant and Moir are the teachers. - L. 159.

Sept. 25. - Formal organization of the Huntingdon Valley Society. The new pastor appoints a council; the society's officers are: Secretary, Dr. Harvey Farrington; Treasurer, Mr. Chas. S. Smith; Board of Finance, Messrs. R. M. Glenn, C. Hj. Asplundh, and C. S. Smith. - L.159.

Oct. 4. - At the re-opening of the Academy Schools, Bishop Pendleton outlines details of re-organization. He defines the Academy's use as a special use performed in and for the Church; though the Academy was not a Church in the sense of being a body having public worship and a priesthood of its own. He announces the formation of a "Teachers' Institute", composed of Academy professors, teachers, and headmasters and teachers of all local schools. It is proposed that members of the Academy Corporation, Teachers' Institute, and local School Boards should meet in an annual "Academy Assembly", to consider the Church-wide uses of education. In the Academy Schools at Huntingdon Valley, a Board of Education, a Board of Publication, and a Library Board had been formed. The work of the School was to prepare men for civil life and for the Church. The work of the Church was to prepare men in adult life for Heaven. - L. 175, 176.

Nov. 5 - Dec. 4. - Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton, on his first episcopal tour, visits Chicago, Glenview, Berlin, and Parkdale, (Toronto). - Full accounts in L. 191; 1898:9-14, 16, 15.

Philadelphia, Jan. - Bishop Pendleton resigns from the pastorate of the Philadelphia Church of the Academy. - L. 32.

Jan. 11. - The Rev. A. Acton takes formal charge of the Church of the Academy. - L. 32.

Jan. 22. - Resignation of the Rt. Rev. Wm. F. Pendleton as Vice-Chancellor of the Church of the Academy. - L. 43.



Jan. 25. - Bishop Pendleton formally withdraws from the priesthood and membership of the Church of the Academy, and from the General Church of the Advent. - L. 43.

Feb. 1. - Bishop Pendleton resigns as Principal of the Theological School of the New Church. - L. 32.

Feb. 5. - Installation of Rev. A. Acton as Pastor, by Bishop Benade. - L. 48.

Feb. 5. - Bishop Benade announces that the College and Boys' School have been suspended, pending reorganization. - L. 48.

Feb. 9. - The three theological students (Messrs. Stebbing, Klein, and Cowley), withdraw from the School. - L. 48.

Feb. 12. - The Rev. A. Acton resigns from the pastorate of the "Particular Church of the Academy in Philadelphia", after a pastorate of seven days, and from the government of Mr. Benade. The Society is now practically disbanded. - L. 48.

Feb. 13. - The board of Directors of the Corporation of "The Academy of the New Church" closes all Schools of the Academy in Philadelphia, on the ground that the agitation in the "Church of the Academy" had seriously interfered with the educational uses. Bishop Benade, being present by invitation, announces that he "now withdrew from the office of Chancellor of the Church of the Academy, and declared that office vacant" - L. 43.

Feb. 14. - The Rev. Homer Synnestvedt begins to conduct services for members of the new General Church. - L. 48, 98.

Feb. 15. - The Girls' School continues temporarily in the city, under Miss Ashley. - L. 64.

March. - New Church Life reports a considerable withdrawal of members from both the "Church of the Academy" and the "General Church of the Advent of the Lord", owing to "a grave dissatisfaction" with the methods of the Rt. Rev. Wm. H. Benade in the government of those churches." - L. 43.

March 17. - In a letter to New Church Life, Bishop Benade declares it "entirely false" that he has withdrawn from the office of "Chancellor of the Church of the Academy". The Board of Directors, (Robert M. Glenn, Carl G. Asplundh, and Samuel H. Hicks), replies with a verified extract from the minutes of Feb. 13. - L. 60.

April 16. - Ninth annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Association; 8 ministers, 29 delegates, and 150 visitors attend. Reported membership: Frankford, 80; Harrisburg, 16; Lancaster, 34; Philadelphia, 421; Vinelard, 77. - L. 80, 95.



July. - Mr. Charles D. Weirbach (Allentown), resigns as "Treasurer of the General Church of the Advent". - L. 112.

Pittsburgh, March. - The Rev. John Stephenson resigns the pastorate here. Services are continued by Rev. A. Czerny. - L. 48, 80.

Aug. - The Rev. E. C. Bostock (London), accepts a call to the pastorate. L. 128.


Paris, April. - Easter Sunday services here are conducted by Pastors Ottley and Tilson, of London. At a dinner afterwards, the New Church group is addressed by Mr. John Pitcairn, of Huntingdon Valley, Pa. - L. 94.

Colchester, Jan. - Pastor Robinson still visits the Society once a month. - L. 48.

Aug. 25. - At a special meeting, steps are taken towards the opening of a school, and the support of a resident pastor. - L. 160.

Sept. 5. - Farewell gathering in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Edward C. Bostock. - L. 160.

Sept. - The Rev. Wm. H. Acton takes pastoral charge here. - L. 160.

London, Sept. 23. - At the Burton Road Church, a farewell reception is given to Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Bostock to whom a silver tea service is presented. - L. 176.

Jan. - Swedenborg's birthday is celebrated in Stockholm, Eskilstuna, and Gottenburg. - L. 64.

Stockholm, Jan. 30. - Death of Mr. Zachariah Falk, aged 80 years; a life-long member of the New Church; and long the treasurer of the general New Church organization in Sweden. - L. 64.


New Church Life, vol. 17.

"Diseases of the Fibres", (Part III of Swedenborg's Economy of the Animal Kingdom). First translated into English by Charles Louis Olds, M.D. - pp. 7, 28, 42, 58, 75, 76, 89, 110, 121, 137, 151, 167, 183.



"Annals of the New Church 1710-1772", (continued), by Prof. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 9, 26, 39, 56, 73, 87, 109, 119, 135, 149, 166, 182 (discontinued). Cf. p. 1.

"Notes on the Government of the Church", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 106. (Historic address delivered at the first General Assembly).

Rev. John Presland (Biographical sketch). - p. 117. Cf. p. 82.

"Blind Obedience" (A discussion by Revs. G. G. Starkey, L. G. Laudenberger, Mr. T. M. Martin and Rev. C. T. Odhner). - pp. 125, 155, 170, 187, Cf. p. 130.

"Church Unity" (Discussion between Revs. Frank Sewall, C. T. Odhner, A. F. Frost, N. D. Pendleton, and the Editor, on the advisability of the General Church of the New Jerusalem re-uniting with the General Convention). - pp. 138, 145, 161.

Assyria, by Rev. A. Czerny. - p. 148 (Continued in 1898, p. 36).

"The Recent Meeting of the General Assembly of the General Church", by F. Sewall. (hopes General Church will apply to the General Convention for re-admission). - p. 91. Discussion by C. T. Odhner, A. F. Frost, N. D. Pendleton. - pp. 136, 196, 236, 257. Cf. L. 1897:138, 145.

Discussion on whether the priesthood is to be self-perpetuating, or not, by C. T. Odhner, A. F. Frost and N. D. Pendleton. - 317, 335, 458.

The Gallican Church, by C. T. Odhner. - vol. 4:522. Cf. L. 1897:174.


ACADEMY OF THE NEW CHURCH. A Statement concerning Recent Disturbances in the Academy of the New Church and in the General Church of the Advent. 24pp. Philadelphia. A. L.

BUSS, REV. J.F.: What the New Church Teaches. London: Speirs. Rev. N. C. Rev. V:472.

ODHNER, REV. C. T.: A Bibliography of the Scandinavian literature of the New Church. Reviewed L. 1897:187. Published monthly in Nya Kyrkans Tidning.

ODHNER, REV. C. T.: A Brief View of the Heavenly Doctrines Revealed in the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. Philadelphia: Academy Book Room. 106pp. A. L. Rev. N. C. Rev. V:306; L.1899:81. A concise missionary work, with proof-passages from the Scriptures.

PENDLETON, LOUIS: "Brllopskladerna" Swedish version of "The Wedding Garment" also published in German in "Neukirchenblatt" (Stockholm, Nykyrdidliga Bokfrlaget, 1896, pp. 295). Mentioned in L. 1837:63. A. L.



SWEDENBORG SOCIETY: "Bibliosraehical Index to the Published Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. Original and Translated. Based upon the Library of the Swedenborg Society, and Supplemented from English and Foreign Collections", Public and Private. London: The Swedenborg Society. 38pp. L. 1897:155. A pamphlet issued to facilitate the compilation of a future complete Bibliography.

THORNTON, REV. J. J.: The New Church in New South Wales: 1770 to 1877. Sydney, Australia. 27pp. - A. L.


Africa. The Transvaal concludes a treaty of alliance with the Orange Free State (March 25).

Slavery is abolished by the Sultan of Zanzibar (April 6).

The railway from Cape Town is opened as far as Buluwayo, Rhodesia (Nov. 4).

America. The Central American republics sign a treaty constituting themselves a single republic in their foreign relations (June 15).

The arrival at Port Townsend, Wash., of a ship from the Klondike gives rise to a gold craze all over the country and a large emigration to Alaska (July).

France. The Dreyfus agitation grows. Friends of the captain demand revision of his sentence (Nov.).

Germany. The Prussian diet defeats the government bill aimed at restricting freedom of public meeting and association (July 20).

Great Britain. Beginning of Queen Victoria's celebration, in commemoration of the longest reign in English history (June 22).

Switzerland. A Jewish congress meets at Basel to further the cause of a Jewish State in Palestine (Aug. 29).

Turkey. Turkey declares war against Greece (April 17), following the invasion of Macedonia by armed Greek bands; Greeks defeated at Miluna Pass and Tyrnavos.

Definitive treaty of peace between Greece and Turkey signed at Constantinople (Dec. 4).





Rio de Janeiro, June 5. - The first general assembly of the New Church in Brazil is held; nearly forty members are present. Senor de la Fayette is chosen as the regular leader. Regular Sunday services are for members; but weekly public religious instruction is given "in the court of the Temple", at 10 Rua Maria Jose. A Missionary Society is instituted under the title "Associaciao de Propaganda da Nova Jerusalem". - L. 1901:567.

Oct. - First number of a monthly journal, A Nova Jerusalem, is published and distributed gratis by the Missionary Society. (Discontinued in 1899 for lack of funds.) - L. 1899:28; 1901:567.

Berlin, Jan. 1. -.The Society adopts the name, "The Carmel Church". - L. 31.

Jan. 28, 29. - Celebrations of Swedenborg's birthday. - L. 47.

Feb. 18. - Death of Mrs. George Eachborn, aged 76 years; one of the earliest members of the Berlin Society. - L. 47, 48. 

March 8. - At a Society meeting for legal purposes, a written Constitution for the Society is discussed. - L. 64.

May 3. - Death of Mr. George Hachborn, aged 78 years; one of the pioneer members. - L. 144.

June 19. - Celebration of the day with a special service. - L. 113.

Sept. 6. - The local School opens with 31 pupils. - L. 176.

Sept. 22. - Episcopal visit of Bishop Pendleton. - L. 176.

Oct. - Resignation of Rev. J. E. Rosenqvist as pastor. He leaves for Sweden. - L. 176.

Oct. 24. - Bishop Pendleton presides at a "local Assembly". - L. 1893:14.

Oct. 25. - At a farewell gathering in honor of Rev. J. Rosenqvist, is announced that the Rev. E. J. Stebbing would act as temporary pastor. - L. 1899:14.

London, Ont., Feb. 14. - The Rev. J. E. Bowers reports a group of "New Church" people here who believe the Writings to contain an internal sense, and who deny the historical existence of the Lord. - L. 47.



Milverton, Ont., May 28. - Death of Mr. Henry Doering, aged 74 years. One of the pioneer Newchurchmen in Wellesley and Milverton; his home was a center of New Church social life and worship. Father of Rev. Chas. E. Doering. - L 96; obit. 112.

Sept. 9-11. - At the meetings of the Canada Assn., Rev. L. H. Tafel presiding, it is reported that the efforts of the Association to establish more fraternal relations with "the Academy Church in Canada" had been "politely declined" by Mr. Hyatt and Bishop Pendleton. - Mess. 75:206. For explanation see L. 112, 127; 1899:16.

Toronto, Ont., Jan. 28. - Swedenborg's birthday is celebrated. - L. 47.

Washington. D. C., April. - The Rev. Frank Sewall, on "behalf of many interested, and at their request", publishes a proposal for an independent "Swedenborg Scientific Association", having for its object the translation and publication of the scientific and philosophic writings of Swedenborg, and the study and discussion of the principles laid down therein. - L. 62, 78.

Denver, Jan. 28. - Celebration of Swedenborg's birthday. - L. 47.

Oct. - Services resume, after a vacation since June 20. - L. 190.

Chicago, Nov. - Formation of a "Swedenborg Philosophy Club". President, Rev. L. P. Mercer; Vice-President. Mr. Riborg Mann; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. J. B. S. King. - New Philosophy (Nov.); L. 192.

Nov. 8. - Meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Illinois Association. Revs. N. D. Pendleton and D. L. Klein are present. - L. 1899:15.

Glenview. Jan. - The Society's Council begins to issue monthly bulletin, with news of uses and needs. - L. 31.

June 24-27. - Second General Assembly of the General Church of the New Jerusalem. The Rev. Messrs. Thomas F. King and L. P. Mercer attend the Assembly, and deliver friendly messages as representatives of the General Convention. The principles of the "plan of organization" presented by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton, in 1897, are formally endorsed by resolution. The Council of the Clergy, at the request of the Assembly, names a Bishop for the General Church. The selection of the Rev. Wm. F. Pendleton is ratified by the Assembly in a unanimous vote. The constitution of a "House of the Laity", after discussion, is referred to the "Executive Committee". The name, "Academy Church of the New Jerusalem" is generally favored, but the question is referred to the clergy for further consideration. 175 persons take part in the deliberations. - For complete account see Journal, (214pp.). Summary accounts in L. 110, 126.



"Impressions" of the Assembly, by Rev. H. Synnestvedt, 123; and G. G. Starkey, 173. Also see L. 4, 14, 56, 128; 1899:90.

June 28. - At an open meeting, called by the Board of Directors of the Academy, the question of whether or not the Academy should be merged in the "General Church" was fully discussed. It was finally agreed that the "Academy of the New Church" as a corporate, civil body, should remain distinct, but with the Bishop of the General Church in ex officio charge of its ecclesiastical uses. - L. 110.

June 29. - First general meeting of the "Teachers' Institute", Bishop Pendleton presiding; 21 teachers present. Chief subject of discussion: The Curriculum. - Full report in L. 120.

June 30. - Meeting of the Council of the Clergy. - L. 126.

Sept. 16. - At the annual meeting of the Society, the prevailing economic depression causes church budget retrenchments. - L. 159.

Sept. 19. - The local School opens with 20 pupils. - L. 159.

Baltimore, June 19-20. - Celebration of NEW Church Day by the First German New Jerusalem Society. - L. 110.

New York City, - March 5-7. - Bishop Pendleton visits Mr. Andrew Czerny's group in Brooklyn. - L. 63.

May 27-28. - First meeting of the "Swedenborg Scientific Association". 37 persons attend, including prominent Academy figures. - New Phil., 1348:222-229, L. 110. See L. 83, 111.

Cleveland, June 11-14. - 78th General Convention; 35 ministers and 48 delegates attend. The work of publishing the Principia, is turned over to the Swedenborg Scientific Association. The control of New Church Messenger is given to an editorial and business "Board", (Revs. Ager, Seward, and Mr. J. F. Goddard). Interesting missionary reports, and a full report on New Church education, are considered. After discussion, two messengers are appointed to carry to the General Assembly, at Glenview, "the fraternal regard of the General Convention". - Summary report in L. 111-112.

Greenford, Aug. - The Rev. E. J. Stebbing ministers to the Greenford Society, (about 25 members), during the summer vacation. Description and history in L. 143.



Middleport, May 20-23. - Episcopal visit of Bishop Pendleton to Middleport and Pomeroy. - L. 110.


Allentown, March 10-14. - During an episcopal visit by Bishop Pendleton a Council is organized: Chairman, Mr. John Waelchli; Secretary, Mr. J. Kessler; Treasurer, Mr. Wunderlich. - L. 79.

Huntingdon Valley. - During the year, at a number of meetings of the Teachers' Institute, New Church educational problems are analyzed. President, Bishop Pendleton; Vice-President, Professor Price; Sec.-Treas., Mr. H. B. Cowley. - Full reports of discussions in L. 69, 85, 105, 137, 151, 167.

Feb. 19-20. A "Local Assembly" is devoted to educational and General Church problems. The meetings are continued, on March 4, in the North St. Hall, Philadelphia. - Full account in L. 47, 53-62, 71-72.

March 20. - At a Club meeting, Rev. J. F. Potts, presiding, the formation of a "Swedenborg Scientific Association" branch is affirmatively discussed. - L. 63.

April 20. - Dedication of. new school building for the Academy's Theological School, College and Girls' Seminary, by Bishop Pendleton. (This building was later known as "The Inn"). - L. 79.

May 7. - Community Supper to celebrate the opening of the new School building. - Full account in L. 94.

May. - M. Vinet is appointed to teach French and chemistry in the Academy Schools. - L. 94.

June 16. - At the Academy School's closing exercises the degree of M. A. is granted to Professors E. S. Price and C. T. Odhner. Dr. Edward Cranch (Erie) delivers the annual address. - L. 110; address, 101-103.

June 28. - The Academy's legal Corporation passes a resolution, "that until further action this corporation recognizes the Bishop of the General Church of the New Jerusalem as ex officio head of the ecclesiastical uses of the Academy". - See L. 1917:667.

July 10. - The members of the Society meet to hear reports and impressions of the General Assembly. An important historical speech is made by Bishop Pendleton. - Resume in L. 126-127. Cf. 113.

July 25. - Organization of "The Principia Club of Philadelphia", by members in Huntingdon Valley and Philadelphia. Objects: to study New Church science; and support the general uses of the Swedenborg Scientific Association.



President, Rev. J. F. Potts; Secretary, Dr. H. Farrington; Treasurer, Prof. C. Vinet. - L. 127.

Aug. - New Church Life states that the new communities in Huntingdon Valley and Glenview are not "colonies", based on any principle of isolation, but have arisen from the normal desire to find in the country a better environment for one's own home and school than city life affords.

Aug. 15. - First regular meeting of the Principia Club. - Report in L. 143.

Oct. 16. - The Rev. C. T. Odhner delivers a lecture on the Trinity (in Swedish), to Danish and Norwegian local employees. A week later he conducts worship in Norwegian. - L. 176.

Oct. 17. - Meeting of the Executive Committee of the General Church. - L. 175.

Oct. 21. - At a Special meeting of the Principia Club, Rev. Frank Sewall (Washington, D. C.), delivers an address on the "Relation of Swedenborg's Scientifics to his Theological Works". - L. 175-176. Cf. ed. 1899:1; address in New Phil., (Dec.).

Dec. 19. - At the monthly meeting of the "Principia Club", the research work of Miss Lillian Beekman (Chicago), on Swedenborg's philosophy of creation, is explained by Bishop Pendleton, and practical support is begun. - L.1899:14, 21.

Leechburg, Armstrong county. - Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Heilman and family have become interested in the Doctrines. - L. 1899:15.

Philadelphia, June. - The Academy of the New Church moves its Book Room and Library to Huntingdon Valley. - L. 81.

Pittsburgh, N. d. - The Rev. John Stephenson severs his connection with the General Church. - L. 176.

Dec. 26. - Death of Mrs. Catherine Morrison Hogan, aged 86 years; an early member of the Pittsburgh Society. - L. 80.

Renovo, March 25. - Eight persons form an independent body ("New Church Union"), with Rev. Ellis I. Kirk as non-resident pastor. - L. 79.

March 27. - Mr. Joseph R. Kendig is appointed Leader; Secretary, Mr. James B. Kirk; Treasurer,
Dr. C. L. Olds. - L. 79.

Dec. 4. - Bishop Benade administers the Holy Supper at a service conducted by Rev. J. Bowers. - L. 1899:15.




Paris, Jan. - A "Missionary Society of the New Church in Paris" is organized. - L. 64.

March. - Organization of a new, independent Society; Leader, M. F. Hussenet; Secretary, M. A. Bejani. - Mess. 75:317.

Colchester, Jan. 28. - Celebration of Swedenborg's birthday. The Society's Sunday attendance is 60; doctrinal class 20; 11 pupils in day-school. - L. 48.

June 19. - A special service honors the day. - L. 110.

Aug. 31. - Annual meeting of the Society. Church attendance averages 52. The 60th anniversary of a New Church society in Colchester is celebrated. - L 159.

Oct. 23. - A meeting of the congregation, called by its Pastor, Rev. Wm. H. Acton, pledges cooperation in placing all its uses "under the direction and government of its Priest", (including) "such external uses as relate to the welfare and support of this Society". - Long report in L. 191-192.

- New Church Life (Nov.) announces that the Rev. Wm. H. Acton has severed his connection with the General Church. - L. 176.

Nov. 27. - Inauguration of services in a former Church of England infants' school building; 72 persons present. - L. 1899:15.

Liverpool, April 18-21. - The Rev. R. J. Tilson makes a pastoral visit to the (Academy) Circle. The Circle is unresponsive to union with the new General Church in America. - L. 95.

London, Sept. 25. - At a meeting of the congregation at Burton Road, Brixton, called by Rev. R. J. Tilson, 65 members sign a "Declaration of Faith and Purpose", involving the placing of all Church uses "under the direction and government of its Priest". Its civil uses "would be administered for the pastor by officers appointed by him". The school uses are to be continued. Rev. G. C. Ottley supports "the principle of priestly rule", as against "a revival of... democratic spirit". Later, a total of 90 persons sign for "the formation of a definite Society of the New Church", including 11 non-resident members. - Long account in L.190-191.

Dec. 9. - The Society at Burton Road unanimously adopts a statement of rules and regulations for its government. Boards of Finance and Education are organized. "The functions of a Bishop will for the present be exercised by a Council of Priests, consisting of Pastors W. H. Acton, G. C. Ottley, and R. J. Tilson". - Report (by a member of the society), in L. 1899:64.



- Services here are attended by about 40 persons; the Sunday-school has about 30 children. - L. 144.


New Church Life, vol. 18.

"Unity in the New Church", (discussion), by Rev. Frank Sewall and the editor. - pp. 4-8.

"Diseases of the Fibres" (continued). - pp. 20, 38, 52, 72, 88, 119, 152, 168, 181.

"A New Church Pioneer in Homeopathy" (Dr. Hans Gram), by Mr. E. P. Anshutz. - p. 27.

"The War Issue" (Spanish-American War), editorial. - pp. 65, 81. Cf. 113, 142.

"Some New Documents concerning Swedenborg", (letters of Count von Hopken), by Prof. C. T. Odhner. - p. 107.

On the nature of the recent New Church "communities", (editorial). - p. 113.

The friendly relations of the General Convention and the General Church, (editorial). - p. 113.

"Compulsory Education" (discussion by Rev. J. B. Speirs and the editor). - p. 124.

"The Antiquity of Evil Animals and of Man", by Mr. G. E. Holman. - pp. 139, 154, 186.

"Pseudo-Celestialism in Sweden", by Prof. C. T. Odhner. - p. 156. Cf. p. 170.

"New Church Science", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 149.

"The Historical Basis of Education", (discussion by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton and others). - p. 151.


The Destruction of the Earth, (a discussion of A. C. 931 between W. H. Alden, W. W. Hulse and L. H. Tafel). - p. 348.

The New Philosophy 1898

A Review of Swedenborg's Economy of the Animal Kingdom, by H. Farrington, M. D. - p. 50.



GORWITZ, REV. F.: Lectures on the Doctrines of the New Church. (In German). Zurich, Switzerland. Rev. L. 1898:27. A fine and powerful evangelistic work. A. L.

ODHNER, REV. C. T.: Annals of the New Church. Huntingdon Valley, Pa. Academy Book Room. Published in bi-monthly parts of 33pp. each. Rev. N. C. Rev. V:475; VI:476. Rev. L. 1898:17. A Chronicle of New Church events and other material, from 1688. A. L.

ODHNER, C.TH.: A Brief View of the Heavenly Doctrine Revealed in the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. Huntingdon Valley, A. N. C. review G. G. S. Rev. L. 1699:81, 96. A. L..

New Philosophy, The: a quarterly magazine devoted to the interest of the Swedenborg Scientific Assn., v. 1, Mar. 1898, Urbana, O. (Eds.: J. Whitehead, etc. 1898 to date.)

WHITTINGTON, C. J.: A Psalmody for the New Church, Huntingdon Valley, PA.: Academy Book Room. 387pp. Rev. Mess. 76:9; N. C. Rev. VI:145; L. 1898:188;1899:78. The first 50 Psalms and 39 Short Selections from the Old and New Testaments, set to original music. A. L.


Africa. The Anglo-Egyptian forces under General Kitchener utterly crush the Mahdi's army of dervishes at Omdurman and occupy Khartoum (Sept. 2).

A French force under Major Marchand establishes itself at Fashoda on the Nile and refuses to retire at Sir Kitchener's order; crisis precipitated between France and Britain (Sept.).

French government decides to withdraw from Fashoda (Nov. 5).

Uitlanders in Johannesburg, S.A., appeal to the British government against the Transvaal government (Dec.).

America. The U.S. battleship Maine is destroyed by an explosion in Havana harbor with the loss of 268 lives; intense feeling against Spain (Feb. 15).

Congress passes a resolution recognizing Cuban independence and demanding evacuation of island by Spain; ultimatum presented to Spain; the President calls for 125, 000 volunteers; Spain declares war; U.S. squadron bombards Matanzas in Cuba (April).



Spain declares war on the United States (April 24).

Definitive treaty of peace with Spain signed; Cuban Independence acknowledged; Porto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam ceded to the United States. U. S. pays 20 million dollars for all Spanish claims (Dec. 10).

Asia. Port Arthur and Ta-llen-wan leased by China to Russia for 25 years (March 24).

Australia. The federal convention at Melbourne concludes its labors; a constitution for united Australia is submitted to a popular vote (Mar. 17).

France. M. and Mme. Curie, and G. Bemont, French chemists, discover the presence of two radio-active substances in pitchblende, which they name polonium and radium.

Great Britain. Death of William Ewart Gladstone, four times prime minister (May 19).

Russia. The Czar invites the Powers to take part in a conference looking towards the reduction of national armaments and the establishment of the principles of universal peace (Aug. 28).

Turkey. The Powers demand the withdrawal of Turkish troops from Crete (Oct. 5).





Berlin, June 19. - New Church Day is celebrated by a school supper. L. 159.

June 23. - Closing exercises of the Local School, (54 pupils). Pastor E. J. Stebbing is assisted by Misses A. Moir and Z. Pendleton. - L. 87, 159.

June 30 - July 4. - Third General Assembly of the General Church of the New Jerusalem; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding, 199 persons attend, 154 members. The Bishop's opening address on "The Principles of the Academy", proves a landmark in the history of General Church policy. The name, "The General Church of the New Jerusalem" is formally adopted. - See Journal. Summary reports in L. 126; Mess. 78:38. Impressions of the Assembly (Rev. G. G. Starkey and Mr. J. A. Wells), 120, 123. Text of Bishop's address, 117-120. Editorial, 113; Cf. 114, 166. The Assembly Journal is favorably reviewed, at length, in New Church Messenger. vol. 78:38; also in N. C. R. vol. 7:147. Bishop Pendleton seeks to avoid possible misunderstandings, in L. 1900:87-88. Rev. C. T. Odhner answers the objections made to the name of the new body. - Ibid, p. 89.

July 5. - 12th meeting of the Teachers' Institute. Rev. E. C. Bostock is elected President. Hereafter meetings are to be annual; but the bi-monthly meetings in Huntingdon Valley will continue. - Full report in L. 155-158.

July-Aug. - The services of the Carmel Church are conducted during the summer by the Rev. Chas. E. Doering. - L. 160.

Sept. - The Rev. L. H. Tafel editor of the German Missionary Union's organ, Neukirchenblatt, writes a trenchant attack on the "General Assembly" of the General Church. The editor of New Church Life replies. - L. 154, 153, 184.

Sept. 11. - The Local School opens with 30 pupils. - L.159.

Oct. 6. - The Carmel Church begins the practice of holding the weekly suppers just before the doctrinal classes and singing practice. - L. 176.

Oct. 22. - The Rev. J. E. Rosenqvist leaves for Sweden, to take up independent missionary work in the southern part of Stockholm. - L. 14, 40, 47.

Toronto, Parkdale. Ont., - Sept. 18. - The Local School opens with 20 pupils, who are taught by Pastor E. S. Hyatt and Mrs. Hyatt. - L. 160.

Oct. 4, 8. - At a "Local Assembly", an "Orphanage Fund" is approved. - L. 176.



Santa Barbara, Nov. 14. - Death of Mr. Nicholas K. Wade, at an advanced age. A mathematician, and scholarly student of the Writings. One of the earliest members of the Academy of the New Church. - L.1900:112.

Denver, Nov. - The Rev. Richard de Charms, Jr., describes in detail the burial customs which have developed among New Church people. - L.190.

Oct. 19-25. - Episcopal visit by Bishop Pendleton. - L.190.

Chicago, N.d. - In the fall, the Rev. A. Czerny moves from Brooklyn to Chicago, doing general work among the Germans there. - L. 1900:573.

Glenview, June 18. - At a banquet, which is reported to be "the best in many years", the Society celebrates New Church Day. - L.111, 126.

July 27. - Death of Mr. Orlando Blackman, aged 64 years; former superintendent of music in the schools of Chicago; a member of the old Chicago Society, before the great fire of 1871; and a beloved pioneer member and music leader of the Immanuel Church. - Chicago Tribune, July 29, (editorial); biogr., L. l40, 144; Cf. 111, 126.

Sept. 18. - The Local School opens with 22 pupils. Pastor N.D. Pendleton is assisted by Rev. D. H. Klein, Mr. G. Blackman and Miss J. Carpenter. - L. 87, 176.

La Porte, June 14. - Celebration of the 40th anniversary of the La Porte Society. History of the Society in Mess. 77:38.

Baltimore, Jan. 27. - The Rev. C. T. Odhner gives lectures on Swedenborg, in the Baltimore German Church. - Mess. 76:120.

Sept. 5. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli gathers together some of the members of the German Society and also of the English Society, (the oldest In the U.S.), who are sympathetic to the "Academy movement". They organize themselves into the "Baltimore New Church Reading and Social Circle". For account of origin and "constitution" see L.1901:619.

Waverly, Pike County, March 7. - Judge Lewis Grant Dill and his children are baptized by the Rev. J. E. Bowers. - L. 79.

Allentown, Jan. 29. - Celebration of Swedenborg's birthday; 27 persons present. - L. 47.



June 18. - Celebration of New Church Day by a service, by Rev. A. Acton, and social. - L. 47.

Dec. 16-18. - Episcopal visit of Bishop Pendleton to the Allentown Circle, (Pastor, Rev. A. Acton). - Described in L. 1900:49.

Huntingdon Valley. - New Church Life appears in a new magazine form. The editor reviews its history, and defines its policy. - L. 1900:37, 38.

- The Principia Club meets throughout the year. - L. 31,48, 63, 79, 109, 159, 175, 190.

- Celebration of Swedenborg's birthday by the men. - L. 48.

April 17. - The Rev. J. F. Potts begins an extended debate in the Principia Club, respecting the place and value of Swedenborg's preparatory writings. - L. 79, 89, 109, 159, 175, 190; 1900:104-108.

May 14. - At a Local Assembly, questions of organization, government, evangelization, collegiate and elementary education are discussed. - Report in L. 85-88, 96.

June 13. - Death of Miss Jessie I. Moir, aged 28 years; a devoted New Church teacher. - L. 109, 112.

June 16. - Commencement exercises of the Academy Schools. Degrees granted: M. A., Rev. John Whitehead; B.Th., Messrs. R. Brown and E. Cronlund; B.A., Mr. A. Stroh. - L. 109, 138, 152.

June 19. - New Church Day is celebrated by a banquet at "Cairnwood". - L. 109,112. (song)

Aug. - The management and conduct of New Church Life are transferred from the Academy of the New Church to the General Church. - L. 86, 113, 117.

Aug. 30. - Marriage of the Rev. N. Dandridge Pendleton (Chicago), and Miss Beatrice Childs, (Riverside, N.Y.). - L. 159.

Sept. - After months of deliberation, the "Village Association" adopts "Bryn Athyn" as the name of the community. (In Welsh "Bryn" - hill; "Athyn" - cohesion). - L.159.

N. d. - Miss Lillian G. Beekman, of Chicago, comes to Bryn Athyn for the winter to study in the Academy. - L. 159.

- A recent donation of $400, 000 to the Academy of the New Church arouses the envious indignation of German Lutheran and Catholic periodicals. - L. 1900:51.

Sept. 15. - Opening exercises of the Academy Schools. Bishop Pendleton delivers an important address on, "The Law of Evolution". - Full report in L. 159; address, 151.



Sept. 18. - Opening of the Local School with 34 pupils. Pastor H. Synnestvedt is assisted by Rev. H. B. Cowley and Miss A. E. Grant. - L. 87, 159.

Sept. 24. - At a Local Assembly, (80 persons present), the establishment of a New Church Orphanage is favored. Family worship and Church festivals are discussed. - Full report in L. 169, 178. Cf. 159.

Oct. 2. - At the annual meeting of the Society, a membership of 75 is reported; average attendances: at services, over 100; at doctrinal classes, 60. - Account in L. 175.

Dec. - The Bishop of the General Church announces the Inauguration of an Orphanage for the benefit of orphan children of the members of the General Church. - L. 178.

Dec. 18. - The Principia Club, in a memorial resolution, records its grateful appreciation of the eminent services of the late Dr. J. J. G. Wilkinson as "the first and untiring champion and expounder of that system of natural truth" provided in Swedenborg's preparatory works "for the use of the Lord's New Church". - Reports in L. 1900:35, 104.

Philadelphia, Nov. - The Rev. Walter E. Brickman accepts charge of the (Convention) Society. - Mess. 78:22.

Dec. 31. - Ordination of Rev. Emil Cronlund, by Bishop Pendleton. The Advent Society here now worships in Glenn's Hall, 555 N. 17th St. - L. 1900:52.

Pittsburgh, Jan. 18. - Annual meeting of the Society. - L. 48.

May 19. - The Wallingford Street congregation unanimously approves its organization as a Society of the General Church. The Rev. E. C. Bostock is selected as Pastor. - L. 111.

- In the Local School (about 12 pupils), Pastor E. C. Bostock is assisted by Miss Electra Grant. - L. 87.

May 21. - A Local Assembly of General Church members discusses current Church questions. - L. 111.


Paris, Dec. - Death of M. Louis Lucas. - L. 1900:168.

Colchester, Jan. 30. - The Society commemorates Swedenborg's birthday. - L. 64.



June 18. - The Society is visited by Rev. G. C. Ottley who, with his family, then leaves for several years' residence in France. New Church Day is observed by about 70 persons, in an excursion to the seashore, (Frinton). - L.126.

Oct. 5. - At the annual meeting of the Society, gratifying progress is reported. The School now has 21 pupils. - L. 191.

Oct. 8. - Baptism of Mrs. Ann Maria Wagstaff, at the age of 78 years. The charming story of how she came into the New Church is told in L. 1899; p. 102; 1900:54.

Nov. 27. - The General Church Society moves into a new place of worship. Rev. W. H. Acton, pastor. - L. 15.

Isle of Wight, Ryde, April 2. - Dedication of a new hall, seating about 100 persons, by Rev. R. J. Tilson. Services were hitherto conducted (by Rev. T. K. Payton), in the house of Mr. Isaac Brooke, which he established in 1898 as a "New Church Home" for the rest and recreation of New Church people. - L.144.

London, Nov. 1. - Death of Mrs. J. R. (Sarah de Charms) Hibbard, in her 64th year; founder of the Academy's Girls' School in 1884. - Mess. 77:253; L. 1910:187, 255; M. L. vol. 22:440. For tributes by Academy teachers, see J. E. 1909:7-10.

Nov. 15. - At a meeting at Camden Road Church, Prof. Soocia reports over 100 readers and admirers of Swedenborg in Italy. He also visits Manchester and Accrington. - L. 1900:280.

Stockholm, March. - The Rev. J. E. Rosenqvist appeals for support for New Church missionary work in the Southside of Stockholm, the part where Swedenborg lived. - L. 40, 47, 62; Nya Kyrkans Tidning (Jan.).

Sept. - The Mission on the South Side, conducted by Rev. J. E. Rosenqvist, begins to prosper. - L. 176, 191.

Oct. 1. - Rev. A. Bjrck publishes No. 1 of a new journal, "Nunc Licet". Mr. Bjrck reviews the rise of "Academy principles" in a strongly negative sketch. Critical review in L. 174; 1900:47.


Morning Light, vol. 22.

The Swedenborg Association, by C. T. Odhner. - p. 165.

J. J. Garth Wilkinson: in Memoriam, by J. Speirs. - pp. 427, 436, 451.



New Church Life, vol. 19.

"Diseases of the Fibres" (concluded). - p. 7 - Cf. p. 1.

"The Nature of the Lord's Temptation-Combats". Important discussion by Revs. L. P. Mercer, C. T. Odhner, and W. L. Gladish. - pp. 10, 24, 56, 72, 90. Cf. p. 44.

"The Principia System" (address), by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 21. Cf. p. 14.

"Wine and Strong Drink". Discussion by C. T. Athearn and the Editor. Pp. 23, 41, 91. Cf. p. 12.

"The Principia: its value to the New Church theologian and to the Church in general", by Rev. N. D. Pendleton. - p. 42.

"What does Swedenborg's Principia' contain for Natural Science?" by Mr. Riborg Mann. - p. 54.

"Spontaneous Generation", by Mr. George E. Holman - p. 104.

"The Principles of the Academy", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 117 (Historic address, delivered in Kitchener).

"The language of the Most Ancient people", by Prof. E. S. Price, - p. 136.

"The Law of Evolution, by Bishop Wm. Pendleton. - p. 151.

Attack upon the General Church, by the editor of Neukirchenblatt (reprinted); answered by Prof. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 153, 184.

"The Divine Human of the Lord before Incarnation", by Rev. E. C. Bostock. - p. 164.

"A Plea for me Practical in New Church Education", (Discussion by Profs. L. C. Brickenstein and E. S. Price). - pp. 171, 185.

New Church Messenger, vol. 76.

The Statistics of the General Church (In answer to T. F. Wright), by C. T. Odhner. - p. 111.

History of the New Church in Switzerland, by Otto Erb. - p. 304, vol. 77.

The New Philosophy, 1899.

Contents of the Lesser Principia, by Rev. R. W. Bran - pp. 17, 23.

The Principia, Theory of Creation, by Rev. J. F. Potts. - pp. 54, 56. (Replies by Revs. C. E. Doering and J. Whitehead. -- pp. 62, 70.)




BOWERS. REV. J. E.: Suns and Worlds of the Universe: Outlines of Astronomy, according to the Philosophy of Emanuel Swedenborg. London: Speirs. Rev. L. 1899:124, 172; N. C. Rev. VII: 512. An elementary but sincere plea for the study of Swedenborg's cosmology. A. L.

LONDON (BURTON RD.) SOCIETY. Correspondence between members of the Church at Burton Road, London, with Rev. R. J. Tilson and W. H. Acton. 26pp. A. L.

PENDLETON, L. B.: The Wedding Garment. Translated into German, in the Neukirchenblatt, and published in book form. L. 1899:92.

Nunc Licet...Rellgios Tidskrift i Nykrlig riktning, utgifen af Albert Bjorck. V. 1-3. Oct. 1899 - Dec. 1902. Stockholm.

Western New Church Bulletin, Chicago. Western New Church Union. Vols. 1, 2, Oct. 1899 - Nov. 1900. Cont. as New Church Bulletin, 1900-06. Preceded by The New Church, 1895-96.

Africa. Great Britain enters into an agreement with Egypt for the government of the Sudan. (Jan. 19).

Cecil Rhodes negotiates with the German emperor concerning the construction of the Cape to Cairo railway through German territory (March).

Convention signed by Britain and France delineating the sphere of interest of the two countries in Central Africa (March 21). The British government refuses to abandon its claims to suzerainty over the Transvaal (August).

The Transvaal government presents an ultimatum requiring acceptance within two days (Oct. 9); Boer forces invade Natal (Oct. 12); by the end of October, Ladysmith, Kimberley, and Mafeking are closely invested.

America. End of Spanish sovereignty in Cuba; military rule of the United States begins (Jan. 1).

Fierce fighting with the Filipino forces under Aguinaldo; insurrection in full swing (March).



Australia. New South Wales accepts by popular vote the Federal Bill, thus assuring the success of Australian federation (June 20).

France. Captain Dreyfus found guilty by court martial and condemned to ten years' imprisonment (Sept. 9); he is pardoned by the president (Sept, 19).

Germany. The German chancellor announces the initiation of a naval program looking towards the doubling of the naval strength of the country (Dec. 11).

Great Britain. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman elected leader of the Liberal party (Feb. 6).

Holland. Opening of the "Universal Peace Conference" at the Hague consisting of delegates from twenty-six states (May 18).

Russia. The Finnish diet is deprived of the exclusive right of legislation; and a thorough policy of Russification begins (Feb.).





Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 8. - Conditions of the New Church in Rio de Janeiro are described in L. 79:81.

Berlin, Jan. 1. - The 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roschman is celebrated. - L. 111, 159.

Jan. 29. - Celebrations of Swedenborg's birthday. - L.111.

April 23. - The Carmel Church chooses Rev. F. E. Waelchli (Baltimore) as pastor. - L. 178, 374.

Sept. 1. - The Rev. L. H. Tafel resigns as Assistant Pastor of the Berlin (Convention) Society. - L. 224.

Sept. 4. - The Local School opens, with 34 pupils. - L. 567.

Sept. 16. - Annual meeting of the Carmel Church. Occasional services in German are favored. - L. 567.

Dec. 31-Jan. 1.- "The Ontario Assembly of the General Church of the New Jerusalem" meets at the Carmel Church. Evangelization within and without the Church is the leading theme. It is decided to hold annual meetings of the members in Canada. Rev. F. E. Waelchli is made Secretary. - Full report in L. 1901:85-102; 51; 111.

Toronto, Parkdale, Sept. 6-9. - Episcopal visit of Bishop Pendleton, ending with a "Local Assembly". - L. 565.

Sept. 25. - The local school reopens, with 8 pupils. - L. 619.

Oct. 14. - Celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Parkdale Society. - L.1901:54.


Chicago, Nov. - The Glenview and Chicago societies hold a joint Thanksgiving celebration in the Carroll Ave. church hall. - L. 1901:53.

Glenview, Oct. 25-Nov. 3. - Episcopal visit by Bishop Pendleton. - L. 673.

Baltimore, Feb. 28. - Members of the General Church clergy begin pastoral visits here. - L. 1901:388, 401, 403.



Summer. - After a pastorate of three years, the Rev. F. W. Waelchli leaves to become Pastor of the Society in Berlin (Ontario, Canada). Group photograph of the Society in L. 1941:520.

Buffalo, Feb. - A small society of German New Churchmen now worshiping in Klein's Hall, has existed here for four or five years. - L. 165, 166.

New York City, Jan. 6. - General Church services are resumed in a private house in Brooklyn, by the pastor of the Circle, Rev. A. Acton. - L. 1164, 682.

Middleport, May 12-16. - Episcopal visit by Bishop Pendleton. - L. 333.

Nov. - At the annual meeting, the Middleport Society decides to apply for membership in the General Church. - L.1901:53.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. - New Church Life becomes the organ of the General Church of the New Jerusalem - and assumes magazine form. - L. 38.

Jan. 15. - Prof. Odhner begins lectures on the "History of New Church Education". - L. 109, 164.

Jan. 29. - Swedenborg's birthday is observed by a social evening, with important speeches by the Rev. Messrs. Pendleton, Potts, Acton, Price, Doering, and Messrs. Pitcairn and Asplundh. - L. 110; speeches on pp. 140-142; 194-198; 459-462.

April 26. - The Rev. t. P. Mercer visits Bryn Athyn. - L. 278.

May 15-18. - Visit of Rev. James Hyde, (Argyle Square Society, London). - L. 352.

June 12, 14. - Public sessions of the Council of Ministers; discussion on the priesthood and regeneration. - L. 618; Cf.610, 617.

June 16. - The Teachers' Institute holds an open session for parents and teachers, to discuss "Precipitating the states of children", and "The use of Hebrew". - Full report in L. 641; Cf. 532, 533.

June 17-21. - Fourth General Assembly of the General Church of the New Jerusalem. 560 members reported. Much discussion on the Orphanage. Inspiring sessions. - Journal, (published in L. 1900: July-August, pp. 351-434); Impressions, 435-458; Sermons, 523,588,635.

July 23-24. - The Civic and Social Club holds a discussion on "The Chinese Situation". - L. 1,1507-512. Cf. 495.



Aug. 24. - Ground is broken for the new College building. The land was donated by Mr. John Pitcairn, who purchased the same for $1000 to $800 per acre. - L. 512.

Sept. 17. - Opening of the Academy and Local Schools; the former with 24 students, the latter with 44 pupils. - L. 564; Bishop's address, 537.

Sept. 24. - Annual meeting of the Principia Club. - L. 619.

Oct. 7. - A Local Assembly here, Bishop Pendleton presiding. - Full report in L. 609-613,617.

Dec. 27. - The Rev. John F. Potts announces the completion of his "long labor of over twenty-seven years, (on the Swedenborg Concordance), just four days before the close of the nineteenth century". - L. 1901:41.

Pittsburgh, Sept. 3. - Rev. Reginald W. Brown becomes Assistant to the Pastor, (Rev. E. C. Bostock). - L. 565.

Sept. 10. - Opening exercises of the local School, with 12 pupils. Teachers: Rev. R.W. Brown, Miss Electa Grant. - L. 565.

Oct. 19-23. - Episcopal visit by Bishop Pendleton. A "Local Assembly" is held. Ordination of Rev. Reginald W. Brown. - L. 673.

Renovo, April. - Episcopal visit by Bishop Pendleton. - L. 332.


Paris. - A review of the history of the Church in Paris from 1896 to 1900, appears in L. 667; 1901:43.

Oct. - M. Decembre has given up preaching at Rue Thonin; M. Hussenet now preaches there; he is visited by Rev. Wm. Diehl, of Brooklyn. Average attendance, 25. - Mess. 79:287.

Florence. - The Rev. Loreto Scocia gains some converts for the New Church through the wide distribution in Italy of a practical missionary work contrasting the New Church doctrines with those of modern Christendom. - L. 1901:631.

Trieste, Sept. - "A considerable number of persons" establish a circle for the study of the works of Swedenborg. A controversy with spiritists increases their numbers. Regular Sunday meetings are held at the house of Signor V. Risegari, with prayers from the Italian New Church liturgy, readings from the Divine Providence, and subsequent discussion. - L. 1901:631; Mess. 79:177.



- The Rev. J. E. Rosenquist leaves Stockholm, to take charge of the Gothenburg Society. - L. 375.


New Church Life, vol. 20.

"The Lord's Personal Manifestation to Swedenborg", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 1.

"Swedenborg's Work On Tremulation'" by Miss Lillian Beekman. - p. 24. Cf. p. 36.

Swedenborg's "Five Memorabilia" (about 1766). (Translation by Prof. Enoch S. Price). - pp. 31, BJ, 142. Cf. p. 44.

"New Church Life" as a Magazine", (A retrospect and re-statement of policy), by the Editor. - p. 37.

James John Garth Wilkinson, (a biography), by Prof. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 57 (portrait), 123, 199, 243, 290.

"Memorable Relations Adapted", by Prof. A. Acton. - pp. 71 (Golden Age), 515, (Silver Age), 627 (Copper Age), 627.

"In the Beginning: Geology In a New Light", by Mr. George E. Holman. - pp. 76, 133,281. Cf. pp. 270, 498, 557, 668.

A Reply to the New Church Messenger's review of the Journal of the General Assembly, by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 87.

"The New Church Review on the name, General Church of the New Jerusalem'", (editorial). - p. 89.

"The Budding of the Fig Tree", by Rev. C. T. Odhner, (A reply to Rev. John Worcester, in New Church Messenger, Nov. 15, 1899). - p. 91.

"The Writings as the Word", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - pp. 113, 169. Cf. pp. 316 (Rev. Thomas Child), 321 (Reply). Discussion resumed on pp. 316 (Rev. T. Child), 321 (Reply).

"The Recognition of Swedenborg's Science and Philosophy", by Rev. J. F. Potts. - p. 140.

"Swedenborg's Scientific Works and the Writings", by Prof. A. Acton. - p. 194.

"Swedenborg's Earliest Publication", by Mr. A.H. Stroh. - p. 206.



"The End of the World", (discussed by Dr. E. Cranch and Prof. A. Acton). - pp. 246, 260.

"Swedenborg's Science as a factor in New Church Education", by Prof. Enoch S. Price. - p. 459.

"A Curriculum of History", by Prof. C. T. Odhner. - p. 546.

"Creation only by Correspondencies", (Discussion on evolution between A. W. Manning
and Mr. G. E. Holman). - p. 668. Cf. 1901, p. 214.

The New Philosophy, 1900.

Swedenborg's earliest Scientific Works, by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 26.

A Bibliography of Swedenborg's Scientific Writings, by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 118.

Swedenborg's "On the Senses": Translation by Rev. E. S. Price. - p. 129. (This was continued in The New Philosophy until 1908, p. 94).

Translation of notes on the Principia by Swedenborg; being extracts from his Journal of Travels in 1733; with notes on same, by Rev. R. W. Brown. - pp. 134, 154.

Artificial parthenogenesis, by Harvey Farrington, M.D. - p. 158.


AMERICAN SWEDENBORG PRINTING AND PUBLISHING SOCIETY: A Memorial Report in honor of its Semi-Centennial: 1850-1900. New York. 43pp.

BEEKMAN, LILLIAN: Spectrum Analysis and Swedenborg's Principia. Huntingdon Valley, Pa.: Academy Book Room. 63pp. Rev., L. 1901:162.

ODHNER, REV. C. T.: Emanuel Swedenborg, Servant of the Lord: A True Story for the Young. New York; N.C. Board of Publication. 114pp. Illustrated, with map. Rev. L. 1900:670. 1901:47; N. C. Review, 1901:33. A charming adaptation of the brief biography of 1893.

New Church Bulletin, Chicago. Western New Church Union. V. 2, no. 2 - Vol. 7, no. 8, Nov. 1900 - May 1906. Continuation of Western N.C. Bulletin. Preceded by The New Church, 1895-96.


Africa. Lord Roberts begins his advance on Kimberley (Feb. 11); Kimberley is relieved (Feb. 15); the Boer army under General Conje compelled to surrender at Paardeberg (Feb. 28); Ladysmith is relieved (Feb. 28).



Bloemfontein, capital of Orange Free State, is occupied (Mar. 13); death of Piet Joubert, Boer commander-in-chief (March 27).

Mafeking is relieved (May 17); Lord Roberts issues a proclamation annexing the Orange Free State as the "Orange River Colony" (May 28); British occupy Johannesburg in the Transvaal (May 31); the British enter Pretoria, capitol of the South African Republic (June 5); Lord Roberts issues a proclamation annexing the South African Republic (Sept. 1); the Transvaal formally proclaimed a part of the British Empire as the "Vaal River Colony" (Oct. 25).

America. Carrie Nation, Kansas anti-saloon fanatic, begins hatchet raids. Galveston, Texas, is overwhelmed by a hurricane and tidal wave; over 6000 lives lost and the city utterly devastated (Sept. 8).

William McKinley re-elected president by a great majority (Nov. 6).

Asia. The Powers give pledges to the United States that no interference with commerce on the ground of nationality shall be permitted in China, the so-called "open door" policy (March).

In China, the "Boxer Rebellion" intensifies attacks on foreigners and Christians; and besieges the legations in Pekin.

An international force leaves Tien Tsin for the relief of the Pekin legations (June 10); the Chinese government supports the Boxers; the Taku forts fire upon the European fleet and are demolished and taken (June 17); the German ambassador at Pekin murdered (June 20); the allied column returns unsuccessfully to Tien Tsin (June 26); an allied force of 20, 000 men sets out from Tien Tsin for the relief of the Pekin legation (Aug. 4); the Russians occupy Niu-Chwang in Manchuria; the allies take Pekin and rescue the prisoners of the legations; the Chinese Court flees to the West (Aug. 14); allied troops march through the Forbidden City (Aug. 28).

The massacre of Christian missionaries continues in China; punitive expeditions sent out by the allied powers (Sept.).

Australia. The bill constituting the Commonwealth of Australia receives the royal assent (July 9).

Western Australia, by referendum, decides to join the Australian Commonwealth (Aug. 2).

France. A bill introduced In the French Chamber providing for the punishment of ministers of religion who criticize the public authorities (Feb.).



The Augustinians of the Assumption (a Roman Catholic missionary order at Nimes) is suppressed on suspicion of royalist intrigue.

The Paris Exposition opens (April 15).

Italy. King Humbert assassinated at Monza by an anarchist, Bresci, who had come from Paterson, N. J. to perform the deed; the king is succeeded by his son Victor Emmanuel III (July 29).





Rio de Janeiro. - Senor de La Fayette writes: "The New Jerusalem, introduced by me in this country since 1893, grows every day in number and prosperity; we are about 100, 80 of whom are in Rio de Janeiro, and 20 in other towns in Brazil. Almost all are very poor... I have fourteen works of the New Church translated into Portugese, but have no means to publish them". L. 567.

Berlin, Ont., Jan. 6. - Monthly services in German begin. - L.1901:278.

June 28. - Death of Mr. Henry Stroh Sr., one of the pioneers of the Berlin Society.- L. 504.

July 3. - Death of Rev. Frederick William Tuerk, aged 80 years. For 44 years the pastor of the First New Jerusalem Society in Berlin. Born in Prussia, 1820, he emigrated to America in 1849, and settled at Pittsburgh, Pa., as a missionary of the Lutheran Church. Here he met the doctrines of the New Church and, in 1857, openly united with its organization. Called to the pastorate of the growing young society In Berlin, the society grew to be one of the largest New Church congregations on the North American continent. In 1862, he was elected president of the Canada Association, and was consecrated an ordaining minister in 1864. For many years Mr. Tuerk was a member of the "Academy of the New Church", and an advocate of its principles and methods; but he sympathized with the Rev. Louis H. Tafel in his difference with the then Academy administration, and withdrew from that body in 1891. His funeral, (July 7) was conducted by representatives of both bodies in the Church in Berlin. - Biog. sketches in Mess. vol. 80:200; and in L. 506.

Hamilton, Ont., N.d. - The former organization having become defunct, a new society of 12 members is organized through the efforts of Mr. J. J. Bowman and Mr. William Addison. Weekly services are held. - L. 685.

Dec. 19. - 20 to 25 receivers here are reported by Rev. John E. Bowers. A disinclination to organize under the leadership of ministers is also reported. - L.1902:109.

Nov. - The editor of New Church Life discusses the work among the Mennonites in Canada, which "seems to be growing into Important proportions". He urges work among other sects characterized by "a simple, obscure belief in the sole Divinity of Christ". - L. 604.

Toronto, Parkdale, Ont., Dec. 31. - At the second annual sessions of the "Ontario Assembly", 92 members are present; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding. The Assembly holds a decennial celebration of the separation from the Canada Association. L. 1902:107; Full journal of meetings, pp. 145-162.




THE GENERAL CHURCH OF THE NEW JERUSALEM reports a total membership of 578, with 12 societies, 22 ministers, and one bishop. - L. 456.

- The editor of New Church Life draws attention to "the remarkable fact, that fully one-fifth of the members of the New Church in America are of German birth or descent". - L. 566.

San Francisco, Aug. 25. - Death of Mrs. Willard M. Smith, aged 77 years. She was originally a member of the Boston Society, but had been identified with the New Church in San Francisco since 1853. She was the mother of Mrs. Edith Childs, and the grandmother of Mrs. N. D. Pendleton. - L. 632.

Chicago, Jan. 15. - At the Council of Ministers of the Illinois Association, a paper on "The Standard of Ministerial Teaching" is presented by the Rev. N. D. Pendleton who, with Rev. E. J. E. Schreck, is present by invitation. - L. 168.

Nov. 1-3. - At the 62nd meeting of the Illinois Association, held at Englewood, an important conference on the New Church education of children Is opened by Rev. E. J. E. Schreck. The Rev. N. D. Pendleton, Mr. Swain Nelson, and a number of other members of the Immanuel Church (Glenview) take part. - L. 1902:53.

- The Rev. John E. Bowers makes his seventh year of semi-annual missionary tours In this state. - L. 223.

Baltimore, March 24. - The first Sunday services under the auspices of the "General Church" are held at the home of Mr. Peter Knapp, Secretary. The Rev. Emil Cronlund is invited to conduct monthly services in the I. O. M. Hall, at the southwest corner of Gay and Baltimore streets, for one year. - L. 388; 1902:355.

Nov. - In a letter to New Church Life, Mr. Alfred H. Stroh describes four distinct organizations of the New Church in Baltimore: (1) the original English Society, - the oldest in the United States; (2) the German Society; (3) a small "Mission" composed of members formerly connected with the English Society, and now ministered to by the Rev. G. Lawrence Allbutt, the former pastor of that Society; and (4) the "Baltimore New Church Reading and Social Circle", most of whose members are members of the General Church. - L. 619.

Middleport, N. d. - The Society unanimously invites the Rev. Richard Keep to become pastor indefinitely; and expresses the desire to become an organized body of the General Church. - L. 52.

Aug. 11. - The Rev. David H. Klein, (Glenview), takes charge of the Middleport Society. The congregation numbers 60, including children. - L.564.



Waverly, Pike county. - The only New Churchman here is said to be Lewis G. Dill, Esq., Judge of the Probate Court. - L. 278.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. - Throughout the year, the Principia Club vigorously discusses various problems arising out of Swedenborg's scientific works. The Rev. J. F. Potts, Prof. C. Vinet, and Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton are among the principal speakers. - Very full reports in L. 107, 164, 220, 275, 371. For papers, see Life Index; also New Philosophy.

Jan. 14. - The first annual banquet in honor of "Founders' Day" is held at "Cairnwood", at which Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton gives an important paper on "The Future of the Academy". (This custom was continued throughout the life-time of Mr. John Pitcairn). - L. 67, 106.

Jan. 29. - The society celebrates Swedenborg's birthday by a "Concordance Evening", in honor of the Rev. John F. Potts. Important speeches are made by the Rev. Messrs. C. Th. Odhner, John F. Potts, A. Acton, H. Synnestvedt, C. E. Doering; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton and Mr. John Pitcairn. In the name of the General Church, a silver loving cup is presented to the compiler of the Concordance.- L. 144-160.

May 7. - Death of Mr. Andrew Klein, aged 74 years. A native of Langmeil, Bavaria, he came to America in 1849. In 1871, with other German New Church receivers, he separated from the Baptist Church, and joined the newly-formed German New Church Society in New York City. A strong supporter of the pastor, Rev. Leonard Tafel, he later was a prominent and fearless lay supporter of the "Academy movement" in New York which resulted, on April 26, 1884, in the organization of the "First German New Church Society of Brooklyn", with Mr. Klein as president. A modest, quiet man, he held tenaciously to his convictions; and the history of the New Church in Brooklyn of 30 years is interwined with the story of his life. - Memorial addresses, etc., in L. 325-329; 332.

May 24. - The Rev. Arthur Faraday (England) addresses the Society. - L. 386.

June 18. - Death of Miss Evelyn Elizabeth Plummer, aged 67 years; gifted writer of New Church hymns and songs. A receiver of the Doctrines at 18, she taught in schools in the South and in Boston. For several years, she had charge of the New Church Library in Paris, France. From 1887 to 1895 she taught in the Academy Schools. Author of Lessons in Anatomy for children. - Report of memorial meeting in L. 559.

June 19-20. - Meeting of the "Philadelphia District Assembly". - Full report in L. 498-501.

June 20. - The omission of the "General Assembly" this year is explained as "due to the need for economizing time, strength and money". - L. 499.



June 24. - First "Joint Meeting of the Corporation and Faculty of the Academy, to hear reports, and discuss questions as to the ecclesiastical and educational uses of the Academy, and refer recommendations to the Board of Directors or the Faculty. In an address, Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton recommended a larger Academy organization to include as members all Corporation members, professors, teachers, and graduates, meeting in an annual "Academy Assembly". He described the present need to vest the two general uses of the episcopacy of the General Church and direction of the ecclesiastical uses of the Academy, In two men. He urged the development of New Church higher education, especially for the preparation of women as teachers and mothers. The Church societies should endeavor, when able, to extend education after the elementary grades, in "intermediate Departments". The meeting recommended a private secretary for the Bishop. - L. 901:5 (minutes); (address); 10-28 reports. Cf. L. 6-9.

June 25-28. - 5th annual meeting of the Council of the Clergy of the General Church. - Full account in the Journal. (published in L. 393-456).

July 1. - The building of the Girls' dormitory, ("Glenn Hall"), is begun. - L. 387.

Aug. - Publication of the first number of Journal of Education of the Academy of the New Church, (with Prospectus and Catalogue of the Academy Schools). Editor, Rev. C. Th. Odhner. The Journal proper includes two addresses, a list of Academy graduates from 1879 to 1890, and an appendix describing the existing local or parish schools of the General Church. (Bryn Athyn, 5 teachers, 45 pupils; Pittsburgh, 3 teachers, 10 pupils; Glenview, 3 teachers, 20 pupils; Berlin, 5 teachers, 37 pupils; Parkdale, 2 teachers, 8 pupils.) - 84pp. Illustrated. - L. 543, 561.

Sept. - Resignation of the Rev. George Starkey as editor of New Church Life. He is appointed secretary to the Bishop of the General Church. The Rev. C. Th. Odhner is appointed editor-in-chief of the Life with Rev. Alfred Acton as assistant-editor. - L. 368.

Sept. - The policy of the new editors of Life is described in L. 486.

Sept. - The uses of an annual "Council of the Clergy" are discussed in L. 487.

Sept. - An editorial discussion concerning freedom of expression of beliefs and doubts by ministers; also the use of "separation"; appears in L. 488-490. Cf. Rev. John Goddard's views in Mess., vol. 81:19.

Oct. - The Rev. E. C. Bostock and family settle in Bryn Athyn. - L. 623.

Oct. 7. - The Academy Schools open in the new building, ("Benade Hall"). The Superintendent, Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton, delivers an address on "The Lord as the Divine Educator".- Report in L. 617.



Nov. 18. - Annual meeting of the "Principia Club"; Rev. Homer Synnestvedt is elected chairman; Rev. C. E. Doering, secretary. - L. 1902:50.

Dec. 2. - Death of Rev. Henry Benade Cowley, aged 30 years. The second son of Dr. David Cowley, (Pittsburgh), he graduated from the Academy, with B. Th., in 1897. Ordained in 1898, he became Headmaster of the local school in Bryn Athyn, - the first General Church minister devoted exclusively to elementary education. - L. 1902:56; biogr. sketch, 44.

Dec. 22. - Death of Mr. Robert Morris Glenn, aged 52 years. Son of Mr. Benjamin F. Glenn, (Philadelphia), and grandson of Robert Glenn, (one of the founders of the Frankford Society), he attended Mr. Benade's school in Cherry St., from 1856 to 1863. Taking over his father's successful real estate business in 1883, he also had succeeded his father as choir leader and music director to the Cherry St. Society, (1878-1887), - a use which he continued at Huntingdon Valley, from 1895 to the end of his life. Chosen as an associate member of the Academy on Aug. 29, 1882, he became prominent in the lay uses of the Church. Serving as secretary of the Council of the Laity from 1885 to 1888, and as the Academy's treasurer from 1887 to 1895, he was elected president of the Academy in 1895, - in which year he gave up his real estate business in Philadelphia to manage the Cairnwood estate and develop the Bryn Athyn community. A wise counselor and a stalwart supporter of the cause of the Academy and the General Church; his home was, and remained after his death, a leading center of genuinely distinctive New Church social life. - L. 1902:56; biogr. sketch (photo.), 57. Memorial meetings in Bryn Athyn, Glenview, Middleport, Parkdale, Pittsburgh, and Berlin. - L. 1902:56, 100, 105, 148, 162, 176, 465, 520.

Philadelphia, Jan. 18. - Death of Mrs. Jacob (Abigail Jane) Anshutz (nee Pollock), aged 76 years. Educated in part by the Rev. David Powell, whom her father, Mr. Thomas Pollock, induced to come and teach school in Wheeling, West Virginia, she was a devoted and influential member of the New Church societies in Cincinnati and Philadelphia (Cherry St.). - L. 104.

Pittsburgh, March 6. - The Pittsburgh Society unanimously requests the Rev. Edward C. Bostock to remain as its pastor. - L. 1901:222.

Oct. 27-29. - First "Pittsburgh District Assembly of the General Church". All members and friends residing in Western Pa., Ohio, and West Virginia were invited to attend. The holding of annual "District Assemblies" in Pittsburgh is enthusiastically approved. - Full report in L.1902:90-100.


Biebrich-on-the-Rhine, June. - Announcement is made that "the manuscript copy of the German translation of the Spiritual Diary entitled Geistige Tagebuch, which was made by the late Prof. W. Pfirsch at the expense of Mr. J. G. Mittnacht, and since his death held by his niece, Miss M. Mittnacht, of Biebrich-a-Rhein, has been presented by that lady to the Academy of the New Church with the condition that the German Swedenborg Society shall have the free use of the MS. in case it be the first to apply for it".



The manuscript is said to consist of "5,618 carefully and clearly written pages". A plan to publish same is printed in L. 322.

Stuttgart, Oct. 20. - At the annual meeting of the German "Swedenborg Verein", it is resolved to assist in the publication of the Spiritual Diary in German, - the manuscript of the late Prof. William Pfirsch being "at present preserved by the Academy of the New Church". - L. 1902:55.

Colchester, Sept. 29. - The Rev. Andrew Czerny arrives to carry on the work during Mr. Bostock's illness. The first fortnightly services are held on Oct. 13; attendance (including children), 49. - L. 682.

N.d. - General Church worship, doctrinal classes, and school uses are carried on by the Rev. Andrew Czerny in private residences of the members. - L. 682.

N. d. - The Revs. C. J. N. Manby and A. T. Boyesen deliver lectures against a marked spiritistic movement in Stockholm. - L. 1902:112.

N. d. - The Rev. Joseph E. Boyesen reports that the work of phototyping "Codex J" of the Spiritual Diary (containing Nos. 3428-6096) has commenced. The missing MS. containing Swedenborg's "Additions to the True Christian Religion", (See Tafel's Dec. 11:758), is reported to have been found in the Royal Library. - L. 631.

N.d. - During the summer, the Rev. C. J. N. Manby does extensive missionary work In the country districts. The Rev. Joseph E. Rosenqvist also makes a novel missionary journey along the coast of Southern Sweden, distributing New Church literature wherever the steamer lands, and delivers lectures at Helsingborg and Stockholm. - L. 630.

Gottenburg, June 19. - The Nineteenth of June Is celebrated for the first time in Gottenburg, under the direction of the Rev. J. E. Rosenqvist. - L. 510.

N. d. - A New Church Young People's Society is organized here in connection with Rev. J. E. Rosenqvist's society. - L. 687.

Stockholm. Feb. 14. - The Rev. Albert Bjrck is formally excluded from membership in the "Swedish Congregation of the New Church", on account of disturbances caused by his doctrinal views. Mr. Bjrck claims that his exclusion is illegal; and takes his case to the civil courts. As a means of support, he opens an antiquarian book store; and also preaches to an independent society of some thirty persons. - L. 510.



March. - The Rev. J. E. Rosenqvist delivers two public lectures on Swedenborg's life, in a crowded large hall. The lectures are favorably reviewed in the daily papers. - L. 510.

March 27. - The organization of a movement for the establishment of a New Church orphanage is announced; the funds to be collected by the "endless chain" method. - L. 510.

Aug. 12. - The case of Rev. Albert Bjrck has a second hearing before the civil courts. The plaintiff claims that, while he differed from Mr. Manby, he did not differ from the Doctrines of the New Church. - L. 631, 687.

Nov. 4. - The civil courts in a final decision in the lawsuit of the Rev. Albert Bjrck versus the "Swedish Congregation of the New Church", uphold the resolution by which the plaintiff was excluded from the legalized body of the New Church; and he is directed to pay all costs of the lawsuit. - L. 1902:55.


New Church Life, vol. 21.

"Memorable Relations Adapted", by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 16 (Iron Age), 569 (Iron-Clay Age).

De Verbo (trans.) - pp. 35, 204, 258, 314, 591, 653 (concluded).

"The First New Church Work Published in America", by Dr. Ernest A. Farrington. - p. 50.

"The Future of the Academy", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 67.

"New Church Science compared with Swedenborg's Science as this is exemplified in his Principles of Chemistry'", by Rev. J. F. Potts. - p. 185.

Swedenborg on the Deluge, on the sun as fire' and on the Natural Point" (in reply to Rev. J. F. Potts), by Rev. C. E. Doering. - p. 225.

"Swedenborg's Cosmogony", by Rev. H. Synnestvedt, (in reply to Rev. J. F. Potts). - p. 231.

"The Ancient Understanding of the Doctrine of Degrees", by Rev. N. D. Pendleton. - p. 281.

"The Scientific Works of Swedenborg and the Writings", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 287.

"History of the New Church in Brooklyn", by Prof. C. T. Odhner. - p. 326.

"The Distinctiveness of the New Church", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 337, 479, 529, 647. (Critical review by Rev. E. C. Bostock in L. 1902, p. 404).



"The Twelve Apostles: the First Priests of the New Jerusalem", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 513.

"Why was the Lord born on this earth and not on another?" by Rev. E. C. Bostock. - p. 633.

International Year-book, 1901. Dodd, Mead and Co. N. Y. First public data re the General Church (p. 549) (Supplied by C. T. Odhner) L. 1902:432ff.

Journal of Education (A. N. C.), 1901.

An Historical Sketch of New Church Education and of the Academy, by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 53.

The New Philosophy. 1901.

The Brain and Sleep, by Lillian Beekman. - pp. 9, 41. Cf. 1902, pp. 10, 18; 1944:14.

The Mathematical Point, by Rev. C. E. Doering. - p. 56.

The credibility of Swedenborg's science, by Rt. Rev. W. F. Pendleton. - p. 65.

Identification of Hydrogen and third finites, by Lillian Beekman. - p. 114. Cf. 1902,

Comparison of Swedenborg's and Newton's theories of light and color, by A. Stroh. - p. 130.


"JOURNAL OF EDUCATION OF THE ACADEMY of the New Church with Prospectus and Catalogue of the Academy Schools". Huntingdon Valley, Pa., 1901. 83pp. Rev. L. 1901:545, 561.

BEEKMAN, LILLIAN: "Spectrum Analysis and Swedenborg's Principia". Academy Book Room. Review L. 1901:162.

GENERAL CHURCH: General Index to New Church Life. Vol. I to Vol. XIX, 1881-1889. Academy of the New Church 1901. pp. 87. Compiled by Rev. C. Th. Odhner. Reviewed in L. 1901:603.

GLADISH, REV. W. L.: "Daily Lessons from the Word and the Writings. 1901-1902". Reviewed in L. 1901:659.

ODHNER, C. TH.: "James John Garth Wilkinson, a biographical sketch". 36pp. Huntingdon Valley, Pa. 1901. New Church Collateral Pamphlet 205.

OLDS, CHARLES LOUIS: "Woodpile Recollections". The Abbey Press, New York, 140pp. Reviewed in L. 1901:491.



ROEDER, ADOLPH: A Word on a Special Mission. 11pp. Orange, New Jersey. New Church Collateral Pamphlet 134.

WAELCHLI, REV. F. E.: New Church Education for children and how it can be obtained. Carmel Church, Berlin, Ont., Canada. 16pp. Pamphlet reviewed in L. 1901:543.


America. The U.S. Supreme Court hands down an important decision regarding the constitutional status of colonies and possessions (May 27).

Turkey pays to the United States the claims advanced in behalf of the missionaries in Asia Minor for losses incurred during the Armenian disturbances of 1895-96 (July).

President McKinley is shot twice by Leon Czolgosz, while holding a public reception at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo (Sept. 6); he dies on the 14th and Vice-President Roosevelt takes the oath of office.

Asia. China signs peace protocol with the powers promising the punishment of officials connected with the Boxer uprising and paying an indemnity (Jan.).

Revelation of Russian diplomacy in China aiming at the establishment of a virtual protectorate over Manchuria (Feb.).

China appeals to the powers against Russian exactions, and is supported by the U.S., Great Britain, and Japan (Mar.).

Australia. Jan. 1. Inauguration of the Australian Commonwealth. May 9. The first parliament of the Australian Commonwealth opened at Melbourne by the Duke of Cornwall and York.

France. The French Chamber passes an Important Bill of Associations regulating the affairs of religious orders (Mar. 29).

Great Britain. Death of Queen Victoria after a reign of 64 years; she is succeeded by her son, Edward II. (Jan. 22).

Disorderly scenes during the installation of the Bishop of London, caused by the anti-ritualists (April 17).



Norway. The Norwegian parliament confers the franchise in municipal and communal elections on women tax-payers (May 25).

Russia. Count Leo Tolstoy is ex-communicated by the orthodox church for his subversive teachings (Mar. 9).

Sweden. Death of Baron A. E. Nordenshjold, Swedish geologist and arctic explorer.





St Louis, N. d. - The application of the Society to the local government for a grant in support of a pastor is refused. But a call is sent to Dr. Fercken, of Geneva, a bishop of the United Brethren, who has accepted the Doctrines, on condition that he be ordained by the General Conference. - L. 1903:56.


Rio de Janeiro, Aug. 27. - The General Assembly adopts "Statutes of the General Association of the New Jerusalem in Brazil" They are printed in pamphlet form. - L. 1903:338.

Dec. 4. - Senor de La Fayette writes that the Doctrines are spreading in some States of Brazil. A new society is founded at Recife (Pernambuco); and a small group at Belena (Para.). - L. 1903:111.

Berlin, Ont., March 31. - A special three months' (General Church) school for the religious instruction of children and young people of isolated families, has been successfully accomplished. - L. 303.

April 2. - A "Kirmes", or German village fair, featuring a German supper and a villager's parade, inn, museum, etc., is described as the society's "great social event" of the season. - L. 304.

June 24-27. - 6th annual meeting of the Council of the Clergy and Joint Council of the General Church. - Journal published in L. 429-527. Cf. 535-7.

June 25. - It is announced that the Rev. E. C. Bostock has been selected for ordination into the third degree. - L. 489. Cf. 430, 463, 464.

June 30 - July 1. - Fourteenth annual meeting of the Teacher's Institute. Reports and addresses, - J. E. 1902:28-33, 15, 23. L. 307, 537, 599.


Atlanta, July 20. - At an organization meeting of General Church members, C. R. Pendleton Sr., (Macon), presiding, it is agreed to inaugurate weekly services. - L. 651.

Cascade, Nov. 9 - Service is held here in a little country church erected several years ago by the Rev. Ellis I. Kirk and Mr. Hughey. Mr. J. A. Morrell has supervised a Sunday School here for some years. - L.1903:53.



Glenview, Oct. 31. - Nov. 1. - The 2nd Chicago District Assembly is held in the Immanuel Church. - Full report, (N. D. P.), in L. 1704-708.

Baltimore, Oct. - Bishop E. C. Bostock formally establishes the Baltimore (General Church) Circle, at its first annual meeting. - L. 1903:563.

New York City, Jan. 5. - General Church services are again held in Brooklyn, in a rented hall, after an interval of six months, by Rev. Alfred Acton. -L. 104.

Dec. 7. - Episcopal visit to the (General Church) Brooklyn Society; 21 present. - L. l903:52.

Middleport, Jan. 29. - Dr. S. Bradbury Hanlin proves from early minutes that the Middleport society is a continuation of the Rutland society, founded in 1839. The only surviving member of the Rutland society is Mrs. McQuigg, aged 90 years. - L. 175.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 6. - The New Gymnasium in Benade Hall is now in use. - L. 105.

Jan. 27. - The first school social is held in the new Academy building. - L. l74.

Jan. 29. - Celebration of Swedenborg's birthday; (also in Allentown, Berlin, Middleport, Parkdale, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh). - L. 173-176.

March 24. - Prof. C. T. Odhner delivers the first of a course of lectures on "Correspondences of the Land of Canaan". - L. 302.

April 6. - Dedication of "Benade Hall", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton, assisted by the Revs. Price, Odhner, Acton and Doering, after delivery of the title deed by Mr. John Pitcairn to Mr. C. Hj. Asplundh, as Treasurer of the Academy. Full, illustrated account of the service and "dedication banquet" in L. 1902:237-242; 256-279. Cf. L. 38.

May 29. - At a "men's meeting", following the sessions of the Swedenborg Scientific Association, attended by a number of members of the General Convention, a frank and vigorous discussion is held on the meaning of Conjugial Love, nos. 444 to 476; especially as interpreted by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton in his "Principles of the Academy". - L. 419.

June. - It is estimated that, in "the New Church settlement in Bryn Athyn", out of the 226 members of the congregation, (93 adults, 133 miners), only 27 came from the Old Church. 27 are of the 1st generation in the Church; 63 of the 2nd; 74 of the 3rd; 58 of the 4th; and 4 of the 5th.



From the 25 married couples came 144 children, of whom 12 are now in the other world; but not one has left the New Church. Out of the 45 children in the elementary school, 3 are of the 5th generation; 15 of the 4th; 20 of the 3rd; and 7 of 2nd. - L. 355.

June 10. - Second annual Joint meeting of the Academy Corporation and Faculty. Prof. Odhner resigns as secretary, and editor of Journal of Education. Professor C. E. Doering has been appointed Dean, to have executive charge of the external affairs of the Schools. - L. 34 (minutes); 39-50 (reports); address; 35-39.

June 12-13. - Closing exercises of the Academy Schools. The degree of B. Th. Is granted to Messrs. Alfred H. Stroh and Em. B. Caldwell.- Full account in L. 420-425, 679.

June 19. - The Rev. Homer Synnestvedt resigns the pastorate of the Society, to become headmaster of the parish school, and housemaster of the boys' dormitory. Bishop Pendleton assumes the pastorate, assisted by Candidate Wm. B. Caldwell.- L. 596.

Summer. - The president and treasurer of the Academy issue an appeal for subscriptions to a fund for scholarships. - L. 597.

Sept. - The Bryn Athyn Society begin to hold services in the rented Chapel of Benade Hall. The local school also occupies four rooms on the first floor, having outgrown the "Brown Study". - J. E. 1903:19; L. 1903:106, 107.

Sept. -A "Training School for Teachers" is announced. - L. 544.

Sept. 15. - Opening exercises of the 26th Academy school year; with 46 pupils. The parish school opens with 57 pupils. - L. 598.

Sept. 17. - In a letter to the Rev. C. T. Odhner, Dr. Max Neuburger, lecturer on the History of Medicine in the University of Vienna, offers to translate Swedenborg's work on The Brain, or his
Economy of the Animal Kingdom, if publication can be arranged. - L. 658.

Sept. 27. - Dedication of the "Boys' Dormitory". - L. 650.

Fall. - The society "Friday Suppers" are held in the "Gymnasium Hall"; about 125 persons attend. - L. 651.

Oct. - Mr. John Pitcairn donates $20,000 to the Society the income of which is to be applied to the operating expenses of a new parish school building. This is distinct from the gift of the building itself.

Oct. 19 - 2nd annual Philadelphia District Assembly; Bishop Pendleton presiding. About 200 persons present. The General Church now has five "District Assemblies", vix., Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Canada, and Great Britain. - L. 1903:45-48.



- Three ordinations take place: (1) the Rev. Edward C. Bostock into the episcopal degree; (2) the Rev. George G. Starkey into the pastoral degree; (3) the Rev. William B. Caldwell into the first degree. Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton officiates. - L. 1903:45.

Nov. 7. - Death of Mr. Samuel A. Klein, aged 30 years; a strong worker in the Brooklyn Society; brother of Rev. David H. Klein. - L. 716; 1903:50, 52.

Dec. - The Society bids farewell to Rev. Geo. G. Starkey and family; welcomes Rev. Richard de Charms Jr., and family. - L. 716, 1903:51.

Lancaster, Dec. 25. - Death of Mrs. Sarah M. Kramph, aged 78 years; widow of Mr. Frederick Kramph, who was a prominent member of the Central Convention and an early associate of the Revs. De Charms, Burnham, and Benade. - L. 1903:112.

Philadelphia, May 11. - The Advent Society adopts a resolution requesting Bishop Pendleton to recognize it as a regular society of the General Church. The Rev. Emil Cronlund is unanimously chosen as pastor. - L. 356.

Nov. 30. - Episcopal visit by Bishop Pendleton to the Advent Society. - L. 1903:49.

Pittsburgh, Sept. 19. - Death of Mrs. M. M. Cowley, aged 63 years; widow of the late David Cowley, M.D. - L. 652, 660.

Oct. 23-26. - 2nd Pittsburgh District Assembly, Bishop Pendleton presiding. - L. 1903:52, 57.

Auckland, N. d. - A New Church society, with a small church building of their own, is reported to have existed here for the last 15 years. - L. 1903:339.

Vienna, N. d. - Dr. Max Neuburger, of Vienna University, expresses a desire to translate Swedenborg's work On the Brain into German. - L. 603.

N. d. - Mr. X. Lux, a New Church student for the ministry, writes an interesting account of an interview with Dr. Max Neuburger. - Bote der Neuen Kirche. Oct.

Paris, N. d. - A "private" society, under the name of the "Societe Swedenborgienne de France", consists of 52 members, under the leadership of Rev. J. Decembre.



Members are required to undergo one year's doctrinal instruction before admission to Baptism and the Holy Supper. - L. 235.

N. d. - The two societies, under the leadership of M. Hussenet and the Rev. J. Decembre respectively, are described in L. 235.

Colchester, Sept. 28. - The Rev. A. Czerny has conducted fortnightly services and classes here for one year. - L. 1903:109.

London, April 19. - The Rt. Rev. E. C. Bostock arrives in England to visit the members and friends of the General Church. - L. 360, 600.

N. d. - The New Church Day School recently opened by Rev. Andrew Czerny, is held at Longfield Hall, corner of Burton and Knatchbull Roads. Six boys and nine girls are enrolled as pupils. - L. 176.

May 24-25. - The First Assembly of the General Church in Great Britain is held in Brixton Hall; the Rt. Rev. E. C. Bostock presiding. About 60 persons present. Full report in L. 528-534, 572.

Dec. 25. - The London (General Church) Society begins to hold services and school in a rented three-story house at 99 Holland Rd., Stockwell, London, S. W. The school has 19 pupils. The pastor, Rev. A. Czerny, now resides here. Services hitherto have been held at members' houses. - L. 1903:108.

The Hague. - A Dutch version of Heaven and Hell, translated by Mr. G. Barger, is published. This is "the first complete publication of any of the Writings in the Netherlands" since Swedenborg's publication of the True Christian Religion in Amsterdam. - L. 218.

Florence, June 11. - Death of the Rev. Loreto Scocia, aged 66 years. Educated in a Jesuit college, he was imprisoned in 1860-1861 for aiding the "Young Italy" movement. Escaping to Corsica, he read the forbidden New Testament, and became a Wesleyan Methodist missionary until 1868, when he was appointed Professor of Languages in two colleges in Lausanne, Switzerland. Here, through the reading of Heaven and Hell, he became the first New Church evangelist in Italy. From Turin he promulgated the Doctrines, through Italian translations, lectures, and a monthly journal, La Nuova Epoca (the New Age). Moving to Florence, in 1873, Signor Scocia produced numerous translations and missionary works, warmly supported by all sections of the New Church, and missionary works, warmly supported by all sections of the New Church, including the Academy. During his last years he helped to form a small society in Trieste, in Italian Austria. His remarkable personality is revealed in his autobiography, published in 1885. - L. 543; biogr. sketch, 658-660.

Trieste, N. d. - Signor Scocia's will provides that his Italian translations of the Writings shall be placed in charge of Signors Risegari (Trieste), and Guocchi (Rome), to be sold or distributed to libraries.



In case of the death of his little child, his small estate is to endow this work. - L. 716.

Stockholm, N. d. - Mr. Albert Bjrck advertises for sale an original letter written by Swedenborg in Sweden to Mr. Zacharias Strmberg, of Amsterdam, in 1722. - L. 225; Mess., vo1. 82:92.

Jan. - The two New Church societies unite in a public celebration of Swedenborg's birthday, at the Academy of Science; - L. 254.

June 19. - The 25th anniversary of Pastor Boyesen's evangelistic work here. During part of the summer, Pastor Manby makes a second evangelistic journey to the most northerly towns of Sweden. At Lule and Hudiksvall, he has audiences of 50 to 300 persons; and sells many books. - L. 602; 1903:55.

From July through the winter. - Mr. Alfred Stroh superintends the work of copying Swedenborg's unpublished scientific MSS. Other visitors, during the summer months, interested in Swedenborgiana research are: the Rev. Messrs. James Hyde, T. F. Wright, and Mr. John Pitcairn. - L. 657.

Dec. 11. - At a meeting of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Dr. Retzius, the renowned physiologist, after introducing Mr. Alfred H. Stroh, of Bryn Athyn, Pa., stated the time had arrived for a complete examination of all Swedenborg's scientific MSS., with a view to their publication by the Royal Academy. A committee is formed, consisting of Dr. Retzius, Dr. Arrhenius, the famous chemist, Dr. Nathorst, geologist and paleontologist, Dr. Loven, physiologist, and Dr. Henschen, cerebral pathologist. The continental scientists, Professors Lorentz, Fischer, and Ross, who recently received the Nobel prizes, are present at the meeting. An account of the meeting is published in the Stockholm daily, Aftonbladet. Dec. 12. See L.1903:216, 334, 364, 491, 566, 575, 657. For a history of the Initiation of this movement, see p. 278.


New Church Life, vol. 22.

"Richard de Charms, A sketch of his life and work", (with portrait), by Prof. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 1, 129. (Continued in 1903, pp. 76, 245, 359, 595).

"Robert Morris Glenn: A Life Sketch", (with portrait), by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 57.

"Mr. Hartley and The Nine Questions'" (with translation), by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 65.

"Francis Edmund Boericke: A Biographical Sketch", by Mr. John Pitcairn. - p. 113.

"Memorable Relations adapted: The Dawn of a New Age", by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 137.



"Emanuel Swedenborg: The man who dared to tell and do the Truth", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 181.

"The History of the New Church in Canada", by Rev. F. E. Waelchli. - p. 196.

"Minor Works by Swedenborg: Answer to a letter written me by a friend", (Thanes Hartley: 1769). - p. 210.

"Reading the Writings in Worship", discussion by Revs. C. T. Odhner and F. Sewall. - pp. 214, 279, 283.

"A Remarkable Tribute to Swedenborg as a Man of Science", by Max Neuburger (Vienna). - p. 308.

"Annotata de Calvino", (A description of one of the Swedenborg Mss.), by Rev. A Acton, - p. 327. pp. 327-336.

"The Standard of Authority in the New Church", by Bishop W. H. Benade. - p. 365. Cf. p. 393.

"The Relation of the Writings to the Word", by Rev. W. L. Gladish. - p. 390.

"A New Argument against New Church Schools", (Discussion between Rev. A. F. Frost and the Editor). - pp. 401, 393.

"The Unity of the Church", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 444. (Disc., p. 458).

"Comments on the Miracles and Historicals of the Word", by Rev. N.D. Pendleton. - p. 466. (Disc., p. 477).

"The Testimony of the Writings concerning themselves", compiled by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 545.

"Reasons for the existence of the General Church of the New Jerusalem", by Rev. E. C. Bostock. - p. 572.

On the Word and the Writings. (A discussion between Rev. L. G. Laudenberger, Mr. C. T. Athearn, Rev. E. S. Hyatt and the Editor). - pp. 586, 588, 581.

"Minor Works by Swedenborg: Justification and Good Works", (trans. by Rev. A. Acton). - p. 635.

"Minor Works by Swedenborg: Specimen and Sketch of the Doctrine of the New Church". (trans. by Rev. A. Acton). - p. 687.

Journal of Education, (A. N. C.), 1902.

Five Reasons for New Church Education, by Rev. H. Synnestvedt. - p. 7.

The relation between teacher and parent, by Rev. H. Synnestvedt. - p. 23.



The New Philosophy, (A. N. C.), 1902.

A neglected factor in the doctrine of evolution, by Rev. J. Whitehead. - p. 21.

Swedenborg's theory of fire, by k H. Stroh. - p. 152.

Swedenborg's doctrine of End, Cause and Effect, by Rev. L. F. Hite. - p. 182.


BOYESEN, PASTOR A. TH.: Kristendomens Forlorade Grundsanning. 18pp. Stockholm.

LA FAYETTE, L.C.: de Catechismo da Nova Jerusalem ou Nova Egreia Christa, Rio de Janeiro. 42pp. First New Church work in Portuguese. Catechism reviewed in L. 1902:645.

POTTS, REV. JOHN F.: Swedenborg Concordance - completed volume 6. Reviewed in L. 1902:348.

ROEDER, ADOLPH: A Trine of Views. Orange, New Jersey. October.


Africa. Death of Cecil J. Rhodes, British statesman and capitalist.

The Boer leaders sign terms of surrender at Pretoria (May 31).

America. Cuban Republic inaugurated.

The President's message deals with the growing problem of the trusts (Dec. 2).

Asia. China. Russia concludes a convention with China agreeing to complete the evacuation of Manchuria in 18 months (April 8).

China. The date for the partial evacuation of Manchuria (Niu-Chwang) by Russia passes without any action on the part of the latter.

Great Britain. By the will of Cecil Rhodes (d. March 26) the bulk of his for tune is left for the establishment of scholarships at Oxford to be held by Americans, Colonials, and Germans.

Conferences between the colonial premiers and the Colonial Secretary result in the formulation of resolutions for a closer union of the empire, among others that of preferential trade with the colonies (Nov. 3).



Deaths of Lord Acton, English historian and Catholic liberal; and George Rawlinson, English Orientalist and historian.

France. The centenary of the birth of Victor Hugo is celebrated with great state in France (Feb. 26).

The forcible closing of religious schools not conforming with the Law of Association arouses great excitement (July).

Germany. The Triple Alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy is renewed (June 28).

Holland. First International Arbitration Court opened in The Hague, Holland.





Berlin, Ont., Jan. 13. - Death of Mr. Adam Doering, aged 35 years. - L. 112, 168, 225.

Sept. 1. - The Carmel Church parish school opens with 42 pupils. - L. 615.

Toronto, March 1. - The Rev. E. S. Hyatt preaches for the last time in the Olivet Church, (Parkdale). On account of ill-health, his pastorate of 14 years ends. - L. 336.

March 4-11. - During a visit by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton, the Rev. E. R. Cronlund is chosen as provisional pastor; commencing his duties May 7. - L. 536.

Dec. 31. - Fourth annual Ontario Assembly of the General Church; 69 members present; Bishop Pendleton delivers a notable address on "Duties of Members of the Church". - Full report in L. 1904:152-59; Cf. 110, 312, 352.


Denver, Feb. - The new General Church pastor, Rev. George G. Starkey, commences services here. - L. 225, 280.

May 17. - The two New Church societies in Denver hold a union or fellowship meeting. Dr. B. A. Wheeler, the founder of the New Church here, gives a resume of its history. - L. 498.

Palm Beach, March 20. - Death of Mr. Franklin Ballou, aged 58 years. The first of the original four "founders" of the Academy to enter the spiritual world. Born in Pittsburgh, June 29, 1845, he early developed a critical interest in the prevailing Christian doctrines. In 1869, he and his life-long friend, Walter C. Childs, purchased a 2-vol. copy of True Christian Religion. Both separately became convinced that here was a logical, free-from-humbug account of real Christianity. Both were baptized by Bishop Benade, on Feb. 20, 1870. Joined by John Pitcairn, the trio became devoted to the ideal of a truly distinctive New Church life. Mr. Ballou attended the early Academy meetings in Philadelphia until May, 1877, when he moved to Colorado, and later to New York, where he was engaged in buying and selling ores, being a gifted metallurgist and vice-president of a large smelting company. A member of the Academy Council until its abrupt disbandment by Bishop Benade in 1893. All of his seven children attended the Academy Schools. - L. 284; biogr. sketch, (A. A.), 324-6.

Atlanta, Jan. 29. - "The first general celebration of Swedenborg's birthday ever held in the South". - L. 170.



Glenview, N. d. - Farewell reception and presentation to the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Pendleton. - L. 497.

April. - The Rev. David H. Klein commences his pastoral duties. - L. 498.

Dec. 30. - The 13-year-old daughter (Ethel) of Mr. Harry E. Blackman perishes in the (Chicago) Iroquois Theatre fire. - L. 1904:112, 155, 163.

Chicago, Feb. 29. - The nearly fifty members of the Immanuel Church still residing in Chicago, decide to form their own society. - L. 224.

March 4. - Organization of the "Sharon Church"; the Rev. William B. Caldwell, minister. - L. 225.

April 3. - The Sharon Church holds a reception at Carroll Ave., for the new pastor, Rev. W. B. Caldwell. - L. 392.

April 25. - Organization of "The Swedenborg Philosophy Club of Chicago", by 16 charter members. President, Rev. E. J. E. Schreck; Vice-president, F. S. Layton; Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. E. A, Farrington. - L. 393.

May 31. - Dedication of the new temple of the North Side parish, by Rev. L. P. Mercer. - L. 501.

Oct. Nov. 2. - Third Chicago District Assembly of the General Church is held at the Sharon Church. - Full report in L. 1904:26-43; Cf. 1, 20, 44.

Rockford, Sept. - The Rockford Circle is reported to be "gradually increasing". - L. 674.

Indianapolis, Sept. 20. - The Rev. Willis L. Gladish at a meeting of the First New Church Society of Indianapolis, reads a statement of his reasons for withdrawing from the General Convention, and uniting with the General Church. The Society unanimously expresses full appreciation of his 10-year pastorate. H. C. Vrooman, an authorized candidate, succeeds him. - Full texts in L. 616,

New York City, Jan. 8. - Dr. H. K. Carroll, in publishing the annual statistics of the various U.S. churches for 1902, in the New York Christian Advocate, credits the "Church of the New Jerusalem" with 149 ministers, 157 churches, and 7, 892 communicants. The editors of New Church Life believe these figures to be "nearly correct". - L. 155.

June 19. - The Brooklyn (General Church) Society holds the first formal celebration of New Church Day, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Parker. - L. 496.



Dec. 8. - Death of Mr. Leopold Herman Fincke (of Brooklyn), aged 65 years; a member of the German societies in Philadelphia and New York, (organized by Rev. Leonard Tafel), and later of the Brooklyn Circle of the General Church. - L. 1904:56.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 1 - It is announced that the financial support of New Church Life, will, in future, rest upon the General Church and not, as heretofore, on the Academy. The subscription price is raised to $2. - L. 165.

Jan. 14. - Celebration of "Founders' Day" at "Cairnwood". - L. 168.

Jan. 23. - Celebration of Swedenborg's birthday, at a "school banquet". - L. 168.

Feb. 12. - Death of Mr. Carl Hjalmar Asplundh aged 41 years. - L. 172, 166, 168, 225, 305; Biogr. with portrait, 113-118.

Feb. 21. - The Rev. C. E. Doering is elected Treasurer of the General Church. - L. 166.

Feb. 27. - Celebration of the "silver wedding" anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Hicks. - L. 222, 211.

March. - The Rev. C. E. Doering is appointed Treasurer and Book Room Manager for the Academy. - L. 150.

March 24. - Farewell social to Pastor Rev. W. B. Caldwell. - L. 335.

April 11. - Death of the Rt. Rev. Edward C. Bostock, aged 49 years. - L. 284, 336, 389; biogr., with photo, 285-197.

June. - The frame building in which church services and the local school were originally housed, is torn down. - L. 335.

June 11-12. - The cantata "Flower Queen", by the New Church composer, George F. Root, is played by young ladies and girls. - L. 392.

June 12. - At the closing exercises of the Schools, Bishop Pendleton delivers a striking address on, "Stages in Religious Education". - L. 7-14.

June 13. - At the third annual joint meeting of Corporation and Faculty, a "Normal Class" is reported. Rev. C. E. Doering is appointed Academy Business Manager. - L. 15-19; reports, 39-49.

June 19. - At the customary banquet, Rev. C. T. Odhner reviews all the celebrations of New Church Day since 1876. Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton delivers a notable address on, "The Internal Development of the Academy". - L. 496.



June 22-27. - Fifteenth meeting of the Teachers' Institute. Rev. H. Synnestvedt is elected President. A leading topic is "Teaching the Letter of the Word." - J. E. 25-38; L. 473, 474.

June 23-26. - Seventh annual meetings of the Council of the Clergy and the Joint Council; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding; 13 ministers present. - Journal printed in L. 452-464; comment, 471-4.

Aug. - The Rev. Andrew Czerny (England), visits the Bryn Athyn society. - L. 562.

Sept. 1. - Resignation of the Rt. Rev. Wm. F. Pendleton as Superintendent of the Schools, on account of increasing duties of his episcopal office. The Board of Directors puts the management of the schools in control of the College Faculty for one year. The Theological School remains under the direction of Bishop Pendleton. - L. 391.

Sept. 15. - The 27th school year of the Academy begins, with 48 students. The parish school opens, with 57 pupils. Mr. Alfred Stroh returns from Sweden, to teach in the Academy. - L. 562.

Sept. 30. - The Rev. Willis L. Gladish enters the Theological School, together with Rev. Walter E. Brickman. - L. 612.

- The "Normal Class", as originally planned, is suspended, largely on account of the death of the Rt. Rev. E. C. Bostock. A detailed report on these beginnings of a "Normal Department", is given by Bishop Pendleton in L. 607-611; 1904:401.

Oct. 16-17. - 3rd Philadelphia District Assembly. Bishop Pendleton presents a paper on "The Translation of the Word". Mr. A. Stroh reports on the work in Sweden. - Report and paper in L. 668, 661.

Dec. 31. - Instead of the usual "sunrise service" on New Year's morning, a "watchnight service" is held. - L.1904:108.

Leechburg, Oct. - Dr. Uriah Curl Heilman and family are baptized into the New Church, by Rev. J. E. Bowers. - L. 1904:52.

Philadelphia, March 22, - The Church of the Advent engages Rev. Richard de Charms Jr. to conduct services. L. 280.

July 14. - Death of Mr. John Wunderlich, aged 76 years; the first secretary of the Allentown Society from 1869, and a steadfast, active worker in the General Church. - L. 620.

Nov. 15. - The Advent Society unanimously elects the Rev. Joseph E. Rosenqvist as permanent pastor. - L. 671.



Dec. 2. - The Rev. J. E. Rosenqvist is installed as pastor of the Advent Church. - L. 1904:108.

Pittsburgh, Feb. 1-2. - Episcopal visit of Bishop Pendleton. - L. 170.

Feb. 2. - Resignation of the pastor, Rev. R. W. Brown, in order to prepare for Academy uses. - L. 170, 223, 280.

Feb. 22. - The Society, after full discussion, unanimously calls the Rev. N. D. Pendleton, (Glenview), to the pastorate. - L. 223.

April 3. - Reception for the new Pastor. - L. 280.

April 11. - Death of Mr. Edward V. McCandless, age 61 years; son of Mr. David McCandless, one of the 12 organizers of the Academy. - L. 339; obit., 337.

Oct. 23-24. - Third annual Pittsburgh District Assembly. Bishop Pendleton's address is on, "All things made new". The Executive Committee of the General Church holds sessions. - Report in L. 671; 1904:1-7.

Houston, Feb. 16. - Death of Mr. John Ruby, son of one of the earliest members of the Berlin (Ont.) Society. - L. 281.

Auckland. - The 20-year-old Auckland Society appeals for a young minister who could support himself, save for a small stipend. The congregation averages from 40 to 50; and owns a small church building. - N. C. M., vol. 22:316.


Colchester, Aug. 1-2. - 2nd annual British Assembly of the General Church; Rev. A. Czerny presiding. Chief topics of discussion are: (1) The Writings as the Word of the Lord; (2) the Laity; (3) The Church's social life. - Full report and papers in L. 548-555, 509, 590.

London, Nov. 18. - The General Church members, meeting at Holland Road, Stockwell, are organized into a definite society, under the pastorate of Rev. A. Czerny who, for the past two and a half years, has performed pastoral uses in London and Colchester, besides conducting a New Church day school in London.- L. 1904:276.

Nov. 28. - Death of Mr. John B. Morris, aged 49 years; one of the most active members of the London Society of the General Church. - L. 1904:56, 165.



- During the year, Mr. Alfred Stroh assists Prof. Retzius in the investigation and reproduction of Swedenborg's MSS. - L. 100, 278, 364, 493, 567. Cf. 454.

Stockholm, Oct. - After five years of pastoral work here, the Rev. J. B. Rosenqvist returns to Philadelphia. - L. 562.

Upsala, April-May. - Mr. Alfred H. Stroh makes valuable research journey to Upsala, regarding Swedenborg's career at the university. - L. 524-533.


New Church Life, vol. 23.

Minor Works by Swedenborg; "A Conversation with Calvin", (Trans. By Rev. A. Acton). - p. 28.

Minor Works by Swedenborg: "God the Savior, Jesus Christ". (Trans. By Rev. A. Acton). - p. 96.

"Carl Hjalmar Asplundh", (biogr. Sketch, with portrait), by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 113.

Minor Works by Swedenborg: "The Last Judgment" (post.) (Trans. By Rev. A. Acton) - pp. 142, 212, 255, 373. Cf. p. 150.

"The Conjugial Life:, (A Symposium by the Revs. A. Acton, C. T. Odhner, H. Synnestvedt and E. S. Price). - p. 173.

"The Limbus", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 196, 250, 315. Cf. p. 381.

"The Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences and Swedenborg", (A historical sketch), by Mr. A. H. Stroh. - p. 278.

Edward Crary Bostock, (A biog. sketch with portrait), by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 285.

Franklin Ballou (biog. sketch), by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 324.

"The Manuscripts of Swedenborg", by Mr. A. Stroh. - p. 364.

"The Founder of the Moravian Church", (Nicholas Louis, Count of Zinzendorf), by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 370.

"Is the Work on Conjugial Love' included in the Heavenly Doctrines of the New Church?" by Rev. J. Whitehead. - p. 534.

"Emanuel Swedenborg as an Anatomist and Physiologist", by Prof. Dr. Gustaf Retzius. - p. 565.



"The Story of Creation in the Ancient Mythologies", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 621.

Journal of Education, (A. N. C.), 1903.

Stages in Religious Education, by Bishop W.F. Pendleton. - p. 7.

(Modern) Utilitarian Education, by Rev. H. Synnestvedt. - p. 36.

The New Philosophy, (A. N. C.), 1903.

Summary of the Principia, (trans.), by A. H. Stroh. - pp. 8, 33, 115.

Analysis of Worship and Love of God. by A. H. Stroh. - p. 33. 1902.

Swedenborg and the localization of brain functions, by Rev. F. Sewall. - p. 151.


ACADEMY OF THE NEW CHURCH: Journal of Education for 1903. Editor, Rev. E. S. Price. Reviewed in L.1903:555-6.

ALDEN, W. H. O CABELL, P. B.: Emanuel Swedenborg and the New Church. Philadelphia. American New Church Tract O Publication Society. 27pp.

BOYESEN, A. TH.: Kortfattad Framstallning of Den Inre Meningen I Det Ganila Testamentets. 16pp. Stockholm.

GENERAL CHURCH: Calendar for 1903. Described in L.1903:104.

ODHNER, PROF. C. TH.: Outlines of the Chronology of the Christian Church. Pamphlet. Mentioned in L. 1903:665.

ODHNER, REV. C. T.: The Testimony of the Writings concerning Themselves. Mentioned in L. 1903:104.

ROEDER, REV. ADOLPH: A Trine of Views. Tract. Reviewed in L. 1903:158.


America. Panama Canal Treaty with Colombia signed at Washington; the canal zone neutralized and Colombian sovereignty guaranteed (Jan. 22).

The Alaska Boundary Commission decides in favor of the United States, giving to Canada access to the sea by Portland Channel only (Oct. 20).



Treaty concluded with the Republic of Panama for the construction of a canal; the U.S. receives the perpetual lease of a ten-mile zone in return for $10,000, 000 and an annual rental (Nov. 18).

Orville Wright makes first successful flight in heavier-than-air, mechanically propelled airplane (Dec. 17).

France. Curie and Laborde, French chemists announce the results of their investigations on the thermoradioactive properties of radium (March).

Growing breach between government and the clergy owing to the participation of the latter in politics (March).

Rigorous enforcement of the Law of Associations and growing demand for separation of Church and State (April).

Great Britain. Colonial Secretary Chamberlain urges abandonment of free trade policy in favor of tariff retaliation and colonial reciprocity (May 15).

The Irish Land Bill receives the royal assent; an important concession to Irish demands (August 14).

Mr. Chamberlain having resigned from the cabinet, begins his campaign for "fiscal reform" i.e., a policy of partial protection (Oct.).

Russia. The Government takes control of the property of the Armenian church.

An imperial manifesto holds out the promise of religious and administrative reform and improvements in the condition of the peasantry (March).

Serbia. King Alexander suspends the constitution and thus nullifies a series of liberal reforms (April 7),

A band of conspirators invade the royal palace and slay King Alexander and Queen Draga; the national assembly chooses Peter Karageorgevitch King (June 10-11).





Berlin, Ont., Jan. 19-March 31. - The pastor of the Carmel Church conducts a special school for the religious instruction of young people from families of isolated receivers. - L.164, 275.

May. - It is estimated that, since the organization of the Society 12 years ago, 51 persons, young and old, have left to live elsewhere; but all but 9 are in other General Church centers. L. 276.

Sept. 6. - The Carmel Church parish school opens with 43 pupils. - L. 627.

Toronto, Ont., Sept. 12. - The Olivet parish school reopens with 8 pupils. - L. 687.

Oct. 5. - "The Olivet Church of the New Jerusalem", is the title finally chosen by the Toronto (General Church) Society. The Rev. E. R. Cronlund is elected permanent pastor. - L. 687.

Jan. 1. - The Church of the New Jerusalem in the United States for the year 1903, had 7,969 communicants, 144 societies, and 143 ministers. This indicates a net increase of 77 members; but a net decrease of 13 societies, and 6 ministers. (These unconfirmed statistics were compiled by Dr. H. K. Carrolls, and published in The Christian Advocate). - L. 272.

Chicago, Jan. 29. - Swedenborg's birthday is celebrated by the congregations of the Kenwood and Englewood parishes. General Church members take part in both programs. - L. 167; Mess. 86:89.

March 18. - Death of Mr. Thomas Lawrence Forrest, aged 85 years; the first secretary of the original Chicago Society (1847), and the oldest member of the Immanuel Church. At one time librarian of the State Department in Washington, his uses lay chiefly in the field of banking. - L. 331, 335, 390; biogr., 329-330.

Glenview, March 5. - Mrs. Besse Calley, a member of the Englewood parish. (Chicago), lectures here and in other societies on modern methods of musical education for children. - L. 220. Cf. 332, 571.

Oct. 20-23. - Fourth Chicago District Assembly; address by Bishop Pendleton on, "The Source of Growth In the Church". - Full report in L. 1904:667-675; (address) 1905:1-7.

Rockford, Sept. 15-22. -Rev. J. E. Bowers visits the Circle. 18 to 25 Swedes attend Sunday services, (in Swedish); Dr. C. V. Urbom, leader. - L.11905:62. Cf. 63.



Baltimore, Nov. 6. - The Rev. J. E. Rosenqvist begins to take charge of the monthly services here. - L. 687.

New York City, Feb. 9. - Mr. Alfred Stroh, (Bryn Athyn), delivers a lecture on "Swedenborg's Manuscripts" to the American Swedenborg Society. - L. 222.

Middleport, May. - Bishop Pendleton makes an episcopal visit to the Middleport Society. - L. 34.

July 24. - After an interval of over a year, services are resumed, with Rev. W. L. Gladish as pastor. - L. 569, 570.

Allentown, Jan. 31. - The Rev. A. Acton conducts the final service of his six-year pastorate, which ends because of Academy duties. Rev. E. S. Price agrees to act as his successor. - L. 163.

Bryn Athyn, N. d. - A series of "Sunday evening lectures" is inaugurated. - L. 161, 331.

May 16. - The Rev. C. J. N. Manby, (Sweden), visits the Bryn Athyn Society. - L. 389.

June 9. - 13 pupils finish their course in the parish school. - L. 389.

June 16. - Commencement exercises of the Academy Schools; very large attendance. Degrees granted: B. Th. to the Revs. W. L. Gladish and W. A. Brickman; B. Sc. to Dr. E. A. Farrington (Chicago); B. A. to four graduates of the College; and the traditional gold medals and crown of roses to the 13 graduates of the Girls' Seminary. - Account in L. 387, 389.

June 17-21. - Fifth General Assembly of the General Church of the New Jerusalem. See Journal in L. August-September (pp. 393-515); 389.

N. d. - A movement is initiated for a women's organization of graduates of the Academy Schools whose declared purpose is to foster the love and the support of Academy uses. - The Minutes of Theta Alpha, 1904 A. A. Theta Alpha Journal 1954 supplement p. 8, 1975 5pring p. 16.

Oct. - "The Inn", (recently the girls' dormitory), is now managed by Mr. and Mrs. James Cooper, late of Middleport, O. - L. 686.

Oct. 6. - Opening of the Academy Schools, (postponed for over two weeks owing to a strike by the workmen on the new buildings, i. e., "Stuart Hall" and the Dining Hall). - L. 516, 569, 686.

Nov. 27. - Death of Mrs. Margaret Pitcairn Starkey, aged 66 years; widow of Dr. George R. Starkey.



She was baptized by Rev. David Powell in 1847. - L. 688; obit. 1905:57.

N. d. - The Academy Book Room reports the New Church Messenger declines to continue the advertisement of New Church Life. L. 1905:115.

Jamison, Nov. 12. - Death of Mr. Henry Schill, aged 64 years; one of the founders of the German New Church Society in Philadelphia, (1868), and a pioneer supporter of the Academy and the Advent Society. - L.1905:64.

Pittsburgh, May 15. - Death of Mrs. Janet Pitcairn Campbell, aged 70 years; cousin of Mr. John Pitcairn; and an active member of the Pittsburgh Society for over 40 years. - L. 334.

Aug. 13. - Death of Mr. Alexander Pitcairn, aged 73 years. - L. 516.

Oct. 13-17. - Fourth annual Pittsburgh District Assembly. It is reported that the General Church will apply for a charter of incorporation under the laws of Illinois. -Full account in L. 1905:34-8, 58.

Nov. 26. - Death of Mr. Samuel Faulkner, in a railroad disaster, aged 53 years. - Obit. L. 1905:60.

San Antonio, N. d. - A fortnightly reading circle of 16 members is formed here. - L. 1905:63.

Wheeling, Feb. 2. - Death of Mr. Mortimer Pollock, aged 82 years; a prominent citizen of Wheeling, who first became interested in the Church in 1837, through the private tutor of the family, the Rev. (then Mr.) David Powell. - L. 224.

Sydney, Nov. 5. - Mr. Richard Morse returns from a six-months' tour around the world, visiting New Church centers. He describes his experiences to the Sydney and Adelalde societies. - L. 1905:128, 512.


London, Aug. 27-28. - Third British Assembly of the General Church; 19 members and 30 visitors present, including the Rev. A. Acton, as official messenger from the General Church in America. After unanimous election as permanent presiding officer, the Rev. A. Czerny delivered the annual address, "Preparation for the Extension of the New Church". Other papers included one by Rev. A. Acton on "The Quarters in the Spiritual World". - Full report in L. 609-618; (address), 577. Cf. 627.



Oct. 10. - At Burton Road (Brixton) Society, an illuminated address, signed by 106 persons, and accompanied by gifts, is presented to the Rev. R. J. Tilson, in recognition of his 25 years ministry in the New Church. - Full account in L. 1905:53-56.

Stockholm, N.d. - The Rev. A. Th. Boyesen celebrates his 80th birthday, and is presented with a purse of 1,000 crowns, collected among New Church members in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The day also marks the 40th year of his work in the New Church. - L. 278.

N. d. - The Rev Bjrck discontinues his activities as a New Church minister in Sweden. - Nya Kyrkans Hrold (June-July).

N.d. - The "Providentia Fund", started in 1901, has now grown to 1327:21 Kronor, (more than $350.00). It is now incorporated as the "Providential Society". - L. 574.

Nov. 26. - Death of Mr. Zacharis Edward Abrahamsen, aged 74 years; one of the leaders of the small society which existed many years before 1874. A life-long, liberal supporter of the local and national New Church uses. - L. 1905:191.


New Church Life, vol. 24.

"Three new manuscripts by Swedenborg", by Mr. A. H. Stroh. - p. 57.

"Legends of the Golden Age", by Prof. C. Th. Odhner. - pp. 83, 125, 252, 281.

"The First Aura and the Plane of the Limbus", by Rev. L. P. Mercer. - p. 92.

Minor Works by Swedenborg: "The Last Judgment" (Post.) Trans. By Rev. A. Acton. - pp. 133,135, 199, 257, 603, 661. Cf. p. 203.

"Who is My Mother"? by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton - pp. 169, 240, 293, 343. (A study of the Glorification of the Lord).

"Swedenborgiana in Holland", by Mr. A. H. Stroh. - p. 210.

"The Affection of Good and Truth versus the Affection for Good and Truth" (editorial). - p. 379. Cf. 1905, p. 427.

"The History of the General Church", by C. T. Odhner. - p. 403. (See important discussion on pp. 445-448).

"The Messianic prophecies", by Rev. N. D. Pendleton. - p. 517.



"Swedenborg's Annotations in a set of the Arcana Coelestia", by Mr. A. H. Stroh. - pp. 599, 656.

Journal of Education. (A. N. C.), 1904.

Modern Education and our relation to it, by Rev. H. Synnestvedt. - p. 7.

The New Philosophy. (A. N. C.), 1904.

Emanuel Swedenborg as an anatomist and physiologist, by Gustav Retzius. - p. 7.

A review of the course of Swedenborg's science in Sweden, by A. Troh. - p. 20. Cf. 1903, p. 50.

Swedenborg's theory of the blood, by Rev. R. W. Brown, - p. 124. Cf. 1916, p. 320; 1917, p. 53.


ALDEN, REV. W. H.: Children a Blessing. Boston, Massachusetts 19pp. Reviewed in L. 1904:564-5.

FERCKEN, REV. G.D.: Even Thine Altars. Mentioned in L. 1904:148.

FERCKEN, REV. G. J.: Twelver Letters to my Son. Volume reviewed in L.1904:46.

ODHNER, REV. C. TH.: Annals of the New Church. Described in L. 1904:328-329.

ODHNER, REV. C. TH.: Laws of Order. Reviewed in L. 1904:151.

ROEDER, REV. ADOLPH: Symbol-Psychology. Reviewed in L. 215-216.


America. Canada. Bill introduced in the Canadian Parliament creating the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan (Feb. 21).

United States. The United States completes the purchase of the Panama Canal property from the French shareholders (April 22).

The New York Subway (underground railway) is thrown open to traffic (Oct. 25).

President Roosevelt re-elected by an overwhelming majority (Nov. 8). Treaty of arbitration with Germany signed (Nov. 15).



Asia. Japan. After prolonged negotiations, the Japanese government presents its final proposals to Russia in regard to Manchuria and Korea; Russia delays its reply and active war preparations are carried on by both nations (Jan. 13).

Japan severs diplomatic relations with Russia. Russo-Japanese War begins (Feb. 6).

The expedition under Col. Younghusband reaches Lhassa, the capital of Tibet; the Dalai Lama flees (August 3).

Treaty concluded with Tibet establishing markets for British trade and allowing no foreign power to Interfere with public affairs (Sept. 7).

France. The Chamber passes a bill suppressing instruction in religious institutions within five years (March 28).

France recalls its ambassador from the Vatican because of the Pope's protest against the visit of President Loubert at Rome (May).

France breaks off diplomatic relations with the Vatican (July 30).

The bishops of Dijon and Laval obey a summons to Rome in disobedience to the government; tension with the Vatican increases (August).

The French premier urges a course of strong action towards the Vatican (Oct.).

A bill for the separation of Church and State introduced by the premier (Nov. 10).

Russia. The assembly of the nobles at St. Petersburg sends an address to the Czar, urging that representatives of the people should have a share in the government (Feb. 17).

The Russians defeated and driven from Lao-Yang in one of the greatest battles of history (August 24-Sept. 4).

A meeting of delegates of the Zemstvos at St. Petersburg petitions the Czar for wide-spread reforms, including the establishment of political and religious equality and the creation of a national legislature (Nov.).

An imperial manifesto promises partial reforms but upholds the ideal of autocracy; it arouses general disappointment (De. 27).





N.d. - The Church in Brazil is at present under the direction of Senor Carlos Braga. - L. 647.

Santiago, N. d. - Senor L. Castro de La Fayette is, for the present, engaged in a business use here but endeavors to introduce the Doctrines in Chile. - L. 647; 1906:319.

Berlin, Ont., Sept. 5. - The Carmel parish school opens with 30 pupils. - L. 644.

Nov. 1. - A community religious census of the twin towns of Berlin and Waterloo reveals that, out of a population of 15, 470 there are 322 "Swedenborgians", (188 over 18 years of age, and 134 under), or two per cent of the population. - L. 768.

Dec. 30-Jan. 1. - Fifth Ontario Assembly; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding; 144 persons present. - Full report in L. 1906:171-182, 192; Cf. 123.

Toronto, Sept. 12. - The Olivet parish school reopens, with 8 pupils. - L. 708.

- Statistics for the year 1904, tabulated by the Rev. Drs. H. K. Carroll and D. L. Leonard, give "The Church of the New Jerusalem", 134 churches, 133 ministers, and 7, 982 communicants. This is a decrease of 10 churches and 10 ministers; with an increase of 13 communicants. - The Christian Advocate (N.Y.)

Glenview, N. d. - Dr. J. B. S. King and family return to Glenview, after an absence of seven or eight years. - L. 310.

Oct. 5-8. - Fifth Chicago District Assembly, held at Sharon Church. - Full report in L. 740-8; 764; 1906:86.

Oct. 6. - The members of the Corporation of the General Church complete the legal organization of the General Church; 11 of the 18 incorporators are present. The following officers are appointed; President, John Pitcairn; Vice-President, Samuel H. Hicks; Secretary, Paul Carpenter; Treasurer, Charles E. Doering. A corporate seal is adopted. - L. 552; Min. 16, ff.



Oct. 17. - Death of Mr. Anders Leonard Gyllenhaal, aged 63 years; for 30 years the editor of the leading Swedish-American newspaper in America; a descendant of Baron Leonard Gyllenhaal, (1752-1840), one of the earliest receivers in Sweden. Mr. Gyllenhaal was a highly respected and steadfast member of the Immanuel Church, (Glenview). 712, 765; biogr., 757.

Springfield, June 6. - A charter, giving the broadest powers, is granted by the State of Illinois to "The General Church of the New Jerusalem"; place of business, Chicago, Ill. - Text of the charter, and By-Laws in L. 554, 562.

New York City, - the fortnightly (General Church) services by Rev. A. Acton are now held in a music parlor near the Flatiron Building. - L. 1906:58.

Middleport, Jan. 10. - Death of Mrs. John (Electa Williams) McQuigg, aged 93 years; one of the pioneers of the state of Ohio, and a member of the original seven-member Rutland Society, organized in 1839. - L.192.

Allentown, Oct. 9. - Death of Mr. John Waelchli, aged 74 years. For 36 years editor of the Welt Bote, (Allentown), a widely-circulated German-American weekly; leader of the "Academy movement" in Allentown, (1883-1885); father of Rev. F. E. Waelchli. - L. 712; biogr., 759.

- Monthly services are held by Rev. E. S. Price at private houses. Due to removals and deaths, the membership has declined. - L. 1906:58.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. - Publication of Mercury, "a monthly social and literary magazine for the young people of the New Church", edited and published by Messrs. Fred E. Gyllenhaal and Raymond Pitcairn. - Reviewed in L. 157, 294, 479. Cf. 183.

Jan. 29. - It is announced that the names chosen for the girls' and boys' dormitories are, respectively, "Glenn Hall" and "Stuart Hall". - L. 183.

Jan. - "Englehame" formerly the home of the late Mrs. Gee. R. Starkey, is now occupied by Miss Maria C. Hogan. - L.124.

March 19. - Dedication of Stuart Hall and the Dining Hall. - Described in L. 309.

March 25. - The Bryn Athyn Society presents a loving-cup to Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton on his 60th birthday. -L. 309.

May 28. - Memorial meeting for the late Rt. Rev. W. H. Benade. Memorial meetings are also held in Pittsburgh, Berlin, London and Colchester. - L. 344, 384, 444, 445, 514, 516, 520, 522, 571.

June. - Commencement exercises of the Academy Schools.



Degrees granted: B. S. W., Miss Alice Grant; B. A., Messrs. R. Pitcairn, D. Bellinger, W. A. Cranch, H. Lechner; B. Sc., Mr. E. C. Bostock. Four Girls' Seminary graduates receive medals. - L. 443; Cf. 385,478. Mercury. June-July,

June 14-15. - Meetings of the Alumni and Alumnae Associations. - L. 441.

June. - The building formerly used as a dormitory and dining hall for Academy students, has been remodelled and is now advertised as a family hotel. ("The Inn"). - L. 384, 420.

June. - Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton appoints an ecclesiastical "Consistory"; its members are the Rev. Messrs. N. D. Pendleton, Odhner, Synnestvedt and Acton. - L. 489.

June. - A rich collection of old letters and documents, collected chiefly by the Hen. John Young and Richard de Charms Sr., and dating from the earliest days of the Church In America to the middle of the 19th century, is discovered in a box deposited by Bishop Benade many years ago in the Academy Archives. - L. 1905:425. (Some of these are published as "Documents of New Church History", in L. 470-3; 1906:89-97).

June-Aug. - The Academy Archives are re-organized by Rev. C. T. Odhner. A plea is made to the Church for all worthy material. - L. 427.

July 4. - Bishop Pendleton and Mr. John Pitcairn leave for Europe. - L. 513.

Aug. - The Rev. Walter A. Brickman leaves to take charge of the Berlin, Ont. (Convention) Society. - L. 513, 528, 710.

Aug. - Mr. Eldred E. Iungerich, formerly a member of a General Convention society, gives his "reasons for accepting the Academy's position", in a letter in L. 495.

Sept. 7. - Bishop and Mrs. Pendleton and Mr. J. Pitcairn and family return from Europe. - L. 644.

Sept. 15. - Opening exercises of the Academy Schools; Rev. R. W. Brown and Mr. L. E. Gyllenhaal are added to the faculty. - L. 643.

Nov. 26-29. - At the Philadelphia District Assembly, notable papers are read by the Rev. N. D. Pendleton, (on "The Son of Man and the Son of God"), and Rev. C. T. Odhner, (on "Our Attendant Spirits"). - L. 1906:57; Papers, 1, 227, 275.

Erie, June 18. - The Erie Circle celebrates "New Church Day" for the first time. - L. 517.

Philadelphia. Sept. 20. - A "Social Club" of the Advent Church is formed; it rents Glenn Hall, 555 N. 17th St. - L. 706.



Dec. - The Rev. William Hyde Alden, after 20 years of service, resigns as agent of the Tract Society and the Book Association; also as editor of The Helper. His letter of resignation is published in Mess. Dec. 27; and reprinted, with editorial comment, in L. 1906:104-7. Cf. 253.

Pittsburgh, April 9. - Death of Mr. Artemas Pitcairn, aged 56 years. - L. 319.

June 21-24. - Ninth annual meeting of the Council of the Clergy and Executive Committee of the General Church. - Journal in L. 534-592; summary account, 488-490.

Sept. 25. - The parish school re-opens with 11 pupils; teacher, Miss Evelyn Gilmore. The enlarged church building includes a separate school room. - L. 707.

Oct. 12-14. - Fifth Pittsburgh District Assembly; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding. The principal addresses are on: "The Uses of External Worship"; "Ceremonies", (Bishop Pendleton); and "Perception", (Rev. W.L. Gladish). Report in L. 762.

Renovo, Jan. 7. - Death of Mr. Joseph Randolph Kendig, aged 65 years; converted in 1872 through a lecture by Rev. N. C. Burnham in the waiting room of the Penna. railroad station here. His home became a center of New Church activity for over 30 years. A respected citizen and ex-soldier of the Civil War. - Renovo Evening News, Jan. 10; Record, Jan. 13; biogr., L. 120, 128.

Sydney, N. d. - Mr. Richard Morse, secretary of the Sydney Society, begins to take a stand on the question of the Divine Authority of the Writings. - L. 318; 1940:43.

April. -Mr. W. J. Spencer, the leader of the Sydney Society, writes an article opposed to "The Adelaide Resolutions", in The New Age. (April). At a quarterly meeting of the society, a paper by Mr. Richard Morse on "The Inspiration of Emanuel Swedenborg" is unacceptable to the majority. He publishes a pamphlet entitled "Divine Authority: The Old Issue". (Review in L. 1905:354-8). - L. 354, 421.

Aug. 1. - Twelve members resign from the Society at Thomas Street, "resolved to ultimate in a new body their common faith in the Divine Authority of the Writings". They organize a new society, (Aug. 6), and hold separate services. - L. 710; 1943:42.

Sept. - Mr. Richard Morse publishes an "open letter" to the society here, entitled "The Issue in Sydney". - Divine Authority, Sept.; L. 694-7.



- N. d. - The new (second) Society is now holding weekly services in a rented hall once occupied by the Sydney Society for over twenty years. - L.1906:63. 126.

Colchester, Aug. 5-6. - Fourth British Assembly of the General Church; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding; 70 persons present. - Full account in L. 619-629, 645, 667.

London, May 22. - Death of the Rt. Rev. William Henry Benade, at Streatham; aged 89 years. (His last days are described in L. 521). - L. 344, 482; Monatbltter. (June); Mess. 89:210; biogr. sketch (photo) in L. 449, 606, 721; 1906:65, (unfinished). Cf. 670.

- Mr. Alfred Stroh spends July to September in Europe, principally in Sweden, continuing his research work, the results of which are described in L. 732-9. Cf. 705.


New Church Life, vol. 25.

"Mythology In the Light of the New Church", by Prof. C. T. Odhner (Lectures on the Pantheon of ancient Greece and Rome). - pp. 21,79, 145, 270, 403, 593, 649.

"The Word", (on the relations of the Heavenly Doctrine to the Letter of the Word), by Rev. W. L. Gladish. - pp. 65, 129, 210.

"The First Draft of Arcana Coelestia and Apocalypse Explained", by Mr. A. H. Stroh. - p. 93.

Minor Works by Swedenborg: "The Last Judgment" (Post.)- pp. 99, 103, 284, 410, 474, 670. Trans. by Rev. A. Acton.

"Swedenborg's Almanacs", by Mr. A. H. Stroh. - p. 152.

"Swedenborg's Science a True Ultimate of Spiritual Truth", by Rev. G. C. Ottley. - p. 193.

"Is there a Divine Feminine in God?" (editorial) on the history and nature of the heresy. - p. 236.

"Robert Hindmarsh Maligned", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 299.

"Typography of the Writings (I, by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 301.



"Swedenborg's Theology from 1728 to 1738", by Mr. A.W. Stroh. - p. 331.

"The Issue in Australia", (On the Divinity of the Writings). Editorial by Rev. A. Acton. - pp. 353, 491. Cf. pp. 483, 630, 694.

William Henry Benade: A Biographical Sketch" (with portrait), by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 449, 606, 721. Continued in L. 1906, p. 65. (Not finished. see p. 670).

"Documents of New Church History", (Letters of Bailey and Hill to Young). - p. 470.

"A Dangerous Analogy", (regarding relations of the Scientific and Theological writings). Editorial by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 485.

BARGER, G.: Over de hooge Beteekinis der Theol. Werk, van E. S. Published by J. Lokker, Holland. Reviewed in L. 1905:231-234.

True Christian Life, 1905-07. Sydney, N. S. W. Oct. 1905- June 1907. 2 vols. v. 1, contains also, Divine authority. Editor: Rev. Richard Morse.

America. The Russo-Japanese plenipotentiaries sign the treaty of peace (Sept. 5).

Asia. Port Arthur surrenders with more than 24, 000 officers and men, after the fleet in the harbor had been blown up (Jan. 2).

The Baltic fleet under Rozhestvenski is defeated in the Korean Straits. 14,000 Russians go down with their ships, 3000 are taken prisoners, and 1000 escape. The Japanese loss is three torpedo boats and about 800 men (May 27-8).

The Russo-Japanese peace treaty ratified (Oct. 14).

Korea is forced, by the Treaty of Portsmouth, to accept the status of protectorate under Japan.

France. The French Chamber of Deputies passes by a vote of 341 to 233 the bill for the separation of Church and State (July 3).

The French Senate adopts by a vote of 181 to 102 the bill for the Separation of Church and State (Dec. 6).



Great Britain. The Archbishop of Canterbury refuses a request of American churches that he use his influence to have the educational tax removed from British Nonconformists (Jan. 6).

Hungary. The Hungarian Parliament is dissolved by a show of force (Feb. 9).

Russia. The striking workmen of St. Petersburg, led by Father Gapon, move toward the Winter Palace Square in order to present their petition to the czar in person. They are met by troops and are shot down by hundreds, (Jan. 22); Warsaw is under mob rule (Jan. 29).

The Russian Committee of Ministers votes to grant religious freedom to the people (March 2).

The Czar decrees religious freedom (April 29). The Czar issues a Manifesto authorizing the setting up of an elected parliament (Duma); and granting to Russia its first constitution (October).



Port Louis, Dec. 25. - The Rev. Dr. Fercken, the new (and first) pastor of the old established society here preaches his first sermon to the Society. There is a large attendance and 80 persons partake of the Holy Supper. - L. 1907:125, 254, 380.

- N. d. - A correspondent in Morning Light, (March 13), gives a vivid report of the activities of the over 150 members in Brazil, almost all of whom owe their Introduction to the Doctrines to M. De la Fayette, who is at present teaching history and languages in Rio de Janeiro. - L. 319.

Berlin, Ont., March 22. - The male members of the Carmel Church organize a club for the study of Swedenborg's scientific works. - L. 315.

Nov. 16. - On account of financial reasons, the Rev. Ernest J. Stebbing concludes his 9-year valued services as Headmaster, to engage in secular work in Washington, D. C. - L. 1907:59.

Toronto, Ont., March 21. - Death of the Rev. Edward S. Hyatt, aged 52 years; former pastor of the Parkdale Society. - L. 256, 320; memorial service and address, (F. E.W.), 313, 305; resolution of Council of the Clergy, 759.

N. d. - A men's class is formed in the Olivet Church, for the study of Swedenborg's scientific works. - L. 1907:60.

- The 1906 "Religious Census" of the U.S. Bureau of the Census reports that the General Convention has 119 organizations, 108 ministers, and 6, 612 members. (The General Convention itself officially reports 99 societies, 87 ministers and 6, 245 members, exclusive of Canada). The General Church of the New Jerusalem is reported to have 14 organizations, 22 ministers, 635 members, (244 male: 391 female), 5 church edifices, and 9 halls, all exclusive of Canada. - L. 1909:597.

May. - The General Convention and the Academy of the New Church each pledge the annual sum of $300 to the Swedenborg Scientific Association, to enable Mr. Alfred H. Stroh to complete his work in Sweden. - L. 445.

Glenview, Aug. 24-26. - 6th Chicago District Assembly; papers are read by Bishop Pendleton, Rev. W. R. Caldwell, Dr. J. B. S. King, and Rev. D. H. Klein. - Full report in L. 688-695; Cf. 700. Papers: 641-7.



New Orleans, Jan. 14. - About 20 persons attend the first General Church service here. A weekly reading circle is formed. The Rev. R. H. Keep, (Atlanta, Ga.), makes further visits during the year. - L. 442.


Baltimore, N.d. - An independent New Church society has been organized here by the Rev. Alfred P. Kurtz, (son of Bishop Kurtz, a Lutheran, who was introduced to the Doctrines by Rev. P. J. Faber). The Society is known as "St. Luke's Church of the New Dispensation", and holds ritualistic services at 1501 W. Lexington Ave. - L. 253; 1907:124, 190.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 29. - Swedenborg's birthday is celebrated by the Academy Schools and society; also by the societies In Philadelphia, London, Pittsburgh, Middleport, Glenview, Chicago, Berlin, and Toronto. - L.183-5; 250-2; 314, 317.

Feb. 12-March 3. - For the first time since 1877, the Academy schools are closed on account of small-pox. - L. 183.

March. - The Mercury suspends publication, on the ground that "the time is not ripe for a young people's magazine in the General Church". - L. 192.

N. d. - During the spring, the "Young Folks' Club" is merged with the original Civic and Social Club which owns a valuable charter. - L. 378.

May. - The Rev. J. E. Bowers writes an Interesting and faithful account of the New Church settlement here, as it appeared to him on a recent visit. - L. 291-6.

May. - Bishop Pendleton gives notable doctrinal classes on "Creation and the Spiritual Sun". - L. 378.

June 15. - Closing exercises of the Academy Schools. The B. A. degree is granted to Messrs. Hubert Hicks and Arthur Wells; gold medals go to eight graduates of the Girls' Seminary. - L. 456. Cf. 543, 556.

June 19. - The celebration here includes a banquet at which noteworthy papers are read by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton, and the Rev. Messrs. R. de Charms, A. Acton, R. Rosenqvist, E. S. Price, C. E. Doering, C. T. Odhner, H. Synnestvedt, and W. H. Alden. The full addresses appear in the August Life, (pp. 438, 449-488). New Church Day is also celebrated in Pittsburgh, Middleport, Glenview, Berlin and Colchester. - L. 569, 571-3; 639. Cf. 499, 679.

July. - The adult membership of the General Church reaches the 800 mark; (men over 21; women over 18). - L. 1907:115.



Summer. - As has been the case for many years, Willow Grove is "providing a liberal musical education for our young people", through concerts by Damrosch, Sousa, and other famous conductors. - L. 637.

Sept. 4-9. - 10th annual meeting of the Council of Clergy of the General Church; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding; 15 ministers and 2 candidates present. Rev. Wm. H. Alden is recognized as a pastor of the General Church; Rev. Geo. G. Starkey resigns from the ministry, (Sept. 1), to perform secular uses; the name of Rev. Leonard G. Jordan is dropped from the rolls, owing to absences of reports for a number of years. Papers are read by Revs. W. L. Gladish, C. T. Odhner, E. S. Price and J. E. Bowers. Much discussion on the new Liturgy and on Christian Science. 804 members of the General Church are reported; a net increase of 53 over 1905. - Journal in L. 751-776. Cf. 637.

Sept. 10-11. - 18th meeting of the Teachers' Institute; Rev. H. Synnestvedt presiding; 13 ministers and 14 teachers present. Leading topics are: (1) Use and place of Sunday Schools; (2) Limitations of local schools; (3) The education of girls. - Report in L. 1907:52-5.

Sept. - Opening of the Academy Schools, with a student enrollment: Theological School, 6; Normal School, 12; College, 15; Girls' Seminary, 29. The parish school has 55 pupils. - L. 696.

Dec. - Much deep study and ardent discussion in the Society over Swedenborg's scientific works. - L. 1907:56.

Dec. 24. - Initiation of the custom of tableaux representing the Nativity, in connection with the children's Christmas service; arranged by Miss Helene Iungerich. - Described in L. 1907:110.

Erie. - During the summer, Candidate F. E. Gyllenhaal conducts services and classes in the Erie Circle. - L. 1699.

Renovo, Dec. 5. - Funeral services are conducted by Rev. C. T. Odhner for two old members here: Mrs. Joseph R. (Rebecca B) Kendig, aged 60 years; and Mr. Wm. J. Van Sickle, aged 76 years. - L. 1907:64.

Middleport, Oct. 19-21. - Meeting of the Pittsburgh District Assembly. Notable papers are read by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton and the Rev. N. D. Pendleton. - Report in L. 744.

Colchester, Oct. 29. - Mr. and Mrs. R. Carswell, (Toronto, Can.), visit the Colchester Society. - L. 186.

London, Aug. 4-6. - Fifth annual British Assembly of the General Church, at 99 Holland Rd., Stockwell; the Rev. Andrew Czerny presiding; with 72 members and friends present.



The chief theme is "The internal upbuilding of the Church". - Report in L. 632, Cf. 602.

The Hague, N.d. - Mr. G. Barger, the translator of Heaven and Hell into Dutch, is appointed British Vice-Consul for the Hague. - L. 255.


New Church Life, vol. 26.

Discussion on "Sexes in Plants". - pp. 47, 102, 108, 111, 115, 168, 170, 302, 308.

"Documents of New Church History", (Letters of Clowes to Hargrove). - p. 89.

"Spermatogenesis: The analogous production of vegetable and animal seed", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 129.

"The Authorship of The Whole Duty of Man'", by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 147.

Minor Works by Swedenborg: "The Last Judgment" (post.) Trans. by Rev. A. Acton. - pp. 152, 221, 358, 665.

Mythology of the Creeks and Romans, by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 211, 347, 533.

Correspondence, Representation and Signification", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 239. Cf. p. 246.

"The Lord's Resurrection", by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 321.

"The Nineteenth of June", (a notable series of addresses by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton and the Revs. R. de Charms, A. Acton, J. Rosenqvist, E. S. Price, C. Th. Odhner, C. E. Doering, H. Synnestvedt and W. H. Alden). - pp. 449-488.

"The Resurrection Body of the Lord", by Rev. W.L. Gladish. - p. 513.

"Johnny Appleseed", by Cyriel Lj. Odhner. - p. 556.

"Discrete Degrees and Spiritual Substance", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 577; Cf. 683, 736.

"The Effect of the Lord's Incarnation on the Earths in the Universe", by Rev. E. S. Price. - p. 705.

Journal of Education, (A.N.C.), 1906.

The Normal School, by Rev. H. Synnestvedt. - p. 7.



The New Philosophy, (A. N. C.), 1906.

The scientific terminology of Swedenborg's time, by J. S. King, M. D. - p. 5.

The development of Swedenborg's science and philosophy, by A.H. Stroh. - p. 26.

Swedenborg's practical life and search for the Soul, by Rev. J. Whitehead. - p. 113.


KING, DR. J. B. S.: The Chemistry of Foods, Reviewed in L. 1906:490.

WARREN, S. M.: The Translation of Conjugialis. Reprinted from The New church Review. July 7pp.


America. Joint statehood bill to admit Oklahoma and Indian Territory passes the Senate (March 9).

Great earthquake and fire in San Francisco (April 18-19).

Asia. By the Anglo-Tibetan treaty China retains sovereignty of Tibet, giving protection to British interests (April 27).

The Emperor of China issues edict demanding that the opium habit in China be eradicated in ten years (Sept. 21).

The Chinese imperial regulations for the suppression of the use of opium are published (Nov. 22).

France. Captain Alfred Dreyfus re-instated with honors in French army, after proofs of innocence (July 12).

Great Britain. A deputation of 400 women, to the premier, demands the right to vote (May 19).

Russia. In the municipal elections in Russia, the Constitutional Democrats have sweeping victories (March 29).

The Duma meets for the first time in the Tauride Palace, Petrograd (May 10).

The Czar dissolves the Duman (July 21).

Mutiny of Russian troops at Helsingfors is suppressed after great loss of life (July 31).



Russian revolutionary societies issue a call to the people to rise and overthrow the Czar's government (August 6).

Final steps are taken for distribution of land to the Russian peasantry (Sept. 20).

The Russian government issues a ukase making all equal before the law; removing all restrictions in regard to state employment; abolishing the communal system and the poll tax; and leaving peasants free to choose their place of residence (Oct. 19).





Aug. - A membership increase is reported in the State of Para, (North Brazil), at Villa Pinheiro, near Belem, chief town of the State; about 40 members. Mr. Jose R. Pinheiro is appointed minister to the society by Mr. Levindo Castro de La Fayette. A society is also reported at Blumenau (State of Santa Catherina), of which Mr. Fisher, a Brazilian-German, is pastor, - L. 501; 1909:470.

Toronto, Ont., Dec. 31-Jan. 2, (1908). - 6th Ontario Assembly of the General Church; 129 persons attending. - Full report in L.1908:242-250.

N. d. - Statistics, ("collected by private enterprise"), show an increase during 1906 of 17 persons in the total membership of the New Jerusalem Church in the U. S. - L. 168.

Feb. - An analysis of the membership of the General Church, as to marriage status, birth rate, education, and means of conversion, appears in L. 114-118.

Denver, Sept. 1. - Services commence under the new pastor, Rev. F. E. Gyllenhaal; about 19 persons attend services. - L.772-3.

Atlanta, May. - The Society now worships in the Grand Opera House. - L. 138.

Chicago, Oct. 25-27. - 7th meeting of the "Chicago District Assembly", held in the Sharon Church. - Report in L. 1908:47-56.

Rockford, N. d. - The state of the circle here is described by the Rev. J. E. Bowers. - L. 836-7.

New Orleans, N.d. - Mr. John A. Fraser is reported as the leader of the little circle in New Orleans, "where there were once three active societies". - L. 768.

Baltimore, May 1. - The small (General Church) group of 14 members, holding monthly services; now organizes as a regular Society, and adopts a constitution. - L. 120, 641.

Middleport, Jan. 13. - At the annual meeting of the society, the membership is reported as 49.



Attendance at morning service averages 29; at the doctrinal class, 12 to 15.

The Sunday School and Thursday children's class have 12 pupils from 5 to 12 years old. - L. 317.

Bryn Athyn, Feb. 6. - Decennial celebration of the organic beginning of the General Church. - L. 185-6.

April. - Life begins to publish a quarterly "New Church Book List", which is "planned to be a bibliography of all the current literature of the Church". - L. 234-236.

June. - Various members of the General Church of the New Jerusalem describe the specific manner in which they first obtained a knowledge of the Heavenly Doctrines, in a symposium entitled, "Our Experience Meeting". - L. 349-360.

June 11. - At the closing exercises of the Academy Schools, the degree of B. Th. is granted to the Rev. Wm. H. Alden, and Messrs. C. R. Pendleton and F. E. Gyllenhaal. - L. 434.

June 12-16; 24. - 11th Annual Meeting of the Council of Clergy of the General Church. - Journal in L. 505-546.

June 18. - The first social gathering of "Theta Alpha" a women's organization which recently developed out of the former Alumnae Association. - Described in L. 496-499.

June 19-23. - 6th General Assembly of the General Church. Important papers are read by the Rev. Messrs. A. Acton, C. T. Odhner, and N. D. Pendleton. - L. 435-437.

June 23. - Ordination of Rev. Frederick E. Gyllenhaal, who accepts a call to the Denver Society. - L. 434.

Sept. - The departments and organization of the Academy's Schools are described in L. 577, 765.

- A Kindergarten (53 pupils), is opened under the direction of Miss Elizabeth Ashby. - L. 764.

Nov. - Average attendance at worship in the Academy Chapel is reported as 192. The building of a new church building is canvassed. - L. 768.

Nov. 17. - The Philadelphia North American publishes an illustrated article on "Bringing the Spirit World to Earth: Life and Study at Bryn Athyn, Swedenborgian Headquarters in America" - L. 1908:29.

Dec. 15. - The Rev. William Whitehead, formerly of the Toronto Conference of the Methodist Church in Canada, is baptized by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - L. 1908:64.



Dec. - An autograph of Bishop Swedborg is discovered in the Library of the Academy. - L. 814.

Dec. 25. -Announcement is made of a gift of $30, 000 by Mr. John Pitcairn, for the building of a new house of worship. - L.1908:121.

Philadelphia, Feb. 27. - Celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Advent Church, at its place of worship, Glenn Hall, 555 North 117th Street; the pastor, Rev. J. E. Rosenqvist, officiating. A history of the society from its formation is given by Mr. K. Knudsen. - L. 516.

Spokane, Summer. - The Rev. Messrs. Eldred Iungerich and Reginald Brown engage in missionary work on the Pacific Coast. - L.767, 771.

Sydney, June 19. - First observance of "New Church Day" in Australia. - L. 776-7.


Paris, Dec. 15. - An offering of 30 francs a month is guaranteed to enable M. Hussenet to conduct services twice a month in the temple at Rue Thouin. The difficulty with this congregation is said to be "its cosmopolitan and transient character, most of the members being foreigners temporarily residing in Paris. Comparatively little progress has been made in interesting the Parisians themselves!". - L. 1908:126.

Colchester, Aug. 3-5. - 6th Annual British Assembly; Rev. Andrew Czerny presiding. Of the 53 persons attending, 33 are members of the General Church. - Report in L. 712, 823-828.

London, July 25. - Death of Mr. Frederick Elphick aged 57 years. - Obit., - L. 704, 714.

Jan. - Mr. Alfred H. Stroh reports on his research work in Sweden. - New Philosophy, Jan. 1907: - L. 302.

Summer. - The Rev. Charles E. Doering spends three weeks in Sweden attending to matters connected with the phototyping and reprinting of Swedenborg's MSS under the editorship of Mr. Alfred H. Stroh. - L. 767.




New Church Life, vol. 27.

"Dicta Probantia": a historical and analytical review, by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 22.

"The Internal Degrees of the Lord's Human", by Rev. W. L. Gladish. - p. 65.

"The Sun of Heaven as represented in ancient mythology", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 83.

A discussion on "The Observances of the Nineteenth of June", by Rev. F. Sewall and the editor. - p. 109.

"The Sun of Heaven as represented in ancient mythology", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. pp. 160-166.

"The Principia Theory, and the Spiritual Sun", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 176.

"The Infinite: a doctrinal study, by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 218, 277, 326.

"The Divinity of the Natural Point", debated by the Revs. W. H. Gladish and C. T. Odhner. - pp. 306, 310.

"Research Work on Swedenborgiana at Stockholm and Upsala", by Mr. A. H. Stroh. - p. 346.

Minor Works by Swedenborg: Theological Fragments. Trans. by Rev. A. Acton. - pp. 361, 479.

"A Plea for the Authority of the Writings in the New Church", by Mr. Gerrit Barger. - p. 370.

"Bishop Benade: Leader O Reformer", (An appraisal of Bishop Benade's uses). by Rev. N. D. Pendleton. - p, 385.

"The First Natural Point", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 411,472, 681,736.
"The New Academy and its Uses", by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 565.


BEEKMAN, LILLIAN G.: Outlines of Swedenborg's Cosmology. Bryn Athyn, Pa. Academy Book Room. Reviewed in L.1907:487; M. L. 1907, Dec. 28. (Reply in L. 1908:103-5); N. C. R. Oct. 1907:631-4 (Reprinted in L. 1908:38-41. Cf. L. 1907:763) Reception of book described in L. 1907:761-3.

GENERAL CHURCH: Calendar of the General Church containing directions for "Daily Lessons from the Word and the Writings of the New Church". First issued in 1897. NCL Jan. 1907, p. 37. Academy Book Room.



STROH, ALFRED HENRY: The Auction Catalogue of Swedenborg's Library is reprinted as a 16pp pamphlet in Stockholm, in facsimile of the original edition, at the expense of the Swedenborg Scientific Association. Pamphlet 16pp. Reviewed in L. 1908:96.

STROH, ALFRED H.: The Publication of Swedenborg's Scientific Texts and Research Work on Swedenborgiana at Stockholm and Upsala. April 1907.

SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL: Scientific Works. quarto, 350pp. Reviewed in L. 1907:757.

WARREN, S. M.: Another Word about Conjugialis. 5pp. Reprinted from The New Church Review.

WHITEHEAD, JOHN: The Illusions of Christian Science. Its Philosophy rationally examined, with an Appendix on Swedenborg and the Mental Healers. The Garden Press. 16 Arlington St., Boston, Mass. 1907. pp. 247. Reviewed in L. 1908:36-38.


America. The Supreme Court declares a boycott instituted by a labor organization to be a combination in restraint of trade (Feb. 3).

Violent decline on the N. Y. Stock Exchange (March 4).

At New York City, the Knickerbocker Trust Company and several banks suspend; and the panic of 1907 follows (Oct. 21).

Asia. Manchuria formally returns to Chinese rule (April 15). All the native opium dens in Shanghai are closed by imperial edict (May 21).

Finland. 19 women are elected to the Finnish Diet; first women representatives in any national legislature (April 7).

France. New French law amending the Church and State Separation law of 1905 is signed by the president (Jan. 3).

Great Britain. A motion in the Commons favors the disendowment of the established church in England and Wales.

A great gathering of women in London demands attention for the Female Suffrage bill (Feb. 9).

Italy. Pope Plus X issues a syllabus of sixty-five errors concerning faith, the Scriptures, and ecclesiastical authority (July 17).



Norway. The Norwegian Parliament votes to grant the suffrage to about 300, 000 women, based upon a property qualification (June 14).

Spain. The Spanish Parliament is suspended by the king (Jan. 26).





Berlin, Ont., - Jan. 19. - Death of Mrs. George Kuhl, Sr., aged 88 years; one of the pioneers of the New Church here. - L. 189.

N. d. - Resignation of the Rev. Walter E. Brickman as pastor of the Society. - L. 318.

- The society, now without a pastor, continues to hold services and Sunday school, under the leadership of Mr. Charles Ruby. - L. 447.

Sept. 6-7. - Celebration of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of a New Church School here. - L. 687-690.

Washington, D. C., July 19. - The first services of the General Church here are conducted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Stebbing, by Rev. C. T. Odhner. 16 persons are present; arrangements are made for quarterly visits from Bryn Athyn. - L. 559.

Glenview, Nov. - Resignation of the Rev. David H. Klein, on account of ill-health. After a pastorate of five years, he moves with his family to Hendersonville, N. C., to engage in secular work. The Society gives an unanimous call to the Rev. Alfred Acton. - L. 753.

Abington, April 6. - Resignation of the Rev. Thomas 5. Harris, after an eight-year pastorate of the Abington (Convention) Society. Nine members also resign. Later, a General Church group is formed. Particulars concerning the movement in L. 313, 487-9.

New York City, N.d. - The New York Society finds a new place of worship at the Everett House, 4th Avenue and 17th St. The society life is described in a society paper, The New York Circle published every "Church Sunday". - L. 313-314.

Middleport, - 24 children are reported in four classes of the Sunday School; double the number in the previous year. - L. 490.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 14. - At the "Founders' Day" banquet, great enthusiasm is shown over the new developments in Swedenborg's philosophy. One address stresses the need of adequate indexes, or a Concordance, of all Swedenborg's works not included in Potts' Concordance. - L. 121, 359.



Jan. - A complete set of the Acta Eruditorum (1682-1725), is purchased for the Academy library by the Rev. D. H. Klein at an auction in Chicago. - Discussed in L. 30. - An autograph of Swedenborg is discovered in the Academy library. - L. 34.

April. - A 16-page report is published by a Committee, consisting of the Revs. C. T. Odhner, W. H. Alden, and Mr. Emil F. Stroh, appointed to compile a General Index of all of Swedenborg's preparatory works. Nine pages of the report catalogue 127 of Swedenborg's political, scientific, economic, and philosophical works and papers. Seventeen persons promise cooperation. - The New Philosophy, April, p. 33-39.

- New Church Life stresses "the great importance of such an index, which will open all the scientific works for the comparative study of subjects, as the Potts' Concordance has opened up the inspired Writings. The cooperation of all other scholars of the Church, able to handle the Latin or Swedish of the originals, will be needed". - New Philosophy. April; L. 360.

June 13. - The Rev. Charles E. Doering is appointed Superintendent of the Academy Schools. - L. 444.

July 1, 8, 9. - The Kramph Will Case is heard at Lancaster. - L. 483, 532, 552, 604.

July. - Wild and scurrilous newspaper stories, arising out of the Kramph Will Case, cause many difficulties and embarrassments for the New Church people of Bryn Athyn. - L. 624.

- In the Phila. Evening Bulletin. (July 16, 1908), a prominent layman of the General Convention predicts that the Kramph Will Case "will probably prove the death blow of the Academy".

Nov. - The Rev. T. S. Harris, (Abington, Mass.), is received as a member of the Council of the Clergy. - L. 1909:35.

Lancaster. Dec. 21. - Two contesting New Church bodies file exceptions to the adjudication of Mr. Kramph's will. - L.1909:234.

Philadelphia, Oct. 4. - The new Liturgy is used for the first time in the Advent Society. - L. 693.

Renovo, June 19. - Regular services are held during the summer, by the Rev. Homer Synnestvedt. - L. 446.

Sydney, N.d. - Favorable reports are received concerning the circle of members who separated from the Sydney Society, some three years ago, under the leadership of Mr. Richard Morse.



Weekly services are held at Queen's Hall, Pitt Street. - L. 631.


Heidelberg, Sept. 3. -At a meeting of the International Philosophical Congress, Mr. Alfred H. Stroh reads papers on: "Relies of Descarte's visit to Sweden, especially a newly discovered portrait by David Deck", and, "The Cartesian Controversy at Upsala, 1663-1689, and its connection with Swedenborg's nebular hypothesis". - L. 671.

London, Aug. 1 - The 7th annual British Assembly of the General Church is held at 99 Holland Rd., Brixton; the Rev. A. Czerny presiding. L. 614-621.

The Hague, N. d. - Mr. Gerrit Barger writes an article on the New Church, for a series entitled, Kerke en Sekte (Church and Sects) - No. 3; edited by a theological professor of the University of Utrecht. - L. 599.

Stockholm, N. d. - Two lengthy, biographical and critical articles on Swedenborg, by Mr. Alfred H. Stroh, are published in the Aftonbladet, a leading evening paper of which Professor Retzius is the proprietor. - L. 418.

- The "Northern Museum" issues a Catalogue of the objects contained in its "Memorial Exposition" of Swedenborgiana. The preface is by Bernhard Salin, director of the museum; with a bibliographical introduction by Mr. Alfred H. Stroh. - L. 418.

Upsala, Oct. 13. - Mr. A.H. Stroh delivers an address on, "Swedenborg as a Physiological Psychologist", before the Upsala Psychological Society. - L. 1909:36.


New Church Life, vol. 28.

"The Origin of the Elementary Kingdom", by Lillian G. Beekman. - pp. 65, 336.

"Out of the Shadows", by Rev. W. Whitehead. - p. 84.

"The Conjunction of Conjugial Love and the Love of Offspring", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 193.

"The First Finites", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 222. Cf. p. 431.

"Marriage and Regeneration" (discussion between Mr. E. C. Brown and the Editor). - pp. 290, 438, 420.



"Issues of Life and Death to the Church" (discussion by several ministers and laymen). - pp. 300,480.

"Doctrines Peculiar to the New Church in Swedenborg's Science", by Rev. W. L. Gladish. - p. 385.

"Does the Rational Psychology Contradict the teaching that Angels are in the Human Form?" by E. E. Iungerich. - p. 412.

"The Resuscitation by Plants out of their ashes" (editorial, with plate). - p. 427. Cf. pp. 538, 671.

"The Human Form and Creation", by Lillian Beekman. - p. 449.

Isaac Watts, by Rev. W. Whitehead. - p. 472. Cf. p. 750.

"The Kramph Will Case", (its origin and history). Editorial by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 483. Cf. pp. 532, 552, 604, 624.

"The Inspiration of Swedenborg", by Rev. Jas. F. Buss. - p. 518. Cf. pp. 318, 436, 437, 531.

"Correspondences of Canaan", by Rev. C. Th. Odhner. - pp. 569, 649, 727.

"Is Conjugial Love one of the Theological Writings of the New Church?" by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 676.

"Testimony of Swedenborg's Earlier Works", by E. E. Iungerich. - p. 697.


BARGER, O. L.: "Degrees of Life in Man!" Being Doctrine from the Word of God as set forth in the Writings of Swedenborg". pp. 330. A new work on degrees. Reviewed in NCL 1908:171.

BARGER, REV. O. L.: "An Essay on the Memorable Relations". Pamphlet. 12pp. Chicago, NCL 1908:288.

MORSE, RICHARD: "A Nineteenth of June Souvenir, "1908:139-9 Octave booklet for spreading of Academy principles. Sydney, Australia. Reviewed by NCL 1908:603.

PENDLETON, BISHOP W.F.: "The Hidden Manna". A sermon on Apoc. 2:17. Pamphlet. The Heath Printing Company. - L. 1908:286.


Theta Alpha Journal. Vol. 1-1908. Bryn Athyn, Pa. Theta Alpha, 1908-vol. 1.

STROH, ALFRED H.: (editor) Emanuelis Swedenborgil Opera. Vol. II. Cosmologica Second Swedenborg publication by "Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences" pp. 605-607. Reviewed in NCL 1908:605.



STROH, ALFRED H.: 3rd issue (Part I, Fascicle 2) of the series of Scientific and Philosophic Treatises, by Emanuel Swedenborg. Swedenborg Scientific Association. Noted in NCL 1908:286.

WHITEHEAD, WILLIAM: A Message to My Friends. Pamphlet 8pp. Bryn Athyn, Pa. Noted in L.1908:286. (reprint from NCL February).


America. United States. Formation of "The Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America".

Financial panic; in the United States.

Race riots, with destruction of property and lynching of negroes, at Springfield, Ill. (August 14-19).

Asia. Persia. A diplomatic representative sent to Athens for the first time in 2399 years (August 18).

Europe. Austria-Hungary. The Dual Monarchy announces the formal annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria issues declaration of independence, and becomes a kingdom under Prince Alexander (Oct. 5).

Germany. The Reichstag decides that the German language must be spoken at all public meetings in all parts of the Empire (April 4).

The Reichstag denounces the action of the Kaiser in speaking so freely of foreign affairs (Nov. 10).

Emperor William promises that in future foreign affairs will be conducted through one of the ministers (Nov. 17).

Great Britain. The House of Commons and the House of Lords pass the Old Age Pension Bill (July 16, 31).

Portugal. King Carlos I of Portugal and the Crown Prince assassinated at Lisbon (Feb. 1).

Manuel II proclaimed king (Feb. 2).

Turkey. The Sultan restores the Constitution of 1876; and orders a general election for members to a Parliament (July 24).




Rio de Janeiro, Aug. - The Society here now has almost 200 members. A leading poet in Brazil, Luis Murat, has received the Doctrines. - L. 470.

Hamilton, Ont., Dec. 5. - The reading circle here (about 18 persons), is led by Mr. Wm. Addison. - L. 1910:63.

Honey Harbor, Georgian Bay, July. - Thirty members of the General Church, including two ministers, share a "New Church camp". - L. 555.

Toronto, Ont., June 22-26. - 13th annual Council of the Clergy and Joint Council of the General Church; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding. - Full account, with reports, in L. 506-541. Cf. 481,745.

Washington, D. C., Jan. 11. - The Rev. C. T. Odhner meets President Theodore Roosevelt, who emphasizes his approval of large families, and his opposition to birth control. - L. 126.

Glenview, April 1. - The Rev. W. B. Caldwell (Chicago), begins his pastorate here. - L. 380; Cf. 1910:190.

Oct. - The elementary school now has 47 pupils. - L. 680.

Nov. 4-6. - Ninth Chicago District Assembly; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding. - Full report in L. 910:91-100. Cf. 61.

Rockford, Sept. - The small Swedish Circle here now has only nine members. - L. 683.

Arbutus, Aug. 29. - The first religious and social gathering is held on the property acquired here for a New Church settlement. - L. 614.

Baltimore, N.d. - The members of the Baltimore (General Church) Society purchase 14 acres of land at Arbutus, Md., a few miles to the west of Baltimore, to bring together their scattered families for worship and the religious instruction of 41 children. - Account in L. 552; 1910:126.

Kalamazoo, Sept. - The only two receivers now in this city are Judge Wm. W. Peck and Mr. B. C. Henyan. - L. 682.

New York City, April 5. - Death of Mrs. Camilla Wright, aged 79 years; (widow of the late Rev. Bernard Peters, owner of the Brooklyn Times), a well-known public social worker, and a member of the General Church since 1897. - L. 319.



N. d. - The New York Circle now holds services in Carnegie Hall; attendance about 22. A Sunday School is started. - L.743; 1910:125.

Cincinnati, Nov. - The General Church Circle issues a circular giving the reasons for its services here. - Reprinted in L. 1910:60.

Columbus, Aug. 1. - The Rev. W. L. Gladish begins to hold regular monthly services and classes here. - L. 620, 746; 1910:59.

Middleport, Aug. 4. - Death of Mrs. Esther Hobart Grant, aged 89 years; a pioneer member in Meigs country, in whose home the Middleport Society was born. - L. 560.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 14. - Celebration of "Founders Day", by a banquet at Cairnwood. It is announced that the General Church now has exactly one thousand members; also that the Academy will build a Library and Museum. - L. 126.

N. d. - The "Calendar of Daily Readings" is discontinued. - L. 1945:272.

Jan. 29. - The joint celebration of Swedenborg's birthday, by society and schools, is described in L. 185.

June 14. - Closing exercises of the Academy Schools; the D. Th. degree is granted to Rev. E. E. Iungerich. Mr. John Pitcairn donates $100,000 to the endowment fund. - L. 410.

June 15. - The "Sons of the Academy" adopts a constitution and elects officers.

Aug. - New Church Life publishes the full text of the "Declaration" made at Brockton, Mass., by the General Convention, respecting the "second part of Conjugial Love"; together with editorial comment by Rev. Alfred Acton. - L. 450-9; Cf. 730, 734-6. Also 1910:371.

Sept. - An account of the New Church settlement and schools here, appears in the Baltimore American. Sept. 19; (reprinted in Neukirchenblatt, Oct.).

Oct. - Mr. John Pitcairn donates $20, 000, the income of which is for the operating expenses of the new elementary school building. - L. 679.

Nov. 21. - Death of Mr. Samuel Henry Hicks, aged 64 years. - L. 1910:68; biogr. by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton, L. 51-4; Cf. 55, 56.

Nov. 26. - Sixth Philadelphia District Assembly; 218 persons present. - Report in L. 1910:57.

Dec. 24. - The local custom of Christmas Eve "Tableaux" for the children is interestingly described in L. 1910:123.



Erie, July. - The work of Dr. Edmund Cranch and family in maintaining the Circle here, is described by Rev. H. Synnestvedt in L. 467.

Lancaster, March 7. - Judge Smith, of the Lancaster county Orphan's Court renders a decision in favor of the heirs of Mr. Kramph. An appeal is at once lodged. - L. 254, 302.

Philadelphia, March 2. - The heirs of Miss Lavinia A. Engard contest her will giving her residuary estate of about $10, 000 to the First New Jerusalem Society and the New Church Book Association. Testimony as to the work on Conjugial Love is given in court by the Rev. Messrs. W. L. Worcester, H. S. Conant, Wm. F. Pendleton, C. E. Doering, and W. H. Alden. - L. 235; Cf. 1910:302, 376.

April 13. - Death of Mr. Reuben Walker, aged 64 years; a beloved layman in the doctrinal and social life of the early "Academy circle". - Biogr., L. 373, 384.

April 29. - Prof. C. T. Odhner, at a banquet given in honor of the Swedish minister to Washington, gives a speech on the Scandinavian mythology. - L. 381.

May. 9. - The Rev. C. T. Odhner lectures on Swedenborg to the Danish-American Society. - L. 381.

May 19. - Hearing of the Kramph Will case begins before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. - L. 557.

June 22. - The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania orders a reversal of Judge Smith's decree in the Kramph Will case. - L. 409.

Nov. 29. - Death of Rev. L. H. Tafel. - Biogr. L. 1910:85; Mess. 97:370.

Pittsburgh, Sept. 15. - The parish school re-opens, with 11 pupils. - L. 618.

Nov. 19-22. - Pittsburgh District Assembly; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding. - L. 1910:58, 165.

Sept. - Messrs. W. J. Spencer and R. Morse exchange views on the General Convention's "Declaration". - New Age (Sept.); Cf. L. 1910:46-50.

Sydney, N.d. - Miss Ida W. Hunt describes Mr. Morse's society meeting in Queen's Hall. - League Journal, Mar. 1910: L. 1910:297.


Paris, Oct. 10. - Ordination of Rev. Ferand Hussenet, by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - L. 748.



Colchester, July 31-Aug. 2. - Eighth British Assembly of the General Church; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding. - Full report in L. 606-612; Cf. 680.

Voorburg, April. - Twelve persons meet at the home of Mr. Gerrit Barger (Vice-Consul for England), and institute a "Swedenborg Society for Holland and Belgium"; president Mr. G. Berger; secretary, Mr. Ernest Deltenre, L. L. D., (an ex-Catholic advocate in Antwerp). - L. 1909:415, 479; Account of M. Deltenre's conversion in L. 1910:292.


New Church Life, vol. 29.

"Correspondences of Canaan", by Rev. C. Th. Odhner. - pp. 26, 79, 257, 385, 496, 625, 716.

"Mixed Marriages", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 129.

"Documents of New Church History", (Letters of William Schlatter to John Young: 1823-4). - pp. 157, 289.

"The Genealogies of the Lord", by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 223.

The Kramph Will Case, (editorial). - pp. 234, 235. Cf. pp. 302, 306, 357, 409.

"Spontaneous' Generation", by Mr. Charles E. Benham. - p. 286.

"The Proceeding of the Holy Spirit: An apparent conflict reconciled", by Bishop W. H. Benade. - p. 336.

"Accommodations of Conjugial Love to the states of men", by Rev. W. H. Alden. - p. 338.

"Swedenborg in the Swedish Diet", - pp. 367, 435.

"The Laying On of Hands in Ordination", by Bishop Wm. H. Benade. - p. 417.

"The 'Declaration' of the General Convention", by Rev. A. Acton. - pp. 450, 451, 734. Cf. pp. 730, 596, 672.

"Moral Truth and Its Use", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 480.

Swedenborg's Flying Machine, (with drawing), by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 582, 584, 587.

"Truth with the Evil" (on Paul and his Epistles), by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 652.



Journal of Education, (A. N. C.), 1909.

The Influence of the (Girls') Seminary on the General Church, by Bishop W. F. Pendleton. - p. 5.

Sarah de Charms Hibbard, by Rev. R. de Charms, Jr. and A. E. Grant. - p. 7.

History of the (Girls') Seminary, by O. Stroh. - p. 11.

Delight, by Rev. C. E. Doering. - p. 25.

The New Philosophy, (A. N. C.), 1909.

On Swedenborg and the sensory centers, by G. Retzius. - p. 29.

Swedenborg's doctrine of "the purer parts of Nature", by Rev. F. Sewall. - p. 75.

The Fibre, by E. Swedenborg, (A translation). - p. 108. Continued until 1915, p. 149. Reviewed in 1918, p. 246.


ACADEMY OF THE NEW CHURCH: Catalogue of the Schools of the Academy. Booklet. 55pp. Reviewed in L. 545.

PENDLETON, W. F.: The Principles of the Academy. Pamphlet. 19pp. Bryn Athyn, Pa., Reviewed in L.1909:165.

SCHRECK, E. J. E.: The Religious Instruction of the Children of the New Church. June 10. 20pp. June 16, 20pp.

STROH, ALFRED: Emanuel Swedenborg. Biography. Reviewed in L. 1909:176.

STROH, A.H.: Emanuel Swedenborg as a Cerebral Anatomist and Physiological Psychologist. Pamphlet. Reviewed in L. 1909:666-667.

STROH, ALFRED H.: Testimonials respecting Swedenborg, the scientist. Pamphlet. Reviewed in L. 1909:358.

STROH, A. H.: Memorial of the Swedenborg Scientific Association. Pamphlet, 11pp. Philadelphia. June.

WHITEHEAD, REV. JOHN: A Study of Swedenborg's Treatise on Conjugial or Marriage Love. Tract. Described in L. 1909:91.




America. Canada. Secretary Root and Ambassador Bryce sign treaty for settlement of disputes between the United States and Canada (Jan. 11).

The Newfoundland fisheries treaty is made for settlement of disputes between the United States and Canada (Jan. 27).

Cuba. U. S. troops evacuate Cuba, thus terminating intervention (March 31).

United States. Commodore Peary announces that he reached the North Pole on April 6, 1909 (Sept. 6).

Asia. China. Russia and China sign agreement concerning Manchurian railways (May 11).

The United States, Great Britain, and Austria refuse to recognize the Russo-Chinese agreement concerning the Manchurian railway (July 5).

A Constitution, modeled after that of Japan, is promulgated (August 27).

Persia. The Shah of Persia grants a constitution (May 4).

Mohammed Alim is dethroned; and the Crown Prince Sultan Ahmed Mirza is declared Shah of Persia (July 16).

The Shah opens the Persian Parliament (Nov. 15).

Europe. Austria-Hungary. The Great Powers, including Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Italy and the Balkan states, are occupied with negotiations concerning the settlement of questions relating to the status of the new kingdom of Bulgaria and those connected with the assumption of sovereignty by Austria-Hungary over Bosnia and Herzegovina (Jan.).

Austria's annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina recognized by the Powers (March 25).

Belgium. Death of King Leopold (Dec. 17).

Albert I becomes king; and promises reforms in the Congo (Dec. 23).



Great Britain. Chancellor of the Exchequer Lloyd-George introduces a revolutionary budget in House of Commons (April 29).

The South African Union Bill passes British Parliament (Aug. 9).

Turkey. Mutiny of the army in Constantinople (April 13).

The Young Turk forces infest Constantinople, and enter the city (April 19, 24).

The Sultan's guard surrenders (April 25).

Abdul Hamid is deposed and Mohammed V proclaimed Sultan (April 27).





Berlin, Ont., Sept. 1. - The Carmel school opens with 26 pupils, in 7 classes. - L. 779.

Toronto, Sept. 19. - The Olivet school opens with 12 pupils. - L. 860.

Dec. 31-Jan. 2. - Eighth Ontario Assembly of the General Church; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding; 82 members and 35 visitors attend. - Full report in L. 1911:112-120; Cf. 65, 70, 130.

Jan. 27. - The Christian Advocate, in its 1909 statistics of churches in the U.S., compiled by Dr. H. K. Carroll, accurately credits the General Church of the New Jerusalem with 22 ministers, 13 churches and 743 members, (a decrease of one minister, and an increase of one church and 34 members). The figures given as to the General Convention are far more than the Convention itself claims. - L. 172.

Chicago, Nov. 17. - On the initiative of Col. Rudolph Williams, the Humboldt Park Church congregation passes a resolution refusing "communion and fellowship" with a member who had written a letter to New Church Life, (Nov. 1910, p. 774). The writer was Mr. N. O. Schuldz, who resigned on Nov. 19; and later joined the General Church. - Full account in L. 1911:35-8; Cf. 103.

Dec. - During the winter, Rev. Wm. B. Caldwell continues pastoral services to the Sharon church. - L. 190.

Glenview, Dec. 25.- The Society begins services in the re-modeled church building, enlarged for growing uses. - L. 1911:285.

Arbutus, Aug. 7. - Dedication of a chapel building for the new settlement of the Baltimore Society, by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. A description of the division of the property, its finances, etc., in L. 586, 648; 1911:122; Baltimore American, August 8.

Abington, Nov. 11-14. - Episcopal visit by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - L. 861.

N. d. - Mr. John Headsten (Chicago), conducts New Church work among the Swedes here. - L. 864.

Kalamazoo, March 24. - Death of Judge William Wallace Peck, aged 77 years. Once an agnostic, he became an ardent New Churchman, some 25 years ago, by reading the True Christian Religion. - L. 328.



New York City, April 15-17. - New York District Assembly; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding. - L. 385.

Bryn Athyn, March 1. - Death of George Madison Cooper, M.D., aged 37 years. - L. 262; biogr., 240. Cf. 258, 296, 385.

N. d. - During the year, enthusiastic groups endeavor to understand Swedenborg's preparatory works, and Miss Beekman's classes thereon.

March. - Mr. John Pitcairn gives $100,000 as a pension fund for Academy workers. - L. 259.

April 22. - Dedication of the new Elementary School building, ("De Charms Hall"). - L. 321; full report and description, 372-5.

May. - An article by John Pitcairn, on "The Fallacy of Vaccination", in the Saturday Evening Post, stimulates a long-time discussion.

June 14. - Mr. John Pitcairn donates $50, 000 to be used as a pension fund for the ministers of the General Church and their widows. - L. 564.

- Closing exercises of the Academy Schools; graduates: Normal School, 1; Girls' Seminary, 14; Boys' Academy, 8. - L. 448-9.

June 15-19. - Seventh General Assembly of the General Church: Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding; 318 members and 108 visitors attend. Notable addresses by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton, ("Unity in the New Church"); Rev. A. Acton, ("Time and Space in the Spiritual World"); Rev. N. D. Pendleton, ("The Divine Human, Organic and Visible"), and others, are vigorously discussed. A membership of 941 is reported; a net Increase during the year of 37 members. The banquet and Cairnwood reception are memorable events. - Complete proceedings in Journal, printed in L. 459-585. Cf. 591, 609.

July 22. - Death of Miss Vera Pitcairn, aged 23 years; only daughter of Mr. John Pitcairn; her chief love was to establish a great New Church Orphanage. She leaves a bequest of $10,000 for scholarships in the Girls' Seminary, ("Vera Pitcairn Memorial Fund"). - L. 590, 705, 707.

Sept. 15. - The opening of the Academy Schools reveals a total enrollment of 162 students. The U. S., Canada, England, Sweden, France, Switzerland, and Belgium are represented. - L. 776.

Dec. 29. - Marriage of Raymond Pitcairn and Mildred Glenn. - Described in L. 1911:126-7.

Erie, July-Sept. - Candidate Gilbert H. Smith ministers to the Erie Circle. - L. 709.



Philadelphia, July 1. - The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania issues its final decision on the appeals of the Academy of the New Church and the (claimed) Trustees of the estate of Frederick J. Kramph. The decree of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster County is reversed; and the net balance of the estate, ($38,785), is ordered to be paid to the Academy of the New Church. - Text of decision in L. 428-435. Editorial by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton, 439. Cf. 675, 693, 698-9. See The Kramph Will Case. Comment by Messenger, and by Rev. W. L. Worcester, in Mess. July 20. Cf. L. 1910:764; 1911:29, 105, 106, 110. Also New Age, (Oct.), and N. C. Q., vol. 99:38.

Pittsburgh, Jan. 28. - One of the oldest members, Mr. Jacob Schoenberger, writes a valuable paper on the early history of the New Church in Pittsburgh. - L. 186.

Sydney, June 19. - Mr. Richard Morse's small society celebrates the "Day" at 12 Botany Road, Alexandria, Sydney, - the place where the Academy movement began here. - L. 713.


Antwerp, N. d. - Dr. Ernest Deltenre, in a letter to Mr. John Pitcairn, describes how he became a New Churchman. - L. 292. Cf. 712.

Paris, July. - The General Church Circle now meets in a room at 100 Rue St. Lazarre; M. Hussenet's congregation numbering about 25 persons. This circle is now the only one in Paris holding public worship; as the "Temple" at Rue Thouin has been sold. - L. 712.

London, Jan. - The publication of The New Church Quarterly, (edited by Rev. James F. Buss), "for promoting the study and application to human life of New Church truth in all its aspects, on the basis of the Writings of Swedenborg, open to all schools of New church thought, "arouses the interest and active support of General Church ministers and laymen. (The Quarterly issued 9 vols., up to 1918).

July 11. - Officers of the London Swedenborg Society, and six representatives of three New Church publishing houses In America, (American Swedenborg Society, the Academy of the New Church, and the Swedenborg Scientific Association), meet to agree on a coordinated program of support for new publications, and the phototyping of all of Swedenborg's MSS. - Account in L. 687-690.



July 30 - Aug. 1. - Ninth annual British Assembly of the General Church, in the new home of the London Society, 169 Camberwell Grove; the Rev. A. Czerny presiding; 51 members and 28 visitors attending, including 12 from Bryn Athyn. - Full report in L. 695-706. Cf. 646, 649, 659.

N. d. - The Rev. T. F. Robinson becomes a member of the General Church. - L. 701), 695.

Falun, Dec. 2. - The Rev. J. R. Rendell and Mr. A. H. Stroh visit the great copper mine here, and the ancestral home, "Sveden". Interesting description in N. C. M., (Jan.); L.1911:184-6.

Stockholm, Aug. - The Rev. Messrs. Acton and Odhner, Mr. John Pitcairn, and several others report that the Rev. A. T. Boyesen, owing to advanced age, has ceased to preach; Rev. C. J. N. Manby's small society is now the only active society in Stockholm. "The great interest in Swedenborg, recently awakened, seems to be of a purely intellectual character; and has not resulted In any new members. But the bookroom and library of the Swedish New Church Publishing Society are well managed; and the sales of the Writings are increasing". - L. 710. Cf. 839; also 1911:361.

Upsala, Nov. 20. - The sarcophagus of Emanuel Swedenborg is unveiled in Upsala Cathedral, in the presence of the king of Sweden, Gustaf V., amidst elaborate ceremonies. An account of the event, and its accompanying celebrations, Is reported by Mr. Alfred H. Stroh, M.A., in L. 1911: 47-55. Cf. 104, 283.

New Church Life, vol. 30.

"Correspondence of Canaan", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 18, 355, 414.

"Recent Investigations of Swedenborgiana at Gothenburg", by Mr. A. H. Stroh. - p. 36.

On the "Declaration" by The General Convention. - pp. 46, 101, 109, 117, 119, 173, 177, 182, 193, 245, 302, 304, 006, 311,316, 369, 371, 376, 428, 439, 441, 442, 455, 675, 693, 764, 841, 849.

"Correspondences of the Nervous System", by J. B. S. King, M. D. - p. 81.

Christian Gentilism of today: A study In the internal historical sense, by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 141.

"The Gothenburg Trial: an analysis of documents", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 153, 221, 618, 742.

History of the Pittsburgh Society, by Mr. Jacob Schoenberger. - p. 186.



The Human Essence and The Divine, by Rev. N. Dandridge Pendleton. - p. 197.

"The Scientific works, their validity, and value", by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 285.

"Truth and Justice affirmed in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania", (editorial) by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 439.

"Unity in the New Church", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 464. Cf. pp. 480, 489.

"The Divine Human Organic and Visible", by Rev. N. Dandridge Pendleton. - p. 591.

"Swedenborg's Argument of Creation: the Logos", by Lillian G. Beekman. - p. 715.

"The History of Creation as Given by Moses", by Emanuel Swedenborg. (Trans. by Rev. A. Acton). - pp. 754, 829. Cf. p. 787.

"The Beginnings of Finition", by Lillian G. Beekman. - p. 816.

Journal of Education, (A. N. C.), 1910.

The Study of Hebrew in New Church Schools, by Rev. E. S. Price. - p. 18.

The Claims and Fallacies of Socialism, by Mr. Troland Cleare. - p. 27.

Evelyn E. Plummer: a biographical sketch, by F. Asplundh. - p. 48.

The New Philosophy, (A. B. C.), 1910.

Spirit as object, or the objectivity of the spiritual world, by Rev. F. Sewall. - p. 73.


THE ACADEMY OF THE NEW CHURCH: The Kramph Will Case: The Controversy in regard to Swedenborg's work on Conjugial Love. Bryn Athyn, Pa. Cloth 530pp.

BARGER, GERRIT: De Swedenborgianen. Pamphlet. Reviewed in L. 1910:107. 43pp. Missionary pamphlet.

BARLER, REV. O. L.: A Declaration concerning Conjugial Love. Chicago. Booklet 43pp. Reviewed in L. 1910:172.

MORSE, RICHARD: In Defense of the Doctrines of the Second Advent Relating to Conjugial Love. Pamphlet 40pp. Reviewed in L. 1910:108.

PENDLETON, WILLIAM F.: Unity in the New Church. The Academy of the New Church, Pa. Pamphlet 29pp.

SCHRECK, REV. E. J. E.: Open Letter from Eugene J. E. Schreck. Chicago. Leaflet 4pp.



STROH, ALFRED H.: Chronological List of the Works of Emanuel Swedenborg. Festival publication mentioned in L. 1910:680.

STROH, ALFRED H.: Relies of Descartes' Visit to Sweden. Described in 1, 1910:171.

STROH, ALFRED H.: THE Cartesian Controversy at Upsala, 1663-1689. Reviewed in L. 1910:171.

STROH, ALFRED H.: Memorial of the Swedenborg Scientific Association, April 30. Philadelphia, Pamphlet 8pp.

WHITEHEAD, REV. WILLIAM: The Rule of Discipleship. Pamphlet (Sermon) Mentioned in L.1910:763. 12pp.


America. United States. President Taft signs the Arizona and New Mexico Statehood Bill (June 20).

Washington grants complete suffrage to women (Nov.).

Asia. China. Imperial troops occupy Lhassa; the Dalai Lama flees to India (Feb. 23).

Korea. Japan unilaterally proclaims Korea a colony of Japan (August 24).

Europe. France. Great floods throughout France; the Seine reaches highest point in three centuries (Jan. 20).

Great Britain. King Edward dissolves Parliament (Jan. 10); and orders another to meet on Feb. 15.

The House of Commons, by a vote of 351 to 246, passes the resolution limiting the veto-power of the House of Lords (April 14).

Death of King Edward VII (May 6).

George V proclaimed King of Great Britain and Emperor of India (May 7).

Inception of the Colonial Federation of United South Africa; ex-President Theodore Roosevelt, at Guildhall in London, advises England to suppress anarchy or let Egypt govern itself (May 30).



The "World's Missionary Conference" is held in London (June 10).

British suffragettes assault Premier Asquith and Augustine Birrell (Nov. 22).

Greece. King George issues a royal decree for the revision of the constitution (March 30).

Portugal. The revolutionary Portuguese Government decrees the freedom of the press and the separation of Church and State (Oct. 28).

Revolutionists abolish the Monarchy and establish a Republic; King Manuel exiled (Nov. 8).

Spain. The Government notifies the Pope of plans to revise the concordat with the Vatican (Feb. 12).

King Alfonso signs a bill prohibiting the entrance of additional religious orders until the negotiations with the Vatican are satisfactorily concluded (July 7).

The Cortes passes "padlock bill" forbidding, for two years, the further creation of religious orders (Dec. 23).





Berlin, Ont., June 19. - The 20th anniversary of the Carmel Church is observed. - L. 552.

Sept. 5. - School opens with 25 pupils, in eight classes. - L. 683.

Clinton, Ont., July 30. - Aug. 20. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli ministers to the Clinton Circle. - L. 684.

Denver, May 3-10. - Local General Church Assembly; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding. - Report in L. 475; Cf. 438.

Macon, Feb. - Mr. Charles R. Pendleton, editor of the Macon Telegraph, arouses nation-wide attention by his replies to Mr. Thos. Edison's agnostic views on immortality. - L. 618.

Glenview, May 12-14. - Tenth Chicago District Assembly; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding. - Full report in L. 462.

May 13. - Dedication of the Immanuel Church School House, (formerly the "Club House"). - L. 467.

Arbutus, N. d. - More houses are built in the New Church settlement here. L. 547.

New York City, April 28-30. - A local Assembly is sponsored by the New York Society; Bishop Pendleton presiding. - L. 411.

Middleport, Oct. 27-29. - Episcopal visit by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - L.834.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 14. - The "Founder's Day" banquet is attended by over 250 guests. A loving cup and flagon are presented by "friends in the General Church" to Mr. John Pitcairn, in honor of his 70th birthday, (Jan. 10). - Full report in L. 187-211. Cf. 127. Photos. P. 132-3.

April 9. - Dedication of the new library building, by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. Mr. John Pitcairn formally presents the building to the Academy. (Throughout the year, many purchases of Swedenborgiana are made.



The Museum is equipped). - L. 353.

June 15-16. - Commencement exercises of the Academy Schools; annual address, on ("True Progress"), by Mr. John Pitcairn. - L. 474; J. E. 1911:5-14.

June 22. - Annual meeting of "Sons of the Academy". - L. 547.

Aug. - The Rev. Alfred Acton, after ten years of collaboration, resigns as assistant-editor of New Church Life - L. 536.

Sept. 11. - First of the monthly meetings of the "new editorial club" of the Life. - L. 682.

Nov. 10. - Death of Mr. Waiter F. Van Horn, aged 32 years; life-time church organist here. - L. 832, 842.

N. d. - The Rev. Walter E. Brickman returns to the membership and priesthood of the General Church. - L.1912:36.

Philadelphia. N. d. - The Rev. Homer Synnestvedt takes pastoral charge of the Advent Society, which now worships at Glenn Hall, 555 N. 17th St. - L. 214.


St. Cloud, June 18. - The Paris Society, (which now has fortnightly services at 100, Rue St. Lazarre, Paris), celebrates New Church Day at the home of the pastor, M. F. Hussenet. - L. 553.

Colchester, Aug. 5-7. - Tenth British Assembly of the General Church; 78 attending. Mr. W. Rey Gill reads a paper on, "The Bodies of Spirits and Angels", which initiates a long controversy in the General Church, especially between 1911 and 1916. - Report in L. 763. Cf. 799.

London, July. - The address of the London Society is now; 169 Camberwell Grove. - L. 616.

Gothenburg, N. d. - The small circle here re-engages its former pastor, Rev. J. E. Rosenqvist. - L. 361.

N. d. - The Rev. Jos. Rosenqvist resigns as a member of the General Church, to comply with the government regulations requiring "his independence of any other ecclesiastical organization". - L. 417.

July 29-30. - The first general meeting of New Churchmen in Western Sweden. - Described in L. 777.



Stockholm. March 27. - The 10th anniversary of the "Providentia Institution", (fund for the education of orphans), is celebrated; 2, 362 crowns have been collected. - L. 360.

March 31. - At the annual celebration of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the King of Sweden presents the Academy's memorial gold medallion of Swedenborg to "the American scientist, Alfred Stroh". - Stockholms Dagblad. April 1.

N.d. - Mr. Alfred H. Stroh announces an Interesting historical discovery of the minutes and other valuable documents of the Societas Pro Fide et Charitate, (1796-1830), successor to the "Exegetic and Philanthropic Society". (See L. 293-308). The material is presented to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. - L. 403.


New Church Life, vol. 31.

"The External Decline of the Old Church", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 1.

"The Primordial Vortex Points, and the First Finites", by Lillian G. Beekman. - p. 14.

On the Controversy over Conjugial Love. - pp. 35, 103, 105, 110, 175, 218, 343, 403, 405, 458, 479, 536, 539, 541, 589, 663, 664, 815, 822.

"The Story of Swedenborg's Skull", by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 39.

"The Unveiling of Swedenborg's Sarcophagus", by Mr. A. H. Stroh. - p. 47. Cf. p. 283.

"The Assumption of the Human", by Rev. N.D. Pendleton. - p. 70. Cf. p. 347.

"The Epoch of the First Aura", by Lillian G. Beekman. - p. 78.

"The History of Creation as Given by Moses": by Emanuel Swedenborg, (trans. by Rev. A. Acton). - p. 89.

"The Early History of the New Church in Sweden", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 156, 269, 293. Cf. p. 403.

"The Universal Aura", by Lillian G. Beekman. - pp. 225, 317.

"The Resurrection Body of the Lord", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p, 235.

"Swedenborg's Scientific Preparation for his Mission as Revelator", by Rev. G. C. Ottley. - p. 242.

"The First Aura: A Correlation of Swedenborg's Philosophical Works with the Theological Writings", by Lillian G. Beekman. - p. 363.



Jonathan W. Condy, by Mr. George de Charms. - p. 380.

"The Second Aura", by Lillian G. Beekman. - pp. 415, 498.

"The Correlation of Natural and Spiritual Truth", by Rev. W. B. Caldwell. - p. 438.

Eternal Duration of the Earth, by Rev. E. J. E, Schreck. - p. 459. Cf. p. 515.

"Time and Space in the Spiritual World", by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 483.

"The Scientific and Philosophical Writings", by Rev. N. D. Pendleton. - p. 507.

"The Philosophy of Disease and Cure", by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - pp. 523, 580. Cf. pp. 588, 711, 748, 769, 829.

"Swedenborg's Doctrine of Forms", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 555, 642, 739, 807. (Continued in 1912, pp. 26, 87, 166).

John Conrad Dippel, (Historical sketch), by Mr. Hugo Lj. Odhner. - p. 654.

"Evil the Origin of Disease", by George M. Cooper, M.D. - p. 722.

"The Bodies of Spirits and Angels", by Mr. W. Rey Gill. - p. 728.

Journal of Education. (A. N. C.), 1911.

True Progress, by John Pitcairn. - p. 5.

On Obedience, (address), by Bishop W. F. Pendleton. - p. 19. Cf. pp. 767, 799.

The Development of Music in the New Church, by Helen Colley. - p. 31.

A New Policy as to Moral Education, by W. Whitehead. - p. 42.

The New Philosophy, (A. N. C.), 1911.

Swedenborg on life in other planets than our own, by Rev. F. Sewall. - p. 83.


ACTON, ALFRED: (editor): Review of Swedenborg's work on salt - De Sale Communi. Published Swedenborg Scientific Association. pp. 281-282.

ODHNER, C. T.: Notes on the Doctrine of the Word. Copies offered in L. 1911:686

OTTLEY, REV. GLENDOWER C.: Swedenborg' Scientific Preparation for his mission as Revelator. Pamphlet. Mentioned in L. 1911:663.




America. Canada. The Canadian Parliament passes a resolution attesting the loyalty to the British Empire and its intention to control its own fiscal policies (Feb. 22).

The Opposition in the Dominion Parliament demands that the Reciprocity Bill be submitted to the Canadian people (July 24).

The general elections result in a victory for the Conservatives; and a rejection of the Reciprocity Agreement with the United States (Sept. 21).

Mexico. The Mexican Revolution becomes more serious; and 20,000 American soldiers are ordered to the border (March 7).

General Francisco I. Madero is elected President (Oct. 1).

United States. The First Postal Savings Bank is opened in the United States (Jan. 3).

The Supreme Court decides that the "Standard Oil Company" is an organization in restraint of trade, and orders its dissolution within six months; distinguishes between reasonable and unreasonable restraint of trade (May 16).

Death of John Bigelow, American editor, author, diplomat and New Churchman.

Asia. China. The British and Chinese governments sign an agreement in Pekin to decrease Chinese production of opium and its import from India in equal proportions for seven years (May 8).

The Revolutionist leader Li-Huan-Hung proclaims a Republic (Oct. 26).

The Emperor grants a constitution (Oct. 30).

The rebels capture Nanking (Dec. 1); Prince Chun, the regent, abdicates; and guardians are appointed for the infant emperor (Dec. 5).

India. Coronation Durbar at Delhi, at which King George V announces the transfer of the capital from Calcutta to Delhi (Dec. 12).

Japan. The Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Alliance is renewed for ten years (July 13).



Persia. Persia appeals to Great Britain for assistance against Russia (Oct. 19).

Russia sends another ultimatum to Persia, demanding dismissal of Shurster (Dec. 1); Russia sends troops into Persia (Dec. 3).

Australia. New Zealand. Sir James Ward, premier of New Zealand, advocates an Imperial Council and graduated contributions to an imperial fleet (March 11).

Europe. Germany. The Chancellor warns the Vatican against issuing decrees or bills affecting Germans without first consulting the government (March 7).

The Government orders a gunboat to Agadir to protect German interests in Morocco (July 1).

Great Britain. The House of Commons, by a vote of 324 to 222, endorses the principle of free trade (Feb. 9).

The Tercentenary of the Authorized Version (March 23), of the Bible (1611) is celebrated in London.

The coronation of King George V and Queen Mary takes place in Westminster Abbey (June 22).

The House of Lords passes the Parliament Bill (August 8).

Norway. Captain Roald Amundsen reaches the South Pole (Dec. 11).

Portugal. The Pope issues an encyclical condemning the anti-religious attitude of the Portuguese Republic (May 29).

Russia. Jubilee of the emancipation of the serfs is celebrated in St. Petersburg (March 7).




Mauritius, N.d. - The Rev. G. J. Fercken becomes a member of the General Church. - L. 1913:125.


Berlin, Ont., Dec. 30-Jan. 1. - Ninth Ontario Assembly of the General Church; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding; 163 persons attending. - Full report in L. 1913:105-115; papers, 65, 160, 317.

Quebec, July-Sept. - The Rev. Thomas S. Harris (Abington), revisits his old home in northwestern Quebec, and conducts a vigorous missionary campaign amongst his former Methodist associates. - Interesting report in L. 766-770. Cf. 640, 706.


Chicago, Feb. - Mr. John Headsten describes his work among the Swedes here. - L. 114.

Oct. - Sunday services are now held by the Rev. Wm. B. Caldwell (Glenview), in the Carroll Ave. Church. - L. 256.

Dec. 1. - The Rev. Gilbert H. Smith arrives to take pastoral charge of the Sharon Church. Services are now held in a rented downtown room. - L. 1913:117.

Baltimore, June 3. - The Rev. E. E. Iungerich is elected pastor of the congregation. - L. 498.

July 7. - The congregation here is formally organized as a Society. - L. 498.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 14. - "Founders' Day" is celebrated by a banquet at "Cairnwood", attended by Academy ministers and professors. - L. 1912:120.

Feb. 6-9. - Fifteen ministers and candidates celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the General Church. The Consistory reviews the policies and methods of the Church. - L. 188.

- During the spring, the site of the new Cathedral-Church is agreed upon. - L. 320.

June. - Mrs. Wm. H. Benade, of London, arrives to gather further materials for a proposed biography of Bishop Benade. - L. 443.



June 14. - At the Academy commencement exercises, the degree of B. Th. is granted to Rev. E. Deltenre, and M.A. to the Revs. Alfred Acton and Homer Synnestvedt. A gift of $200,000 to the Academy's endowment fund, by Mr. John Pitcairn, is announced. - L. 444.

June 22-27. - 16th annual sessions of the Council of the Clergy. The Rev. N. D. Pendleton is unanimously recommended for ordination into the third degree. Full report in L. 548-571; Cf. 498.

Nov. 29-Dec. 1.- Seventh Philadelphia District Assembly. - Report in L. 1913:50-52.

Pittsburgh, Jan. 18. - A charter is obtained by the "New Church Corporation of Pittsburgh", to legalize the holding of property by the Pittsburgh Society.

July-Aug. - The Church building of the Pittsburgh Society is completely remodeled. -L. 636, 770.

Oct. 25-27. - Pittsburgh District Assembly; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding. The Rev. N. D. Pendleton is ordained into the third degree of the priesthood. - Full account in L. 770-775. Cf. 1913:151.


Brussels, Aug. 25. - Dedication of a chapel at 33 rue Gachard, by the Rev. E. Deltenre, who now assumes leadership of a General Church Mission in Belgium and Holland. - Described in L. 622.

London, Feb. 23. - Death of Mr. William Gill, aged 58 years; an active, devoted layman of the Colchester Society. - L. 260, 322, 501; biogr. sketch, 308.

Aug. 3-5. - Eleventh annual British Assembly of the General Church, at 169 Camberwell Grove; the Rev. Andrew Czerny presiding; 52 members and 34 visitors present. - Full report in L. 627-633. Cf. 649; 1913:85.

N. d. - On the death of Mr. James Speirs, Mr. C. J. Whittington purchases an original edition of the Brief Exposition, which had upon its paper wrapper an inscription in Swedenborg's handwriting, "Hic liber est Adventus Domini, Scriptum ex mandate". He presents the volume to the British Museum, for reasons stated in L. 1913:597; 1946:561-564.

The Hague, July 21. - The Rev. E. Deltenre becomes pastor of a Circle here. L. 622.



Stockholm, Oct. 27. - The first service of the Stockholm Circle is held. - L. 1919:207.

Dec. - New Church Life, (Dec.), publishes a critical review of Nya Kyrkans Tidnings attitude towards the General Church. - L. 747.


New Church Life, vol. 32.

"The Lord's Prayer: A study", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 1.

"Disease and Cure", by Rev. W. L. Gladish. - p. 16.

"The Rationale of Homeopathy", by Rev. W. H. Alden. - p. 21.

On the controversy concerning Conjugial Love. - pp. 40, 175, 236, 239, 295, 434, 487, 491.

"The Spiritual Body". Discussion by Revs. E. E. Iungerich, W. B. Caldwell, and C. T. Odhner. - pp. 51, 100, 297, 516.

"John Bigelow as a New Churchman", (biographical sketch), by Rev. W. H. Alden. - p. 78.

"Swedenborg and Ernesti", (illustrated), by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 133, 197.

"The Arcana of the Hebrew Language", by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - pp. 225, 286.

"The Universalities of Christendom", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 261.

"The Phototyping Process and the Printing of Swedenborg's Texts", by Mr. A. H. Stroh. - p. 280.

"The Successive Dispensations" (with diagram), by Rev. C. Th. Odhner. - p. 325.

"The Origin of Man" by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p.385.

"The Preadamites", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 397.

"The Church of the Golden Age", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 465, 669.

"Swedenborg's Marginal Notes in the Schmidius Bible", by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 521.

"Physiological Characteristics of Primeval Man", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 532.

"The Word In the Letter: Its place and use", by Rev. A. Czerny. - p. 649.



"The Two Foundations of Truth", by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 751.

Journal of Education. (A. N. C.), 1912.

New Church Education and the growth of the Church, by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 3.

The Uses and the Place of the National Sciences in New Church Education, by Rev. R. W. Brown. - p. 31.

The Trend of Sociology, by W. Whitehead. - p. 40.

The New Philosophy, (A. N. C.), 1912.

Physiological Papers, (Return Kingdom of the Divine Proceeding), by Lillian Beekman. - pp. 47, 107. Cf. 1916, p. 131.


BARGER, GERRIT: The Divine Trinity and the Creed of Athanasius. Academy of New Church, The Hague, Holland. (A Dutch translation of A. E. 1090-1134).

BARLER, O.L.: A Declaration. Pamphlet. Described in L. 1912:732.

BEEKMAN, LILLIAN G.: The Kingdom of the Divine Proceeding. Academy Book Room, Bryn Athyn, Pa. 82pp. Eve. Reviewed in L. 1912:350. New Age (June).

NEW CHURCH LIFE: General contents of New Church Life, 1930-1313. Booklet.

PERIODICALS: The Sons of the Academy Bulletin. (A bi-monthly magazine) v. 1 - Aug., 1912-. Bryn Athyn, Sons of the Academy, 1912- v. illus. 23cm. Monthly 1916-1928 Quarterly 1928 - Title varies William Whitehead, ed. 1912-1928; Hugo Lj. Odhner, 1928-1934; Richard 1-7. Gladish, 1936-1944; Vincent C. Odhner, 1934; Leander P. Smith, 1944. No issues in 1035.


America. Mexico. Mexico declines to recognize the right of U. S. Government to interfere in her affairs (April 17).

Revolution breaks out in Vera Cruz (Oct. 16); is later suppressed; its leader, Felix Diaz, is captured and condemned to death, - a penalty subsequently revoked.



Nicaragua. The United States marines capture Leon, the greatest stronghold of the Nicaraguan revolutionists; the insurrection is suppressed and order, for the time, restored (Oct. 6).

Santo Domingo. The United States Government decides to intervene in Santo Domingo, because of civil war (Sept. 13).

United States. President Taft issues proclamation recognizing the admission of New Mexico to the Union (Jan. 4).

President Taft proclaims the admission of Arizona to statehood. (Feb. 14).

Woodrow Wilson, Democratic candidate, is elected the 28th President of the United States (Nov. 5).

Asia. China. Dr. Sun Yat Sen proclaims himself provisional President of the Republic of China (Jan. 2).

The Emperor abdicates, and a Republic is established (Feb. 12).

Yuan Shih-kai is elected President by the National Assembly (Feb. 15).

Tang-Shao-yi becomes the first Premier of the Republic (March 29).

Russia and China renew the treaty of St. Petersburg for ten years (Sept. 6).

Great Britain. General strike of coal miners begins in Great Britain; more than a million men stop work; industries generally suffer (March 1).

Minimum Wage Bill passes House of Commons and House of Lords (March 21, 28); crisis in miners' strike is passed.

The White Star liner Titanic strikes Iceberg off the coast of Newfoundland and sinks, with loss of 1513 lives (April 15).

After making demonstrations against Home Rule, Ulster Unionists sign a "Solemn Covenant", pledging continued resistance (Sept. 19).

Italy. The parliament passes a bill for the annexation of Tripoli (Feb. 22).

Montenegro. Montenegro, despite protest of Powers, declares war against Turkey (Oct. 8).



Turkey. The Balkan powers, Bulgaria, Servia, Montenegro, and Greece, begin mobilization of troops in their respective capitals (Sept. 30).

War in the Balkans (Oct. 8-Dec. 3).





Berlin, Ont., June-Sept. - Mr. Hugo Lj. Odhner assists the pastor during the summer. - L. 443.

Aug. 31-Sept. 1. - The 25th anniversary of the Berlin New Church School is celebrated by a reunion of ex-pupils. - L. 772.

Sept. 4. - The school re-opens, with 22 pupils in eight grades. - L.

Penetang, Ont., N. d. - The General Church authorizes Mr. William Evans to lecture and perform evangelistic uses. - L. 669.

Rosthern, Sask., July-Aug. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli ministers to General Church members in Rosthern and Hague. Interesting details and historical data reported in L. 620. Cf. 1914:59.

Toronto, Ont., Dec. 31-Jan. 2. - 10th Ontario Assembly of the General Church; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding; 140 persons present. Important papers on, "Law, Obedience, and Organization", and "Unity in the New Church", are discussed. - Full report in L. 1914:176-185; Cf. 123; Papers, 65, 129.


Chicago, N. d. - The Sharon Church secures three rooms in the Athenaeum Building for worship, Sunday School and socials. - L. 771.

Glenview, June 12-17. - The Consistory and Council of the Clergy of the General Church meet here. - L. 561, 567.

June 17-18. - Meetings of the Teachers' Institute. - L. 562; J. E.

June 19-23. - Eighth General Assembly of the General Church; Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presiding. Mr. John Headsten is ordained into the first degree of the ministry, and Rev. Gilbert H. Smith Into the pastoral degree. Mr. John Pitcairn gives $100, 000 for the extension work of the General Church. A membership of 1,101 is reported. - Journal in L. 470-558; Cf.559-566. Papers, 447, 458, 711.

Rockford, March 17. - The Rockford Society is formally organized. - L. 312.

Arbutus, Dec. - The state of the New Church "colony" here is vividly described in L. 769.

Covert Resort, (later called Linden Hills), Aug. 24. - Dedication of a lot (given by Dr. Vaughen as a site for a summer-resort New Church building for worship), by the Revs. L. G. Hoeck and J. W. Stockwell.



Two of the trustees are Convention members, and two are General Church men from Glenview. - L. 706.

New York City, Jan. - Weekly services of the New York Circle are conducted alternately by the pastor, (Rev. A. Acton), and the assistant-pastor, (Rev. R. Keep). - L. 180.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 31. - Farewell social in honor of Rev. Homer Synnestvedt, who leaves for Denver, Colo., on account of family illness. - L. 170. Cf. 307.

Sept. 15. - Opening exercises of the Academy Schools; with a total enrollment in all departments of 162 students. - Report in L. 699.

Philadelphia, Feb. 9. - The Rev. Fred E. Gyllenhaal becomes pastor of the Advent Church. - L. 179.

Germantown, Dec. 10. - Death of Mr. Herman Faber, aged 81 years; a distinguished anatomical artist. Born in Rumrod, Germany, Jan. 26, 1832, he studied in the University of Giessen. Under the leadership of the Tafels, he accepted the New Church Doctrines; and when, in 1854, through Mr. Benade, he came to Philadelphia he was the first teacher of art in Mr. Benade's first Cherry St. School. After special Government work during the Civil War, and afterwards in the University of Pennsylvania he studied in Europe often with a life-long fellow artist and New Churchman, Mr. Frederick Elphick. From 1890 to 1895, he taught drawing in the Academy Schools in Philadelphia. A master of etching and engraving, he was especially gifted in anatomical knowledge. A member of many art clubs and societies, he was for many years president of the Pioneer Verein of Penna. Widely known in the United States and Europe as an artist and teacher of exceptional brilliance, he became in his last years a venerable and well loved figure in Philadelphia life. For a beautiful tribute to his character and use, see the Philadelphia Evening Telegraph. Dec. 13, 1913. (Part reprinted in Bulletin, S. A., April, 1914). Also Phila. Press Dec. 12, and L. 1914:62.

Pittsburgh, Sept. 9. - Death of the Rev. John R. Stephenson, aged 49 years; a graduate of the Academy Schools (1891); ordained in 1892; ministered in England and Pittsburgh to General Church societies. In 1897, joined the General Convention; 1903-1913, pastor of the Pittsburgh (Convention) society. Sketch and photo, Mess. Vol., 105:218.

Dec. - Bishop N. Dandridge Pendleton's episcopal visit to England, Holland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, and France, is charmingly described by Mrs. Pendleton in L. 757-767.

Spokane, July-Aug. - The Rev. Willis L. Gladish ministers to the Spokane Circle. Mr. Emil Hansen is the lay leader here - L. 627.



Lithgow, Oct. 5. - The Sacraments, according to the General Church ritual, are administered for the first time by the Rev. Richard Morse. - L. 1914:126.

Sydney, N. S. W., N. d. - The General Church authorizes Mr. Richard Morse to preach and administer the Sacraments, pending ordination. - L. 669,


Brussels, Dec. 6. - Le Soir, the most widely circulated daily in Belgium, publishes an eulogistic, two-column article describing Dr. Deltenre's mission at rue Gachard. - L. 1916:107.

Paris, June 22. - Twenty-one members of the French Society celebrate New Church Day at the home of the pastor, M. Hussenet. - L. 631.

Betchworth, Surrey, June 4. - Mr. C. J. Whittington writes to Morning Light. (June 14), explaining his gift of the copy of Brief Exposition, with Swedenborg's "Adventus Domini" Inscription, to the British Museum. - Reprinted in L. 597,

Colchester, Aug. 2-4. - Twelfth annual British Assembly of the General Church; Bishop N. Dandridge Pendleton presiding. - Full report in L. 688-698.

London, N. d. - The General Church authorizes Mr. Frank H. Rose to lecture and engage in evangelistic work. - L. 669.

Gothenburg, N.d. - The Rev. Joseph E. Rosenqvist again becomes a minister and member of the General Church. - L. 669.

Stockholm, Sept. - The Stockholm Circle rents two rooms in the eastern quarter of the city (stermalm). - L. 775.

New Church Life, vol. 35.

"Man's Memories, Before and After Death", by Mr. W. Rey Gill. - pp. 8, 85.

"The Age of the Patriarchs", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 22. Cf. p. 175.

"The Antediluvians", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 91.



"The Word is Divine Doctrine and the Divine Doctrine is the Word", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 129. Cf. pp. 296, 297, 682.

"The Formation of the Mind", by Rev. W. L. Gladish. - p. 151.

"Noah and the Flood", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. (End of series) - p. 185.

"Controversy on Conjugial Love", (continued). - p. 231.

Discussion on the "Spiritual Body", by Revs. W. H. Alden, E. E. Iungerich, C. T. Odhner, N.D. Pendleton, and Mr. R. Pitcairn. - pp. 241, 244, 302, 374, 377, 379, 499, 681, 696.

"The Correspondences of Egypt", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 253, 337, 387, 639, 735.

"Suffer little Children to Come unto Me", (a powerful plea for New Church education) by Rev. Richard de Charms, Sr. - p. 274.

Johan Tybeck, (biog. sketch), by Mr. H. Lj. Odhner. - p. 349.

"The Preservation of the Church", by Bishop" Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 447.

"Sight in the Spiritual World", by Mr. M. Rey Gill. - p. 656.

"The Everlasting Gospel and the Divine Proceeding", by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. - p. 711.

Journal of Education, (A. N. C.), 1913.

Research Work in the New Church, by C. R. Pendleton. - p. 25.

The Stimulation of Scholarship, by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 31.

Religious Instruction in the Academy Schools, by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 89.

Natural Laws of Composition, by F. M. Buell. - p. 99.

Prizes and honors, by Rev. H. Synnestvedt. - p. 108.

An historical study of the First Commandment, by Wm. Whitehead. - p. 112.

The New Philosophy, (A. N. C.), 1913.

A comparison of the two Principia's, by Rev. R.W. Brown. - p. 136.

A correlation of the two Principia's, by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 173.




BARGER, GERRIT: De Wetten der Goddelijke Voorzienigheid (The Laws of the Divine Providence). A Dutch translation of AE 1155-1193. Academy of the New Church, The Hague, Holland. Noted in L. 1913:571.

CHILDS, WALTER C.: Song Book. 21 songs, words and music. Mimeographed. Reviewed in L. 1913:597,673.

MORSE, MRS. RICHARD: Correspondence May 13, 1913. 16pp. (See Cell. Pamp. 67).

STROH, ALFRED: Den Nya Kyrkan I Norden (The New Church in the North). Copenhagen. Pamphlet 28 pp. Reviewed in L. 1913:370. A reprint of articles in defense of the Stockholm "Circle", and of the Academy of the New Church.

TWIGGS, MRS. S. L.: Her Christmas Eve. Nunc Licet Press - Minn. 2Bpp.


America. Mexico. Serious disorder continues in Mexico (Jan.).

United States. The Parcels Post system is inaugurated throughout the United States (Jan. 1).

First inter-denominational conference in America meets in New York to consider the possibility of uniting all Christian organizations (May 8).

Asia. China. The U. S. Government recognizes the Republic of China (April 3).

The first Parliament of the Chinese Republic convenes (April 8).

Serious revolutionary outbreaks occur in southern China (July).

Balkans. The Powers of Europe demand that the Balkan States demobilize their armies (June 7).

Servia declares war against Bulgaria, and captures Istip after severe battle; Greece declares war against Bulgaria (July).

A treaty of peace between Roumania, Servia, Montenegro, Greece, and Bulgaria is signed at Bucharest (August 10).

Germany. In Bavaria, the mad King Otto is deposed; the regent, Prince Ludwig, proclaimed king as Ludwig III (Nov. 5).



Intense feeling created by clash of the military with the citizens of Alsace at Zabern (Dec. 2).

Great Britain. Lloyd-George announces a governmental plan for getting the people back to the land (Oct. 22).

Greece. King George of Greece is assassinated at Salonika (March 18). Crown Prince Constantine is proclaimed King of Greece (March 19).

Greece annexes the Island of Crete (Dec. 14).

Holland. Dedication of the "Palace of Peace" at The Hague (August 28).

Turkey. Peace negotiations are instituted between Balkan allies and Turkey (April-May).

The Balkan Allies and Turkey sign treaty of peace at London (Nay 30).

Bulgaria and Turkey sign agreement concerning boundary (Sept, 15).

Greece and Turkey sign treaty of peace at Athens (Nov. 13).





Aug. 12-Sept. 5. - The Rev. F. E. Gyllenhaal conducts services here. - L. 1915:299.

- July-Sept. The Rev. F. E. Waelchli (Berlin), spends the summer in pastoral work in the Canadian Northwest; chiefly in Rosthern, Sask. - Described in L. 652.

Berlin, Sep. 1. - The school opens with 25 pupils and 3 teachers. - L. 720.

Ontario, Dec. 30. - No "Ontario Assembly" this year; but a local assembly is held; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - L. 1915:167.


Macon, Jan. 16. - Death of Mr. Charles Rittenhouse Pendleton, Sr., aged 63 years; editor of The Macon Telegraph, a nationally respected and influential Southern daily; a staunch and generous layman of the General Church. Biogr. sketch, L. 256.

Chicago, Sept. 28. - Death of Mr. Carl Franz Wilhelm Junge, aged 92 years. A native of Dusseldorf, Germany, he emigrated to America at the age of 25; became a member of the Boston Society. In Chicago, from 1854, he was active in the work of the old Academy group, and insisted on remaining a member of its corporation to the end of his life. - L. 720.

N. d. - The "Swedenborg New Church Society", (pastor, Rev. John Headsten), now holds its services, etc., at Southland Hall, 59th and Halsted Sts., Englewood. - L. 1915:166.

Glenview, Aug. 17. - Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Aitkin Farrington, widow of the late pr. Ernest A. Farrington, aged 68 years. - L. 656; biogr. Sketch, 688.

Arbutus, - The Rev. T. S. Harris begins his sixteen-year pastorate of the "Baltimore Circle" at Arbutus. - L. 1915:546.


Abington, July 2. - Mr. Gustaf Baeckstrom takes the pastor's duties for the summer. - L. 511.



Covert Resort, July 12. - Dedication of a small Chapel here for the joint use of members of the General Convention and the General Church. Sunday services are conducted by ministers of both bodies; also doctrinal classes and social affairs. - L. 583; 1949:475.

Middleport, Dec. 20. - Death of Miss Electa Grant; teacher in the early Academy Schools in Philadelphia (1885-6) and Pittsburgh. - L. 1015:235.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 1 - The New Year is observed by a sunrise service, followed by breakfast and speeches. - L. 114.

Jan. 14 - The Academy's fortieth birthday is celebrated by a memorable banquet, given by Mr. John Pitcairn to all Academy workers. - L. 115.

N. d. - The Academy Museum acquires a number of facsimile casts of famous archaeological treasures, (Rosetta Stone, etc.). - L. 159.

Jan. 16. -Mr. Emil F. Stroh and family move to Ontario, Ca. He leaves a ten-year record of conspicuous success as Academy Librarian and keeper of the Archives and Museum. - L. 186.

Feb. 6. - "General Church Day" is established as a Church festival, to celebrate the organization of the General Church in 1897. - L. 186.

June 8. - Death of Mr. George Heath, aged 52 years. Before paralysis ended his career, he was a successful Shakespearean actor and playwright. - L. 452.

June 12. - At the Academy's Commencement exercises, the degree of B. Th. is conferred on Messrs. George de Charms, L. W. T. David, and Hugo L. Odhner. - L. 443.

N. d. - On account of advancing years, Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton resigns from the presidency of the Academy of the New Church. The Board of Directors unanimously elects Bishop N. D. Pendleton to that office. - L. 471. 717.

June. - The beginnings of a new Cathedral-Church here causes much newspaper comment throughout the country, - informative and otherwise. - L. 474.

June 19. - After a service in the Academy Chapel, the congregation walks in procession to witness the laying and dedication of the seven-ton, unhewn corner-stone of the new temple, on a nearby hillside. - Described in L. 509; 1919:745.

June 22-29. - Annual meetings of the Council of the Clergy of the General Church. Present, 22 ministers and 2 candidates; 11 ministers and 4 candidates absent.



Total membership of the General Church is reported as L 171. The Rt. Rev. N. D. Pendleton is chosen as Assistant Bishop of the General Church. - Full reports in L. 480-495. Cf. 471, 510.

June 27. - 14th meeting of the Joint Council of the General Church. A statement of the order and organization of the General Church, by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton, Is approved after discussion. This statement is not an "instrument of Organization", or a binding "Constitution", but simply an objective statement of existing practices, procedures, and accepted principles, bearing the values
and custom and precedent. The Council ratifies the choice of Bishop N. Dandridge Pendleton as Assistant Bishop of the General Church; and refers the question of the mode of appointment of a Bishop to the General Council. - Journal in L. 1914:479-495. (Tent of "Statement of Order and Organization" is published in L. 1914:496-505; and later printed in pamphlet form). - Cf. L. 471, 472.

June 28. - Ordination of the Revs. L. W. T. David (Denver), G. de Charms (Philadelphia), and H. L. Odhner (Berlin), into the ministry; also of the Rev. J. Headsten (Chicago), into the pastoral degree. - L. 510.

N. d. - The Academy's Board of Directors orders the title "Dean of Faculties" to be substituted for that of "Superintendent of Schools". - A. A.

Nov. 1. - Mr. John Pitcairn gives an address on his recent remarkable wartime experiences in Europe and on the conditions in New Church societies there. Full text in Bulletin of S. of A., Dec. 1, pp. 1-7. Cf. L. 779.

Nov. 3. - The Rev. Gaston J. Fercken (Mauritius), is recognized as a minister and pastor of the General Church. - L. 764. Cf. 779.

Nov. - Death of Mr. Bennet Yarnall, aged 88 years; an earnest and generous layman who spent many years In voluntary services to the Academy Library, including a valuable card catalog of all available New Church sermons. - L. 792.

Dec. - The editor of New Church Life adopts the policy that "it is only the Editorial Department that Is and must be neutral", regarding the war in Europe. - L. 778; See also 1915:68.

Philadelphia, Oct. 29. - Death of Mrs. Richard (Marie) de Charms Jr., aged 68 years; wife of the Rev. Richard de charms Jr. - L. 791.

Pittsburgh, Feb. 1. - Bishop N. Dandridge Pendleton ends his eleven-year pastorate here. - L. 117.


Bhavnagar. - The Rev. F. E. Gyllenhaal visits Prof. Bhatt; finds himself a "guest of the State"; Interesting accounts in L. 589-591; 721-5, 787-790.



Sydney, April 29. _ The Rev. Frederick E. Gyllenhaal, en route to India, Spends two weeks with new Church groups here. - L. 588.

Nov. - The first New Church betrothal service in Australia is conducted by the Rev. Richard Morse. - L. 1915:534.

Auckland, N.d. - The Auckland Society, with the aid of friends, erects a brick building for worship, to hold 150 persons. - L. 451.

Aug. -Many New Church People from America, traveling in Europe, are caught In the chaos of war circumstances; and virtually all New Church periodicals record interesting experiences and side-lights. M. L., vol. 37:389.

Sept. - Mr. Alfred H. Stroh writes a vivid account of war conditions while traveling from Spain and Switzerland through Germany to Sweden. - L. 780.

Brussels, Oct. - The sign on the General Church Mission is taken down during the German occupation; and a brass plate announces, "American University; The Academy of the New Church Book Room and Dispensatory". - L. 700.

Nantua, N.d. - The Rev. G. J. Fercken is arrested by the local gendarmes for having in his possession a copy of Swedenborg's Canons of the New Church, He is able to convince them it is not an artillery manual. - L. 696.

Jan. - The Rev. W. H. Acton, writing as an Englishman, contributes to New Church Life his views on the spiritual factors involved in the First World War. - L. 1915:38.

London. May 31. - The London Society holds its first service in a new place of worship, No. 174, Peckham Rye. - L. 513.

Aug. 1-3. - 13th annual British Assembly of the General Church; the Rev. Andrew Czerny presiding; 108 persons attending. Four doctrinal and educational papers are discussed, including one by Mr. John Pitcairn, on "idealism in the New Church". - Full report in L. 710-716; 761-3; papers, 554,747. Also N. C. Q. (Oct.); and B. S. A. (Dec.).

Gothenburg, Jan. 11. - The Rev. J. E. Rosenqvist writes an account of events in the Gothenburg and Stockholm societies from 1900 to 1914. - L. 172-6.



N. d. - The Gothenburg Circle reports three services each Sunday, (in Swedish and English), at Kungsgatan 21. - L. 513.

Stockholm, N.d. - Mr. Alfred H. Stroh suffers a serious breakdown in health. - L. 253, 384, 447.

- The state of the Stockholm Circle during the year is described in L. 1915:362.

- Dec. - The Monatbltter reappears (issue of 90pp., dated July-Dec. 1914), and complains bitterly, of the anti-German attitude of New Church journals in England and the United States. The editor of New Church Life replies. - L. 1915:330.


New Church Life, vol. 34.

"The Mythology (Correspondences) of Egypt", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 23, 93, 144.

A New Document Concerning Swedenborg, (Rev. Nicholas Collins). - p. 45.

"Law, Obedience, and Organization", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 65. Cf. p. 181.

John Scotus Erigena, by Mr. Gustaf Baeckstrom. - p. 78.

Discussion on the Writings and the Word. - pp. 162, 233, 239, 243, 245, 315, 326, 327, 453, 634.

Discussion on "The Bodies of Spirits and Angels". - pp. 183, 193, 266, 272, 309, 312, 315, 317, 343, 369, 430, 433, 436, 439, 530, 554, 705, 711, 739, 764, 771, 774.

"The Spiritual Body, and the Objective Reality of the Spiritual World", by Mr. John Pitcairn. - p. 193.

"New Church Science versus Swedenborg's Science", (comm.), by Mr. A. B. Wells. - p. 245.

"The Diary and the Spiritual Body", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 272.

"Swedenborg's Marginal Notes in the Schmidius Bible", (Trans. by Rev. E. E. Iungerich). - pp. 356, 414.

"Swedenborg's Dreams, or Diary of 1744", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 389.

"A Statement of the Order and Organization of the General Church of the New Jerusalem", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - pp. 496-503.



"War, viewed in the light of the New Church", by the Editor. - p. 517.

"The Spiritual Body, and the integrity of the Spiritual Diary", by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 530.

"Idealism in the New Church", by Mr. John Pitcairn. - p. 554.

"Some Account of the Doctrine of Idealism as taught by (Bishop Berkeley", by Rev. Samuel Noble. - p. 563.

"Reflections on the 'Appearance' Controversy", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 612.

"The Academy's Fundamental Issue", by Rev. R. J. Tilson. - p. 634.

"Creation in the Spiritual World", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 657.

"Swedenborg at Colchester", by Mr. Chas. E. Benham. - p. 708.

"The Fibrous Organization of the Spiritual Body", by Rev. G. H. Smith. - p. 739.

"The Marginal Numerals in the Schmidius Bible", by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 747. Cf. p. 761.

Journal of Education. (A. N. C.), 1914.

Library System of Cataloging and Classifying Swedenborgiana, by E. F. Stroh. - p. 141.

Tables relating to the Decalog, by W. Whitehead. - p. 198.

The New Philosophy, (A. N. C.), 1914.

The Only Begotten in Swedenborg's cosmology and theology, by Rev. F. Sewall. - p. 89.


ACTON, REV. ALFRED: The Nature of the Spiritual World. pp. 209. Reviewed in L. 1914:627.

DAVID, REV. J. S.: The Divinity of the Writings. Pamphlet. Academy Book Room. (Reprint of article in L. August 1914).

ODHNER, REV. C. TH.: The Golden Age: The Story of the Most Ancient Church. Academy Book Room, Bryn Athyn, Pa. pp. 230, Cloth. Reviewed in L. 1924:113.

SCHRECK, REV. E. J. E.: The Second Coming of the Lord. London. Pamphlet 12pp.

STROH, ALFRED H. and SEWALL, FRANK: (translators) Emanuel Swedenborg. Published by the Trustees of Lydia S. Rotch. Massachusetts New Church Union. 292pp. Reviewed in L. 1914:329.



TILSON, REV. R. J.: A Form of Prayer during the European War. Pamphlet 7pp. School Hymnal. Offered in L. 1913:777.


America. Colombia. First ship passes through Panama Canal (Aug. 3); the Panama Canal is opened to traffic (Aug. 15).

Mexico. A party of United States marines, landing for supplies are arrested in Tampico, and subjected to insults; Huerta apologizes (April 10). Huerta refuses to salute United States flag within the time allotted (April 19).

The U. S. fleet is ordered to Tampico and other points on the Gulf of Mexico as a result of insults to the flag by the Huerta agents (April 14).

Vera Cruz is captured by U.S. marines, commanded by Rear-Admiral Fletcher (April 21).

General Carranza enters Mexico City, and in his Inaugural address announces a programme of justice and reform (Aug. 21).

United States. Henry Ford announces that the Ford Motor Company will set aside $10,000,000 of the 1914 profits for the benefit of the employees, and establishes a minimum wage of $5 per day for all employed (Jan. 5).

President Wilson offers the good offices of the United States in mediating the differences between the European nations at war (Aug. 3).

Asia. Japan. Japan declares war on Germany; Japan blockades Kiao-chow (Aug. 23).

Albania. Prince William of Wied accepts the throne of Albania (Feb. 21).

Austria-Hungary. The heir to the throne of the dual monarchy, the Archduke Francis Ferdinand, and his wife, Duchess of Hohenburg, are assassinated at Sarajevo, Bosnia, by a group of Serbs of Bosnia (June 28).

Austria sends ultimatum to Servia, demanding among other things the punishment of the parties who plotted the death of the Archduke, and prescribing that their apprehension be accomplished with the collaboration of Austrian officers (July 23).



Servia grants all demands except that relative to the employment of Austrian officers (July 24); Austria declares war on Servia (July 28). Austria bombards Belgrade; Russia begins mobilization of troops with the evident determination of assisting Servia (July 29).

Emperor Francis Joseph orders general mobilization of the army and navy (Aug. 1).

Austria declares war on Russia (Aug. 6).

Servian troops are reported to have invaded Bosnia; Monte-negro declares war on Germany and Austria (Aug. 10).

Belgium. Belgium appeals to England to assist her in maintaining neutrality (Aug. 3).

Germany. Germany sends an ultimatum to Russia, demanding that mobilization cease within twenty-four hours and stating that, otherwise, German forces will be mobilized (July 30).

German declares war on Russia (August 1); the French government orders general mobilization; Germany, without declaration of war against France, Invades Luxemburg (August 2); and Belgium in order to attack France (August 3). Germany addresses a demand to Belgium for free passage of troops through the latter's territory.

Germany declines to pledge observance of Belgium neutrality, stating that to do so would reveal important military plans; and declares war on Belgium (August 4).

Great Britain. Ulster opposition to Home Rule evinces itself in numerous demonstrations (Jan.).

Warlike preparations for opposition to Home Rule continued in Ulster (April).

The Ulster Volunteers succeed in landing arms and ammunition despite the vigilance of the authorities (July 1); Ulster organizes "provisional government", giving Sir Edward Carson power to call the Volunteers to arms (July 10).

Sir Edward Grey, in an attempt to avert a general European war, seeks to convene a conference of the interested Powers at London; the effort is unsuccessful (July 27).

British fleet leaves Portsmouth under sealed orders (July 29).



Great Britain declines to pledge neutrality on the basis of terms offered by Germany, which were in effect that Germany would guarantee the integrity of continental France, but not of the French colonies (July 30).

England requests Germany and France to give pledges that each would respect the neutrality and territorial integrity of Belgium; requirement agreed to by France, refused by Germany (Aug. 4).

England declares that a state of war exists with Germany (August 5); also with Austria-Hungary (August 13).

Death of Joseph Chamberlain, British imperialist statesman.

Ulster opposition to Home Rule evinces Itself in numerous demonstrations (Jan.).

Sweden. The Swedish parliament is dissolved as a result of dissensions concerning proposed increase of armaments, and orders new election (March 3); new election results in success of Conservatives who represent those desiring greater defensive means (April).

Turkey. Servia and Turkey sign a peace treaty at Constantinople (March 14).





Jan. - The Rev. G. J. Fercken contributes a valuable account of the history and environment of the New Church in Mauritius. - L. 31.

Durban, May 31. - The Rev. F. E. Gyllenhaal makes a first visit to Basutoland, and the New Church among the Basutos. - L.592; 1917:95-104; N. C. Weekly, July 3; full documented account in L. 751-771. Cf. article on "Basutoland and the Basutos", 687-699. The first letters from the Rev. S. Mofokeng, (Nov.-Dec.), appear in L. 1916:170-3, 235-240. See also L. 1917:164, redisputed origin of movement.


- July 6-Sept. 14. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli makes his annual visiting tour in the Canadian North-West. - Report in L. 742.

- July. - The question of the "neutrality" of the New Church in time of war is raised by Mr. T. Mower Martin, in reply to New Church Life. - L. 472. Cf. 331.

Berlin. Ont., June.- The Rev. F. E. Waelchli retires from the school work, in order to act as visiting pastor of the General Church. - L. 297, 683.

Dec. 31. - Jan. 1. - The 11th Ontario District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; about 150 persons attend. The Bishop reviews the "State of the Church" and Rev. F. E. Waelchli reads a paper on "Love of Country". - Full report in L. 1916:173-189; paper, 65. Cf. 124.

Toronto, Ont., Jan. 2-3. - At a local Assembly, Bishop N. D. Pendleton and Mr. John Pitcairn are the chief speakers. - L. 167.


Denver, Sept. 8. - Death of Mr. Thomas Vickroy, aged 93 years; grandson of Thomas Vickroy, one of the first New Churchmen in America; great-grandson of Wm. Augustus Atlee, the noted jurist. He heard the Lincoln-Douglas debates; and held offices in the Union Pacific railroad. - L. 750.

Chicago, N. d. - The Rev. John Headsten publishes a monthly serial tract entitled, The New Church Evangelist. - L. 588.

Glenview, July 24. - The central building of the community, housing worship, school library, and club house, (the old "Club House", modeled in 1910), is totally destroyed by fire.



The congregation holds services for some months in a large barn of the Louis Cole Nursery; and school classes in various homes. - L. 604; 1945:379.

Nov. 7. - The corner-stone of a new Church building is laid. - Described in L. 1916:58.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. - The editor of New Church Life explains his policy of "neutrality" as to the current world war. - L. 68.

Jan. 12. - "Founder's Day" service and banquet. - L. 1915:164.

N. d. - The "Boys' College" is now to be called the "Boys' Academy". - L. 1915:231.

Feb. 6. - Celebration of the 18th anniversary of the General Church. - L. 232.

Feb. - The Rev. Homer Synnestvedt gives a post-graduate course of lectures on the history of education. - L. 232.

April 17. - A census of Bryn Athyn village reports a total population of 328, (183 males; 145 females). There are 22 children under the age of five. The village seeks incorporation as a borough. - L. 354, 739.

May. - A news-item chronicles the advent of the "Ford" automobiles here; (no less than six have appeared!) - L. 354.

May 28. - Mr. Ralph A. Cram, the noted architect, gives an address to over one hundred architects, contractors, sculptors, carpenters, blacksmiths, and laborers on the Cathedral-Church site. Bishop N. D. Pendleton and Messrs. John Pitcairn and Raymond Pitcairn give speeches. - L. 479.

June. - Many contemporary architects visit the growing Church building. - L. 422.

June 22. - The Rt. Rev. Wm. F. Pendleton, Bishop of the General Church since its organization In 1897, announces to the Council of the Clergy his intention to retire from the office, "owing to declining health and strength". The Council addresses a "letter of gratitude" to him, (June 25), - for his wise leadership. - Text in L. 779. Cf. 588.

June 22. - The Rev. Ernest J. Stebbing, on account of entering secular work, requests his name be removed from the clergy list. - L. 539, 541.

June 26. - At the meeting of the 15th Joint Council of the General Church, 1213 members are reported, (net increase of 42). Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton presides for the last time. The Council pays a tribute of gratitude for his wise leadership and love of justice and freedom. - Journal in L. 536-551.



Aug. 1. - Miss Lillian Beekman withdraws from the New Church. - Text of resignation letter in L. 602.

Aug. 5. - Acting Bishop N.D. Pendleton accepts Miss Beekman's withdrawal from the General Church of the New Jerusalem. - Text in L. 603; 1916:45. Comments in New Age, vol. 31:173.

Oct. 1. - At the Society's annual meeting, the total adult membership is reported as 160; average attendance at worship, 157. - L. 740.

Nov. 27-28. - At a special meeting of the Joint Council of Clergy and Laity, the "State of the Church" is discussed, "as affected by the teachings of Miss Beekman and others on the nature of the spiritual world, the spiritual body, and the doctrine concerning the Holy Supper". The discussion is frank, friendly, and reassuring. - L. 1916:54.

- The Philadelphia District Assembly is largely devoted to an examination of "the evidences that the New Church will be established in Christendom". - L.1916:55.

Philadelphia, Feb. 20-21. - The first "Local Assembly" is held here. - L. 294.

Dec. 5. - Laying of the corner-stone of a new Church building for the Advent Society, at Wyalusing Ave. and 54th St., in West Philadelphia. - L.1916:56.

Pittsburgh, Oct. 22-25. - Pittsburgh District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. 129 persons attend. - Report in L. 802.

Pawtucket, Oct. 13. - Death of Mr. Samuel B. Wright, aged 70 years; descendant of one of the oldest New Church families in Philadelphia; formerly in Mr. Benade's early society in Cherry St., and a member of the General Church. - L. 818.


Rio de Janeiro, Jan. 29. - The members of "The New Jerusalem Church" here send Swedenborg birthday greetings to the General Church. - Text in L. 274. Cf. 462.

March 15-20. - Mr. John Pitcairn, and son Theodore, visit the New Church Society at 101 Avenida Central. He writes a vivid report on the state and personnel of the society in L. 365-374. Cf. 462, 475.

April. - After a suspension of eight years, A Nova Jerusalem reappears in an issue of sixteen pages, dated "March, 1907 to April, 1915". Reviewed in L. 461. Cf. 746, 781.



Oct. 4. - Pastor L. C. de La Fayette returns from Chile. - L. 797.


Brussels, Feb. 20. - The difficulties here created by the war are described in L. 299. Cf. 540, 546.

March-Nov. - M. Gailliard, a gifted artist, paints distinctive frescos for the walls of the Mission chapel; they receive wide public attention. - L. 1919:423.

Paris, Jan. 5. - The Rev. F. Hussenet reports on wartime experiences. - L. 233. Cf. 488, 532, 540.

Nov. 22. - M. J. J. Gailliard exhibits New Church murals. Newspapers in Belgium, France, England and America extol his art. - L.1936:188.

Colchester, Oct. - The town is described as "a huge barracks". For the first time since its inception in 1902, no "British Assembly" is held. But the society carries on. - L. 812.

London, Oct. 3. - The Burton Road Society celebrates Bishop Benade's 99th birthday. - (Bishop Benade actually died in 1905, aged 89 years.) - L. 814. Cf. 1917:423.

Dec. - The Peckham Rye Society carries on its "usual routine" of services and doctrinal classes. - L. 814.

Hague, Feb. 14. - Mr. Barger delivers a lecture on Swedenborg's mission to an audience of 117 persons. - L. 267. Cf. 540.

Rotterdam, Feb. 26. - The Doctrines are proclaimed for the first time in this city, to audience of about 200 persons, by Mr. Gerrit Barger, in a lecture on Swedenborgia mission. - Report in L. 561.

- N. d. - Miss Cyriel L. Odhner visits the Axmar Iron Works and Skinnskatteberg; - two places which once belonged to Swedenborg. - Description in L. 806.

Stockholm, June 27. - The Rev. Gustaf Baeckstrm commences his pastoral duties in the Stockholm Circle. - L. 605.

- N. d. - The Nya Kyrkans Frsamiling is founded by twelve persons. The first to sign the roll is Miss Sophie Nordensklld, whose family is the only one in Sweden, to hold membership in the New Church without a break since Swedenborg's day. - L. 1946:75.



-N. d. - Recovered from his illness, Mr. Alfred H. Stroh visits England, via Europe, for consultation with the Swedenborg Society. - L. 744.

Oct. - The Stockholm Circle finds a new home, a former schoolroom on Artillerigatan 60; - twenty to thirty persons attending. - L. 1916:59.

Lausanne, N. d. - The Rev. G. J. Fercken holds regular services in a hall here. Several families from Mauritius are staying here. About 30 persons actively interested. - L. 547, 745; 1916:61, 193.


New Church Life, vol. 35.

"The Lord's Resurrection Body", by Rev. W. L. Gladish. - p. 1.

"The Wine in the Lord's Supper", by Rev. A. Bjorck. - p. 17.

Discussion on "the Spiritual Body and the Spiritual World". - pp. 47, 34, 35, 136, 160, 161, 217, 285, 348, 591, 629, 708, 798.

"The Equality of the Sexes" (editorial) - p. 67. Cf. pp. 98, 221,222, 224, 226, 270, 280, 282, 429, 474, 674.

"The Myth of Abraham Lincoln's Swedenborgianism", (editorial) - p. 72. Cf. pp. 201, 214, 264.

"The Date of Swedenborg's birth", by Mr. Charles E. Benham. - p. 82. Cf. p. 213.

Discussion on Re-baptism. - pp. 82, 341.

Discussion on the Writings and the Word. - pp. 207, 209, 501, 660, 708.

Swedenborg's Diary and Dreams (1743-1744). (Trans. from the Swedish by Rev. C. Th. Odhner). - pp. 25 1, 315, 389, 449, 514, 579.

"The New Church in Rio de Janeiro", by Mr. John Pitcairn. - p. 365.

"Spontaneous Generation", by Mr. A. B. Wells. - p. 417.

"The Doctrine of Transubstantiation" (editorial) - p. 463. Reply by Rev. E. C. Iungerich. - p. 526.

Basutoland, the Basutos, and the New Church, by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 687, 751.

"The Hebrew Language: A Study", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 727. (Continued in 1916, p. 113.).



"A plea for a spark of the emotional", by Rev. H. Synnestvedt. - p. 787.

Journal of Education, (A. N. C.), 1915.

Angelic Wisdom Concerning Marriage: a discussion of the missing work on Conjugial love, by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 75.

Conversations on Education: Accommodation, Application, and Appropriation, by Bishop W. H. Benade. - pp. 84, 117, 39.

The Religious Control of Education, by W. Whitehead. - p. 108.

The Development of New Church Science, by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 153.

Development of Philosophy and Science, by C. R. Pendleton. - p. 173.

The New Philosophy, (A. N. C.), 1915.

A primer of Swedenborg's science and philosophy, by Rev. F. Sewall. - p. 78.

The formation of the blood, by Lillian Beekman. - p. 107.


BARGER, GERRIT: Redenen waarom Swedenborgianen geen Spiritisten Zijn (Reasons why Swedenborgians are opposed to the Spiritists). The Hague. Pamphlet 103pp. Reviewed in L. 1915:156.

BJORCK, REV. ALBERT: The Birth of the Lord's Life in Men (Sermon on Rev. 1:17, 18) Pamphlet 22 pp. San Francisco.

MORSE, REV. RICHARD: Nineteenth of June Souvenir. Sydney, N. S. W. L.1915:781.

ODHNER, REV. C. TH.: Creation in the Spiritual World: a study. Bryn Athyn. Pamphlet 27pp.


United States. First telephone talk, New York to San Francisco, by Alexander Graham Bell (Jan. 15).

The Cunard liner Lusitania torpedoed by the Germans, off the Old Head of Kinsale, near Queenstown. Death toll: 1,134.



Belgium. Germans advanced towards Yser canal. Asphyxiating gases employed by the Germans (April 23).

Germany. The German official "blockade" of Great Britain commenced. German submarines began campaign of "piracy and pillage" (Mr. Asquith's terms) on (Feb. 10).

Great Britain. German aeroplane dropped bombs on Colchester and its neighborhood (Feb. 21).

National Registration Bill introduced in the House of Commons (June 29).

Italy. Italy denounced the Treaty of Triple Alliance (May 4).





South Africa
- Feb.-April. - Letters from the Revs. D. W. Mooki, (Transvaal), and S. M. Mofokeng, (Basutoland), to the General Church, appear in L. 1916:438, 536. Cf. L. 1917:578.

Basutoland, May. - The Rev. F. E. Gyllenhaal makes a second visit to Basutoland. - Full account in L.1917:177-188, 246-255.

Natal, Durban, April. - The Rev. James F. Buss visits Rev. F. E. Gyllenhaal and the Durban Society. - Report in L. 640.


Kitchener, Ont., Jan. 1. - Local Assembly of the General Church; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - L.1917:192.


Glenview, Oct. 8-10. - Fourteenth Chicago District Assembly. Dedication of the new church buildings, by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton preaches the first sermon. - Full report in L. 702-711. Cf. 722.

Covert, Beach - During the summer, services are attended by from 50 to 80 members from all four parishes of the Chicago (Convention) Society, and by (General Church) members from Glenview, Detroit, Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. - L. 659, 729.

Lakewood, Sept. 8. - Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Pyle Wager, aged 94 years. Brought up in the home of her uncle, John Pyle, who received the Doctrines from "Johnny Appleseed", she had "a very clear and distinct recollection of 'Johnny', as everybody called him". - Mess. vol. 111:233; L. 698.

Middleport, June 5. - Death of Dr. William Arthur Hanlin, aged 66 years; a gifted homeopathic physician, and the father of the "Academy movement" in Middleport. - L. 670; biogr. sketch, 1917:173.

July-Sept. - Candidates Theodore Pitcairn and Karl R. Alden engage in a missionary tour - using a "New Church Bible and Book Car" - through many towns in Pennsylvania. - Full report in L. 1916:712, 782; 1917:55. Cf. L. 448, 657; 1917:55, 162.



Bryn Athyn, Jan. 14. - Celebration of "Founders' Day" by the workers of the Academy. - Report in L. 119.

Feb. 6. - Banquet in honor of "General Church Day". - L.190.

Feb. 17. - Bishop N.D. Pendleton defines his views on the orderly mode of selecting a Bishop. - L. 240-7.

Feb. 27. - A well-intentioned but somewhat imaginary account of Bryn Athyn appears in the Sunday Public Ledger, (Phila.). - L. 251.

April 22. - A disastrous fire completely destroys the wood and metal workshops and their contents on the Cathedral site. They are at once rebuilt. - L. 382.

June 15-19. - Ninth General Assembly of the General Church; Acting Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. 506 persons attend, (367 members; 139 visitors). The total membership of the General Church is reported as 1,272 (a net increase of 59). By a rising vote, Bishop N. D. Pendleton is chosen Bishop of the General Church. The wise leadership and services of Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton receive a vote of gratitude. Many reports of the work of the General Church and the Academy are discussed. Besides the Bishop's address, four papers are read and discussed; climaxed by a banquet on June 19. Messages are received from Canada, England, Sweden, Holland, France, Switzerland, Australia, Natal, Brazil, and Basutoland. - Full report in Assembly Journal, in L. 493-606; papers in L. 1916:499, 514, 472, 459, 734; 1917:130. Assembly notes, L. 1916:481. Cf. 422.

July 22. - Death of Mr. John Pitcairn, aged 75 years. - L. 481, 670, 725; biogr. and photo, L. 1917:1,79, 151,229, 280, 414, 515, 595, 644, (unfinished). Also A Nova Jerusalem (Brazil) Aug.

July 23. - Memorial service and address by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. - L. 656, 455, 792.

July 24. - Interment and memorial meeting. - L. 457. (Memorial meetings also in Toronto, 660; Kitchener, 725; Colchester, 792; London, 1917:192. Memorial resolution by General Church Executive Committee. - L.1917:242, 463.)

Oct. 2. - Opening of the Academy Schools; with a total enrollment of 158 pupils; also 50 registered in extension courses. - L. 719.

Oct. 3 - The schools celebrate the 100th birthday of Chancellor Benade. L. 719.

N. d. - The Hatboro Spirit begins to publish a full six-column page, headed: The Bryn Athyn Citizen. - L. 721.

Oct. 4. - Death of Mrs. Cyrinthia Hobart, aged 90 years; daughter of John Davis, one of the earliest New Church pioneers in "log cabin" Ohio; the oldest surviving early Academy teacher. - L., 794; biog. sketch, 708.



Dec. 15. - It is announced that, on Jan. 1, 1917, Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton will retire from all work connected with the Society, for reasons of health. - L.1917:58.

Philadelphia, April 9. - Dedication of the new Church building of the Advent Society, by Bishop N.D. Pendleton. - Described in L. L314.

May 26. - Death of Mr. Emil Gastel, aged 69 years. Prof. Gastel was a prominent musician; and for some years musical instructor in the Academy's Wallace St. schools. - L. 670.

Pittsburgh, Feb. 11. - Death of Mr. George A Macbeth, aged 70 years; an outstanding layman in the early Academy movement. He was nationally known as a pioneer and successful industrialist in the manufacture of glass. - L. 194; biogr. sketch, 247.

March. - The facts as to the alleged relation between Mr. Andrew Carnegie and the New Church are set forth by his cousin, Miss Maria Hogan, and Mr. John Pitcairn in L. 155-5.

Oct. 2. - The school opens with 22 pupils. - L. 1917:60.

July 22. - The "Atlantic Garden!' restaurant, where the four original "Founders" of the "Academy of the New Church" met in 1874, is demolished to make way for a "movie palace". A. A.


Brussels, N.d. - The Rev. E. Deltenre is still not allowed to receive or send mail. - L. 449.

N.d. - Through Mr. G. Barger (Hague), the Rev. E. Deltenre is finally permitted by the German military rulers to send one written page of information as to the Church uses. - L. 663.

Colchester, N. d. - As In most New Church societies, practically all the young men and youth of the Colchester Society are now away in the war. - L. 316, 792,

London, April. - Mr. F. W. Elphick explains how the organization for war duties has radically changed the customs of our New Church societies here. - L. 254.

The Hague, Dec. 16. - Mr. Gerrit Barger becomes acquainted with Mr. Ernest Pfeiffer, who was at first an atheist, but later became an officer in the Salvation Army. He has become Interested In the Writings. - L. 1918:315.



Stockholm, N. d. - The little Stockholm Circle is recognized by the State. - L. 1917:567.


New Church Life, vol. 36.

"Swedenborg's First Rational", by Mr. T. Mower Martin. - p. 23.

"The Three Gods of 'Christian' Art", (illustrated) by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 30.

"Germany's part in the Growth of the New Church", (editorial). - p. 44. Cf. p. 167.

"Love of Country", by Rev. F. E. Waelchli. - p. 65.

"New Documents concerning Swedenborg". - pp. 95, 139, 291, 361, 424.

"The Beginning of the New Church in Philadelphia", (documented), by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 103, 221, 364.

Discussion on the Writings and the Word. - pp. 232, 301.

"The Mode of Selecting a Bishop", by Bishop N. Dandridge Pendleton. - p. 240.

"The Divine Human: A Study", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 275, 391, 626, 692, 751. Cf. p. 780.

"The Incarnation: A Study", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 323. Cf. p. 772.

Discussion on the "Spiritual Body". - pp. 381, 514.

"The Manifestations of the Lord on other Planets", by Rev. J. S. David. - p. 607.

Journal of Education. (A. N. C.), 1916.

New Church Higher Education, by Rev. C. E. Doering. - p. 44, v. 16.

Conversations on Education: Conjunction, by Bishop W. H. Benade. - p. 67, v. 15.

History of the Teachers' Institute, by W. Whitehead. - p. 122.

Plan of the Tabernacle, by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 135.

The Laws of Motion of the Solar Vortex, by Rev. R. W. Brown. - p. 148.



The New Philosophy. (A. N. C.), 1916.

Five minor poems, by Swedenborg, (trans. by F. Sewall). - p. 209.

The Principia doctrine of Creation, by Rt. Rev. W.F. Pendleton. - p. 254.

Hieroglyphic Key, by E. Swedenborg. (translated by Rev. A Acton). - p. 305; 1917:32, Cf. 1916:297.


ANSHUTZ, DR. E. P.: Fables, Bryn Athyn, Pa. (A collection of the "Fables" appearing in New Church Life from 1882 to 1888; edited by Wm. Whitehead). Reviewed in New Church Quarterly, The Homeopathic Recorder, and New Church Life.

BJORCK, REV. ALBERT: The Wine in the Lord's Supper. San Francisco. Pamphlet 16pp.

CALDWELL, REV. WM. B.: (Ed.) A Sang Book for Social Gatherings in the General Church of the New Jerusalem. Bryn Athyn, Pa. Academy Book Room. 130pp. (Over 100 songs, with music). Reviewed in L. 1917:241, 613.

PENDLETON, BISHOP WILLIAM FREDERIC: The Science of Exposition as drawn from the Writings of the New Church, Academy of the New Church, Bryn Athyn, Pa. Cloth. 456pp. Reviewed in L. 1916:347.


America. United States. Strong U. S. note to Germany an unrestricted submarine warfare, threatening to break off diplomatic relations unless Germany agreed to modify her submarine policy in accordance with international law (April 23).

Military Service Bill becomes law (May 24).

France. Battle of Verdun commenced (Feb. 21).

Great Britain. Navel battle off Jutland (May 31).

Russia. Rasputin, "religious" confessor to Czarina, is murdered (Dec. 30).





Oct. - Developments in Basutoland are described in L. 1918:111.

Durban, April 12. - Death of Mr. Guy Christopher Pemberton in his 20th year; killed in battle at Arras, France. - L.1918:194, obit., 253.

Sept. 1. - The Rev. F. E. Gyllenhaal publishes the first issue of The South African New Church Open Letter, a monthly (4pp.) publication for exchange of news and thoughts. It is the first New Church periodical issued in the African continent. - L. 1918:239.

- The beginnings of the Church in Durban (1850), are described in L. 1918:241.


Kitchener, Ont., July 2. Presentation to the retiring pastor, the Rev. F. E. Waelchli, in recognition of nearly thirty years' service. He is succeeded by the Rev. Hugo L. Odhner. - L. 566.

Washington, D. C., Feb. 25. - Mr. Edwin Markham, American poet, lectures on Swedenborg, in the Masonic Temple, to an audience of about one thousand. - L. 259. Cf. 324.

Chicago, April 22. - A successful joint meeting and supper of three Convention societies and three General Church societies is held at the Sheridan Road Church Parish House. - Account in L. 387.

Sept. - The uses of the Sharon Church are now housed in a residence on Center Street, (North Side). - L. 684.

Glenview, Jan. 18. - Death of Mr. Swain Nelson, aged 89 years. A native of Skane, Sweden, he emigrated to America in 1852. In his life-long profession of landscape gardening in and near Chicago, he had signal success; Lincoln Park was his creation. A stalwart of the early Academy in the West. - L. 174, (biogr. sketch).

June 17. - New Church Day is celebrated by a joint banquet of the members of the Glenview (General Church) and Chicago (General Convention) societies. - Report in L. 616.

Oct. 12-14. - Chicago District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Full report in L.1917:754-8; Cf. 684.



Sandoval, Jan. 22. - Death of Mrs. Melissa Hobart Sherman, aged 87 years; a pioneer New Church teacher in Mr. Chauncey Giles' Academy at Pomeroy, Ohio. From childhood a staunch follower of the doctrines as taught by Hibbard, Powell, and other early Academy ministers. - Biogr. sketch in L. 325.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 1. - Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton retires from all work connected with the Bryn Athyn Society; but continues his teaching in the Academy Theological School. - L. 58.

Jan. - The correct date of the original founders' meeting is discovered to be Jan. 12, 1874, not Jan. 14, as heretofore observed. - L. 30.

Feb. 1. - The Bryn Athyn Society chooses the Rev. George de Charms as assistant pastor. - L. 127.

Feb. 9. - At the celebration of "General Church Day", a golden chain of 24 links, set with precious stones, each representing a society of the Church, is presented to Bishop Emeritus Wm. F. Pendleton. All six ministers of the original organization are present. - Full account in L.188, 191.

June 26. - The Rev. Messrs. Acton, Odhner, Waelchli, Synnestvedt, Doering, and Caldwell, are appointed by the new Bishop as his Consistory. - L. 459. Cf. 235.

Sept. 3. - Death of Mrs. C. T. (Marie Louise) Odhner, aged 46 years; one of the first pupils In Mrs. Hibbard's private school in Cherry St., Philadelphia, in 1883. - Obit., L. 620; memorial address, 674.

Sept. 15. - Opening of the Academy Schools, with an enrollment of 154 students. - Report in L. 683.

Oct. 6. - The Rev. I. L. Watanabe, of the Convention's Theological School, addresses the Society on "Religious Conditions in Japan" - L. 683; address, 695-708.

Oct. 19. - Death of Mr. Arnold Steiger, aged 77 years; a native of Switzerland; one of the founders of the German Missionary Union; - for many years its Book Agent, and finally its President. - L. 768.

Nov. 3. - "Charter Day" is observed for the first time, as an annual Academy custom. - L. 759.

Oct. - An "Academy War Service Committee" is organized to keep in touch with all General Church men and women engaged in the war, by letters, by the sending of the Life and Bulletin, sermons and other literature, as well as material comforts. - L. 769-778; 1919:703.

N.d. - Mr. Chas. R. Pendleton, an Academy science teacher, takes charge of the government's industrial training courses at Philadelphia Navy Yard. - L. 1918:198.



- In this year, a "General Faculty" is organized.- J. E. XV:8.

Philadelphia, April 14-15. - Second Local Assembly of the Advent Church. - Report in L. 384.

N.d. - The missionary activities of the Advent Society are described in L. 759.

Pittsburgh, Aug. 13. - Death of Mrs. Elizabeth Hogan Norris, aged 71 years; one of the founders of the first Academy school, on Denniston Ave. - L. 620; biogr. sketch, 672.


Rio de Janeiro, Sept. - The "General Association of the New Jerusalem is now housed at Rua Visconde de Itaborahy 35. - L. 1918:700.


Colchester, Aug. 21, - Death of Second Lieut. W. Rey Gill, (killed in action in France), aged years. Biogr. sketch, L. 671. Cf. 1918:248.

London, April 1. - The Rev. G. C. Ottley conducts a service celebrating the entrance upon old age of the pastor, the Rev. R. J. Tilson. - Account in L. 560-565.

Nov. 20. - Death of Mr. Reginald Percy Waters, in his 19th year; senior-wireless operator; "lost at sea". - L. 1918:251.

The Hague, Aug. 16. - The General Church authorizes Mr. Gerrit Barger to deliver lectures and lead public worship; he is also appointed official representative in Holland. - L. 607. Cf. 611.

Aug. 26. - The Hague Circle begins to organize; 18 persons present. - L. 685.

Stockholm, Aug. 25. - The General Church authorizes the Rev. Gustaf Baeckstrm to perform the duties of the pastoral office. - L. 607.

Fall. - The Stockholm Circle becomes a legal "congregation", recognized by the State. - L. 567.

Oct. 27. - The Stockholm Circle (Gen. Ch.) celebrate its fifth anniversary. - L. 1918:315.



New Church Life, vol. 37.

"John Pitcairn: A biography," by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 1, (with photo.), 79, 151, 229, 280, 414, 515, 595, 644, (unfinished).

"A Catechism on the Decalogue", (for young people), by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - pp. 39, 43, 45, 50, 106, 111, 118,304, 311, 356, 364, 369.

"Mixed Marriages", by Rev. H. Synnestvedt. - p. 131.

"If This Little Work be not Added", (Invitation to the New Church), by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 209.

"The First Temple of the New Church in Philadelphia", (illustrated) by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 327.

"The First General Convention", by Rev. C. T. Odhner. - p. 331.

"William Schlatter's Letter-Book", by Mr. A.H. Stroh. - p. 410.

"A Missing Portrait of Swedenborg", by Mr. A. H. Stroh. - p. 584.

"Sane Reminiscences", by Mr. Walter C. Childs. - pi 587.

"A Missing Swedenborg Document", (Original Index of the Memorabilia). - p. 609.

"A Report of the Priesthood, and on Grades in the Priesthood", by Bishop Wm. H. Benade. - pp. 653, 734. Cf. p. 665.

Journal of Education. (A. N. C.), 1917.

Divine Accommodation: its bearing upon the process of Education, by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. - p. 67.

The University Idea, by G. de Charms. - p. 75.

Will, Good-Pleasure, Leave and Permission (On the modes of Divine Providence), by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 89.

Priestly Vestments in Israel, by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 115.

Music in the service of Divine worship, by Besse E. Smith. - p. 129.

Index to Words for the New Church, by W. Whitehead. - p. 163.



The New Philosophy, (A. N. C.), 1917.

Swedenborg's Psychology, by Rev. L. F. Hite. - p. 83.

The New Philosophy of Creation, by Edward Cranch, M. D. - p. 99.

Modern Psychology, by J. B. S. King, M. D. - p. 104.


BJORCK, REV. ALBERT: Victory for our Arms. Pamphlet. Reviewed in L. 1918:33.

CLARK, MARY WELLS: A Summary of the Doctrines of the New Church, (ed. by Rev. G. H. Smith). Published by the authoress, in Chicago. 400pp. Cloth. Reviewed in L. 1917:554.

DE CHARMS, REV. GEORGE: An American New Churchman's view of the War. Bryn Athyn. Pamphlet 5pp.

LA FAYETTE, SENHOR LEVINDO CASTRO DE: O Novo Christianismo (The New Christianity) Rio de Janeiro. The General Association of the New Jerusalem in Brazil. Pamphlet, 45pp. Reviewed in L. 1917:440.

ODHNER, REV. C. TH.: A Catechism on the Ten Commandments and the Lord's Prayer: For the Young People of the New Church. Academy Book Room, Bryn Athyn. Cloth, 86pp. Reviewed in New Church Review, April, 1918.

ODHNER, REV. C. TH.: The Three Gods of "Christian" Art. Bryn Athyn, Academy Book Room. Pamphlet, 13pp. Illus.

SCHRECK, REV. E. J. E.: A Rational Belief in Heaven, a reply to Sir Oliver Lodge's book, "Raymond". Five discourses. Birmingham. Cornish Brothers, Ltd. Pamphlet, 37pp. Reviewed in L. 1917:555; New Church Review, April, 1917, p. 262.

SCHRECK, REV. E. J. E.: Early History of the New Church in Birmingham. New Church Press, London. 38pp. Illus. Reviewed in L. 1917:352.

WHITEHEAD, PROF. WILLIAM: Index to "Words for the New Church". Reviewed in L. 1917:439.


Africa. British capture Jaffa, Bagdad and Jerusalem.

America. United States. As a result of unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany, the U.S. declares war April 6. Selective conscription is adopted May 18th and the first troops of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) land in France June 26, under Gen. John J. Pershing.



France. The Allies suffer huge losses In battles at Vimy, Arras, Cambral, Passchendaele and Verdun. Petain becomes French commander-in-chief.

Norway. The United Norwegian Church, the Norwegian Synod and the Hague Synod unite under the name "Norwegian Lutheran Church of America"

Russia. In a collapse of the Russian Empire, Army-Navy revolts cause Czar Nicholas II to abdicate in March. Kerensky proclaims a Russian Republic and becomes Premier. The Bolshevist revolution later overthrows Kerensky and Lenin assumes control of the "Socialist Republic".




The relations between the General Conference and the General Church on the African Missions, are discussed in L.107-9.

Durban, Natal. Jan. 1-31. - The Rev. F. E. Gyllenhaal and Mr. W. M. Buss make an extended visit to Basutoland. - Described in S. A. N. C. Open Letter, (March, April); 432-5.

- June 10. - The mode of the celebration of New Church Day is interestingly reported in L. 651.


Rosthern, Sask., June 19. - Six families meet here to celebrate New Church Day. - Described in L. 518.

Aug. 15. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli describes the facts as to the "New Jerusalem Community of the Denomination of Christians called Mennonites". - L. 645. Cf. 1919:113-115.

Sept. 1. - A typical "banquet" of ex-Minnonite New Church people is described in L. 699. Cf. 694.

May 18. - Death of Mr. Charles Brown, aged 63 years; an English pioneer in the Lake of Bays (Muskoka) region, and later accountant in a Toronto law publishing firm. The valued treasurer and organist of the Olivet Church. - (obit., L. 445. Cf. 523.


Chicago, Dec. 18. - Death of Dr. George A. Blackman, in his 42nd year; teacher of music in Chicago high schools, and composer of much music in the General Church liturgy. - L.1919:136.

Glenview, April 28. - The Immanuel Church holds a presentation banquet in honor of the Rev. Wm. B. Caldwell on the completion of his nine-year pastorate. - Report in L. 383.

May 3. - The society unanimously invites the Rev. Gilbert H. Smith to become its pastor. He commences his duties one week later. - L. 385.

June 15. - Closing exercises of the Immanuel Church School, (50 pupils). - L. 521.

Oct. 11-15. - 16th Chicago District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Full report in L. 751-6.



New York City, N.d. - The New York Society now holds its services in the Granberry Studio, Carnegie Hall. - L. 248,

Bryn Athyn, Feb. - Mr. E. Donald Robb, the architect in charge of the chancel and sanctuary here, and also architect of the Glenview church and school, writes an article on "The Bryn Athyn Church", in The New Church League Journal, (Feb.). - (Reprinted in L. 231); New Age (April) 1918:55. Cf. L. 683.

N.d. - Resignation of the Academy's Treasurer, Mr. Edward C. Bostock; he is succeed by Mr. Leonard E. Gyllenhaal. - L. 120.

N.d. - The community's Liberty Loan quota of $30,000 is reached within two hours, on the first day of the campaign; and Bryn Athyn's name promptly appears on the National Honor Roll. - L. 313.

March. - Mr. Ernest Pfeiffer, (Holland), arrives, to study for the ministry. - L.313.

March 11. - Death of the Rev. Carl Theophilus Odhner, in his 54th year; editor of New Church Life for upwards of 16 years. - L.189, 251; memorial address, 211; memorial resolutions, 214, 505; 1919:814; autobiogr. 1920:1, 75, 147, 213, 285, 343. Cf. 1918:248, 312, 314, 373: (photo.) 1, 3, 33. Also Mess. Vol. 114:233.

April 22. - News of the death of Private Leroy Starkey Wells, AEF, in the battle of Picardy, France; the first American boy from the Academy Schools to die In the war. - L. 17; memorial address, 296. Cf. 447.

June. - The new editor of New Church Life (Rev. W. B. Caldwell), defines the policy and uses of the journal. - L. 369.

June 21. - Annual meetings of the Council of the Clergy; 21 ministers and 1 theological student present. - Report in L. 492; papers, 535, 550, 610.

June 22. - 22nd meeting of the Joint Council of the General Church; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Journal in L. 489-509.

N.d. - College scholarships are offered by the Alumni Association. - L. 479.

N.d. - It is announced that the Academy's Journal of Education, during the continuance of the war, will be published annually instead of quarterly, as heretofore. - L. 641.

Sept. 16. - Opening exercises of the Academy's 42nd school year; Bishop N. D. Pendleton gives a striking address on "The Church, the Schools, and the War". - L. 691; address, B. S. A, (Oct.). 35.



Nov. 7. - The community spontaneously celebrates the premature news of peace. - Report in L. 1919:47.

Nov. 11. - The signing of the peace is celebrated here and throughout the General Church. - L. 1919:49, 50, 52, 53, 208, 298, 357.

Nov. 20. - Death of Mr. John Frederick Van Horn, in his 66th year; the faithful caretaker of the Academy Schools since 1882; loved and respected by generations of students. - L. 1919:55; biogr. sketch, 38.

Nov. 28. - "Thanksgiving Day" is celebrated by a special service; and a remarkable address by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. - Address in L. 1919:1.

Dec. 16. - Death of Lieut. Fred Synnestvedt, aged 25 years, in an airplane accident in Mississippi. A Government airplane drops roses on his grave in Bryn Athyn cemetery. - L. 1919:55, 56.

Philadelphia, Jan. 31 - Death of Edward Pollock Anshutz, M. D., in his 72nd year; first editor of New Church Life; editor of The Homeopathic Recorder and The Homeopathic Envoy. A gifted novelist, and a devoted New Churchman, he knew how to combine theological acumen with the gentle satire of a man of charity. His numerous stories, sketches, and fables inspired New Churchmen for at least two generations. - L. 251; biogr. sketch, with photo, 199; his work as novelist, 244. Cf. 215, 305.

Dec. 4. - At a Convention of 19 religious denominations, meeting to discuss an organic union of "evangelical churches", the Rev. K. R. Alden is refused recognition on the ground that the "Church of the New Jerusalem" is "non-evangelical". - Phila. Record, Dec. 5; L.1919:45. Cf. 195, 293, 356.

Pittsburgh, Jan. 8. - Death of Mr. Augustus Grant Gilmore, aged 86 years; for over 40 years a prominent business man in Scranton, Pa.; his home was a well-known center of New Church activity. - Obit. in L. 194.

April 26-29. - Pittsburgh District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton gives a notable address on "Government and Freedom". - Account in L. 381 address, L. 327.

June 7. - Closing exercises of the Pittsburgh School, (25 pupils in 8 grades). - L. 521. Cf. 49.

June 19. - The pastor describes the manner of celebrating New Church Day in the Pittsburgh society. - L. 515.


Rio de Janeiro, N.d. - Messrs. Henry Leonardos and Joao de Mendonca Lima are ordained into the first degree of the priesthood. - L. 700.



Hurstville, (near Sydney), Aug. 4. - A doctrinal class and Sunday School are started here. - L. 1919:297.


Brussels, Dec. 6. - The Rev. Dr. E. Deltenre is able, for the first time since the German occupation, to report to the General Church at Bryn Athyn. - Letter in L. 919:199.


New Church Life, vol. 38.

"Swedenborg and the History of Swedish Literature", by Mr. A. H. Stroh. - p. 133.

"Dr. Anshutz, the Novelist" (editorial). - p. 244.

"The Ages of Man and the Five Dispensations", by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 283.

"Government and Freedom", by Bishop N. Dandridge Pendleton. - p. 327.

On the uses of New Church Life, by Rev. W. B. Caldwell, (new editor). - p. 369.

"The Conditional Eternity of our Earth", by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 377.

Evangelization, by Rev. K. R. Alden. - p. 399. Cf. 427.

"The Perpetuation of the Church", by Rev. W. B. Caldwell. - p. 466.

"The Place of the Clergy in Receiving the Communion", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 535.

"The Two Foundations of Truth", by Rev. R. W. Brown. - pp. 550, 610.

"The Great Crossing: A Story", by Mr. Louis Pendleton. - p. 728.


LA FAYETTE, LEVINDO CASTRO DE: The Evangel of a Truly Rational Faith, an Invitation to the New Jerusalem, the True Christian Church. Translated from the Portuguese, with minor adaptations, by the Rev. E. E. Iungerich. Bryn Athyn: The Academy Bode Room, 75pp. Cloth e paper. Reviewed In L. 1919:39.

LA FAYETTE, LEVINDO C. DE: O Senhor Jesus Christo E' O Deus Unico. Rio de Janeiro. Pamphlet 24pp.



PENDLETON, LOUIS: Captain Ted. A Boys' Adventures Among Hiding Slackers in the Great Georgia Swamp. New York. D. Appleton and Co. Cloth. Noted in L. 1918:750.

SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL: Swedenborg's Journal of Dreams and Spiritual Experiences in the year 1744 (edited by Rev. C. T. Odhner). This appeared serially in New Church Life, 1915.

SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL: The Economy of the Animal Kingdom, considered anatomically, physically and philosophically Vol. III (The Fibre). Translated from the Latin and Edited by the Rev. Alfred Acton, M. A., Th. B. Philadelphia: Swedenborg Scientific Association. Cloth pp. lxii 386. Reviewed in L. 1918:623.

SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL: the Schmidius marginalia together with the expository material of the Index Biblicus, Deciphered, compiled and edited by the Rev. E. E. Iungerich. Bryn Athyn: The Academy of the New Church, pp. 632. Reviewed in L. 918:743.


America. United States. The "United Lutheran Church in America" is organized in a union of the General Synod, the General Council and the United Synod of the South.

France. The collapse of the Russian front in the peace treaty of Brest-Litovsk (March) led to heavy German offensives on the Western Front in the battles of the Somme and Aisne. The AEF took Cantigny, and the allies fought at Chateau Thierry, Belleau Woods, St. Michel and the Meuse-Argonne in the summer and fall of 1918. British troops broke the Hindenburg line in Sept. After the defections of Bulgaria, Austria, Turkey, Hungary, and Bavaria, Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated Nov. 9. Germany surrendered to the Allies in an armistice signed in a railway car in France, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.

Russia. Czar Nicholas of Russia and his family are killed by the Bolsheviki, at Ekaterinburg, in the Urals (July 6).

The Fifth all Russian Congress adopts a written Constitution of the Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republics. It is put into operation without a popular vote or referendum.





- June. - The Rev. Theodore Pitcairn visits towns and societies in Basutoland and Orange Free State. - Account in L. 766.


Kitchener, Ont., Aug. 19. - The society gives a banquet to the returned soldiers. - L. 697.

Rosthern, Sask., July 16. - A controversial meeting of the Rosthern (General Convention) Society results in some 57 persons, including children, affiliating with the General Church, under the pastoral leading of the Rev. F. E. Waelchli. - L. 696.

Toronto, Ont., Sept. 27. - The Olivet Church celebrates the return of its soldier members. - L. 1920:124.


Chicago, N. d. - The Rev. David H. Klein is appointed Acting Pastor of the Sharon Church, succeeding the Rev. Gilbert H. Smith, (Glenview). - L. 699.

Oct. 1. - Death of Mrs. Mary Wells Clark, in her 95th year; the oldest member of the Sharon Church; author of A Summary of the Doctrines of the New Church, (1917), and many articles in New Church Messenger. - L. 768; biogr., 1920:37.

Glenview, June 6. - Banquet in honor of the returned soldiers of the Immanuel Church. - L. 489.

June 18-20. - A special three-day celebration of "June 19" includes tableaux, (by Rev. G. H. Smith), of scenes of the Second Advent in the spiritual world. - Full account in L. 543-550.

Bryn Athyn, Feb. 5-9. - Meetings of the Philadelphia District Assembly; Bishop Emeritus Wm. F. Pendleton presiding. - L. 203; full report, 269-281; paper, 225.

Feb. 6-8. - Annual meetings of the Council of the Clergy and the Joint Council; Bishop Emeritus Wm. F. Pendleton presiding. - L. 203; papers, 248, 322, 446.

Feb. 8. - Celebration (banquet) of the 22nd anniversary of the General Church. - Full report in L. 272-8. Cf. 203; address in Bulletin, S. A., vol. 7:134, 115.



Feb. 8. - Bishop N. D. Pendleton and Rev. Theodore Pitcairn leave for South Africa, via Europe. - L. 203, 211; journey fully described, 298, 359, 486, 687, 424.

May 16. - A "community supper" honors the 50 soldiers and sailors from Bryn Athyn; 400 persons are present. - L. 426, 432.

July 23. - Death of Miss Emma Tebeau Pendleton, in her 67th year; eldest daughter of Major Philip C. Pendleton who became a receiver during the Civil War, (1863), his example being followed by all his children, - seven sons and two daughters. - L. 623.

Aug. - The origin of the alleged Swedenborgian custom of "setting plates for the dead" is discussed by Walter C. Childs. - L. 519.

Sept. 30-0ct. 2. - Meetings of the Council of the Clergy; 25 ministers and one theological student attending. The Revs. Robert J. Tilson and Glendower C. Ottley are received as pastors of the General Church and members of the Council. - L. 832, 772, 778; papers, 1920:257.

Oct. - The "Academy War Service Committee", (chairman, Miss Freda Pendleton), makes its final report in L. 703. Cf. 755. The "Field of Honor" list totals 174, (U. S. 112; England, 28; Canada, 28; France, 6).

Oct. 3-7. - Tenth General Assembly of the General Church; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; 622 persons attend. - Official Journal in L. 769-848. Bishop's address, 705-717; banquet, etc. 751-9; impressions, 750, 832; Cathedral souvenir booklet, 833.

Oct. 4. - A "preparation meeting" for the Dedication is addressed by both bishops and the Rev. G. de Charms. - L. 726-733.

Oct. 5. - Dedication of the Bryn Athyn Cathedral Church by the Bishop of the General Church, after seven years of building. 900 persons are present.

- Bishop Emeritus Wm. F. Pendleton preaches the dedication sermon. The presentation address is given by Raymond Pitcairn, Esq. - Text of the dedication ceremony appears in L. 734-741; dedication sermon, 718-726; description and impressions by R. Morse and W. Whitehead, 742-9; photo, 705. Many newspaper articles chronicle the event, e. g., the Philadelphia Press, Oct. 19, (illus.).

Oct. 8. - Joint meeting of the Clergy and Executive Committee. The total membership of the General Church is reported as 1,370. - L. 832; group photo, 769.

Oct. 9. - Meetings of the Teachers' Institute; a resolution is passed asking the Academy to revive the Journal of Education as a quarterly periodical. - L. 765.

Oct. 12. - Ordination of the Revs. R. W. Brown, K. R. Alden, and T. Pitcairn into the pastoral degree; and of Mr. Richard Morse into the first and second degrees. - L. 834.



Philadelphia, March 18. - Death of William Henry Zeppenfeldt, aged 63 years; one of the original members of the early Academy. - L. 364; obit., 361,

Pittsburgh, Oct. - New Church Life gives historical data on the relation of Mr. Andrew Carnegie to the New Church. - L. 670.

Hurstville, June. - The General Church group rents a hall in the Workmen's Institute for Sunday School classes, (16 pupils). Later, the hall is used for worship, the society having outgrown the private home in which services have been held for 12 years. - L. 1920:314, 682.


Brussels, Feb. 19. - The Rev. Ernst Deltenre describes the post-war state here. - L. 423.

Colchester, June 15. - New Church Day is celebrated. - L. 621.

N. d. - The Colchester Society establishes a Building Fund. - L. 1920:249.

London, Feb. 2. - Celebration of Swedenborg's birthday by the London Society. - L. 358; address, 497.

June 19. - Celebration of New Church Day by the Peckham Rye society. - L. 618; papers, 589; 1920:321.

July 8. - Death of the Rev. Andrew Czerny, in his 66th year; a dedicated and scholarly pastor and educator, who labored in the General Church in the U.S. and England, with marked effect on the lives of many who loved him. His special talents in classical archaeology were recognized by the British Museum. - L. 537, 623, 619. Cf. 761. Biogr. sketch, 647-653; memorial resolution, 778.

The Hague, April. - Bi-monthly services are resumed here. - L. 491.

Jonkoping, Oct. 22. - The Rev. Gustaf Baeckstrm reports that, in his autumn missionary tour, he has lectured in six towns and cities, with average attendances of 80 to 293.

New Church Life, vol. 39.

"Thanksgiving Day, 1918" (Address on end of the War), by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. - L. 1920:54. Cf. 184.



"Notes on the Service and on Ritual In general", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - pp. 12, 95, 145, 239, 379, 506, 577, 633. Cf. p. 32.

"Divine Foresight of an Eternal Hell", by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 21.

The Adversaria, (on "Order", 1:628-668). Translated by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 79. Cf. p. 112.

Address to George Washington and Reply (1793). - p. 110.

Discussion concerning Re-Baptism. - pp. 117, 118, 282, 289, 351, 354, 484, 541, 613, 614, 680.

"August Strindberg and the Writings of Swedenborg", by Miss Senta Centervall. - p. 181.

Discussion on the antiquity of mankind, by the Revs. Iungerich and J. Whitehead. - pp. 412, 538, 683.

"Leaves from a Philosopher's Note Book", by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 433.

"The Cause of Diseases", by Rev. T. S. Harris. - p. 446.

Journal of Education, (A. N. C.), 1919.

The Spiritual Dangers of Socialism and of Socialistic pleasures of Reform, by R. W. Childs, Esq. - p. 3.

The New Philosophy, (A. N. C.), 1919.

Swedenborg's Science, by Rev. L. F. Hite. - p. 205. Cf. p. 387; 1920, p. 80; 1931, p. 373.

Substance and its form and activity, by Rev. R. W. Brown. - p. 398.


DE CHARMS, REV. GEORGE: What is Truth? Bryn Athyn. Pamphlet 14pp.

IUNGERICH, REV. E. E.: The Palace of Wisdom. Bryn Athyn, The Academy Book Room, 150pp. Cloth and paper. Reviewed in L. 1920:107.

TWIGGS, SARAH LOWE: The Supreme Adventure. Bryn Athyn: The Academy Book Room, 239pp. Cloth. Reviewed in L. 1920:304.




America. United States. "The National Catholic Welfare Conference" (U. S. A.) is organized as an agency acting under the bishops to promote the welfare of the Catholics of the United States.

The U.S. Senate rejects the Versailles treaty, on the ground American sovereignty not properly safeguarded in the League of Nations.

Asia. Korea. Korean patriots headed by Dr. Syngman Rhee, issue a Declaration of Independence, and proclaim a "Republic of Korea" with headquarters in Shanghai. (March 1).

France. Versailles Peace Treaty signed; Germany, the Allied Powers and the United States (June 28).

Germany. The German National Assembly promulgates the Weimar Constitution. (August 11).

Great Britain. Alcock and Brown make non-stop air flight from Newfoundland to Ireland (June 14-15).

Russia. Third Internationale, held at Moscow, rejects parliamentary principles, and endorses proletarian dictatorship, dedicated to world revolution.

Switzerland. The League of Red Cross Societies is founded by France, Great Britain, Italy, Japan and the United States.





Durban, Sept. 15. - Death of Mrs. Alfred Sidney Cockerell (Emma Ridgway), aged 82 years; daughter of the first New Churchman in Africa; and a pioneer influence in the building of the Durban Society. - L.1921:64; biogr. sketch, 7; tribute 10.


July 4-Aug. 30. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli's eighth annual pastoral visit to the Canadian North-West. - Report in L. 718.

Kitchener, Ont., June 19. - Special celebration of the 150th anniversary of the New Church. - Report in L. 583; paper, 627.

Sept. 30. - The Rev. L. W. T. David succeeds Rev. H. L. Odhner as pastor of the Carmel Church. - L. 583, 720.

Toronto, Ont., April 16-19. - 12 Ontario District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. The Revs. H. C. Small and L. Slight (England), take part in the discussion of the Bishop's address on, "Spiritual Substance". - L. 379, 380; full account, 427-440; paper, 449.

Aug. - The Rev. Emil R. Cronlund preaches his last sermon to the Olivet Society, having resigned as pastor. The Rev. K. P. Alden is called to fill the vacant pastorate. - L. 722.


Ontario, Oct. 10. - Death of Mrs. Henry G. Stroh, aged 70 years; mother of Mr. Alfred H. Stroh. - L. 776.

Glenview, Jan. - 17 members attend a weekly New Church Life meeting. (This custom continued for many years.) - See L. 255, 444. Cf. 1924:171; 1930:127.

March. - Mr. Charles Francis Browne, the well-known landscape artist, reviews the Glenview New Church community as a "New Church Social Experiment", in L. 156.

March 29. - Death of Mr. Charles Francis Browne, in his 61st year, at Waltham, Mass. A noted American landscape painter and founder and editor of Brush and Pencil, he was a steadfast New Churchman of the Cherry St. Society, (Phila.), and later a member of the Glenview (Ill.) Society. - L. 319, 317, 381; biogr. sketch, 472; memorial address, 476.



June 19. - Notable celebration of New Church Day. - Account in L. 514-517.

July 6-11. - The Rev. Messrs. Tilson and Ottley (London), visit the society. - L. 581.

Oct. 22-24. - 17th Chicago District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Report in L. 1921:46-52. Cf. 73.

New York City, Oct. 6. - Death of Mrs. Edith de Charms Hibbard Seward; daughter of the Rev. J. R. Hibbard; first pupil of the Academy Girls' School, (Feb. 1884), at 2040 Cherry St., Philadelphia. - Obit., L. 776.

Middleport, May 15. - Death of Mr. James S. Boggess, aged 75 years; the oldest member of the Middleport Society, and active in its uses for nearly 50 years. - L. 448, 443.

Blairsville, Nov. 5. - Death of Mrs. Mary W. Ritchie, aged 92 years; one of the early pioneer members of the Pittsburgh Society; sister of the late Messrs. Alexander and Artemas Pitcairn. - Obit. In L. 1921:67.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 10. - Death of Mrs. Rosalia Matilda Laible Frost, in her 57th year, widow of the Rev. A. F. Frost; for a number of years assistant in the Academy Book Room. - L. 191.

May 29. - At a special meeting of the society, a plan of legal incorporation is approved, and a Board of Trustees elected; now made possible by a Charter under a Penna. statute of 1915. - L. 512.

June (?) - Death of Mrs. Sarah L. Twiggs, author of The Supreme Adventure, (1919). - L. 421.

June 19. - A banquet celebration of the 150th "New Church Day"; five ministers from Europe speak. - L. 519.

June 22-26. - Annual meetings of the Council of the Clergy; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; 27 ministers and 3 theological students present at the twelve sessions; 5 of the ministers are from Europe, vix., the Rev. Messrs. Baeckstrm, Deltenre, Hussenet, Ottley, and Tilson. - Report in L. 490, 513; papers, 521, 595, 540, 554, 570, 585, 595, 611, 625.

June 24-26. - 26th Joint Council; Bishop N.D. Pendleton presiding. - Journal in L. 491-511.

June 26. - The Executive Committee abolishes the "Committee on Church Extension"; its fund will now be administered by the Committee itself. - L. 511.



Oct. - The Academy Librarian describes the development of the "Star Collection", - an effort to collect every edition of Swedenborg's works in every language. - L. 645, 725.

Oct. 1. - The Bryn Athyn Society, at its annual meeting, elects the officers of "The Bryn Athyn Church, Incorporated." under the charter granted by the courts of Pennsylvania, on July 19. - L. 766.

Oct. 3. - The first anniversary of the dedication of the Cathedral is celebrated by a special service; sermon too "Doctrine and Worship"), by Bishop Emeritus Wm. F. Pendleton. - L. 766; sermon, 729.

Dec. - Over 20,000 persons have visited the Cathedral during the past year; a
large number of bodes and pamphlets have been sold. - L. 767.

Erie, May 20. - Death of Dr. Edward C. Cranch, aged 69 years; an early Academy member and contributor to New Church Life; leader of the Erie Circle. - L. 520; biogr. sketch, 635.

Philadelphia, July 25, - The Rev. K. R. Alden preaches his farewell sermon to the Advent Society. - L. 583.

Sept. 15. - The Rev. Ernst Pfeiffer becomes Visiting Minister of the Advent Society. - L. 583.


Rio de Janeiro, May. - Death of Dr. Manoel C. de Souza Bandeira; ordained by Rev. L. C. de La Fayette as a pastor on Nov. 16, 1919; a distinguished engineer, honored by the Brazilian government; and well versed in Hebrew, Greek, Latin. He was buried in his priestly robes, by the Rev. Henry Leonardos. - L. 513, 694.


Brussels, N.d. - The Queen of Belgium expresses a wish to see the correspondential mural paintings by M. Jean Jacques Gailliard, in the New Church Mission chapel. - L. 382.

Bath, Feb. 16. - The Rev. Albert Bjrck resigns from the General Convention to join the General Church. Letter of resignation is published in L.1921:241-3.

Oct. 17. - A dedication ceremony formalizes the regular services and doctrinal classes by the Rev. A. Bjrck, pastor of the Bath Circle. - L. 1921:54.



Colchester, July 31-Aug. 1. - Fourteenth British Assembly, (after an interval of six years); the Rev. A. Acton presiding as the Bishop's representative. - Full report in L. 706-717. Cf. 644; papers, 649, 660, 669.

Sept. 5. - The first visit of the new pastor, the Rev. F. E. Gyllenhaal, is made the occasion of a brief survey of the society is past forty years. - L. 1921:55-7.

London, May 16. - A tablet is unveiled In the Michael Church, Burton Road, in memory of the thirteen soldiers, associated with the society, who were killed in the war. - L. 446.

Aug. 23. - Arrival of the new pastor of the London and Colchester societies, the Rev. F. E. Gyllenhaal, (from Durban, Natal). - L. 720.

Dec. 3. - On the initiative of the Rev. F. E. Gyllenhaal, (elected Secretary), a men's "New Church Club" is inaugurated in the historic "Cheshire Cheese", Fleet St.; men of all New Church societies in the London area will meet monthly in a "neutral" place, to discuss the Doctrines. - L. 1921:184.

N. d. - The General Church Society at Peckham Rye considers changes in its procedures and name. - L. 1921:59.

June. - The Rev. Gustaf Baeckstrom describes his missionary activities in Sweden, since he became pastor of the Stockholm Society. - L. 570-5.

N. d. - The Rev. A. Acton visits Sweden In the interests of the Swedenborg MSS. and phototyping. Also in quest of rare volumes for the Academy Library, he visits many cities in France, Belgium, Switzerland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Italy, Denmark, Holland, and Germany. - Account in L. 1921:58, 185, 249, 252, 318, 371.

New Church Life, vol. 40.

"Carl Theophilus Odhner: An Autobiography. (1863-1890)11 photo and preface by Prof. E. S. Price. - pp. 1, 75, 147, 213, 285, 343. Cf. pp. 33, 363.

Discussion on Re-Baptism. pp. 31,40, 51, 99, 114, 638.

Discussion on the antiquity of man, - pp. 45, 177, 179.

"Notes on the Service and on Ritual in General", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - pp. 65, 143, 202, 353, 595.

"Some observations on the New Church sermon", by "A Layman", (Mr. Charles Francis Brown). - p. 111.



"How Swedenborg visited the other planets", by Rev. T. Pitcairn. - p. 153.

"A New Church Social Experiment", (Glenview, Ill.) by Mr. C.F. Browne. - p. 156.

Discussion on "Celestial Spiritism", (Bruner, Iungerich and the Editor). - pp. 237, 242, 245, 374. Cf. pp. 193, 478.

"Bishop Colenso seeks an Academy degree", by Rev. Wm. Whitehead. - p. 290.

Charles Francis Browne: 1860-1920, by Rev. E. S. Price. - p. 476.

"The Fundamentals of the Academy", by Rev. R. J. Tilson. - p. 540. Cf. p. 549.

"Missionary Work Viewed Spiritually", by Rev. Ernst Deltenre. - p. 554.

"Christian Art and Architecture for the New Church", by Raymond Pitcairn, Esq. - p. 611.

"The Relation between Clergy and Laity in the New Church", by Mr. J. S. Pryke. - p. 660. Cf. p. 715.

"Doctrine and Worship", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton - p. 729.


THE BRYN ATHYN CHURCH: 2nd edition. Bryn Athyn. Illus. Reviewed in L. 1920:366.

LA FAYETTE, LEVINDO C.: As Religioes e Mythologias Desnendadas. Rio de Janeiro.

ODHNER, REV. C. T.: Testimony of the Writings of the New Church Concerning Themselves. Compiled from the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. Second Edition, revised, and furnished with an Appendix, by Theodore Pitcairn, William Whitehead, and William Hyde Alden. Bryn Athyn: Reviewed in L.1920:357, 700. New Church Review, July; New Church Messenger, Sept. 15; The New Age, July.

ODHNER, HUGO L.: The Supreme Doctrine. A Reply to the Christology of The Palace of Wisdom, and Some Notes on the Subject of the Glorification. Bryn Athyn: Academy Book Room. Paper 84pp.

PERIODICALS: Weekly sermons. Published by the General Church of the New Jerusalem. 1920-1926. 5 vols. Name changed to New Church Sermons in 1924. vols. 1 ns. to 11 ns., 1938.




United States. The 18th (Prohibition) Amendment to the U. S. Constitution becomes effective (Jan. 16).

The Volstead (Prohibition Enforcement) Act goes into effect. (Jan. 17).

The 19th Amendment, giving suffrage to women, is proclaimed in effect (August 26).

The Ku Klux Klan is revived.

Switzerland. The League of Nations begins at Geneva, Switzerland (Jan. 10).

International Court of Justice is adopted by League of Nations (August 2).





Durban, Jan. 29. - Arrival of the new pastor, the Rev. H.L. Odhner. - L. 379.

June 18. - Celebration of New Church Day. - Full account in L. 519.

Maseru, July 4. - The Rev. R. W. Brown leaves for Bryn Athyn, after eighteen months of organizational work in the Mission, whose center is Maseru. - L. 522.


July-Aug. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli makes pastoral visits to Western and North-Western Canada. - Reports in L. 463, 523.

Kitchener, Ont., May 21-24. - 13th Ontario District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; 171 persons attend. - Full report in L. 505-517. Cf. 378.

Sept. 7. - The Day School re-opens with 10 pupils. - L. 589.

Toronto, Ont., Nov. 25-27. - Dedication of the new chapel of the Olivet Church, by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. - Account in L.1922:59; descr. of chapel, 61.


Los Angeles, Sept. 16. - The first meeting of General Church members here is conducted by Rev. F. E. Waelchli. - L. 651.

St. Petersburg, N. d. - General Church members having winter homes here, begin to hold regular services. - L. 313.

Glenview, June 19. - New Church Day is adequately celebrated. - Full account in L. 451-5.

Oct. 21-23. - 18th Chicago District Assembly; Rev. C. E. Doering presiding. - Full report in L. 706-713.

Detroit, Jan. - A fortnightly reading circle is organized here. - L. 186, 316,

New York City, May 15. - Local Assembly of the New York Society; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - L. 378.



Cincinnati, Oct. 27-29. - Local Assembly; Rev. C. E. Doering presiding. - L. 718.

Bryn Athyn, Feb. 2-6. - Mid-year meetings of the Council of the Clergy and the Joint Council; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Report in L. 188.

- At the evening meetings of the Philadelphia District Assembly, valuable addresses on "Marriage", (T.S. H.), and "The Soundness and Purity of Doctrine", (N. D. P.), are given 290 persons at final banquet. - Report in L. 188-190; address, 193; 1922:15.

April 3. - On this Sunday afternoon, 1,040 persons visit the Cathedral. - L. 318.

May 27. - 24th annual meeting of the Swedenborg Scientific Association; the Rev. Lewis F. Hite presiding; 106 attend. A membership of 214 is reported. - Account in L. 381.

June. 4. - The Rev. E. Pfeiffer leaves to minister to the Hague (Holland) Circle. - L. 382.

June 14-15. - Closing exercises of the Academy Schools; total student body this year is 251. 32 young men and women graduate. - Reported in L. 450.

June 23-27. - Annual meetings of the Council of the Clergy; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; 19 ministers and 4 theological students attend. A Committee is appointed to study the subject of "Sunday Schools and Home Instruction in Religion". - L. 428; papers, 475, 603. Cf. 501.

June 25. - 28th meeting of the Joint Council. The General Church membership is reported as 1549, a record gain of 114 for the year. The General Church Treasurer adopts the policy of encouraging as many members as possible to support the Church, however small the contribution. - Full report in L. 429-448; Cf. 1945:276.

Aug. 30-0ct. 12. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli makes pastoral visits to members and groups in Oregon, California and Colorado. - Reports in L. 650-4.

Oct. 23. - Death of the Rev. Richard de Charms Jr., aged 79 years. - L. 656, 714.

Nov. 3-5. - "Charter Day" is celebrated; the custom begins of a "processional" to the Cathedral, preceding the service; Bishop Emeritus Wm. F. Pendleton delivers an address on, "The Founding of the Academy". - Reports in L. 714; address, 1922:11.

Nov. 11.- Unveiling of a memorial tablet to our departed soldiers and sailors of World War I. - L. 675; (address), 715.



Dec. 5. - A major railroad wreck near Bryn Athyn (Woodmont), kills 27 persons and injures many. - Sons Bulletin, v. 50, no. 2, p. 14.

Dec. 14. - Death of the Rev. David Harold Klein, aged 51 years. - L. 1922:65; biogr. sketch, 508.

Pittsburgh, Sept. 12. - For the first time, the Day School will carry some pupils to High School age. - L. 588.

Oct. 14-17. - District Assembly; the Rev. C. E. Doering presiding. - Account in L. 654; address, 665. Cf. 700.


Rio de Janeiro, June 24. - The Rev. E. E. Iungerich arrives on a two-month visit to the New Church in Brazil. - Described in L. 461, 582.

July 24. - The Society (A Sociedade A Nova Jerusalem) is formally organized as a society of the General Church. - L. 583.

Sydney, (Hurstville), June 19. - The Hurstville Society celebrates New Church Day. - L. 458.

July. - The corner-stone of a church building on Dudley Street is laid by the pastor. - L. 587.

Sept. - A Society of receivers is formally established including those who resigned from the society in Thomas Street, Sydney, in 1905. - L. 1943:42.

Nov. 27. - Dedication of the new church building. - Report and description in L. 1922:139.


Brussels, Aug. 19. - Bishop N. D. Pendleton visits the General Church Mission. - L. 1922:57.

Sept. 15. - The Mission gives up the chapel in rue Gachard. - L.1922:57.

Colchester, Feb. 28. - The society decides to buy land for a church building. - L. 716.

April 29. - Death of Mr. Arthur H. Motum, aged 59 years; a devoted lay supporter of the early Colchester Society. - L. 384, 460, 518; obit., 382.



May 4. - Miss Alice Grant visits the society on behalf of New Church education. - L. 460.

June 19. - New Church Day is celebrated. - L. 460.

Sept. 25-26. - Episcopal visit by Bishop N.D. Pendleton. - L. 715.

London, Jan. 14. - At the annual meeting of "The London (Peckham Rye) Society of the General Church of the New Jerusalem", a new "Constitution and By-Laws" is amended and adopted. - L.185.

July 30 - Aug. 1. - The 15th British Assembly is held in the Michael Church (Burton Road), and the Surrey Masonic Hall; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; 157 present. The Burton Road Society is received into the General Church. - Full account in L. 1922:126-138, 344. Cf. 1921:518; papers, 540, 626; 1922:15, 78, 84, 249.

The Hague, April 9. - Death of Mr. Gerrit Barger, aged 75 years. Pioneer of the New Church in Holland for nearly forty years, and an able translator of the Writings. - L. 383, 375; biogr. sketch, 353.

June 19. - Reorganization of the Hague Society by the Rev. Ernst Pfeiffer. - L. 522.

Aug. 24-28. - Bishop N. D. Pendleton visits the Hague Society. - L. 585.

Stockholm, Sept. 25. - The Stockholm society (Nya Kyrkans Frsamling), applies for (and obtains) admission to the General Church. - L. 1922:58.

N. d. - Bishop N.D. Pendleton visits the society. - L. 1922:343.

New Church Life, vol. 41.

"Worship", by Mr. J. S. Pryke. - p. 142.

"Beginnings of the New Church in Canada", by Rev. J. E. Bowers. - p. 148.

"Swedenborg's Engineering Feat", (moving ships over land in 1718), by Per Gust. Berggren. - p. 153.

"Marriage in the Church", by Rev. T.S. Harris. - p. 193. Cf. p. 189.

"Burial", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton.- p. 211.

Fifteen Reasons for Re-Baptism, by Rev. Robert Hindmarsh. - p. 229.



"The Lord and His Kingdom", (a series of addresses on the Spiritual World and the Divine Human), by Bishop N. Dandridge Pendleton. - pp. 266-297.

"Psychological Data", by J. B. S. King, M. D. - pp. 321, 557; 1922, pp. 28, 41.

Extracts from Adversaria. Trans. by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 385. Cf. p. 407.

"Swedenborg, the Preacher", by Mr. J. S. Pryke. - p. 465.

"The Reality of the Spiritual World", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 475.

"Reminiscences of the Rev. J. P. Stuart", by Rev. J. E. Bowers. - p. 491.

"Topics from the Writings", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - pp. 529, 620.

"The Word of the Lord and the Doctrine of the Church", by Rev. A. Bjorck. - p. 540.

"Use: The Church's Message to the Workaday World", by Mr. Samuel R. Lewin. - p. 551.

"The Structural Harmony of the Old and New Testaments", by Rev. Geo. De Charms. - p. 603.

"Obedience", by Rev. C. E. Doering. - p. 665. Cf. pp. 700, 707.

BAECKSTROM, REV. GUSTAF: Karieken och Doden (Love and Death). Pamphlet. Noticed in L. 1921:367.

PENDLETON, BISHOP WM. F.: The Devil and Satan; Eternal Fire. Bryn Athyn. Pamphlet. 25pp. Two discourses.

PERIODICALS: A Nova Igreja; revista mensal dedicada sos Ensinamentos Revelados por intermedio de Emanuel Swedenborg. Rio de Janeiro, 1921-1928. v. 1-8. Bound: 1921-1928.


America. United States. The U.S. Congress declares peace with Germany and Austria (July 2).

President Harding signs joint resolution of Congress, declaring separate peace with Germany and Austria (July 2). Treaty ratified by Senate (Oct. 18).

Limitations of Armaments Conference meets in Washington (Nov. 12).




Alpha, Orange Free State, N. d. - The Rev. T. Pitcairn purchases a farm of 4 square miles, 21 miles from Maseru, on the Orange Free State side of the Caledon River, to be the future headquarters and publishing center of the General Church South African Mission. - L. 413; 1923:708, 710.

Baroana, March 24. - Death of the Rev. Aaron N. Mphatse, in his 70th year; one of the two original native founders of the New Church in Basutoland. - L. 388, 412. Cf. 542.

Durban, June 18. - At a General Church mission building in Turner's Avenue, 16 young Zulus are baptized by Rev. H. L. Odhner. In the following month, (July 9), 16 Zulus are baptized in a second mission house just outside Durban. History of the early work among the Zulus, in L. 601-3.

Maseru, Basutoland, May 8. - The work of the Rev. T. Pitcairn and the native ministers during the past ten months, is graphically described In L. 410. Cf. 278.


Kitchener, Ont., May 20-24. - 14th Ontario District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Full account in L. 461-472. Cf. 408; papers, 417, 430, 434, 440.

Sept. 12. - The elementary school opens with 14 pupils and one teacher. L. 667.

Manitoba, Aug.-Sept. - The Rev. Henry Heinrichs performs pastoral services in this province. - Report in L. 665.

Toronto, Ont., May. - Bishop N. D. Pendleton visits the Olivet Church, at a celebration of the 25th anniversary of the General Church. - L. 409.

June 23-30. - Meetings of the elementary school teachers of the General Church; the Rev. Homer Synnestvedt presiding. The correlation of religion and the curriculum is the core theme. - Full report in L. 523-534. Cf. 472; papers, 545, 627.

Sept. 11. - Opening of the elementary school, with 10 pupils, 1 teacher, and the pastor as Principal. - L. 605, 741.

WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 7, - Formal organization of the Washington Circle; 12 members; pastor, the Rev. Alfred Acton. - L. 739.



Gustine, Feb. 6. - Death of Mr. John H. Gillespy, aged 78 years; one of the earliest Academy group, - L. 288; obit., 265.

Chicago, Oct. 20-24. - Chicago District Assembly; Bishop N.D. Pendleton presiding; about 150 attending. - Accounts in L. 739; 1923:50; paper, 88.

Glenview, N. d. - Problems of property development and their relation to Church uses are studied. - L. 346.

Sept. 18. - The elementary school opens with 4 teachers, besides the Principal. L. 666.

Linden Hills. - During this summer, the Rev. W. L. Gladish conducts all the services and doctrinal classes. - L. 664.

Cincinnati, Oct. 26-29. - Local Assembly in the Circle here; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - L. 737.

Middleport, Jan. 19. - Death of Dr. Samuel Bradbury Hanlin, in his 50th year; a homeopathic physician, and a devoted layman of the General Church. - L.144; obit., 189.

- The Oregon Anti-Parochial School Law is enacted by a close margin, by popular vote in the election. The law is to become effective Sept. 1, 1926; and requires every parent, guardian or other person having charge or custody of a child between 8 and 16 years of age to send him to a public school. The Academy of the New Church helps to fight this law. - L. 1925:425.

Bryn Athyn, Feb. 1-6. - Annual meetings of the Council of the Clergy; 19 ministers and 3 theological students attend. - Report in L. 206, 513; papers, 146, 170.

Feb. 4. - 29th meeting of the Joint Council. The membership of the General Church is reported as 1595, a net increase of 46. - Full account, with reports, in L. 207-215.

May 27. - The golden wedding anniversary of Bishop Emeritus and Mrs. Wm. F. Pendleton is marked by the presentation of a gift from the members of the General Church in America. - L. 477.

June. - Resignation of Rev. Wm. H. Alden as Secretary of the General Church; Rev. W. B. Caldwell is appointed to fill the office. - L. 351.



June 9. - A symbolic "Pageant", in five episodes, is given by the Academy schools. - L. 478. Cf. 453.

Aug. 1. - Mr. Hubert Hyatt is appointed Treasurer of the General Church, in place of Rev. W. H. Alden, resigned. - L. 480.

Sept. 13. - The Academy Schools open, with a total enrollment of 244 students. - L. 605.

Dec. 3. - Death of Miss Jane Potts, aged 53 years; teacher of Art in the Academy Schools for some 25 years. - L. 1923:60, obit., memor. address, 1.

N. d. - For the first time, the majority of the members of the society favor a fixed tuition charge for all Elementary School pupils. - L. 1925:125.


Rio de Janeiro, May 2. - A wedding in the New Church hall of worship is described in Brazilian newspapers. - L. 407.

N. d. - Taking the position that the "Brazilian Church of the New Jerusalem cannot be in a state of dependency", Sr. de La Fayette declines to cooperate with the General Church; and claims leadership on the ground of a specially revealed Divine commission since Nov. 17, 1892. The Church library and archives of "A Geral Associacao" are removed to his home at 44 rua San Carlos. A Nova Jerusalem, No. 74; L. 475, Cf. 645; 1923:243.


Colchester, Aug. 5-7. - 16th British Assembly, held in the Masonic Hall; Rev. F. E. Gyllenhaal presiding by appointment. - Full account in L. 717-730; papers, 679, 687, 695, 699.

London, Jan. 17. - Death of the Rev. Glendower C. Ottley, aged 71 years. Ordained in 1893, by Bishop Benade; a foundation member of the New Church Educational Institute and of the Burton Road society, he was a brilliant theologian and writer, devoted to the Academy movement as developed by Bishop Benade. - L. 224; obit., 218. Cf. 263,537; memor. resol., 727.

Jan. 29.- The Peckham Rye Society celebrates Swedenborg's birthday. - L. 344; paper, 254.

March 7. - Death of Mr. James Caldwell, secretary of the Wallasey Society; a vigorous friend of the Academy movement, which led to his expulsion from the Liverpool Society. - Reminder (April). See L. 1889-1892. Cf. 1890:222. NCM. 144.



June 18. - The Michael Church and the Peckham Rye Church for the first time jointly celebrate New Church Day. - L. 537.

The Hague, June 4. - Dedication of a room in the house of the pastor (Rev. Ernst Pfeiffer), for public worship; 17 adults and 4 children attend. - L. 473; 1923:711.

Stockholm, March 9. - Death of Mr. Alfred H. Stroh, in his 44th year. - L. 288; brief biogr., 353-368.

March 18. - The Swedish newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, publishes an article describing a service conducted by the Rev. Gustaf Baeckstrom. - Translation in L. 395.

Nov. 23. - A Swedish court awards a bequest of 10,000 kroner, left by the late Johan Nilsson, a miller of Bjrstorp, for missionary work, to the Stockholm Society. - L. 1923:188.

New Church Life, vol. 42.

Bishop Swedberg and the Old Swedes' Church in Philadelphia, by Rev. David H. Klein. - p. 1.

"Academy Founders were men of imagination", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 11.

"Education for Women", by Miss Alice E. Grant. - p. 48.

"Topics from the Writings", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - pp. 65, 242, 305, 377, 492, 557, 673.

"Church Music", by Mr. Victor R. Tilson. - p. 78. Cf. p. 134.

"The Necessity and Importance of Externals in the New Church", by Mr. E. W. Misson. - p. 84.

Discussion on Testimony from the Writings, (by Messrs. Dufty, Iungerich and the Editor). - pp. 110, 190, 276, 277, 400.

"Two philosophies", by Bishop N. Dandridge Pendleton. - p. 225.

"Are Christians now Gentiles?" by Rev. L. G. Langenberger. - p. 330.

"Clerical Dress", (comm.), by Mr. Geo. F. Poole. - pp. 452, 657; (1923), p. 120.



"Adversaria" (Extracts; trans. by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 497).

"Reminiscences concerning Judge John Young", by Rev. J. E. Bowers. - p. 506.

"Two New Writings by Swedenborg" (Summaries in Explanation of the Apocalypse; and Articles of Marriage). Trans. by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 565.

Discussion on "Angelic Spheres", (H. L. O. and E. E. I.). - pp. 599, 658. (1923), 118.

"The Word of Divine Revelation", by Rev. Ernst Deltenre, (Trans. from the French), - p. 609.

"The Needs for New Church Education", by Rev. Geo. de Charms. - p. 627.

"The Word of the Writings", by Rev. A. Bjrck. - p. 687. Cf. p. 725.

ACADEMY OF THE NEW CHURCH: Shall we make it Our Own Academy? Pamphlet.

ACTON, M. A., B. TH., ALFRED: The Origin of Man. Philadelphia, Pa. Swedenborg Scientific Association. Paper, 71pp. Reviewed in L.1922:185, 512.

ACTON, ALFRED: La Nature du Monde Spirituel (transcribed into French by Rev. E. E. Iungerich) Paris: Imprimerie, C. Defays. Paper, 203pp. Noted in L. 1922:647.

BAECKSTRM, GUSTAF: Swedenborg's Uppenbarelser (Swedenborg's Revelations) Stockholm: Nova Ecclesia Publishing Co. Pamphlet 187pp. Reviewed in L. 1922:102.

PENDLETON, AMENA: The Golden Heart, and Other Stories. Bryn Athyn: The Academy of the New Church. 79pp. Cloth. Reviewed in L. 1923:157. Seventeen stories about the other world.

PENDLETON, BISHOP WM. F.: The Ten Blessings. A Series of Twelve Sermons. Bryn Athyn: Academy Book Room. Cloth, 159pp. Reviewed in L. 1922:587. The first volume of sermons published by the Academy Book Room.

VAN HER, CARLO: Jean Jacques Gailliaro, visionary artist. Pamphlet 6pp. Extract from The Beacon, London, September 1922.

America. United States. Limitation of Armaments Conference ends in Washington (Feb. 6). Naval construction is curtailed; poison gas is outlawed; submarine attack on merchantmen is restricted. (Ratified August 5, 1925).



Asia. China. U. S., Great Britain, France, Italy, and Japan agree on integrity of China.

Italy. Plus XI becomes a Pope.

Portugal. Portuguese aviators complete first airplane crossing of the South Atlantic (April 19).




Alpha, Feb. 20-22. - Annual meeting of the native leaders of the Mission. - L. 708.

Luka's Village, March 11. - Dedication of a church building. - Described in L. 709.

Durban, June.- The Society moves to 125 Musgrave Road. - L. 587.

Aug. 8. - Opening of the first New Church school in Durban, with 9 pupils in 5 grades, voluntarily taught by Miss Elsie M. Champion, an experienced teacher. - L. 715. Cf. 587; 1924:374.

Dec. - Laying of the corner-stone of a new church building. - Natal Mercury, Dec. 14; New Church Open Letter, Dec.


Summer. - The Rev. Henry Heinrichs makes pastoral visits in Manitoba and Sask. - Account in L. 712.

Windsor, Ont., Nov. 18. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli reports that he ministers to a circle of some 30 General Church members and children from here and Detroit. - Report in L. 1924:58.

Washington, D. C., Sept. - The Washington Society institutes a Sunday School. - L. 1924:579.

Los Angeles, June 28-Aug. 20. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli ministers to the Los Angeles Circle, and to groups in Ontario, Oakland; also Portland and La Grande, (Oregon), and Spokane, (Washington). - Reports in L. 714; 717-719.

Denver, Sept.
1. - The Rev. Henry Heinrichs becomes minister of the Denver Society. - L. 590; 1924:124.

Chicago, June 2. - Death of the Rev. John Headsten, aged 59 years. - L. 528; biogr. sketch, 745.

June. - The Sharon Church purchases a two-story house at 5220 Wayne Avenue, on the North Side. - L. 587, 779.



Glenview, June 19-24. - Eleventh General Assembly of the General Church; Bishop N.D. Pendleton presiding; a total attendance of 378. The General Church membership is reported as 1685. The Bishop is elected a member of the Executive Committee, to enable him to act as president of the Corporation. - Journal in L. 481-522. Cf. 400-415; 464-480. Addresses, papers, etc., 385, 416, 452, 446, 457, 468, 534.

June 25. - Meeting of the Teachers' Institute. - L. 476; address, 610.

Arbutus, Sept. 28-30. - The first Baltimore Local Assembly; Rev. E. E. Iungerich presiding. - L. 716.

New York City, Feb. 17-18. - New York District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Account in L. 250.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 29. - Death of Mr. Orlando Benton Schwindt, aged 60 years; one of the first settlers in Bryn Athyn. - Obit., L. 192.

Feb. 1-6. - 27th annual meeting of the Council of the Clergy; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; 23 present. For the first time, three joint sessions are held with the Academy Faculty. - Report in L. 175; papers, 210.

Feb. 3. - 30th meeting of the Joint Council. The total membership of the General Church is now 1683, - a gain of 88. - Account and reports in L. 177-184.

Feb. 3-6. - Philadelphia District Assembly. - Report in L. 184-6; paper, 336.

March 12. - Death of Mr. Gerald Starkey Glenn, aged 38 years; an architect and earnest member. - L. 256.

June 19. - The observance of New Church Day includes a service, pageant, and banquet, (250 persons attending). - L. 589.
July-Oct. - The Rev. Alfred Acton visits Italy, Austria, and Germany in the interests of Swedenborgiana. - Account in L. 773.

Sept. - Opening exercises of the Academy Schools; total enrollment is 209. - L. 779.

Sept. 15. - Death of the Rt. Rev. John Faulkner Potts, aged 84 years. The "first student for the ministry, in the Conference Theological School; pastor of the first Cathedral St. Society, Glasgow, Scotland, for many years; member of General Conference, 1864-1890; compiler of The Swedenborg Concordance. - L. -L. 655; memor. address, by Bishop N. D. Pendleton, 657, biogr. sketch, 662, (photo). Cf. 780. Also N. C. Herald, 1924:396.




Rio de Janeiro, Feb. 20. - The General Church Society moves its headquarters to Praca da Republica, no. 58. - L. 581.

May 1. - A "Swedenborgian" wedding receives much newspaper publicity. - L. 581; address and photo., 529.

N. d. - The organ of the Catholic cardinal, Jornal Ultramontano, bitterly attacks the Church of the New Jerusalem. - L. 582.

Aug. 5-20. - The Rev. E. E. Iungerich visits the Society here. - Account in L. 652, 780; A Nova Igreia, No. 9.

Dec. 18. - Death of Sr. Levindo Castro La Fayette. - A Nova Jerusalem. 1924: Jan.; L. 1924:188, 191.

Sydney, N. S. W., Jan. - The Rev. Richard Morse gives up secular work, to devote all his time to the work of the Church. - L. 316.

London, June 17-24. - Notable celebration of New Church Day. - L. 584; paper, 593.

Aug. 4-6. - 17th British Assembly, at the Michael Church, Burton Road, Brixton; the Rev. Robt. J. Tilson presiding. Enrollment of 119. - Full report in L. 924:39-56; papers, 416; 1924:1,15, 25.

The Hague, Sept. 21. - By royal decree, the Society receives official recognition as a corporation. - L. 711.

Nov. - The "Dutch Swedenborg Society" now has 35 members. - L. 711.

Stockholm, June. - The Stockholm Society now has 65 adult members. The Nova Ecclesia is published monthly instead of quarterly. - L. 376.

New Church Life, vol. 43.

"The Story of Creation", by Rev. Ernst Deltenre. - p. 11. Cf. pp. 171, 173, 308, 311.



"What is Genuine Freedom?" by Mr. J. S. Pryke. - p. 20.

"Topics from the Writings", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - pp. 34, 205, 272, 321, 541, 605, 681.

"Swedenborg's Hobby" (with diagram of his house and garden), by Cyriel Lj. Odhner. - p, 65. Cf. pp. 41, 109, 370.

"The Millennial Age", by Rev. T. S. Harris. - p. 257.

"The Priesthood: the first of the Church, - its authority, order and governance", by Rev. R. J. Tilson. - p. 276.

"Infestations and Temptations", by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - pp. 347, 687.

"The Corner Stone of Christian Faith", by Rev. Geo. de Charms. - p. 416. Cf. pp. 646, 758.

"The Intercourse between the Soul and Body", by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 432.

"The Origin and Aim of a New Church Academy", by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 446.

"The Happiness of Marriage", by Rev. Joao de Mendonca Lima. (Trans. from the Portuguese). - p. 529.

"Government by Conscience", by Rev. R. J. Tilson. - p. 557.

"The Two Essentials of Educational Method", by Rev. R. W. Brown. - p. 610.

"Modern Versions of the Scriptures", (editorial). - p. 749.

BROWN, REV. PEGINALD W.: Melaces Baphelo ea Swedenborg. Leaflet, 2pp.

LA FAYETTE, LEVINDO CASTRO: Message a la France A la Grande Victime: Salut! Pamphlet, 12pp. Rio de Janeiro.

MCQUEEN, ALEXANDER: How to name Baby without Handicapping it for Life. A Practical Guide for Parents and all others interested in "Better naming". Cincinnati, Ohio: McQueen Publishing Co. Paper, 32pp. Reviewed in L. 1923:630.

PERIODICALS: Tihahiso ea Ts'enolo ea Kereke e Ncha. Printed and published at Alpha, P. O. Ladybrand Vol. 1 13, 1923-1939 v. 1-13. Editors: 1923-1924, Rev. Theodore Pitcairn; 1925-26, George Mckoena; 1927-1939, Rev. F. W. Elphick, vols. 8-13. Complete unbound, Text in Sesuto and English.

PRICE, Th. B., M. A., ENOCH S.: The Elements of Hebrew. Bryn Athyn: Academy Book Room. Cloth, 122pp. Reviewed in L. 1923:296.



SYNNESTVEDT, PAUL: Suggestions for a European Economic Union, with proposed Constitution, submitted in 1925 to the Bok Peace Award. Bryn Athyn, Pamphlet 23pp.


America. First sound-on-film talking pictures shown by Lee de Forest (April).

Germany. French and Belgian troops begin occupation of the Ruhr, to enforce reparations (Jan. 11).

Hitler put in prison, where he writes Mein Kampf (Nov. 12).

Greece. The Greek Orthodox Church accepts the Gregorian Calendar.




Alpha, Jan. 20. - Dedication of the new Gothic stone Church building, by the Rev. H. L. Odhner; 27 white persons and some 600 natives present. - Account in L. 502, 318; photo, L. 1925:625.

Aug. - The work of the "Alpha School" is described in L. 695; 1925:250.

Durban, March 16. -Dedication of a new church building on Musgrave Road; the congregation numbers 120. - L. 374; photos., L. 1925:449.


July-Aug. - The Rev. Henry Heinrichs visits General Church members in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta. - Report in L. 694.

Kitchener. Ont., May 22. - Bishop N. D. Pendleton makes his annual visit to the Carmel Church. - L. 435.

June 28-July 1. - Annual meetings of the Sons of the Academy. - Accounts in L. 505-9.

Toronto, Ont., May 23-26. - 15th Ontario District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Full report in L. 430-4; papers, 531, 599, 641.

June 19. - The Olivet Church celebrates the Day by the novel method of holding its annual business meeting. - L. 573.

Aug. 8. - Farewell meeting and presentation in honor of the pastor (Rev. K. R. Alden). - L. 574.

Sept. 14-Dec. 31. - Candidate Alan Gill is appointed to minister to the Olivet Church until the arrival of the new pastor. - L. 700.


June 20-Sept. 21. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli makes pastoral visits in California, Oregon, and Washington. - Report in L. 696.

Los Angeles. Aug. 3. - Baptism of General Joseph Wampler Vance, aged 83 years, by the Rev. F. E. Waelchli. Since 1870, an ardent student of all Swedenborg's works, he becomes a member of the Los Angeles Circle. - L. 696.

Glenview, N. d. - First public appearance of a "Little Symphony Orchestra", (25 players). - L. 252, 510.



Oct. 17-19. - 20th Chicago District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Full report in L. 743-752. Cf. 763; papers, 641; 1925:2.

Baltimore, May 10-11. - Second joint Local Assembly of the Baltimore and Washington societies; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Account in L. 380.

Covert. - During the summer, the Rev. Homer Synnestvedt delivers a course of lectures on New Church education. - L. 762.

New York City, May 2-4. - New York Local Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Account in L. 379.

Cincinnati, Oct. 15-16. - Local Assembly in the Cincinnati Circle, with Bishop N. D. Pendleton visiting. - L. 758.

Columbus, July 26. - Death of Judge Lewis Grant Dill of Waverly, Pike county; aged 62 years. Probate Judge of Pike Co., (1896); Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, (1914-1924). Noted for his equity and strong character, his decisions "were seldom, if ever, reversed or modified by higher courts". - L. 640.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 1. - The "Bryn Athyn Orchestra" makes its first public appearance. - L. 124.

Feb. 1-6. - 28th annual meeting of the Council of the Clergy; 21 ministers, 1 candidate, and 2 students present. - Brief report in L. 173.

Feb. 2. - 31st annual Joint Council; Bishop N.D. Pendleton presiding; 1737 members reported, (a net increase of 65). The published statement of the "Order and Organization of the General Church", L. 1914, Aug.) is discussed and revised. - Full report in L. 174-182.

Feb. 4-6. - 2nd joint meeting of the Council of the Clergy and the Academy Faculty. - Report in L. 182-5.

May-June 21. - The Rev. Ernst Pfeiffer, (Holland), visits Bryn Athyn, accompanied by M. Philippe Smit, an artist, who completes portraits of the Bishop and the Bishop Emeritus. - L. 382, 446.

June 13. - Commencement exercises of the Academy Schools. - Account in L. 444; address, 468.

June 18. - A bolt of lightning destroys one of the four pinnacles of the Cathedral tower. - L. 446.



June 19. - The celebrations include a service, a pageant, and a banquet. - Account in L. 503.

Sept. 17. - Opening exercises of the Academy Schools, with a total enrollment of 214. - Account in L. 637.

- The Rev. K. R. Alden, (Toronto), becomes Principal of the Boys' Academy and Housemaster of Stuart Hall. - L. 253.

- The Bryn Athyn Society presents a silver set to Bishop and Mrs. N. D. Pendleton, on their 25th wedding anniversary. - L. 638.

Oct. - The Academy's Journal of Education, suspended as a quarterly for some years, owing to war-time and post-war conditions, now begins to publish two numbers each year. - L. 499.

Pittsburgh, Sept. 15. - The Day School opens with 22 pupils and 2 teachers.

Oct. 10-12. - Pittsburgh District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - L. 701.


Rio de Janeiro, Jan. 2. - At a meeting of the Geral Associacao, a new directorate is elected, with Sr. Joaquim Sarmanho as president, succeeding the late Sr. La Fayette. - A Nova Jerusalem. (Jan.); L. 191.

Feb. - The General Church Society is now worshiping in a hall at 89 rua Ouvidor. - L. 381.

N. d. - Members of both clergy and laity In the General Church society are called on to fight the rebellion against the present government of President Arthur Bernardes. - L. 762; 1925:119; A Nova Igreia, No. 13.

Sydney (Hurstville), June 19. - New Church Day is observed by "the largest gathering we have had at the church". - L. 693.

Brussels, N. d. - M. Jean J. Gailliard presents a painting, in triptych form, on "The Three Testaments", to the Library of the New Church Mission. - Photo. and description in L. 1925:1.



GREAT BRITAIN Colchester, May 22. - Laying of the corner-stone of the first New Church temple in Colchester; and the first church building in Britain erected under General Church auspices. - Account in L. 435.

June 19. - The last social meeting is held in the Hall on Priory Street, where the society has centered for over 20 years. - L. 633.

Aug. 17. - Dedication of a new church building on Maldon Road, by Bishop N. D. Pendleton; 180 persons attending. - Account in L. 633; photos., L. 1925:513.

London, June 19. - According to the annual custom of the Michael Church, New Church Day is observed by a "feast of charity", at which the pastor reviews the activities of the past ecclesiastical year. - L. 634.

The Hague, July 20. - Third annual meeting of the First Dutch Society of the General Church; Rev. E. Pfeiffer presiding; 26 members are reported. Bishop Pendleton gives an address. - L. 702, 760; 1925:57.

- Fifteenth annual meeting of the Dutch Swedenborg Society; 42 members are reported. - L. 702, 761.

Stockholm, Aug. 31-Sept. 3. - Bishop N. D. Pendleton visits the Stockholm Society. - L. 758, 761; Nova Ecclesia, (Sept.-Oct.).

Oct. - The membership of the General Church society is now 66, plus 26 children. - L. 762.

New Church Life, vol. 44.

"Revelation and Applied Science", by Mr. Victor R. Tilson. - p. 15. Cf. pp. 51,418.

"Topics from the Writings", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - pp. 75, 129, 210, 335, 525, 659, 716.

Robert Hindmarsh and the "Immanuelites", by Rev. E.J.E. Schreck. - p. 246.

"Sanctuary", by Mr. J.S. Pryke. - p. 257.

"The Formulation of Doctrine by the Church", by Rev. A. Bjck. - p. 285. Cf. 734.

"Divine Providence and Human Freedom", by Rev. Geo. de Charms. - p. 385.

"What are the New Documents?" by S. Cyriel Odhner. - p. 400.

"How to teach Anatomy to the Young", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 474.



"The Bragg Collection of Swedenborgiana", by S. Cyriel Odhner. - p. 553.

"Christian Ethics and Ceremonials in the New Church", by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. - p. 641.

"The Divine Authority of the Writings", by Rev. Ernst Deltenre. (Trans. from the French). - p. 664.

ACTON, REV. ALFRED: The Decalogue: Hebrew text, English transliteration and translation. Bryn Athyn: Academy Book Room. Pamphlet, 4pp. Reviewed in L. 1924:110.

PERIODICALS: New Church Sermons, expounding the Scriptures in the light of the heavenly doctrine of the New Jerusalem; a pamphlet issued monthly from October to June. (Formerly "Weekly sermons") Oct. 1924-1938. V. 1-11.

POTTS, REV. J. F.: Two Notable pamphlets. Bryn Athyn, academy Book Room. Pamphlet 15pp.

SCHRECK, REV. E. J. E.: Child Psychology in the Light of the New Church, as applied to Religious Training. American Edition Boston: Massachusetts New-Church Union Paper, 42pp. Reviewed in L. 1926:166. Three addresses delivered in London to the Metropolitan District New Church Sunday School Union and the New Church College.

SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL: Psychologica, being Notes and Observations on Christian Wolff's Psychologia Empirics. Translated by Alfred Acton, M. A., B. TH. Philadelphia, Pa.: Swedenborg Scientific Association. Latin and English. 169pp. Cloth. Reviewed in L. 1924:144.


America. United States. Allies and Germany accept Dawes Reparation Plan.

The ZR-3, Dirigible (Los Angeles) arrives from Germany at Lakehurst, N. J. (Oct. 15).

Russia. Death of Nikolai Lenin (Jan. 21).




Alpha, O. F. S., March 15. - The Rev. E. J. Pulsford visits Alpha. - L. 377.

Durban, May 31. - Death of Mr. Alfred Sydney Cockerell, aged 93 years; for many years the leader of the early services held In his home. - L. 511,615.

Sept. 5. - The Rev. Elmo C. Acton becomes assistant to the pastor of the Durban Society, (Rev. T. Pitcairn). - L. 1926:60.

Dec. 15. - School closing exercises; 21 pupils. - L. 314.


Kitchener, Ont., May 16-20, - Annual visit of Bishop N. D. Pendleton. - Account of Local Assembly in L. 442.

Toronto, Ont., Jan. 1. - The Rev. H.L. Odhner begins his pastorate in the Olivet Church. - L. 126.

May 21-25. - Local Assembly; Bishop N.D. Pendleton presiding. - Account in L. 444; address, 385.

Washington, D. C., May 2, 10. - Second Assembly of the Washington-Baltimore societies; Bishop N.D. Pendleton presiding. - Account in L. 380.

Los Angeles, June 26. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli begins his annual eight weeks' pastoral visit to the Pacific Coast. - L. 681; report, 684.

Denver. - During the summer, the Rev. H. Heinrichs makes pastoral visits in the Canadian Northwest. - Account in L. 680.

Aug. 20. - Death of Mr. Anders Ells Bergstrom, aged 66 years; one of the founding members, and first treasurer of the "Denver Society of the Lord's Second Advent". - L. 623; obit., 618.

Oct. 21-25. - Denver Local Assembly; Bishop N.D. Pendleton presiding. - Account in L. 747.

Valdosta, April 13. - Death of Mr. Alexander Shaw Pendleton, aged 70 years; a well-known wholesale merchant in the South; brother of Bishops W. F. and N.D. Pendleton. - L. 383, 317; obit., 381.



Chicago, April. - The membership of the Sharon Church is now 62; members of the late Rev. John Headsten's circle having joined. - L. 378.

Dec. 11. - Death of Dr. John W. Marelius, in his 82nd year; a member of the Adams St. Church before the great fire; and an ardent supporter of the early Academy movement here, under Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - L. 1926: obit., 128, 126. Cf. 1925:717.

Glenview, Oct. 16-18. - 21st Chicago District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. Central theme is, "The Development of a New Church Society". - Full report in L. 734-740; papers, 689, 704, 712, 717.

Bryn Athyn, Feb. 3-6. - 29th annual meeting of the Council of the Clergy; 21 ministers, 2 candidates, and 3 theological students attending. Three joint sessions with the Academy Faculty are held. - Report in L. 163-4; papers, 193, 337. Cf. 253.

Feb. 6-8. - Philadelphia District Assembly. The banquet and services are followed by a religious drama, "Samuel". - Report in L. 173-5; address, 385, 512.

Feb. 7. - 32nd Joint Council of clergy and executive committee. 1778 members are reported, (a net increase of 41). - Full account and reports in L. 165-185.

Feb. 28. - Henry Ford's weekly, The Dearborn Independent, carries an illustrated article on the "Cathedral of the New Jerusalem". - L. 252.

- Annual meeting; of Theta Alpha. - L. 505.

June 16-17. - Closing exercises of the Academy Schools; enrollment, 215. - Account in L. 505.

N. d. - During the summer, a series of eight well-advertised missionary services, conducted by the Revs. K. R. Alden and W. Whitehead, are held on Sunday afternoons. The average attendance is 341; 75 per cent being strangers. - Account in L. 619, 695. Cf. 1951:214.

Sept. 9. - Opening of the Academy Schools, with 247 students. - Account in L. 620.

Pittsburgh, May 3. - Death of Mr. Louis J. Schoenberger, aged 50 years; one of the most active and loved members of the Pittsburgh society; and an early pioneer of the "Sons of the Academy" organization. - L. 383; obit., (H. S.), 382.

June 20-23. - Annual meetings of the "Sons of the Academy"; about 180 attending. - Account in L. 502.



Oct. 5-7. - Pittsburgh District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Account in L. 686; address, 689.


Rio de Janeiro, May 18. - Death of the Rev. Carlos F. de O. Braga, aged 71 years; a pioneer and scholarly worker in the early days of the General Church in Brazil. - L. 568; biogr. sketch, 546. Cf. 1926:316. A Nova Igreia. No. 15.


Colchester, N.d. - The pastor establishes an "Extension Class" for adult education. - L. 1926:315.

London, July. - The Day School of the Michael Church is compelled to close, owing to the total lack of pupils. - L. 197, 424.

Aug. 1-3. - Nineteenth British Assembly; the Rev. R. J. Tilson presiding. It is recorded that the Peckham Rye Society has ceased to exist. - Full report in L. 558-563; papers, 538, 647.

Stockholm. - During the summer, the Rev. G. Baeckstrm gives 19 missionary lectures, at various places in Sweden, on the significance of Sutton Vane's popular play, "Outward Bound". - L. 508, 683. Cf. 1926:29.

New Church Life, vol. 45.

"The Origin of Evil", by Rev. W. L. Gladish. - p. 2.

"The Love of Knowledge: its origin and development", by J. W. Marelius, M. D. - p. 21.

"Corpuscular Nature of the Spiritual Atmospheres", by Prof. C. R. Pendleton. - p. 27.

"Where are the Swedenborg Documents" by S. Cyriel Odhner. - p. 81.

"Topics from the Writings", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - pp. 152, 221, 347, 414, 467, 513, 591.

"A Statement of the Order and Organization of the General Church of the New Jerusalem". - p. 177. Cf. p. 172.

"Prayers for the Departed", by Rev. T. S. Harris. - p. 193.



"Swedenborg in his maturity", by Mr. C. Pryke. - p. 270.

The Theosophical Movement: 1875-1925, by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 321.

"Some Educational Problems of a Scientific Age", by Mr. W. Howard. - p. 337. Cf. p. 448.

"The Cross: as a suitable symbol to be used in public worship", by Rev. R. J. Tilson. - p. 374. Cf. pp. 53, 612.

"Humanizing the Divine", by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. - p. 385. Cf. p. 512.

"The Gospels as Historic Truth", by Rev. H. Lj. Odhner. - p. 449. Cf. pp. 497, 555.

"The Authority of the Unpublished Writings", by Rev. F. E. Gyllehhaal. - p. 655.

"Emerging from the Wilderness", by Bishop N.D. Pendleton. - p. 689. Cf. p. 739.

Journal of Education. (A. N. C.), 1925.

Studies in Non-Spatial Substance, by Rev. H.L. Odhner. - p. 41.

The Cosmogony of Both Worlds, by Rev. E. E. Iungerich, B. Th. - p. 80.

The Problem of Idealism, by Rev. T. Pitcairn. - p. 137.

The New Philosophy. (A. N. C.), 1925.

Swedenborg's philosophy of Matter. - p. 388. Cf. 1933, p. 210.

Swedenborg's theory of light and colors, by Rev. R. W. Brown. - p. 405.

ACTON, ALFRED: An Introduction to the Study of the Hebrew Word, as seen in the light of the Heavenly Doctrine of the New Jerusalem. Bryn Athyn, Pa; Academy Book Room, Cloth 320pp. Reviewed in L.1926:50.

BAECKSTRM, REV. GUSTAF: Barnen efter Doden, och varfor de do (Children after Death and Why They Die) Stockholm: Bokforlaget Nova Ecclesia. Pamphlet 32pp. See L. 1925:285.

BAECKSTRM, REV. GUSTAF: Sann Kristendom, framstalid i samtal med barn och ungdom och varje sanninfaaokae (True Christianity, presented in conversation with children, young people and other truth seekers) 216pp.

BAECKSTRM, REV. GUSTAF: Se Manniskan, en framstalining av tron pa Den Ende Guden (Behold the Man, a Presentation of Faith in the One God) Booklet, 80pp. Reviewed in L. 1925:285.



PENDLETON, BISHOP N. D.: A Statement of the Order and Organization of the General Church of the New Jerusalem. February, 1925. Bryn Athyn. Pamphlet 8 pp.

PITCAIRN, REV. THEODORE: The Book Sealed with Seven Seals An Invitation to the New Church. Published by the author at Durban, Natal, South Africa. Paper, 103pp. Reviewed in L. 1926:369. A Spanish version (El Libro Sellado cen Sleto Sellos) was published at Bryn Athyn, 1929. Paper 107pp.

SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL: Jerusalema e Mocha Le Lithuto Tsa Eona Tsa Leholimo (New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine) Translated into Sesuto by Mr. George Mokoena. Ladybrand O. F. S., South Africa: General Church Mission. 70pp. board. Noted in L. 1925:495.


America. John T. Scopes found guilty of teaching evolution in the Dayton (Tenn.) High School (July 24).

Germany. By Treaty of Locarno, Germany agrees to demilitarization of Rhineland and security of her western frontiers (Oct. 16).




Alpha, O. F. S., July-Aug. - The Rev. E. J. Pulsford and family visit the Mission. The work for 1926 is described in L. 1927:186-7; 312.

Durban, Aug. - The Rev. E. J. Pulsford visits and preaches in the Durban Society. - L. 751, 813; 1927:312.

Nov. 24. - Dedication of a new Hall, to be used for school, doctrinal class and social uses; the Rev. E. C. Acton officiating. - Account in L.1927:190.


June-Sept. - The Rev. E. E. Iungerich makes the annual pastoral visit to the Canadian Northwest and Pacific coast. - L. 685, 744.

Kitchener, Ont., June 15-18. - Twelfth General Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. 422 persons attend. A total membership of 1,843 is reported; (220 new members during the past three years). - Journal in L. 505-547; addresses, and discussions, 385, 403, 425, 446, 463, 467,490, 495, 499, 578, 582, 642; photos. L. 385, 505.

Sept. - The Day School has 12 pupils; and the Sunday School 32. - L. 812.

Toronto, Ont., N. d. - The pastor of the Olivet Church gives monthly missionary lectures. - L. 189.

Sept. 15. - The Olivet Church liquidates the mortgage on its property. - L. 1927:62; photos of church building, 129.

Washington, D. C., May 15-16. - Baltimore-Washington District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Account in L. 550.

Los Angeles, June 29. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli spends ten weeks of pastoral service in California. - Report in L. 748.

Chicago, N. d. - The Rev. W.L. Gladish ends twelve years of teaching in the Chicago public schools to devote himself entirely to the pastorate of the Sharon Church. - L. 684.

Oct. 20. - The Sharon Church unanimously elects the Rev. W. L. Gladish, (who had been Acting Pastor for six years), as full time pastor. - L. 810.



Glenview, Feb. 28. - Death of Hugh Lascelle Burnham, Esq., in his 69th year. - L. 255, 360; biogr. sketch, 357.

June 23. - Death of Mrs. Henry S. (Jane Lucy) Maynard, aged 76 years; one of the original Academy group in Chicago. - L. 560.

Oct. 15-17. - 22nd Chicago District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Full report in L. 798. Cf. 810.

Sandoval, Dec. 23. - Death of Miss Ellen Sherman, aged 73 years. Principal of the Academy's Girls' Seminary, 1901-1906; and a gifted and much loved teacher. - L.1927:192.

New York City, Jan. 3. - The New York Society, formerly meeting in Carnegie Hall, begins services in a new location: 149 East 61st St. - L.125.

May 8-9. - New York Local Assembly; Bishop N.D. Pendleton presiding. - Account in L. 548.

Sept. - The pastor of the New York Society begins the practice of holding separate monthly doctrinal classes for the New Jersey and New York members. - L. 1927:120.

Cincinnati, Oct. 13-14. - A Local Assembly of the Cincinnati Society is held in the new place of worship at Wyoming, a suburb of Cincinnati; Bishop Pendleton present. - Account in L. 808.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 12. - The Academy's Board of Directors gives an anniversary banquet in commemoration of the 52nd Founders' Day, and also of the 50th anniversary of the Academy's organization, (June 19, 1876). - Full account, with speeches, in L. 129-157.

Feb. 1-7. - 30th annual meeting of the Council of the Clergy, 22 present. Three session are joint meetings with the educators. - Report in L. 173-5; papers, 209, 263.

Feb. 2. - Dedication of the new Council Hall, begun in 1921, and presented by Raymond Pitcairn Esq., to the Bryn Athyn Church. - Full account, with address, in L. 168-172; photo. 1. Cf. 184.

Feb. 6. - Joint Council of Clergy and Executive Committee. General Church membership is reported as 1817, a net increase of 39. - Full reports in L. 176-187.

Feb.-March. - The Visiting Pastor, Rev. F. E. Waelchli, makes a second annual visit to small circles In Atlanta (Ga.), Jacksonville, Oak Hill, Miami, and St. Petersburg (Fla.). - Described in L. 313.



N.d. - The Rev. Theodore Pitcairn becomes Second Assistant Pastor of the Bryn Athyn Society. - L. 374.

April-May. - Sunday afternoon missionary services were held by Rev. T. Pitcairn; average attendance, 125. - L. 374.

N. d. - A "Cathedral Book Room" is established for the dissemination of information and the sale of New Church literature. - L. 1951:215.

April 10. - Mr. Paul Robeson, the well-known negro singer, gives a folk-song recital here. - L. 374.

April 17. - Death of Miss Maria C. Hogan, aged nearly 76 years. One of the earliest followers of Bishop Benade in Pittsburgh. A member of the Bryn Athyn society for 28 years, "Aunt Rydie" was one of the best known women in the General Church. She was a first cousin of Mr. Andrew Carnegie. - L. 318, 363, 367; biogr. sketch, 362.

June 8-9. - Commencement exercises of the Academy Schools; the higher schools graduate 27 students. For the first time, the Academy awards the degree of Doctor of Theology; the recipients are: Bishop Emeritus Wm. F. Pendleton and the Rev. Alfred Acton. - Account in L. 553.

June 19. - A supper in honor of the Day is attended by 175 persons. - L. 555.

July 5. - A Memorial Tablet is unveiled on the north campus of the Academy, in honor of the 97 men who served in the war. - L. 556.

Aug. 8. - Death of Miss Laura H. Vickroy, aged 83 years; granddaughter of Mr. Thomas Vickroy, one of the earliest receivers of the Doctrines in America. - Obit., L. 624. Cf. Annals, 1:121;L. 1917:437.

Nov. 5. - Supper celebration of Charter Day. - L. 1927:18 (speech).

Dec. 25. - Bishop Emeritus Wm. F. Pendleton preaches the Christmas Day sermon, ("Truth and Freedom", - John 8:31, 32). It is his last appearance in the pulpit. - L. 1928:1-8.

Jamieson Corners, Oct. 3. - Death of Mr. George Schill, aged 66 years; one of the early, loyal lay supporters of Bishop Benade. - L. 752.

Pittsburgh, Feb. - Celebration of the 25th anniversary of the "Philosophy Club", organized by Rev. R. W. Brown in 1901. - L. 317.

Oct. 8-10. - 17th Pittsburgh District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Account in L. 808.

Dec. - The pastor reports 77 regular members in the Society, and 16 pupils in the Day School. - L. 807.




Colchester, Jan. 29. - A typical local celebration of Swedenborg's birthday. - L. J15; address, 348.

July 31-Aug. 2. - 20th British Assembly; the Rev. R. J. Tilson presiding; 96 present. - Full report in L. 1927:108-116. Cf. 684; addresses, 723,753.

Sept. 8. - A New Church Day School is re-opened, after a lapse of over twenty years; beginning with a kindergarten of eight pupils, in charge of Miss Muriel Gill, who has taken three years' teacher training in Bryn Athyn. - L. 684; 1927:61.

Oct. 10. - For the first time in its history, the Colchester Society holds a harvest thanksgiving service; 63 present. - L.1927:61.

The Hague, Oct. - The Hague Society reports 41 members; the Dutch Swedenborg Society 80. A member describes the work in L. 749.

N. d. - The Royal approval is granted the statutes of the Swedenborg Genootschap (Society), thus giving the Society a legal status in Holland. The organization has a membership of 80 persons who are interested in the reading and publication of Swedenborg's works. - L. Ware Christelilke Godsdienst, (Dec.1926).

N. d. - Valuable documents are published concerning Professor Rijklof Michael van Goens, (1748-1810), who was among the earliest readers of the Writings in Holland. - De Ware Christelijke Godsdienst, (Dec., 1926); L. 1927:125.

Laren, Jan. 5. - Six persons here are baptized into the New Church by the Revs. E. Pfeiffer and T. Pitcairn. - L. 127, 191.

Oslo, Nov. - The Rev. Gustaf Baeckstrm delivers well-advertised missionary lectures here; all expenses are paid by the admission fees. - Account in L.1927:116.

Nov. 14. - Seven persons organize the Norsk Swedenborg Selskap. (Norwegian Swedenborg Society); Dr. A. T. Boyesen, president. Meetings are held in the home of Miss Anna Boyesen, librarian and treasurer. - L. 1927:118; 1950:33.

Stockholm, Nov. 14. - Laying of the comer-stone of the first New Church Temple in Sweden, by the Rev. David Rundstrm, Pastor of the Stockholm Society. (General Convention), Described in Frsamlingsblad (Nov.-Dec.). Cf. L. 1927:126.



Nov. 30. - Miss Sigrid C. Odhner reports on her work on the Swedenborg documents in Sweden, from Aug., 1925, to Aug., 1926. - L.1927:1-11. Cf. 1924:400; 1925:81.

New Church Life, vol. 46.

The Adversaria (Extracts from). Trans. by Rev. A. Acton. - pp. 1, 65, 68, 288.

"Topics from the Writings", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - pp. 23,79, 200, 337, 572, 718.

Discussion on "The Writings and the Word", - pp. 104, 607, 670.

"Free Will", by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. - p. 209.

"The Authority of the Unpublished Writings", by Rev. A. Bjrck. - p. 224.

"Confession of Faith, or Confirmation", by Rev. F. E. Waelchli. - p. 263.

"Fifty Years of New Church Education", by Miss A. E. Grant. - p. 329.

"Missionary Work", by Rev. G. Baeckstrm. - p. 403-415. Disc. 415-425.

"A View of Early Academy Thought", by R. W. Childs, Esq. - p. 425.

"Academy Education in the Home", by Rev. W. B. Caldwell. - p. 463.

"The Sources of Early Christian Thought", by Rev. H. L. Odhner. - pp. 582, 642.

"New Church Education: Its outlook and hope", by Rev. F. W. Elphick. - p. 723.

"Providing a Repository in the Home", - p. 771. Cf. 1927:418.

"Why and how the Word conjoins with Heaven", by Rev. H. L. Odhner. - p. 773.


ACADEMY OF THE NEW CHURCH: The Academy of the New Church: 1876-1926: An
Anniversary Record. By members of the Faculty of the Academy Schools, Bryn Athyn, Pa. Edited by William Whitehead. Bryn Athyn. Paper, 119pp. Reviewed in A Nova Igreia (Oct.-Dec., 1926).

SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL: Hemelsche Verborgenheden (Arcana Coelestia) Vol. I. The Hague: Swedenborg Genootschap (Society). Cloth, 627pp. Reviewed in L. 1927:161.



WHITTINGTON, C. J.: A Brief Introduction to the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. By a layman. London: New Church Press, Ltd. Buckram 133pp. Reviewed in L. 1927:104-107.


America. United States. Opening of the Sesquicentennial Exposition, Philadelphia

(May 31).

Germany. Germany is admitted to the League of Nations (Sept. 8).

Great Britain. General strike paralyzes Britain (May 3-12). Parliament passes act making general strike criminal conspiracy against nation.




- April 2. - Death of David William Mooki, in his 48th year. Native New Church leader in South Africa since 1909; and one of the founders of "The New Church of Africa", (Jan. 1911). An eloquent and gifted New Church apostle. - Biogr. sketch, with photo, N. C. Herald, vol. 8:358. Cf. L. 445.

Alpha, O. F. S., Jan. 11-31. - Annual theological classes and meetings of the leaders and teachers of the Mission. The problem of native polygamy is ventilated. - Account in L. 314.

Dec. - The Superintendent of the South African Mission, Rev. F. W. Elphick, gives a vivid account of a round trip to the majority of the missions in Basutoland and the Union. - L. 755.

Durban, Feb. 6. - The Kainon School opens with 25 pupils and two fully qualified teachers. A kindergarten is also started. - L. 317.

N. d. - An Australian visitor writes a vivid and interesting description of the Church and its services here. - New Age, 42:18; L. 632.


Summer. - The Rev. H. Heinrichs (Denver) visits circles and families in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, (also Oregon and Washington). Report in L. ,760.

Kitchener, Ont., N. d. - Resignation of the pastor, (Rev. L. W. T. David) - L. 765.

Toronto, Ont., N. d. - To the Olivet Church Day School of six grades, is now added a kindergarten. - L. 254.

Oct. 13-16. - 16th Ontario District Assembly; the Bishop presiding. Mr. Jacob G. Stroh narrates the early history of the Church in Kitchener. New Church education is a leading theme. - Full report in L.1928:42-54, 57; paper, 20.

Nov. 9. - Memorial meetings for the late Bishop Emeritus, Wm. F. Pendleton. - L. 1928:58. Cf.16.

Washington, D. C., May 14-15. - Fourth Local Assembly of the Washington and Arbutus societies; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Account in L. 442.

Los Angeles, July 1 - Aug. 4. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli makes the annual pastoral visit. - Report in L. 631.



Glenview, June 19. - Joint celebration of New Church Day by the Chicago and Glenview societies. - Account in L. 504.

Sept . 19. - The Day School opens with 48 pupils and 5 teachers, in addition to the pastor. - L. 635.

Oct. 21-23. - 23rd Chicago District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. Its leading feature is the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Glenview Society. Bishop Emeritus W. F. Pendleton sends (via phonograph), a historic message. Eight lay men describe the several periods of the Immanuel Church; two members retire its remaining mortgage of $11,000; and a souvenir book Early Days of the Immanuel Church, (96pp), is published. - Full account in L. 730-748. Cf. 759. For text of Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton's "Message", see Nelson. pp. ix-x.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 12. - Founders' Day celebration includes a pageant representing each decade of the Academy's history. - L. 124.

Jan. 31.- Feb. 6. - 31st annual meetings of the Council of the Clergy; 22 ministers attending. Three of the sessions are shared with the Academy Faculty; 52 present. - Report in L. 168,173; papers, 193, 206, 214, 321.

Feb. 4. - Philadelphia District Assembly; about 350 present. General theme, "Development". - Report in L. 170.

Feb. 5. - Annual meeting of the Joint Council. The standard of admission into New Church schools is discussed at length. - Full account and reports in L. 173-185.

April 17. - The Easter services are attended by just under 1200 persons. - L. 383.

- During the spring and summer, Sunday afternoon missionary services are conducted by the Rev. Messrs. T. Pitcairn and K. R. Alden. The average attendance is 176, the highest being 281. - L. 573.

June 11. - Annual meeting of the Academy Corporation and Faculties. - Account and reports in J. E.. Cf. L. 445.

June 15. - Commencement exercises of the Academy Schools; 31 students are graduated from the higher schools. - Account in L. 445.

July 5. - Death of Mrs. Samuel (Elizabeth Keppler) Hicks, in an automobile accident, in her 71st year. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks were amongst the earliest pioneers in the Settlement of Bryn Athyn; and their home was a favorite center of social life. - L. 512; obit. 508.



Sept. 14. - Opening exercises of the Academy Schools; total enrollment, 275. - L. 700.

Nov. 4. - Charter Day is observed by a service and banquet. Gifts of flowers are made to the two surviving founders of the Academy, Bishop Emeritus Wm. F. Pendleton and Mr. Walter C. Childs. - L. 764.

Nov. 5. - Death of Bishop Emeritus William Frederic Pendleton, in his 83rd year. - L. 768. Obit., (ed.) 728; last photo, 705. See also pp. 760, 674, 765. Memorial services in various societies, 1927:765; 1928:16, 58, 122, 506; memorial resolution, 174.

Nov. 7. - Funeral services and memorial meeting for Bishop Emeritus Pendleton. - L. 764; addresses, 1928:8, 13.

Pittsburgh, Oct. 28-30. - Annual Pittsburgh District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. About 80 attending. - Report in L. 753.

Sydney, N. d. - The Sunday School now has 50 pupils. - L. 568.


Brussels, March 15. - Death of the Rev. Ernst Deltenre, aged 51 years. Pastor of the Brussels Society, and editor of the bi-monthly, La Nouvelle Jerusalem. A Catholic and gifted lawyer, he was converted by one of Swedenborg's books, given by a Jesuit friend. - L. 255,256;320; biogr. sketch, 297. Cf. 1928:244. Also La Nouvelle Jerusalem. Nov., (Memorial no., with photo.).

Colchester, July 3D-Aug. 1. - 21st British Assembly; the Rev. R. J. Tilson presiding. A large attendance of young people. - Full report in L. 1927:691; photo. 641; papers, 641, 651.

London, Feb. 16. - Death of Mr. E. William Misson, in his 58th year; an indefatigable worker in the Michael Church for nearly 40 years. - L. 320; obit., 314.

April 5. - At a large special gathering in honor of his 70th birthday, the Rev. R. J. Tislon, pastor of the Michael Church, is presented with a framed testimonial, accompanied by seventy gold guineas. - L. 439.

Nov. 14. - Death of Mrs. Frederick Urwick, aged 69 years; sister of Mrs. W. H. Benade; one of the earliest agents of New Church Life. L. 1928:256; obit., 254.



Sidmouth, Devonshire, March 28. - Death of Mr. Charles James Whittington. - L. 1927:384. Biogr. sketch, L. 1928:57-38. Obituaries in The Times (London), March 30; The Financial Times, March 30. (Photo. of Mr. and Mrs. Whittington in L. 1928:1.)

The Hague, N.d. - The Dutch Swedenborg Society reports 92 members; and the General Church Society, 48. - L. 573.

- In February and October, the Rev. G. Baeckstrm makes second and third visits to Norway. - Described in L. 367; 1928:54.

New Church Life, vol. 47.

"The Swedenborg Documents", (Work in Sweden, 1925-1926), by Miss S. Cyriel Odhner. - p. 1.

"The Academy's Charter", by R. W. Childs, Esq. - p. 18.

"Morality and Tolerance", by Rev. H.L. Odhner. - p. 27.

Discussion on "Evolution". - pp. 50, 249.

"Ancient Rituals and Modern Faith", by Bishop N.D. Pendleton. - p. 65.

"Morality without Religion", by Rev. H. Synnestvedt. - p. 76.

"Spiritism and the Heavenly Doctrine", by Joao de Mendonca Lima. - p. 87.

"The Academy University of the Future", by Miss A. E. Grant. - p. 193. "Substances divided are multiplied", (on discrete degrees), by Rev. W. L. Gladish. - p. 214.

"Assessor Swedenborg", by Miss S. Cyriel Odhner. - p. 225.

"The Ministry of Blessing", by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. - p. 321.

"The Twofold Divine", by Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton. - p. 366.

"The Ancient Word", (What is meant by the direction to search for it), by Mr. Stanley E. Parker. - p. 429.

"China and Great Tartary", by Mr. Stanley E. Parker. - p. 489. Cf. pp. 494, 497.

"The Visible God of the Heavens", by Rev. A. Bjck. - p. 713. Cf. L. Dec. 1926:753; 1928:309.



Journal of Education, (A. N. C.), 1927.

Living Mathematics, by Rev. C. E. Doering. - p. 65.

Evolution and Heredity, by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 81.

The New Philosophy, (A. N. C.), 1927.

Swedenborg's early Physiology, by Rev. L.F. Hite. - p. 254.

The operating causes of bird migration, by Rev. W. B. Caldwell. - p. 270.


ACTON, REV. ALFRED: An Introduction to the Word Explained. Bryn Athyn, Pa. Academy of the New Church. Cloth, 164pp. Reviewed in L. 1928:151; New Church Herald, May 12, 1928. 296pp.

BAECKSTROM. GUSTAF: Swedenborg, a brief presentation of his development from Scientist and Philosopher to Seer: and a few Outlines of his Doctrines. Appelviken, Stockholm: Bokforlaget Nova Ecclesia. Paper, 12mo. 152pp. Reviewed in L. 1928:159.

DANIEL, SIR JOHN: The Philosophy of Ancient Britain. London: Williams and Norgate, Ltd. 277pp. Reviewed in L. 1927:663; Quarterly Review, July, 1927.

FOA, EUGENIA: Mystery of Castle Pierrefitte. Translated from the French, by Amena Pendleton. New York: Longmans, Green and Co. 226pp. Noted in L. 1927:685.

NELSON, SEYMOUR GEBRIEL: (compiler) The early days of the Immanuel Church of the New Jerusalem. (Edited by Wm. Whitehead). The Immanuel Church, Glenview, Ill. Paper 96pp. Illus. Published in commemoration of the society's fiftieth anniversary (1877-1927). Noticed in L. 1929:95.

ODHNER, REV. CARL THEOPHILUS: The Mythology of the Greeks and Romans. Edited by William Hyde Alden and William Whitehead. Bryn Athyn, Pa. The Academy Book Room. Cloth, crown octave, 125pp., Illus. Reviewed in L. 1927:604: New Church Review, Jan., 1928; New Church Herald. Oct. 22, 1927.

ODHNER, REV. HUGO L.: First Elements of the True Christian Religion. An introductory Catechism for the New Church. Adapted to the needs of the schools, homes and missions of the General Church of the New Jerusalem. Bryn Athyn, Pa. Academy Book Room. Cloth 18, mo., 84pp. Reviewed in L. 1928:100.

SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL: Hemelsche Verborsenheden (Arcana Coelestia) Vol. II, nos. 114-2134, Genesis x-xvii. Translated into Dutch by Mr. Anton Zelling. The Hague; Swedenborg Genootschap (Society). Cloth, 640pp. Noticed in L.1928:240.



SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL: Het Huwelijk (De Conjugio, or On Marriage) The Hague, Holland: The Swedenborg Society. Cloth, 18mo., 126pp. Reviewed in L. 927:602.

TILSON, REV. R. J.: (compiler) A Special Antiphon, and a Response to the Ten Commandments. Music by Mr. C. J. Whittington. London: Published by the Compiler. Paper, 8pp. Reviewed in L. 1927:605.


America. Nicaragua. U. S. Marines sent to Nicaragua to protect U. S. interests (Jan. 6). Withdrawn, 1933.

United States. Captain Charles A. Lindbergh, U. S. air mail pilot, makes first New York-Paris non-stop flight.

Asia. China. U.S. Marines landed in China to protect property in civil war (March 5).




Alpha, Jan. 20-29. - Annual meetings of the Mission; 15 leaders and 5 teachers attend. A "Native Council" of 6 leaders is elected to cooperate with the Superintendent. Account in L. 312; Cf. 507.

May 6. - Dedication of a church building at Mafika-Lisiu; over 600 Basutos attend. - L. 508.

Dec. 19. - The Alpha Mission Church is struck by lightning, and entirely destroyed by fire. - L. 1929:252; see photos in L. 1925: (November) 625.


Kitchener, Ont., May 24-27. - 17th Ontario District Assembly; Bishop de Charms presiding. Full account in L. 501-5, 508.

Sept. - The Rev. Alan Gill (New York) commences his pastorate in the Carmel Church. - L. 317.

Toronto, Ont., March 20. - Death of Mr. Robert Carswell, in his 90th year. President of the Carswell Co. Ltd., law book publishers, he was the first to found an exclusive law book trade in Canada. A convert from Methodism in the early 70's, he was active in the Elm St. Society and the Canada Association, and later became President of the Parkdale Society now called the Olivet Church, of which he was the sole surviving founder member. - L. 318; biogr. sketch, with photo, 385. Cf. 375.

N. d. - The Rev. H. L. Odhner resigns the pastorate of the Olivet Church. - L. 379.

Sept. 1. - The Rev. F. E. Gyllenhaal commences duties of the pastorate of the Olivet Church. - L. 445, 511.

Sept. - The Olivet Church school has only 8 pupils this year (4 grades). - L. 1929:62.

Washington, D. C., N. d. - The Washington Society has hitherto held its services in private homes, but now rents a Hall at 1811, H St., N. W. - L. 518, 814.

Los Angeles, Sept. - The Rev. Hendrik Boef becomes pastor of the Los Angeles Circle, which now organizes as a regular Society of the General Church. - L. 813.



Glenview, N.d. - Candidate Norman Reuter is engaged as Assistant to the Pastor of the Immanuel Church. - L. 380.

June 16. - Closing exercises of the elementary school. Described in L. 511.

Oct. 7. - Death of Mr. Nels Johnson, aged 81 years. Superintendent of one of the Chicago parks. A deeply read student of the Writings, and a man of stalwart Integrity and loyalty who had the affection of all New Church men. He leaves his entire estate to the Church in Chicago and Stockholm. - L. 744; obit., 741, 813. Cf. 1929:177.

Oct. 1-2-14. - 24th Chicago District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; about 200 persons attend. - Report in L. 802; address, 1929:9.

New York City, April 5. - Death of Miss Eliza Mitchell, aged 87 years at Yonkers; a member of the Academy movement since 1877. - L. 318, 444; obit., 316.

May 6. - Local Assembly; Bishop N.D. Pendleton presiding. - L. 444.

Cincinnati, Aug. 6. - Death of Colon Schott Esq., aged 65 years; a well-known lawyer and an assiduous student of the Writings. He was regarded as "the father of the Cincinnati Circle". - L. 664; obit., 663.

Wyoming, March. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli makes his annual pastoral trip to Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida. Account in L. 314.

Sept. -Nov. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli makes his annual pastoral trip visit to California, Oregon, and Washington. - Account in L.1929:58.

Nov. - The Wyoming Circle at present consists of 14 adults and 11 children; pastor, Rev. F. E. Waelchli. - L.1929:61.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 12. - Founders' Day is celebrated by the Academy Corporation and Faculty at a social evening. - L. 125.

Jan. 31-Feb. 4. - 32nd annual meeting of the Council of the Clergy, Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; 25 present. Three sessions are held with the educators. - Account in L. 173-7; papers, 193, 227; L. 1928:185, 228, 244.

Feb. 3. - Philadelphia District Assembly banquet; 350 attending; general theme, "The Origin of Man" - Full report in L. 177; addressed, 275, 279, 286, 291.

Feb. 4. - 35th Joint Council; 34 ministers and laymen present. After full discussion, the early ordination of the Rev. George de Charms is announced. - Account and reports in L. 179-189; bishop's statement, 164-5.



March 11. - Ordination of the Rev. George de Charms into the episcopal degree, by Bishop N.D. Pendleton. Full account, with biogr. and historical resume of inauguration since the title of Bishop was adopted in 1883, in L. 246, 247-250; photo.. 193.

March 19. - The young people between high-school age and 35 years hold a banquet to discuss their part in the uses of the society, especially as to the proposed new community hall; 175 attend. - L. 315.

May 11. - Bishop De Charms will succeed the Rev. E. E. Iungerich as head of the Academy's College department. The Bryn Athyn Society confirms the nomination of the Rev. H. L. Odhner as an Assistant Pastor. The society also approves the proposed erection of an Assembly Hall. - L. 381.

June 11. - The Academy Schools present a religious pageant, "The Story of Joseph". - Described in L. 515.

June 13. - Commencement exercises of the Academy Schools; 25 graduates. Degrees given: 4 B. Th., I. B. S.; also the honorary degree of D. Th., to the Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - L. 516.

June 17. - Ordinations of Messrs. Hendrik Willem Boef, Victor Jeremiah Gladish, Vincent Carmond Odhner, and Norman Harold Reuter into the first degree of the priesthood. - L. 520.

Sept. - Dr. Alfred Acton is given a year's leave of absence abroad, to engage in Swedenborgiana research. - L. 1929:187.

Sept. 19. - 52nd Academy school year opens, with an enrollment of 268 students. The Rev. Messrs. H. Synnestvedt, H.L. Odhner, and L. W. T. David join the Academy Faculty. - L. 126, 317, 662.

Dec. 23. - Dedication of the north group of the Cathedral buildings (i.e. the Choir Hall, etc.), by Bishop De Charms. The presentation is made by Raymond Pitcairn, Esq. - Account in L. 1929:126, 187; photos. 1930:76, 77.

Pittsburgh, Sept. 2. - The Rev. E. E. Iungerich succeeds the Rev. H. Synnestvedt as pastor of the Pittsburgh Society. - L. 317.

Sept. 17. - The School opens with 12 pupils and 2 teachers. - L. 662.

Dec. 12. - The Society acquires a residential property, 175 x 600 ft., on Homewood Avenue, on which to build a church, school, assembly hall and parsonage. - L. 662; 1929:180.


Bristol, March 16. - Death of Miss Ida Hauser, in her 73rd year; a zealous member of the Burton Rd. Church, London. - L. 318.



London. Feb. 12. - Death of Mr. David Denny, aged 78 years; one of the earliest, active lay supporters of the Academy of the New Church since 1890. - L. 256, obit., 254.

Aug. 3. - Meeting of the Council of the Clergy, at the Michael Church, Burton Rd.; Bishop Pendleton presiding; 30 ministers present. Principal discussion concerns the revision of the Liturgy. - L. 730; group photo, 449; Cf. 731.

Aug. 7, 8, 10. - Open meetings of the Council of the Clergy. L. 654, 655; papers and addresses with discussions, 584, 596, 577, 621, 672.

Aug. 4-12. - Thirteenth General Assembly of the General Church, held at Victoria House, Bloomsbury Square; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. 304 persons attend. The authorities at the British Museum place on exhibition for Assembly week the copy of the Brief Exposition bearing Swedenborg's inscription, "Hic liber est Adventus Domini". The Rev. H.L. Odhner is approved as Secretary of the General Church. Society building, church extension, and the revival of a calendar for daily reading of the Writings, are among the leading topics. - Journal in L. 652-6; reports, 773-802; papers, addresses and discussions, 449, 521, 533, 557, 563, 577, 584, 596, 601, 640, 690; banquet, 711; Impressions, 767, 769, 770; photos of Victoria Hall, 601. Cf. 731.

Aug. 5. - Ordinations of the Rev. R. J. Tilson (London) Into the episcopal degree; the Rev. Messrs. Henry Leonardos and Joao de Mendonca Lima (Rio de Janeiro) into the ministerial and pastoral degrees; and the Rev. Messrs. Elmo Acton and Victor J. Gladish into the pastoral degree. Bishop N.D. Pendleton officiates. - L. 476. Cf. 478-481.

Aug. 12. - Ordination of Mr. Moffat Mcanyana, a native leader of the Zulu Mission in South Africa, by Bishop N.D. Pendleton. - L. 477.

Oslo, N.d. - The Rev. G. Baeckstrm makes a fourth missionary trip to Norway, including a lecture at the University of Oslo, to about 300 persons. - L. 316.

Stockholm, Oct.-Nov. - The Rev. G. Baeckstrm makes three further missionary journeys in Sweden and Norway. - Account in L. 1929:101-6.

Dec. 30. - The Nya Dagligt Allehanda publishes an account of Dr. Acton and his work in Sweden. - L. 1929:249.

New Church Life, vol. 48.

"In Memory of the Bishop Emeritus", (The Rt. Rev. Wm. F. Pendleton), by Bishop N. D. Pendleton and Rev. G. de Charms. - pp. 8, 13.



"The Psalmody", by Mr. Nathaniel Stroh. - p. 38. Cf. 35.

"A Revealed Estimate of Philosophy", by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 77.

"The New Church and Physical Healing", (comm.) by Rev. Leslie Marshall. - p. 115. Cf. pp. 120, 172.

"The Word and the Human Form", by Rev. L. W. T. David. - p. 193.

"Why I am a Swedenborgian", by Mr. Donald F. Rose. - p. 215.

"John Flaxman: Sculptor, Artist and New Churchman", (illus.), by Mr. Arthur Carter. - pp. 257, 334, 427.

"Divine Authority: The Acceptance of the Revelations Given through Swedenborg", by Rev. G. A. Sexton. - p. 321.

"What Constitutes Heresy In the New Church?" by Rev. F. W. Elphick. - p. 350.

"Address to the 13th General Assembly", (Review of the early establishment of the New Church in England), by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. - pp. 449-468. Cf. pp. 468-475.

"Divine Government and Human Freedom of Choice", by Rev. A. Acton. - P. 533. Cf. p. 557.

"The New Church in Holland", by Rev. Ernst Pfeiffer. - pp. 563-577.

"Progress", by Rev. A. Bjrck. - p. 584. Cf. p. 596.

"The First Love", by Rev. R. Morse. - p. 621. Cf. p. 629.

"The New Church and the Modern State", by Rev. W. Whitehead. - p. 672. Cf. p. 684.

Journal of Education. (A. N. C.), 1928.

The Subconscious as a factor in education, by Rev. H.L. Odhner. - p. 185.

The Academy's adaptations to science, by C. R. Pendleton. - p. 204.

The Hittites, by Eldric S. Klein. - p. 244.

The New Philosophy, (A. N. C.), 1928.

Swedenborg vs minute philosophers, by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 449.

Swedenborg's idea of gravitation, by Rev. R. W. Brown. - p. 456.



PENDLETON, RT. REV. WILLIAM FREDERIC, D. TH.: Topics from the Writings. Bryn Athyn, Pa.: Academy Book Room. Cloth, crown 8 vo. 249pp. Reviewed in L.1929:232 (2nd edition In 1946).

PEIFFER, REV. ERNST: (compiler) Handboek voor de Algemeene Kerk van het Nieuwe Jeruzalem in Nederland. (Handbook for the General Church of the New Jerusalem in Holland). The Hague: Swedenborg Society. Crown octave, half cloth, 192pp. Reviewed in L. 1929:48.


Germany. Capt. Hugo Eckener flies the dirigible Graf Zeppelin from Friedrichshafen to Lakehurst, N. J. (Oct. 11-15).

Russia. Trotsky exiled from Russia (Jan. 16).




Alpha, O. F. S., Jan. 22-29. - Annual meeting of the leaders and teachers from Natal, Zululand, Transvaal and Basutoland. - Account in L. 252.

Feb.-June. - The Superintendent visits all the Mission centers, traveling over 4,000 miles. - L. 631.

June 16. - Dedication of the rebuilt Mission Church. - L. 631.

Sept. 28-Oct. 1. - The South African Mission holds its first General Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. Over 700 persons attend, including the majority of the ministers, leaders and teachers. The Paramount Chief of Basutoland sends a message of greeting. Ten leaders are ordained into the first degree, and five ministers into the pastoral degree. At a Council, ministers and leaders discuss with the Bishop problems respecting native customs, marriage, and their relation to the teaching of the Church. Full illustrated account in L. 1930:1-17; photos, 15, 16, 172, 283, 672, 673, 686. A vivid and valuable article ("South African Memories"), by Mrs. N.D. (Beatrice Childs) Pendleton, appears in L. 1930:18-40.

Durban, Sept. 11-14. - First South African Assembly of the General Church. Reports in S. A. N. C. Open Letter, December (Assembly No.); L.1930:22-23, 251.

July-Aug. - The Rev. Henry Heinrichs visits the isolated members in the Canadian Northwest, - especially in the newly opened territory of the Peace River Valley, - "the last large and really desirable farming territory on this continent available for homesteading". A vivid account appears in L. 759-762; Cf. 1930:183.

Kitchener, Ont., April 20. - The men of the Kitchener and Toronto societies discuss the establishment of a New Church High School in Canada. - L. 385.

Sept. 3. - The Carmel Church Day School opens with 21 pupils, and two full-time teachers. - L. 632.



Oct. 18. - A fire does serious damage to the church building. - L. 762.

Toronto, Ont., June 30-July 1. - Annual meeting of the "Sons of the Academy". Full report in Bulletin S. A. (Sept.). Cf. L. 566, 511, 689, address, 665.

Sept. 3. - Reopening of the Olivet Church Day School, with 9 pupils and one teacher. - L. 699.

Washington, D. C., May 5-6. - District Assembly; Rev. Homer Synnestvedt presiding. - L. 380.

Los Angeles, June 19. - The name "Gabriel Church of the New Jerusalem" is unanimously adopted for the General Church Society here. - L. 574.

June 27-Sept. - Annual visit of the Rev. F. E. Waelchli to groups in California, Oregon, and Washington. Account in L. 692.

Sept. - The Rev. Hendrik W. Boef is now pastor of the Los Angeles Society. - L. 637. Cf. 692.

Atlanta, Aug. 20. - Death of Mr. James Coleman Pendleton, in his 77th year; son of Dr. Edmund M. Pendleton, and a New Churchman since the days of the Rev. J. R Hibbard, by whom he was baptized. - L. 640.

Glenview, Aug. 28. - Death of Dr. John Blair Smith King, in his 75th year. A noted homeopathic physician, author and editor; president of the International Hahnemanian Association in 1913; a frequent contributor to New Church periodicals; and an active member of the Glenview Society from its inception. - L. 640; obit., 629,633.

Sept. 15. - The Immanuel Day School opens with about 40 pupils and three teachers. - L. 632.

Oct. 4. - At the semi-annual meeting of the Immanuel Church, a membership of 124 is reported; also that the society is now raising over $10, 000 a year for general expenses, over and above the support of the pastor. - L. 698.

Nov. 13-14. - The Immanuel Church commemorates its founding. - Account in L. 1930:60.

Cincinnati, (Wyoming), June 19. - A characteristic celebration in a small society which "is still small enough to sit around one large table". - Account in L. 571.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 1. - The General Church publishes a Calendar of daily readings from the Word and the Writings. - L. 1928:816.

Jan. - Bryn Athyn suffers severely from the influenza epidemic; one father and son die; and the local school is closed for two weeks. - L. 127.

Jan. 6. - For the first time, the new Choir Hall is used for a musical program by the "Bryn Athyn String Quartet"; 250 persons attend. - L. 188.

Jan. 11. - Death of Mr. Samuel Simons, in his 52nd year; a zealous and respected worker in the Philadelphia and Bryn Athyn societies. - L. 128; obit., 127. Cf. 177.



Jan. 19. - The 55th anniversary of "Founders' Day" is celebrated in a notable banquet at "Cairncrest". - Account in L. 188.

Jan. 29. - Lively school celebration of Swedenborg's birthday. - L. 191.

Feb. 5-8. - The 33rd annual meeting of the Council of the Clergy; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; 21 present. Pastoral topics predominate. Three joint sessions with teachers; 58 attending. - Report in L. 296-300.

Feb. 9. - 36th annual Joint Council; 35 present. It is generally agreed that the support of local schools is the primary duty of the individual society. - Full reports in L. 302-313.

Feb. 23. - Death of Dr. Felix Ariel Boericke, in his 72nd year. Originally a student of metallurgy, he succeeded to the direction of the firm of Boericke and Tafel. An active and generous supporter of the Swedenborg Scientific Association from its beginnings; and a valued officer in the Academy and the General Church. - L. 256; biogr. sketch and address, 193; photo., 193; memorial resolution, 1930:296.

March. - The Rev. H. L. Odhner becomes editor of The Bulletin of the Sons of the Academy now a semi-annual since October, 1927; Rev. Vincent C. Odhner is assistant-editor. - L. 230.

April 22. - Death of Mr. Benjamin Glenn Smith, aged 59, architect; a student in the early Academy schools. - L. 384.

June 9. - The Bryn Athyn Society, in cooperation with the Academy, authorizes the construction of a new Assembly Hall. - L. 443.

June 13-14. - Commencement exercises of the Academy Schools. The honorary degree of Ph. D. is conferred upon the Rev. Chas. E. Doering. - L. 443.

Sept. 11. - Opening exercises of the Academy Schools; with a total enrollment of 299 students. - Account in L. 700-702.

Sept. 22, 29. - Dr. Alfred Acton delivers two 2-hour lectures, summarizing his year's discoveries and experiences in Europe, in search of Swedenborgiana. - General account in L. 700-702.

Nov. 8. - Bishop N. D. Pendleton addresses the Society on his experiences in Europe and Africa. - L. 766.

Philadelphia, Sept. 7. - Death of Mr. William Frederick Roehner, in his 85th year. Coming from Wrtemburg in 1844, he soon received the Doctrines; and was connected with the Academy movement and the Advent Society from the beginning. - Obit., L. 640.



Pittsburgh, Feb. 3. - The Wallingford St., building is profitably sold to the "Church of Latter Day Saints". - L. 570. Cf. 180.

June 19. - Laying of the cornerstone of a new church building on Le Roi Road; Bishop N.D. Pendleton officiating. - Full account, with architect's sketch, in L. 449. Cf. 506, 570.

Sept. - Church services and school are held temporarily in members' homes. - L. 570, 637.

Dec. 5. - Death of Mrs. Eldred E. Iungerich (Elizabeth A. Simons), aged 56 years. A gifted teacher of Botany in the Philadelphia High School for Girls (1897-1906), and later in the Academy Schools. As a pastor's wife, her spirit and competence were known throughout the General Church. - L. 1930:63; obit., 125.


- N. d. - Sunday morning services are now being held in the two cities of Rio de Janeiro and Curityba (capital of the state of Parana). - L. 1930:181.

Sydney, N. d. - The Rev. Richard Morse gives additional land to the Society. - L. 248.


Colchester, May 23. - Celebration of the Golden Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Appleton. - Described in L. 437.

June 23. - A typical English celebration of New Church Day is reported in L. 569.

Aug. 3-5. - 22nd British Assembly; Bishop Tilson presiding. From 65 to 110 attend the sessions. Full account in L. 1930:117-122; addresses and papers, 78, 140, 151. Cf. 175.

Oct. 29. - Bishop N. D. Pendleton visits the Society. He appoints the Rev. Victor J. Gladish as pastor, at the society's request. - L. 1930:57.

Oct. 10. - Celebration of the completion, by Bishop Tilson, of fifty years of ministerial labors. Prominent ministers of the General Conference take part. - Account in L. 755-7.



Oct. 30. - A British Chapter of the Sons of the Academy is organized; President, Mr. J. S. Pryke (Northampton). - L.1930:57.

Nov. 11. - Death of Mr. James Waters, aged 76 years. An artist and illustrator, he was introduced to the Church by a fellow-artist, Mr. Frederick Elphick. Of strong intellectual convictions, he joined the Academy movement in 1891, and the General Church in 1897. - Obit. in L. 1930:124.

Nov. - The Rev. G. Baeckstrm makes his seventh lecture tour to Norway. - Account in L. 1930:62.

Feb. - The Rev. G. Baeckstrm makes three missionary lecture journeys in Sweden and Norway. - Account, with photo., in L. 385-9.

Aug. -Sept. - The Rev. G. Baeckstrm makes three further missionary lecture tours. - Described in L.1930:61.


New Church Life, vol. 49.

"Lecture at Colchester (1816), by Robert Hindmarsh", (with photos.). - pp. 1,257.

"Society Uses: Doctrinal Class and Social Life", by Rev. H. Heinrichs. - p. 16.

"The Sacraments: Their Use and Power", by Rt. Rev. R. J. Tilson. - p. 19.

Discussion on the Writings and the Word. - pp. 56, 115, 119, 167, 171, 236, 243, 369, 378.

"The Swedenborg Society" (with photo. of "Swedenborg House"). - p. 65.

Discussion on "The Name of the Church". - pp. 155, 157, 158, 231.

"Swedenborg and the Last Judgment", by Rev. A. Bjrck. - p. 264.

"Swedenborg's last lodgings in London", (with photos. and diagram). - p. 321.

"The Glorified Body", by Rev. W. L. Gladish. - p. 332.

"Emerson's Title for 'Swedenborg'," by Mr. Clarence Hotson. - p. 390. Cf. pp.293, 366, 560.

"Living in a New Church Community", by Rev. G. H. Smith. - p. 399.

"The Everlasting Gospel and the New Church", by Rt. Rev. G. de Charms. - p. 460.

"From the Internal Sense of the Writings:, by Prof. Dr. Charles H. van Os. (Three papers, trans. from the Dutch), by Rev. Ernst Pfeiffer). - p. 532.



Discussion on "The Sources of Doctrine", by Mr. Stanley E. Parker and the Editor. - pp. 549, 553.

"The Colchester Society: Recollections of the Early Days, 1880-1897". (with photos.), by Mr. G. A. McQueen. - pp. 577, 641, 721.

"The Limitations of Science", by Prof. C. R. Pendleton. - p. 665.

Journal of Education, (A. N. C.), 1929.

The Mechanical Age, by H. F. Pitcairn. - p. 121.

The New Philosophy. (A. N. C.), 1929.

Swedenborg's Chemistry, by Rev. L. F. Hite. - p.8.

Swedenborg and his scientific reviewers, by A. Acton. - p. 19. Continuing until 1945, p. 241.


BAECKSTRM, REV. GUSTAF: Herrens Bon (The Lord's Prayer) Stockholm: New Noticed in Church Book Room. Paper. A collection of Sermons in Swedish. L. 1929:295.

ELPHICK, REV. F. W.: The Order of Teaching, Leading and Blessing through the Ages. Printed and Published by the General Church Mission at Alpha, Ladybrand, O. F. S. South Africa. Paper, 50pp. (In English, Sesuto and Zulu). Reviewed in L. 1930:174.

SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL: Hemeische Verborgenheden (Arcana Coelestia) Vol. IV, nos. 2894-3750, Genesis xxiii-xxviii. The Hague: Swedenborg Genootschap (Society). Cloth, 710pp. Described in L. 1930:116.


America. United States. President Hoover proclaims the Kellogg-Briand Anti-War Treaty in effect. (July 24).

Great stock market crash destroys values estimated at fifty billion dollars by end of 1931 (Oct. 29). American depression begins.

Italy. The Papal State is re-created under the name of the State of Vatican City (June 7).




Alpha, O. F. S., June 13. - The educational and industrial uses of the South African Mission are reviewed in L. 671-4, 686, (photos.). New Church Day is celebrated in Alpha, Basutoland, Transvaal, Natal, and Zululand.


Summer. - The Rev. H. Heinrichs does pastoral work in the Northwest, visiting individuals and groups at ten points in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia, including 34 persons in the growing Peace River District. - Account in L. 742.

Kitchener, Ont., Feb. 17. - Death of Mr. Richard Roschman, aged nearly 82 years. After serving in the Franco-Prussian war, he emigrated to Kitchener, becoming a successful manufacturer and a stalwart member in the councils of the General Church. - L. 254, 252; obit. with photo., 235. Cf. 1927:83.

Sept. 2. - The Carmel Church Day School opens with 32 pupils. - L. 746.

Montreal, Quebec, Aug. - The Rev. F. E. Gyllenhaal initiates a small Circle of General Church members here. - L. 1931:60.

Toronto, Ont., July 23. - Death of Dr. Henry Becker, aged 72 years, at Katrine, Ont. A prominent physician in Canada, he was, at the time of his death, President of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Coming into the Church through the casual picking up of a volume of the Writings in a Philadelphia doctor's office, he became, for 30 years, a devoted member of the General Church and the Olivet Society. - L. 608; obit., 607, 677.

Aug. 12. - Death of the Rev. John Eby Bowers, aged 91 years. Baptized into the Church at 21; ordained by Rev. J. P. Stuart in 1873; pastor at Frankford, Pa., (1873-7) and Toronto (1877-9), he became a general missionary and visiting pastor for the Canada and Pennsylvania Associations (1884-1891), and for the General Church (1897-1924). Loved in many homes as their visiting pastor, he brought more students to the Academy Schools than any other single man. - L. 687; biogr. L. 1930:659, 678.


Los Angeles, July 4. - Sept. 7. - Annual pastoral visit of Rev. F. E. Waelchli to the groups on the Pacific coast. - Account in L. 744.

Oakland, Aug. 8. - Death of Mrs. Annie Maria Chapman Jordan, aged 85 years. Wife of the Rev. L. G. Jordan, and well-known in early Academy days. Her father, the Hon. Benjamin Kingsbury, Jr., was a New Churchman, and well known as editor, municipal judge, and thrice-elected Mayor of Portland, Maine. - L. 687, 744; obit., 682.



Glenview, Jan. 7. - The "New Church Reading Meeting" celebrates its tenth anniversary. Since January, 1920, it has met about 350 times. - L. 127.

Oct. 10-12. 25th Chicago District Assembly of the General Church; Bishop de Charms presiding. Full report in L. 1931:42-9; addresses, 257, 10. Cf. 1930:812,813.

Oct. - The Immanuel Church reports 130 members; also 52 pupils in the Day School. - L. 746.

Laurelton, L. I., Nov. 8. - Death of Mrs. F. O. Breitstein (Maria Czerny), aged 66 years; sister of the Rev. Andrew Czerny, and one of the earliest members of the New York Society. - L. 816.

Cincinnati (Wyoming), Feb. 25-March 20. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli makes Pastoral visits in Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia and Florida. - Account in L. 310.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 4. - Death of Mrs. James M. Cooper (Mary Amity Grant), in her 80th year; granddaughter of Rev. J. M. Hibbard, pioneer New Churchman in southern Ohio. For eighteen years she was hostess at "The Inn" (the original Academy school building here). - L. 128; obit., 247.

Jan. 31. - Swedenborg's birthday is observed by a lecture by Dr. Acton on the contemporary reviews of Swedenborg's works. - L. 190.

Feb. 4-7. - 34th annual Council of the Clergy; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; 22 present. The Rev. W. B. Caldwell resigns from the Consistory; the Revs. F. E. Gyllenhaal and G. H. Smith are appointed thereto. The Council approves the proposal that an Assistant Bishop be provided. Practical policies predominate in the discussions. The three papers given at the joint educational sessions (61 attending) appear in J. E.. April. - Full report in L. 289-292; annual address, 193. Cf. 190.

Feb. 7. - The Philadelphia District Assembly banquet considers the factors in the progress of the Church. - Account in L. 190.

Feb. 8. - 37th annual Joint Council; 31 present. The ideal mode of supporting the pastor's office is discussed. The provision of an Assistant Bishop is approved, without reference to any question of succession, or any present definition of his uses. - Full reports in L. 293-309.

May 9. - Dedication of the "Assembly Hall", by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. It is to be jointly owned and used by the Bryn Athyn Society and the Academy of the New Church. - Account in L. 377; dedicatory address, 345; photo., 480.



May 16. - Death of Miss Alice E. Grant, in her 72nd year. Born in a pioneer New Church family in Pomeroy, Ohio, she taught in the Ohio Public Schools, 1876 to 1884. In Philadelphia and Bryn Athyn she pioneered in the development of distinctive New Church education for children and girls; becoming, in 1909, Principal of the Academy's Girls' Seminary and in 1918, Dean of Women in the College. Her firm teaching and strong influence were respected throughout the
General Church. - L. 381; obit., 411; memorial address and tribute, 417; photo., 413.

June 13. - At the Academy's Commencement exercises, 20 students are graduated before a large audience. Miss Mora M. White, of Sydney, Australia, is given a special teacher's certificate after two years of training, in order to start a New Church elementary school in Sydney (Hurstville). - Account in L. 521; Cf. 518.

June 14-19. - The 14th General Assembly of the General Church is held in the new Assembly Hall; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. 741 persons enroll. After full discussion a resolution choosing Bishop George de Charms as Assistant Bishop of the General Church is unanimously carried. Seven addresses and papers are presented and discussed. The finances of the Church and New Church Life are considered. The membership of the General Church is now 2012. At the final session, various pastors present a symposium on the state and progress of the Church. The Assembly banquet seats 725 guests. - Journal in L. 469-512; addresses and papers, 449, 529, 549, 633, 695, 555, 613; reports to the Assembly, 481-512; banquet, 586-600; pageant, play, etc., 578-585.

June 17. - Meeting of the Corporation of the General Church. - Report in L. 553.

July 24. - Death of Miss Harriet Sturtevant Ashley, in her 90th year, at Avalon, New Jersey. A school teacher in Ohio and Georgia, she became a Congregational missionary in India from 1871 to 1877. Brought into the New Church through the family of an old College room-mate, she taught in the Academy Girls' School from 1890 to 1906; Principal of the Girls' Seminary, 1896-1902. - L. 608; obit., with photo., 630.

Sept. 10. - Opening exercises of the Academy Schools, with an enrollment of 283 students. - Account in L, 684; address, S. of A. Bulletin, September p. 1.

Nov. 3. - The customary Charter Day observances include a notable address by President N. D. Pendleton. About 230 persons attend the banquet. - Account in L. 1748; address, 1931:65.

Leechburg, March 17. - Death of Dr. Uriah O. Heilman, in his 78th year. Formerly an active German Lutheran, the discovery of the Writings made him one of the most zealous advocates of the New Church in Pennsylvania. - L. 254; obit., 315.

Philadelphia, Jan. 15. - Death of Mr. George Wilson Tyler, in his 64th year, at Fox Chase, Pa.



Since 1888, life-time secretary and sometimes leader of the Denver, Colorado Society; a man of modesty, learned in the Writings. - L. 1281 245; obit., 246.

Pittsburgh, Feb. 19. - A serious fire does much damage in the nearly completed "Community Building" on Le Roi Road. - L. 2250, 314.

March 4. - Death of Miss Agnes Pitcairn, in her 70th year, at St. Petersburg, Fla., a staunch, life-long member of the Pittsburgh Society. - L. 254, 250; obit., 315.

Sept. 15. - The Day School opens in the new school rooms with 13 pupils, in six grades. - L. 681, 747.

Sept. 28. - Dedication of the new Church and community buildings at Le Roi Road, by Bishop N. D. Pendleton; attended by 240 persons. - Full account, with photo and historical sketch. - L. 803-8.

Wilkinsburg, Aug. 16. - Death of Dr. William L. Grubb, aged 63 years. Originally a Tennessee Baptist, he was introduced to the Writings while investigating Rosicrucian Masonry; and became an active member of the Pittsburgh Society. - L. 687; obit., 681.

Sydney, N.S.W., June. - The pastor of the Hurstville Society (Rev. R. Morsel writes noteworthy replies to a questionnaire submitted by the N.S.W. representation of Stead's Review of Reviews, seeking information about the New Church. - Text in L. 603.

July 13. - Anniversary celebration of the Hurstville Society. - L. 675.

Aug. 15. - Miss Mora White returns from two years' training in Bryn Athyn, to establish a New Church School here. - L. 685.

Oct. 7. - The first New church Day School in Australia begins with five pupils and one teacher. - Account in L.1931:121.


London, Aug. 2-4. - 23rd British Assembly of the General Church, at Michael Church, Burton Road; Bishop R. J. Tilson presiding. Besides major papers, a plea for New Church communities is discussed. - Full account in L. 779-802; photo. 778; addresses, 753, 762, 795.

Woodgreen, Feb. 26. - The Rev. Albert Bjrck is appointed Pastor of the Woodgreen Circle. - L. 483.



Nov. - A missionary journey to Norway, by Rev. G. Baeckstrm, is described in L. 1931:119.

Oct. - The Rev. G. Baeckstrm makes a lecture tour in Southern Sweden. - Report in L. 809.

Yverdon, March 15. - Death of the Rev. Gaston J. Fercken, aged 75 years. - L. 380.

New Church Life, vol. 50.

"The Church: Universal, Specific, Particular", by Bishop R. J. Tilson. - p. 78.

"Music Education: Its relation to the music of the Church service", by Mrs. B. E. Smith. - p. 90.

Swedenborg's Letters to Messiter, Menander and Oetinger. - pp. 129, 223; notes by Dr. Acton. - pp. 177, 242, 244.

"Perception of the Divine Human", by Rev. A. Bjrck. - p. 140. Cf. p. 175.

"The Progress of the Church", by Rev. F. E. Waelchli. - p. 193.

"The Science of Correspondences", by Mr. Philip T. Oyler, M. A., Oxon. - p. 209.

"A Letter from Dr. Beyer", (to C. F. Nordenskjld). Trans., with comment, by Dr. A. Acton. - p. 321.

Durban (Natal, S.A.) Pioneers, (with portraits). - p. 364.

"Olivet Heresy Trial", (1851). - p. 385.

"The Last Judgment and the Divine Doctrine", by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. - p. 449. Cf. p. 465.

"Human Aspiration and Heavenly Peace", by Bishop C7. de Charms. - p. 529. Cf. p. 547.

"Education the hope of the New Church", by Rev. C. E. Doering. - p. 555. Cf. p. 566.

"Mind and Body; and the problem of their intercourse", by Rev. H. L. Odhner. - p. 633.

"The Uses of Heaven and the Tasks of Hell", by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 695. Cf. p. 718.



Journal of Education. (A. N. C.), 1930.

Ideas, Moods, and Sense impressions, by Rt. Rev. N. D. Pendleton. - p. 163.

The Old Testament and Education, by Rev. G. de Charms. - p. 176.

The New Philosophy, (A. N. C.), 1930.

Swedenborg, Kant and Laplace, by Rev. L. F. Hite. - p. 244.

BRYN ATHYN CHURCH: The Cathedral-Church of Bryn Athyn: A Handbook of Information. Fifth Edition, Bryn Athyn: Cathedral Book Room. Paper, 40pp. Noticed in L. 1930:515.

DE CHARMS, REV. GEORGE: John in the Isle of Patmos: Stories of Revelation Based on the Apocalypse Revealed. Bryn Athyn, Pa. Theta Alpha. Cloth, 156pp. oblong 12mo. Reviewed in L. 1931:439.

America. Brazil. Getulio Vargas seizes the Presidency in Brazil after being defeated in the election.




Alpha, O. F. S., Jan. 26-30. - Annual meetings of the ministers, leaders and teachers of the Mission. - Reported in L. 380.

June 19. - New Church Day is observed in the Mission centers in Zululand, Natal, Transvaal and Basutoland. - L. 571.

Durban, June 19-21. - Second South African Assembly; the Rev. E. C. Acton presiding. - Account in L. 758; papers, 530,730; 1932:115.

March 15. - Dedication of the new church building at Lusitania, Cundycleugh, by the Rev. F. W. Elphick. - Account in L. 380.


Aug. - Annual pastoral visit of the Rev. H. Heinrichs to 84 persons in the Canadian Northwest. - Account in L. 696.

Kitchener, Ont., Summer. - Candidate Wynne Acton engages in ministerial work here. - L. 701, 759.

Sept. 8. - The Carmel Church Day School opens with 30 pupils. L. 701.

Dec. 19. - Death of Mr. John Edward Hill, aged 44 years; Treasurer of the Carmel Church for 11 years. - L. 1932:144, 141.

Toronto, Ont., May 21. - The "Forward Club" holds its 100th meeting. - L. 574.

Nov. 25. - Sir John Daniel, author of The Philosophy of Ancient Britain, lectures to the Toronto Society on Druid philosophy. - L. 1932:45.


Los Angeles, June 19-21. - First California District Assembly of the General Church; the Rev. Hendrik W. Boef presiding; 48 present. - Full account in L. 509-512; address, 513.

N. d. - The pastoral care of the isolated members and friends of the General Church in California is now in charge of the Rev. H. W. Boef. - L. 636.

Chicago, Dec. 28. - Death of Mr. John Forrest, in his 78th year. Son of Mr. Thomas Lawrence Forrest (a pioneer of the New Church in Chicago), he took a generous and leading part in the formation of the Sharon Church. - L.1932:96. Cf. 65, 66, 92, 95.



Glenview, Feb. 15. - Some members of the Immanuel Church favor a new community project in Florida. - L. 252, 383, 638.

N. d. - The Immanuel Church School is now in permanent possession of the silver cup given by the American Legion to the winner of its patriotic essay contest; the Glenview pupils having won it for the third time. - L. 1932:92.

June 18-20. - A notable three-day celebration of New Church Day is described in L. 508.

Summer. - Candidate Philip Odhner assists in the ministerial work here. - L. 638.

Cincinnati, (Wyoming), March 11. - Death of Mrs. Fred E. (Alena Hughes) Waelchli, in her 63rd year. An early member of the Berlin (Canada) Society during its vicissitudes of the early nineties. - L. 256; biogr. sketch, with photo., 313.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. - New Church Life publishes a review by the Rev. H. L. Odhner opposing the concept of "an internal sense in the Writings" as expressed in Nos. 1 to 8 of the Dutch monthly periodical De Hemelsche Leer. This marks the beginning of an open controversy which continues for many years. - L. 26. Cf. 221,225, 401, 614.

Feb. 3-6. - 35th annual Council of the Clergy; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; 21 present. The major discussion is on the doctrines propounded in De Hemelsche Leer. Three joint sessions with teachers. - Account in L. 229-231; J. E., address, 335; paper, 401.

June 16-17. - Commencement exercises of the Academy Schools; 38 students graduate. - L. 446.

Summer. - The last of the series of Sunday afternoon missionary services, which have been held for the past six years, results in an average attendance of 145 persons, fifty-five per cent of whom are strangers. Of all the 12,746 strangers who attended these missionary services during the past seven years, only one person is known to have been baptized into the New Church. - L. 639; 1951:215.

Sept. 9. - Opening exercises of the Academy schools, (described in L. 1931:639; address, 666), with an enrollment of 305 students. - L. 766.

Dec. 3. - The "Sons of the Academy" form a local chapter, with 78 ex-students. - L.1932:140.



Dec. 20. - Death of Mr. Charles Frankish, aged 82 years. One-time mayor of Parkdale, Ont., Canada, he moved to California in 1885, and pioneered in the development of the city of Ontario. An earnest New Churchman, he supported a New Church minister there for some time. - L. 1932:96; obit., 90.

Pittsburgh, June 28-30. - Annual meetings of the Sons of the Academy. - Account in Bulletin S. A.; L. 507.

Sept. 14. - The Day School opens with 16 pupils in seven grades, and 4 teachers. - L. 702.

Sept. 25-27. - Pittsburgh District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - L. 702.

Walla Walla, May 14. - Death of Mr. Ernest Robert Pribilsky, Sr., aged 68 years; the leading member of the General Church circle here. - L. 512, 637.

Sydney, Dec. 17. - The Day School, with twelve children under the care of Miss White, has its first full-year celebration. - Described in L. 1932:137. Cf. 1931:698.

Summer. - Bishop De Charms visits societies and members of the General Church in Holland, France, England, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. - L. 639.

Brussels, N. d. - The Brussels Society, under the presidency of M. Jean Jacques Gailliard, organizes an "Art Section" for the promotion of a distinctive New Church art. - L. 1932:143.

July. - The Rev. G. Baeckstrm delivers his first missionary lectures in Mariehamn, the only city in the island of Aland. - L. 767.

Colchester, Jan. 12. - For the first time since 1924 the society is now free of debt on the church building. - L. 254.

Aug. 1-3. - 24th British Assembly; Bishop De Charms presiding; 107 persons sign the roll. Full report in L. 673-695; impressions, 629: addresses, 641, 654, 705; group photo., 634.



March 13. - Death of Mrs. W. H. Benade (Mary Ann Katherine Gibbs), aged 80 years. Widow of the late Bishop Benade, and an active supporter of the "Academy movement" in England since 1876. - L. 320, 317; obit., 375.

New Church Life,. vol. 51.

"Sibylline Books and Oracles", by Prof. E. S. Price. - p. 129.

"Correspondences, Representatives, and Significatives", by Rev. E. C. Acton. - p. 148.

"De Hemelsche Leer", (comm.) by Rev. T. Pitcairn and Mr. Philip Oyler. - pp. 221, 225.

"The End of Divine Providence in Man's Regeneration", by Bishop G. de Charms. - p. 257.

"Mental Garments of the Sexes", by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 276.

Letter of Hartley to Messiter (1769). - p. 333.

"The Human Organic", by Bishop G. de Charms. - p. 335.

"The Writings in Worship: A Symposium". - p. 361. Cf. pp. 309, 501,505.

"De Hemelsche Leer: A critical examination", by Rev. A. Acton. - pp. 401-424. Cf. p. 614.

"The Three Words: which yet are One Word:, by Bishop R. J. Tilson. - p. 455.

"The Rev. Thomas Hartley, A. M. ", by Mr. Stanley E. Parker, (illus.). - p. 477.

The Rev. E. J. E. Schreck, (editorial). - p. 498. Cf. pp. 447, 764.

"Unity in Variety", by Rev. F. W. Elphick. - p. 530.

"Cicero on Seeming Recollections", by Prof. E. S. Price. - p. 566.

"Social Justice! The Responsibility of the New Churchman", by Rev. R. G. Cranch. - p. 583.

"The Interior Understanding of the Writings", by Bishop G. de Charms. - p. 641. Cf. p. 674.



Journal of Education. (A. N. C.), 1931.

Child Training, by Rev. C. E. Doering. - p. 1.

Ancient Astronomy and Astrology, by Wertha P. Cole. - p. 27.

The New Philosophy, (A. N. C.), 1931.

Is a Universal Mathesis one with the Science of Correspondences? by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 310.

Why the prenatal soul is not immortal, by Rev. F. E. Gyllenhaal. - p. 385. Cf. p. 344.

The Curricula in Swedenborg's student years, (trans. by Rev. E. S. Price). - p. 435, and continuing in installments until 1935, p. 29.

BAECKSRM, GUSTAF: Bibelns Underverk (The Miracles of the Bible). Stockholm Bokforlaget Nova Ecclesia. Paper, 95pp. Reviewed in L. 1931:437.

DE CHARMS, REV. GEORGE: The Growth of the Mind. Lectures on New Church education. Monthly fascicles of 32pp. each (Edited by Rev. H. L. Odhner) Large octave. Reviewed in L. 1931:754.

GENERAL CHURCH: Social Song Book. Revised edition. Bryn Athyn, Pa.: Academy Book Room. Reviewed in L. 1931:19.

GENERAL CHURCH NATIVE MISSION: a Liturgy (in Sesuto) Alpha. Mentioned in L. 1931:301.

IUNGERICH, REV. E. E.: Pittsburgh Society: Booklet of information. Pamphlet, 12 pp. Described in L. 1931:563.

ODHNER, REV. C. T.: Emanuel Swedenborg: A True Story for the Young. Translated into Sesuto. Illus. Alpha: Mission Press. Described in L. 1931:301.

PITCAIRN, REV. THEODORE: Bolsen med de sin inseslen (The Book Sealed with Seven Seals) A Swedish Translation, Stockholm: Bokforlaget Nova Ecclesia Paper, 92pp. Noticed in L. 1932:68.

PITCAIRN, REV. THEODORE: The Book Sealed with the Seven Seals (A Sesuto translation)
Alpha: General Church Native Mission. Cloth, 83pp. Described in L. 1931:438.

ROEDER, REV. ADOLPH: Man's Two Memories. A Study of Emanuel Swedenborg's Teachings concerning them. New York: The New Church Press. Cloth, 135pp. Reviewed in L. 1931:564.



SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL: The Canons of the New Church; and Nine Questions on the Trinity. A Dutch translation in one volume. The Hague: Swedenborg Society. Cloth, 72pp. Described in L.1931:438.

SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL: A Philosopher's Note Book. Excerpts from Philosophical Writers and from the Sacred Scriptures on a variety of Philosophical Subjects; together with some Reflections, and Sundry Notes and Memoranda. Translated from the Latin and Edited by Alfred Acton, M. A., D. Th. Philadelphia, Pa.: Swedenborg Scientific Association. Cloth, 547pp. with Indexes. Reviewed in L. 1931:623.

America. United States. The two groups of the congregational bodies in America are merged into the "Congregational Christians" church, at Seattle, Washington.

Asia. Manchuria. Japan overruns Manchuria (Sept. 18).

Spain. The monarchy falls and King Alfonso XIII goes into exile (April 14). A republic is proclaimed.




Alpha, O. F. S., Jan. 17-23. - Annual meeting of the ministers and leaders of the South African Mission. - Report in L. 190.

Durban, N. d. - The Kainon Day School has 21 pupils, with two classes doing High School work. - L. 429.

Oct. - The Durban Society reports effects of the financial depression. - L. 1933:37.


- Interesting data concerning leading New Church families in Brazil appear in L. 91-92; 1933:73.

Kitchener, Ont., Aug. 21. - The society holds its first service in the remodeled church building since the fire. - L. 527.

Sept. 12. - The Carmel Day School opens with 44 pupils, equaled only once before (in 1903). - L. 527.

Nov. 11-13. - 19th Ontario District Assembly; Bishop De Charms presiding. Accounts in L. 1933:42, 46; address, 1.

Toronto, Ont., March 26 - Death of Mr. Arthur George Carter, in his 66th year. A life-long New Churchman, he was a frequent contributor of scholarly, historical articles to New Church Life. - L. 240; obit., 284.

June 17. - The Olivet Day School closes, with 10 pupils and one teacher. L. 382.

Sept. - The Olivet School opens with 12 pupils (7 grades). - L. 1933:45.

Los Angeles, March-May. - Monthly missionary services are given.- L. 376.

Bayhead, N. d. - A pioneer New Church community, "New Atlantis", comprising about 360 acres, on St. Andrews Bay, is interestingly described in L. 1933:73-5.



St. Petersburg, Feb. 9. - Death of Miss Martha Winchester Hubbard, in her 83rd year. A devoted member of the New Church, she bequeaths her estate to the Academy of the New Church. - L. 144; obit., 187.

Glenview, May. - The men of the Society begin work on a "Community Farm", on a five acre tract of land, loaned by the Nelson family to meet the food shortage of any member. - L. 329, 475, 574.

May 26. - Death of Mr. Henry Sherman Maynard, aged 84 years. A Chicago pharmacist, he was one of the founders of the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association. A member of the Chicago Society (General Convention), he joined the Academy movement in 1877, and took up residence in Glenview in 1893. The oldest member of the Immanuel Church, his services and counsel were important in its history. - L. 336; obit., 330.

June 19. - An outdoor Pageant, "The Story of New Church Day" is presented by the teachers and 52 pupils of the Immanuel Church School. Illustrated account in L. 356-8, 378.

Sept. (?). - A group of Immanuel Church members (including two families and seven additional men) leaves to establish a New Church community on a tract of land in Florida, near a bay east of Pensacola. Name: "New Atlantis". - L. 525.

Sept. 14. - The Day School opens with 53 pupils and four teachers. - L. 525.

Glen Ridge, Nov. 6. - The Rev. Philip Odhner begins to hold services for General Church members in Northern New Jersey. - L. 1933:110.

Wyoming, Sept. 1. - The Rev. Norman H. Reuter becomes pastor of the Wyoming Society. - L.

Bryn Athyn, Feb. 2-5. - 36th annual Council of the Clergy; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; 26 present. The attendance at the three joint sessions with teachers reaches 81. - Account in L.163; papers, 145,193.

Feb. 5. - Philadelphia District Assembly; over 200 persons present. - Report in L. 185.

Feb. 6. - 39th Joint Council of Clergy and Executive committee; 29 present. The effects of the depression on the uses of the Church, and the provision of adequate "Calendar Readings", are debated. - Account and full reports in L. 165-184.

Feb. 18. - Death of Mr. Frederick Thorvald Hansen, aged 62 years. Custodian of the Academy buildings, he was affectionately known to generations of students.



He was well-versed in the Doctrines; and for many years acted as American correspondent to newspapers in Denmark. - L. 192, 238.

March 22. - Mr. W. Cairns Henderson arrives from Scotland to study in the Theological School. - L. 238.

June 15. - Academy Commencement exercises; 34 students graduate. The B. Th. degree is granted to Messrs. A. Wynne Acton and Philip N. Odhner. - Account in L. 335.

Sept. 21. - The 56th Academy School year opens with an enrollment of 321 students. - L. 572, 575.

Nov. 4. - The society agrees to close the Assembly Hall indefinitely, as an economy measure. - L. 572.

Dec. 24. - The children's Christmas service is attended by over 600 persons. - L.1933:79.

Philadelphia, N. d. - The Advent 5ociety now meets in two groups, in various homes in the west and north of the city; the Revs. Homer Synnestvedt and Vincent Odhner being in charge. - L. 328.

Pittsburgh, June 24-Aug. - Candidate Willard D. Pendleton assists the pastor for the two summer months. - L. 381.

Aug. 15. - The Pittsburgh Post Gazette publishes an illustrated article on the Le Roi Church and school. - L. 478.

Sept. - The Day School reopens, with 15 pupils, in grades 2 to 7. - L. 526.

Sept. 21. - Death of Mr. Christian Z. F. Rott, aged 80 years; a member of the Pittsburgh Society for 74 years, beginning under the Rev. W. H. Benade, in the church on Wood St. - L. 527, 528.

Oct. 2. - The Sunday School opens with 34 children and five adult pupils. The six classes are taught by 6 teachers and the pastor. - L. 526.


Brussels, July 7. - Death of Madame Maria Suetens Deltenre, in her 55th year; widow of the late Rev. Ernst Deltenre. - L. 432.

Bristol, June 19. - The first 19th of June celebration to be held in the city of Bristol, is conducted by the pastor of the small circle of General Church families in Bristol and Bath (Rev. A. Bj6rck). - L. 379; papers, 396, 399.



Colchester, Sept. - The Rev. and Mrs. Albert Bjrck leave for Mallorca for reasons of health. - L. 1933:105.

July 22. - The Michael Church welcomes the Rev. A. Wynne Acton as assistant to Bishop Tilson. - L. 430.

July 30-Aug. 1. - 25th British Assembly of the General Church at the Michael Church; Bishop R. J. Tilson presiding. - Full account in L. 494-515; addresses, 481, 485.

Palma de Mallorca, - The Rev. and Mrs. Albert Bjrck have now retired here, on account of Mr. Bjrck's health. - L. 1933:105.

Stockholm, April. - Missionary lectures are given in northern Sweden, by the Rev. G. Baeckstrm, to average audiences of 139 persons. - Report in L. 327.

New Church Life, vol. 52.

Discussion on the Writings and the Word. - pp. 70, 79, 80, 87, 240, 277, 460.

"The Latin Word". (comm.) by Rev. Theo. Pitcairn. - p. 70.

"The Nature of the Writings", by Mr. Philip Oyler, M. A. - p. 80.

"Thought of Person", by Rev. E. C. Acton. - p. 115.

Discussion on "De Hemelsche Leer", by Revs. H.L. Odhner and Theo. Pitcairn. - pp. 160, 316.

"Family Worship", by Rev. F. E. Waelchli. - p. 216.

"Swedenborg's First Rule of Life", by Mr. J. S. Pryke. - p. 249.

"Worship in the General Church", by Rev. G. H. Smith. - p. 252.

"Pioneer Days in Canada: 1841-1883", by Mr. R. B. Caldwell, Sr. - p. 347.

Discussion of the form of the Lord's appearing to men. - pp. 421, 520, 557.

"The Connection of Series In the Internal Sense of the Word", by Rev. H.L. Odhner. - p. 537.

The correct understanding of "Hic Liber est Adventus Domini". - p. 562. Cf. 1933, p. 34.



The New Philosophy, 1932.

The Universal Mathesis, by Rev. P. N. Odhner. - p. 6.

Swedenborg's relation to Plate and Aristotle, by Rev. L. F. Hite. - p. 74.

A history of the Swedenborg Scientific Association, by Rev. C. E. Doering. - p. 82.

BJRCK, REV. ALBERT: The Doctrine of the Church. Three studies: I. The Writings II. The Letter and the Spirit III. The Interpretation of the Word. Woodgreen, Salisbury, England. Pamphlet, paper, 78pp.

DE CHARMS, REV. GEORGE: The Growth of the Mind. A New Church Interpretation. Bryn Athyn, Pa. Academy Book Room. pp. 311-xi. Reviewed in L. 1933:364.

DOERING, REV. CHARLES E., PH. D.: A History of the Swedenborg Scientific Association (Reprinted from The New Philosophy, July, 1932) Philadelphia: Swedenborg Scientific Association. Pamphlet, 20 pp. Noticed in L. 1933:36.

PENDLETON, LOUIS: The Invisible Police. A Novel. New York: The New Church Press. Reviewed in L. 1933:59.

STOLE, REV. P. J.: (Translator) One Hundred Points of New Church Doctrine. Translated into Zulu from a 24pp. Pamphlet published by The New Church Press, Ltd., London, England. Alpha, Ladybrand: General Church Mission. Pamphlet, 21pp. Noted in L. 1923:271.


Asia. China. Slaying of Japanese Buddhist Priest by Chinese thugs (Jan. 15), furnishes excuse for war by Japan (Jan. 27).

Manchuria. Manchuria is made puppet State (Manchukuo) under Henry Pu Yi (March 9).





Durban, Feb. 23. - The first celebration of Swedenborg's birthday by a Zulu congregation (about 250) is described by a Zulu member of the Mayville Society, in L. 410.

Zululand, "Kent Manor", Impala, July 10-14. - Annual meeting of the ministers, leaders and teachers of the General Church Mission; 29 present. - Account in L. 473.


Toronto, Ont., April 9. Sir John Daniel, Lady Daniel, and three members of their family, are baptized into the New Church, by the Rev. F. E. Gyllenhaal. - L. 318, 313.

Oct. 7-9. - 20th Ontario District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; over 160 persons attend. - Account in L. 478.

Oct. 19. - The "Forward Club" and the "Sons of the Academy" chapter merge into one organization. - L. 1934:62.

Nov. 18. - Death of Mrs. John Rothermel (Emily Christina Bellinger), aged 75 years. Her life in the old Berlin society went back to within twenty years of the known beginnings of the Church in Canada. - L. 1934:64; obit., 63.


Corona, Jan. 12. - Death of Mr. Cornelius Peter Unruh, in his 56th year. A prominent citizen and New Churchman of Hague, Sask., Canada, he moved to Los Angeles and was leader of a new Circle here, organized on June 19, 1921. This became a Society in 1928. - L., 112; obit., 139.

Los Angeles, May 21. - The society begins to hold services in a room of the pastor's residence at 807 North Edinburgh Avenue. - L. 382.

Denver, June 25. - Death of Miss Elena Hagar, aged 92 years. - L. 446.

Bayhead, Jan. 11. - Mr. George A. McQueen and three others, join the new colony. - L. 77, 106, 108.

Jan. 29. - The group celebrates Swedenborg's birthday in a banquet reported in The Bay County Herald. - L. 107.



Feb. - Interesting particulars concerning the colony. - L. 73, 315.

Glenview, June 16. - Closing exercises of the Immanuel Church School; six pupils graduate. - L. 379.

Sept. - The Immanuel Church School opens with a record enrollment of 62 pupils; classes range from kindergarten to ninth grade. - L. 476.

Oct. 13-15. - 28th Chicago District Assembly; Bishop De Charms presiding. Report in L. 509; address, 1934:33.

Glen Ridge, N. d. - Regular fortnightly services and Sunday School are held by the Rev. P. N. Odhner, at 53 Woodland Ave; average attendance 26. - L. 1934:93.

Wyoming, March. The origin of the Wyoming Circle is described by one of its members in L. 109.

Sept. - The Wyoming Circle at present numbers 31 persons (15 adults and 16 children). - L. 1934:60.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 31-Feb. 4. - 37th annual Council of the Clergy; N. D. Pendleton presiding. Six sessions are devoted to an extended discussion of the doctrinal issues raised by the views set forth in the Dutch magazine De Hemelsche Leer. Four papers are presented by the Revs. Ernst Pfeiffer, Alfred Acton, Hugo L. Odhner and the Rt. Rev. George de Charms. Full minutes, papers and proceedings, including a stenographic report of the discussions, are published in L. 145-263.

Jan. 31-Feb. 2. - The three joint sessions of ministers and Academy teachers include a doctrinal paper by the Rev. Theodore Pitcairn. - Report in L.142; paper and discussion, 215-237.

Feb. - Owing to the depression, the General Church reduces New Church Life to 32 pages, and discontinues New Church Sermons in its present form. - L. 70.

Feb. 4. - 40th Joint Council of the Clergy and Executive Committee; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; 38 present. Bishop Pendleton delivers an address on "The General Church and the New Doctrine" At the business session, 2074 members of the General Church are reported, with 42 members of the clergy (all but 8 in active service). Full minutes, address and discussion in L. 263-287; annual reports, 125-137; impressions, 141. (Note: All the reports of the Council meetings were translated into Dutch and published at The Hague in a 180-page issue of De Hemelsche Leer, nos. 2-7 - February-July, 1933).



June 16. - At the Academy Commencement exercises, 33 students are graduated. The degree of B. Th. is granted to Mr. Willard D. Pendleton. - Account in L. 2 350.

June 18. - Ordination of Candidate Willard Dandridge Pendleton into the priesthood, Bishop N. D. Pendleton officiating. - L. 351.

June 24. - Death of Miss Francie E. McQuigg, in her 81st year. A life-long member of the New Church, she taught in the Academy School in Allegheny, Pa., in the early nineties. - L. 384.

Sept. 19-20. - The 57th opening exercises of the Academy Schools mark the enrollment of 321 students. - L. 479.

Oct. 27. - At the Charter Day celebrations, about 500 persons attend the service. Report in L. 511; addresses, 494,491.

Dec. 26. - Death of Mr. Ernest Frankish Robinson, in his 71st year. A pharmacist by profession, he was a thorough student of the Writings. He compiled a MS index of all the cross references in the philosophical and theological works; also an index of all Scripture references in the Spiritual Diary. These MSS. are now in the Academy Library. - L. 1934:64; obit., 61. Cf. 1933:63-68.

Lake Wallenpaupack, July 2. - Several Bryn Athyn families vacationing here in cabins and tents commence Sunday worship. The Revs. F. E. Waelchli and P. N. Odhner officiate; 38 present. - L. 411.

Pittsburgh, Summer. - Candidate Erik Sandstrm assists the pastor during the summer months. - L. 382, 445.

N. d. - The Day School opens with 20 pupils in five grades and kindergarten. - L. 445.


St. Cloud, Seine et Gise, July 10. - Death of the Rev. Ferdinand Hussenet, in his 75th year. Beloved pastor of the members of the General Church in Paris for 35 years. - L.1933:416; obit. , (with photo.), 408; memorial reset. 1934:108.

Colchester, Aug. 5-7. - 26th British Assembly of the General Church; Bishop R. J. Tilson presiding. - Report in L. 507; addresses, 428, 449.

Sept. 10. - The Day School opens with 15 pupils; only five of these are of New Church parents. - L.1934:89.

London (Brixton), June 15. - Death of Mr. George Frederic Poole, aged 77; an ardent and studious member of the Michael Church. - L. 384, 507.



The Hague, - The report of the 1933 annual council meetings of the General Church is translated into Dutch, and published at The Hague. - L. 373.

New Church Life, vol. 53.

"Ritual in the New Church", by Bishop G. de Charms. - p. 1.

"Interior Natural Truth: Swedenborg's Philosophy as a Means of Understanding the Writings and the Scriptures", by the Editor. - p. 24.

"The Internal Degrees of Truth in the Latin Word", by Rev. E. Pfeiffer. - p. 147. Cf. p. 160.

"The Crucial Point in the Dutch Position", by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 167. Cf. p. 177.

"The Nature and Derivation of Doctrine", by Rt. Rev. G. de Charms. - p. 101. Cf. p. 206.

"The Non-Divinity of the Regenerate Man", by Rev. H. L. Odhner. - p. 238. Cf. 250.

"The General Church and the New Doctrine", by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. - p. 264. Cf. 277.

The New Philosophy, 1933.

Swedenborg's development of the concept of "animal spirits", by Rev. H. L. Odhner. - pp. 218, 234.

BAECKSTRM, REV. GUSTAF: Vara Skyddsanglar. Our Guardian Angels. Stockholm: Bokforldget Nova Ecclesia, Paper, 12 mo; 112pp. Reviewed in L. 1933:505.

BJRCK, REV. ALBERT: "The Hague Position - A Defense" Pamphlet 20pp. Published and distributed by the author, at El Terreno, Palina de Mallorca, Spain. Reviewed in L. 1934:17.

IUNGERICH, REV. E. E.: Rebirth and Glorification. Published by the Author, 229 Le Roi Road, Pittsburgh, Pa., 133. Pp. 138. Reviewed in L. 1933:392; 1934:84. Also New Church Herald. Dec. 30, 1933.



America. United States. All banks ordered closed by President Roosevelt (March 6).

U. S. Congress gives President power to control money (Mar. 9).

The U. S. Congress gives the President control of agriculture and industry (May 12 and June 16).

The Century of Progress Exposition opens in Chicago (May 27).

Congress outlaws gold payment clause in public and private obligations (June 5).

President Roosevelt declares renewal of normal diplomatic relations between the U. S. and Soviet Russia. (Nov. 16).

The 21st amendment to the U.S. Constitution, repealing the Prohibition amendment, becomes law (Dec. 5).

Germany. Adolph Hitler becomes German Chancellor (Jan. 50).

Nazis burn the German Reichstag (Parliament) Building in Berlin (Feb. 27).

In Germany, Hitler begins to proscribe all political parties except the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nazi) (June 22).

Germany quits the League of Nations, and withdraws from the disarmament conference (Oct. 14).

Great Britain. The Codex Sinaiticus, one of the oldest manuscripts of the Bible, is sold by the Soviet government to the British Museum for 100, 000 pounds sterling.

Spain. Spain, by Parliamentary edict, disestablishes the Church (May 17).




Alpha, O. F. S., Nov. 6. - The Superintendent of the Mission writes an interesting account of the life and work here. - L. 1935:25.

Durban, June 16-19. - Third South African Assembly; the Rev. F. W. Elphick presiding. 76 persons enroll. - Report in L. 327; address, 305.


Kitchener, Ont., Sept. 4. - The Carmel School re-opens with a record number of 48 pupils. - L. 366.

Oct. 14. - The Olivet Society publishes the first number of a fortnightly four-page mimeographed magazine, The Chatter-box. - L. 399.


Oakland, March 3. - Death of the Rev. Leonard G. Jordan, in his 89th year. Ordained in 1869, he held pastorates in Convention societies in New England and California (San Francisco and Oakland). In 1889 he became pastor of the (Academy) Advent Society of Philadelphia, and (1892) assistant to Bishop Benade. In 1897 he returned to Oakland, ministering there for 15 years. Gifted in theology, law and languages, he was widely known. - L. 208; obit., 238.

Glenview, April. - Owing to the depression, the Immanuel Church reports that its income is only about one-third of that of 1930. The necessary cuts include smaller salaries for teachers. - L. 236.

June 16. - At the closing exercises of the Immanuel Day School, eight pupils graduate. - L. 298.

Sept. 19. - The Immanuel Day School opens with 63 pupils in 9 grades and kindergarten. Since the destruction of the library in 1915, over 3, 000 volumes have been acquired. - L. 398.

Oct. 17. - Death of Mr. Alvin Emanuel Nelson, aged 67 years. A leading layman in the affairs of the General Church and the Academy. Treasurer and Vice President of the landscape gardening firm of Swain Nelson E, Sons Co.; he was prominent in professional and civic affairs. In his youth he attended the Academy College at Philadelphia (1888). - L. 432; biogr. sketch, 424.



Arbutus, Dec. 28. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli now ministers quarterly to about ten persons. A brief history of the Arbutus Circle in L. 1935:58.

Cleveland, March 14. - On the invitation of its pastor, the Convention Society's doctrinal class is addressed by the Rev. F. E. Waelchli on the subject, "Why there are two general bodies In the New Church". - L. 200.

Nov. 16. - Death of Mr. William E. Parker; a life-long member of the Church; and the first graduate of the Academy College to receive the B. Sc. degree. For many years, while engaged in his field of commercial art, an active member of The New York Society. - L.1935:52; obit., 29.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. J0-Feb. J. - 38th annual Council of the Clergy; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; 26 present. The chief doctrinal discussions revolved around "The Divine Human". - L.107-9, 139-169, 163-197.

Feb. 3. - 41st annual Joint Council of Clergy and Executive Committee; Bishop Pendleton presiding; 27 attending. A membership of 2136 is reported. Minutes in L. 110; annual reports, 114-125.

June 14-15. - Commencement exercises of the Academy Schools; with 32 students graduating. Messrs. W. Calms Henderson and Erik Sandstrm receive the B. Th. degree. - Accounts in L. 271, 295; address, 273.

July 18. - Death of Mr. Walter Cameron Childs in his 89th year. The only surviving member of the group of three laymen who met with Bishop Benade at Pittsburgh, on January 12, 1874, to plan for the organization of an Academy movement, (see L. 354). - L. 303, 304; memorial address, 317; autobiogr. 321. Cf. 354.

July 23. - Death of the Rev. William Hyde Alden, B. Th., in his 77th year, at Abington, Pa. A graduate of the Cambridge Theological School (1885), he was ordained in 1886, and took charge of the New Church Book Rooms at 22nd and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia; also assisting in the work of the Philadelphia Society. For many years he was editor of The Helper. His strong doctrinal convictions gradually led him to join the General Church (1905). In the Academy he became Manager of the Book Room (1907-1930), and Instructor in the Schools (1907-1930); Treasurer of the General Church (1910-1922). Translator of the Academy edition of Conjugial Love (1915); he also completed MS Latin-English dictionary (an unpublished) of the terms used In the Writings. He was in the direct line of descent from John Alden of Plymouth Colony. - L. 336; obit., 352.

Aug. 15. - Death of Mrs. Wm. Hyde Alden (Carrie Louise Tufts), in her 82nd year, three weeks after her husband's death. - L. 336; Cf. 352.



Sept. 6. - Death of the Rev. Enoch Spradling Price, (at Philadelphia), in his 78th year. - L. 368; memorial address, 392; biogr. sketch, 395.

Sept. 19. - 57th opening or the Academy Schools; 303 students enroll. - Report in L. 397.

Oct. 3. - Death of Mr. Leonard Ephraim Gyllenhaal, B. A. , M. A., in his 53rd year. A teacher in the Glenview Church School (1902-1904) and the Academy Schools (1905-1911; 1914-1933), he became the Academy Librarian (1914-1918) and afterwards Treasurer of the Academy (1918-1930). Known throughout the General Church for his unselfish devotion to the welfare of the neighbor. - L. 400; biogr. sketch, 422; memorial address, 420.

Pittsburgh, - July 30. - The Rev. E. E. Iungerich resigns as pastor of the Pittsburgh Society. - L. 334.

Sept. 18. - The Rev. W. D. Pendleton commences his pastorate here. - L. 367, 398.

Sept. 20. - The Day School opens with 18 pupils, in six grades. - L. 398.

Nov. 2-4. - Pittsburgh District Assembly; Bishop De Charms presiding. - Account in L. 431.

Hurstville, Jan. - The Day School reopens with 15 pupils; the Sunday School with 34. - L. 199.


Odense, April 16. - Death of Mr. Knud Knudsen, in his 82nd year. For 20 years Treasurer of the Advent Society, Philadelphia, his shoe store and home at 2202 Ridge Avenue are remembered by a host of New Churchmen as a center of social and intellectual activities. - L. 240; obit. , 268.

Colchester, March 29. - Death of Mrs. William (Elizabeth Charlotte) Gill, in her 79th year. For twenty years, the "Gill Studio" and home was the meeting place for the Colchester Society and later for the British Assembly. - L. 272; obit., 237.

Deal, April 2. - Death of Mr. Stanley E. Parker, aged 62 years. A devoted, scholarly layman, and a frequent contributor to New Church periodicals. - N. C. Herald, vol. 15:178; L. 238.

Aug. 4-6. - 27th British Assembly, Bishop De Charms presiding; attendance about 100. Besides important doctrinal and ethical papers, a full discussion is held on extension uses. - Full report in L. 361-4.



Aug. - Since the British Assembly, the Rev. W. C. Henderson has devoted his time to visiting isolated New Church adults and children by motorcycle, as well as performing uses in regular societies. - Description of this "extension" work appears in L. 1935:150. Cf. 1953:249.

Jnkping, Feb. - There are now 34 members in the General Church group here. - L. 269.

Stockholm, Oct. - The Rev. G. Baeckstrm makes lecture tours, including the most northerly parts of the country. At Lulea, 260 persons attend. At Varberghe meets Lieutenant Colonel Swedenborg, a descendant of Swedenborg's brother. Entertaining account in L. 1935:89-91.

New Church Life, vol. 54.

"The Church Specific and the Church Universal", by Rt. Rev. G. de Charms. - p. 1.

"The Divine Human", by Rev. A. Bjrck. - p. 139. Cf. p. 154.

"The Divine Within Men and Angels", by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. - p. 163. Cf. p. 173.

"The Affection of Truth", by Rev. F. E. Waelchli. - p. 222.

"What is the Esse of Man" ? by the Rt. Rev. G. de Charms. - p. 241.

"The Place of Woman in the changing conditions of the world", by Rev. C. E. Doering. - p. 281.

"Freedom and Order", by the Rev. F. W. Elphick. - p. 305.

"Our Attendant Angels", by the Rev. W. C. Henderson. - p. 381.

"The Glorified Body Retained", by the Rev. W.L. Gladish. - p. 401.

The New Philosophy, 1934.

Evolution and the doctrine of Discrete Degrees, by W. Howard. - p. 303.

ACTON, REV. ALFRED, M. A.,D. TH.: "The Crown of Revelations": A Doctrinal Study. Bryn Athyn, Pa.: Academy Book Room. Paper, 126pp. Reviewed in L. 1935:52.

BAECKSTRM, REV. GUSTAF: Det Eviga Livets Lycka (Eternal Happiness) Stockholm: Bokforlaget Nova Ecclesia. Paper, 12 mo.; 112pp. Vart Eviga Hem (Our Eternal Home) Paper, 12 mo.; 128pp. (Evangelistic booklets) Noticed in L. 1935:149.



COOPER, WILLIAM R.: The Church of the New Jerusalem: What it is, why established, and what it teaches. By a layman. Bryn Athyn: Cathedral Book Room, 1934. (Paper, pocket size, pp. 32.) Reviewed in L. 1934:234. (Answers to the chief doctrinal questions by visitors to the Bryn Athyn Cathedral).

United States. The U. S. Congress grant Philippine independence (March 22).

Austria. Chancellor Dolifuss is murdered by Nazis (July 25).

Germany. Germany signs non-aggression pact with Poland (Jan. 26).

Death of German President von Hindenburg (Aug. 2).

The German people approve Adolph Hitler as its single Leader-Chancellor (August 19).

Italy. Italy invades and conquers Ethiopia (Oct. 3).

Spain. In Spain, churches are burned by anti-Catholics.




Alpha, Oct. - A highly informative and fascinating account of the uses and problems of each of the churches and schools of the South African Mission of the General Church, appears in L. 363, 392, 425. The author reports that the phrase "New Jerusalem" is used by no less than ten of 326 native "Separatist Churches" in South Africa (see Dr. H. Brookes, The Colour Problems of South Africa, Appendix.)

Esididini, Oct. 20. - Dedication of a new Church building, by Rev. F. W. Elphick. - Described in L. 1936:88.

Greylingstad, Nov. 20. - Death of the Rev. Berry Magelepo, aged 40 years. Though blind from the age of eleven, this remarkable Mosuto convert learned English, Dutch, Zulu, and Braille, and built up one of the largest societies in the South African Mission, besides pioneering other societies. His zeal and integrity had the respect of his white neighbors. - Obit., L. 1936:58, 89.


Kitchener, Ont., Sept. 3. - The Carmel Church Day School opens with 49 pupils and 2 teachers. - L. 365.

Toronto, Ont., Sept. - The Olivet Day School opens with 13 pupils and one teacher. - L. 397.

Nov. 9-11. - 22nd Ontario District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; attendance reaches 168. The banquet is mainly a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Olivet Society. - Account in L. 1936:56. Cf. 30.

Washington, D. C., Nov. 2. - The Washington Society celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Rev. Dr. Alfred Acton's pastorate. - L. 1936:62.

Denver, Jan. 27. - Death of Mr. Alvin Edmund Lindrooth at Chicago, III., in his 64th year. Educated in the Immanuel Church, Chicago, he was a zealous member of the Denver Society for 40 years. - L. 96; obit., 92. Cf. 1927:734.

Bayhead, May. - Only one New Churchman now remains at the "Atlantis" community site. - L.154.



Glenview, March 18. - The Golden Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Junge is honored at a society banquet. - L.154; portrait, 1949:77.

April 24. - Death of Mrs. Seymour G. Nelson (Annie Emelia Magnuson) in her 74th year. A beloved member of the early Immanuel Church. - L. 187, 189; obit., 180.

Oct. 4. - The Society reports a membership of 136, and about 260 of all ages as members of the congregation. The Day School opens with 64 pupils, in eight grades and kindergarten. - L. 397.

Oct. 11-13. - 30th Chicago District Assembly; Bishop De Charms presiding. Report in L. 1936:23. Cf. 1935:428.

Rockford, N. d. - Members of the General Church form a reading circle here. - L. 336.

Arbutus, - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli contributes a brief history of the Arbutus Circle. - L. 58.

Detroit, Oct. 16. - Local Assembly; Bishop De Charms presiding; 25 persons present. - L. 1936:54.

Oct. 20. - A General Church group of 46 adults, young people and children is organized. - L. 1936:54, 215.

Newark, May. - The Northern New Jersey group forms an official organization. The Rev. P. N. Odhner holds fortnightly services and monthly doctrinal classes. - L. 1936:61.

Kyger, April 2. - Death of Mr. John Steward Boatman, aged 59 years. A valued member of the Middleport Society; prominent in civic affairs. - L. 160; obit., 180.

Wyoming, March-May. - The Wyoming Society engages in a missionary campaign. - Account in L. 182.

Oct. - The church services and activities are now held in the dedicated home of the pastor, Rev. Norman Reuter. For the past four years they were centered in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Merrell. - L. 1936:26, 217.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 9. - Death of Mr. Charles Sonntag Smith, in his 78th year.



A successful business man and life-long New Churchman, he leaves 26 grandchildren, all in the General Church. - L. 63; obit., 91; memorial address, 92.

Jan. 17. - At the request of Bishop N. D. Pendleton, who has acted as President of the Academy for twenty years, the Board of Directors appoints the Vice-President, Bishop George de Charms, to have complete supervision of the Schools of the Academy, beginning February 4. - L. 88.

Feb. 3. - A destructive fire leaves only the shell of De Charms Hall (erected in 1910). The Elementary School pupils use rooms in the Library and Cathedral buildings pending restoration. - L. 95, 398. Cf. 1910:372.

Feb. 15. - The Society celebrates the 70th birthday (Feb. 19) of Bishop N. D. Pendleton. 275 persons are present at a banquet in the Cathedral Choir Hall. - Account in L. 122.

June 13. - Commencement exercises of the Academy Schools. Graduating are; Elementary School, 13; Boys' Academy, 8; Girls' Seminary, 14; Junior College, 7. Degrees granted: B. A., 4; B. Sc. 1. The honorary degree of Doctor of Theology is conferred upon the Revs. Wm. B. Caldwell and Hugo L. Odhner. - Account in L. 239; address, 319; pageant, 327-330.

June 14-19. - Fifteenth General Assembly of the General Church. Bishops N. D. Pendleton, G. de Charms and the Revs. A. Acton, H. L. Odhner, and C. E. Doering presiding. About 750 persons attend. - Journal in L. 226-229; reports, 270-283; papers, 193, 199, 210, 241, 255, 289, 305. Cf. 232; banquet, etc. 324-334.

June 17. - Meeting of the Corporation of the General Church; 43 present. The membership of the Board of Directors is increased from 19 to 22. - Report in L. 230.

Sept. 18. - Opening exercises of the Academy Schools; 310 students register. - L. 398.

Oct. 25-26. - The Charter Day service and banquet are described in L. 427. Cf. 410.

Dec. - The custom of having the Academy High School students attend the society's Friday evening suppers and doctrinal classes begins. - L. 31.

Philadelphia, Oct. 13. - The Advent Society now holds fortnightly services in Presser Building at 1714 Chestnut St.; the Revs. P. N. Odhner and H. Synnestvedt alternating. The society is re-organized. - L. 399. Cf. 187.

Pittsburgh, Sept. 16 - The Church Day School opens with 26 pupils in six grades with two teachers. - L. 396.

Oct. 19. - The 50th anniversary of the founding of the Pittsburgh Society's Day School (Oct. 19, 1885) is informally celebrated at a meeting of about 80 members; the pastor, Rev. W. D. Pendleton presiding. - Account in L. 429.



Nov. 1-3. - Pittsburgh District Assembly; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding. - Account in L. 429.

Sydney, Aug. 8. - The Rev. W. Henderson arrives to assist the pastor of the Hurstville Society. - L. 367-430. Cf. 151,181,335; also The New Age (July).

Paris, March 24. - The Rev. E. E. Iungerich conducts his first service as pastor of the Paris Society, at 7 rue Barthelency, off Avenue Breteuil, a few blocks from the Eiffel Tower. Twenty-nine persons are present, including seven children. - L. 156.

July 17. - The official journal of the French Republic publishes a recognition of the changes in organization of the Paris Society of the General Church, is now named Societe Francaise de l'Eglise General de la Nouvelle Jerusalem. - L. 364.

Colchester, July 31. - Death of Mr. John Potter, F. R. A. S., aged 68 years. Ardently devoted to church music and astronomy, he was active in the Colchester Society for nearly forty years. - L. 400; obit., 391.

Aug. 3-5. - 28th British Assembly of the General Church; Bishop Tilson presiding. Over 100 persons are present. - Account in L. 354-7. Cf. 401.

London, Jan. 13. - The Rev. A. Wynne is formally recognized as Assistant Pastor of the Michael Church. - L. 157.

Northampton, June 15. - Death of Rev. Thomas Frederick Robinson, aged 82 years. A leader of the Salisbury, Wilts., Society (Conference) for some six weeks, he was ordained by Rev. Dr. R. L. Tafel in 1887. Entering the Academy Theological School, he graduated with B. Th. in 1893, and was ordained by Bishop Benade (1893 and 1894). First resident pastor of the Colchester Society, he gave up the clerical use in 1896, but remained a member of the General Church during the rest of his life. - Obit. In L. 288. Cf. 354.

March. - The Rev. G. Baeckstrm lectures in Stavonger, Bergen and Oslo. - Interesting account in L. 183.

N. d. - The Rev. G. Baeckstrm makes a lecture tour in western Sweden; average attendance, 78.



He has now lectured in all the towns in Sweden, except a few very small ones. Interesting account of methods, etc. in L. 1936:26.

Jnkping, Jan. - The members of the Circle establish a "New Church Temple Fund". - L. 153.

New Church Life, vol. 55.

"Instrumental Causes", (on the proper evaluation of natural knowledges), by Rev. P. N. Odhner. - p. 171.

"States of the Church", by Bishop N. D. Pendleton. - p. 193.

"The Application of Doctrine", by Bishop G. de Charms. - p. 199.

"Benjamin the Medium: A study of the Glorification", by Rev. W. L. Gladish. - p. 210.

"The Science of Correspondences", by the Rev. A. Acton. - p. 241.

"The Principles of the Academy after thirty-six years", by Mr. Harold F. Pitcairn. - p. 255.

"Spiritual Thought", by the Rev. H. L. Odhner. - p. 309.

"The Conjugial Union", (on the feminine and masculine uses), by the Rev. N. H. Reuter. - p. 369.

"State and Church", by the Rev. W. Whitehead. - p. 410.

The New Philosophy, 1935.

Divine Providence as manifested in geological history, by Rev. R. W. Brown. - p. 35.

The true use of Swedenborg's scientific works, by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 79.

BAECKSTRM, REV. GUSTAF: Den Ende Guden (The One Only God). Stockholm: Bokforlaget Nova Ecclesia. Paper, 48pp. Reviewed in L. 1935:351.

HYATT, REV. EDWARD S.: Sermons on the Word. The Hague: Swedenborg Genootschap. Paper, pp. 249. Reviewed in L. 1935:352.

ODHNER, REV. HUGO LJ.: Daily Readings (from the Word and the Writings) for 1935. Bryn Athyn: General Church of the New Jerusalem. Described in L. 1935:21.



PERIODICALS: A monthly newsletter. Published and edited by Rev. W. Cairns Henderson and Rev. A. Wynne Acton. London, England, 1935-37. Vol. 1-1935 - to date. Name changed to News Letter. Editor: Rev. Alan Gill - Nov. 1946.

PITCAIRN, REV. THEODORE: A Comparison of Dr. Alfred Acton's Doctrinal Study The Crown of Revelations, the Rev. E. S. Hyatt's Sermons on the Word, and De Hemelsche Leer. The Hague: Swedenborg Genootschap. Pamphlet, 71pp.

Africa. Ethiopia. Appeals to League of Nations against Italy. Invades Ethiopia (Oct. 2-4).

America. United States. The U. S. Supreme Court voids the National Industrial Recovery Act. (May 27).

President Roosevelt signs the Social Security Bill (Aug. 14).

John L. Lewis founds Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO), remains President till 1940.

Germany. The people of the Saar Territory vote to return to German ownership (Jan. 13).

Hitler breaks the Versailles Treaty, and orders conscription in Germany (March 16).

Jews in Germany lose citizenship with political rights (Sept. 15).

Italy. 52 nation-members of the League of Nations (and Egypt) declare "economic sanctions" against Italy.




Alpha, O. F. S., Jan. 28. - A memorial service is held for King George V. - Address in L. 105.

Feb. 17. - The home of the Superintendent of the Mission is struck by lightning and entirely destroyed. - L. 153.

June 21. - All the societies in Basutoland are represented in a celebration of New Church Day. - Described in L. 284.

Durban, Aug. 1. - The pastor, Rev. Elmo C. Acton, leaves to teach in the Academy Schools. He is succeeded by the Rev. Philip N. Odhner (Bryn Athyn). - L. 127, 220, 315, 347.

Mayville, Durban, June 27. - The Mayville Society presents an illuminated address to its departing pastor, the Rev. E. C. Acton. - L. 383. Cf. 1937:25.

Sterkstroom, Cape Province, Nov. 6. - Dedication of a new church building for the Xosa people. - L. 1937:89.


Georgetown, Nov. - The Rev. Henry Algernon is authorized by the General Church to teach and administer the sacraments in the "Tabor Mission". - L. 352.

Nov. 15. - Public inaugural service; 25 persons present. - Georgetown Daily Chronicle, Nov. 15; L. 1937:54.

Toronto, Ont., Jan. 28. - The Olivet Church holds a memorial service for King George V. - L. 93.

Washington, D. C., Jan. 4. - Fortnightly services are now held at the Washington Musical Institute. - L. 62.

Oct. - The General Church Society now holds only monthly services in the Washington Musical Institute, 1730 16th., Northwest. - L. 1937:93.

Glenview, July 4. - Death of Mrs. Eugene J. E. (Frances Aitken) Schreck. - L. 256; obit., 253.

July 9. - Death of Mr. Alfred L. Goerwitz, aged 64 years. A valued layman of the Glenview society from its beginning; son of Rev. Fedor Goerwitz, of Germany. - L. 256; obit., 282.



July 21. - Death of Mr. Edmund Hamilton Sears Fuller, in his 74th year; an active member of the Pittsburgh and Glenview societies. - L. 288; obit., 282.

Sept. 16. - The Immanuel Day School opens with 73 pupils, in nine grades. This is the first time all of the grades are carried in the same year. The school is conducted by the pastor, four teachers, and five volunteer assistants. - L. 350.

Oct. 9-11. - Chicago District Assembly; Bishop A. Acton presiding. - Account in L. 376.


Detroit, Oct. 14. - Second Local Assembly of General Church members from Michigan and Ontario. - Report in L. 377.

Nov. 1. - For the first time, Sunday service is held in a public auditorium (Highland Park Y. W. C. A). - L. 378.

Middleport, April 22. - The Rev. Norman H. Reuter becomes Visiting Pastor of Middleport Society. - L. 1957:91.

Bryn Athyn, Feb. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli reports on his last journey as Visiting Pastor, in which use he has served over twenty years. - L. 53.

Feb. - Mr. Richard R. Gladish succeeds the Rev. Vincent C. Odhner, as editor of the Bulletin of the Sons of the Academy. - L. 121.

March 15-16. - Dedication of the new De Charms Hall, for the use of the Bryn Athyn Elementary School, by Bishop De Charms; 325 persons present. Account and description of the building in L. 124-7; address, 234.

March 31-April 4. - 39th annual Council of the Clergy; Bishop N. D. Pendleton presiding; 21 present. Doctrinal papers are the center of discussion. Report in L. 173-6; address, 257.

April 3. - Philadelphia District Assembly. - Report in L. 185.

April 4. - 42nd annual Joint Council. 29 present. - Full report in L. 177-182; annual reports, 141-151.

April 5. - Ordination of the Rev. Alfred Acton into the third degree of the priesthood; Bishop N. D. Pendleton officiating. - L. 160; account and "declaration of faith", 176.



June 6. - Annual joint meeting of the Academy Corporation and Faculties. - L. 221.

June 11. - 19 pupils graduate from the Elementary School. - L. 221.

June 12. - Commencement exercises ,f the Academy Schools; 30 students graduate. The degree of Doctor of Science is granted to the Rev. Reginald W. Brown. - L. 222; address, 230.

June 21. - Bishop N. D. Pendleton announces that age and declining strength make his retirement a necessity. The Assistant Bishop (Rt. Rev. Geo. de Charms) takes over the responsibilities of the episcopal office until the General Assembly shall select and confirm a new Bishop of the General Church. - L. 224; Cf. 287.

June. - Organization Of the "Bryn Athyn Orchestra Association". - L. 380.

July. - After an interval of four years, the Academy Catalogue (1936-37) is again published. - L. 221.

July 19. - Death of Mrs. Regina Hanan Iungerich, in her 84th year; widow of Mr. Edward C. Iungerich, donor of the well-known fund for the free gift of copies of the Writings to ministers and theological students. - L. 256.

Sept. 16. - Opening of the 60th year of the Academy Schools, with an enrollment of 308 students. - L. 381; address, 335.

Oct. - The Academy's Journal of Education resumes publication on an annual basis, containing annual reports, etc. (Vol. 27, No. 1). - L. 221.

Oct. 23. - The stirring celebration of Charter Day is described in L. 380.

- N. d. - The Rev. Theodore Pitcairn resumes duties as an Assistant Pastor of the Society. - L. 380.

Nov. - A new periodical, Elementary School Journal, is published "in the interests of the elementary schools of the General Church" - L. 383.

Dec. 5. - The society, after full discussion, supports the continuance of the status of the Bishop as pastor here; but favors a full-time assistant pastor. - L. 1937:30.

Dec. 24. - The children's Christmas service is attended by 662 persons. - L. 1937:62.

Dec. 25. - The Academy receives a Christmas gift of about 20 acres of land on Roosevelt Boulevard, Philadelphia, from Messrs. Raymond, Theodore and Harold Pitcairn. Other gifts, in securities of the value of $86,000, from the Pitcairn family, include a trust fund for the publication of the Writings and research work therein. - L. 1937:90.



Philadelphia, Sept. 4. - The Rev. Elmo C. Acton arrives to take charge of the Advent Church, also the groups in Newark and Camden, New Jersey. - L. 318.

Pittsburgh, June 27. - Celebration of the 50th anniversary of New Church education in Pittsburgh. - Account in L. 254.

Sept. 16. - The Day School opens with 18 pupils, enrolled in six grades. - L. 349.

Sept. 18. - The Society reports 84 adult members, an increase of 20 in four years. - L. 350.

Oct. 16-18. - Pittsburgh District Assembly; Bishop De Charms presiding. - L. 381.

Somerton, Nov. 25. - Death of the Rev. Albert John Cleare, in his 70th year. - L. 1937:32.

Hurstville, N. d. - Resignation of the Rev. Richard Morse, after over thirty years as leader and pastor of the Hurstville Society. - L. 122, 248.

Jan. 12. - The Rev. W. C. Henderson is chosen as pastor of the Hurstville Society. - L. 122, 127, 248.

N. d. - The Day School, which originated with Misses Taylor and White, now closes for lack of a teacher. - L. 249; 1937:121.

Aug. 6. - The membership of the Hurstville Society is reported as 23. - L. 1937:27.

Melbourne, Easter. - 16th Conference of "The New Church in Australia". The representatives of the Brisbane Society leave the Conference on the defeat of their motion asking Conference to "disassociate itself publicly from the Academy Church, teaching and Doctrine". - L. 273ff.


Brussels, April 25. - Mr. F. Denis, of the Belgian daily, Le Peuple, broadcasts over Station I. N. R. a talk on "Jean Jacques Gailliard, Swedenborgian and Colonial Painter". - L. 188. Cf. 1925:1.

Colchester, March 5. - Death of Mr. Arthur Henry Appleton, aged 81 years. One of the founders of the first New Church Day School in Colchester (1894), and member of the General Church from its beginning. In his use as a builder, he won acclaim from trade journals and the local press for his cooperative organization of workmen. - L. 128; obit., 152.



High Kilburn, York, Dec. 8. - Death of Mr. William Copley Jubb, in his 80th year. A life-long voluntary leader of the small group at York. - L. 1937:96; obit., 125.

London, Jan. 26. - The Michael Church holds a "Service of Remembrance" for King George V. - L. 155.

Aug. 1-3. - 29th British Assembly is held at the Michael Church; Bishop Tilson presides. - L. 340.

Oslo, March. - The annual lecture four of the Rev. G. Baeckstrm is described. - L. 154.

N. d. - The promising prospects of the Church in Oslo are described. - L. 1937:57.

New Church Life, vol. 56.

"Perception in the New Church", by the Rev. W. C. Henderson. - p. 77.

"The Doctrines and the World", (a survey of the centres of reception), by Mr. A. S. Wainscot. - p. 112.

"Permeation Then and Now", by the Editor. - p. 117. Cf. pp. 183, 206, 268, 312.

"Natural Divine Truth", by the Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 225.

"The Church Eternal", by Bishop N. Dandridge Pendleton. - p. 257.

"The New Church in the Latter Days", by Mr. A. S. Wainscot. - p. 266.

"Preservation of the Manuscripts", by Dr. J. J. G. Wilkinson, (in 1939). - p. 309.

The New Philosophy, 1936.

Swedenborg's Ether and the Michelson-Morley experiments, by W. Howard. - p. 132.

The doctrine of spontaneous generation, by C. R. Pendleton. - p. 164.

The problem of higher atmospheres, by C. R. Pendleton. - p. 202.

The place of The Worship and Love of God. by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 225.



Swedenborg's controversy with Celsius, by E. F. Allen. - p. 240.

BAECKSTRM, REV. GUSTAF: Vara Doda Vanner (Our Departed Friends). Appelviken, Stockholm: Bokforlaget Nova Ecclesia. Paper, pp. 132. L.1936:373.

HOWARD, WILFRED: The Michelson-Morley Experiments and Swedenborg's Doctrine of the Ether. Hawthorne, New Jersey: Swedenborg Publishing Society. Pamphlet, pocket-size, 20pp. (Originally appeared in The New Philosophy, January, 1936).

IUNGERICH, REV. ELDRED EDWARD: The Soul and Its Representations. Published by the Author, Bryn Athyn, Pa. Buckram, 16mo.; pp. 269. Reviewed in L. 1937: 497.

ODHNER, REV. HUGO L.: Litaba Tsa Sehloho. A Sesuto version of First Elements of the True Christian Religion, An Introductory Catechism for the New Church. Translated by Rev. Twentyman Mofokeng. Alpha, Ladybrand, South Africa. Booklet, 80pp. Notices in L. 1936:242.

Elementary School Journal. Published in Bryn Athyn, Pa. Oct.-June, 1936-1937 v. 1 Editor: Lois Nelson. Changed to Parent-Teacher Journal 1937 v. 2- (date) Editor: Besse E. Smith Celia Bellinger.

SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL: The Word of the Old Testament Explained (Vol. IV Exodus 1-22) Translated by Alfred Acton, M. A., D. Th.

Africa. Ethiopia. Emperor Haile Selassie flees from Ethiopia (May 1).

America. United States. The U.S. Supreme Court voids the Agricultural Adjustment Act's processing taxes.

France. In France the first Socialist Government takes office under Leon Blum (June 4).

Germany. German troops break the Locarno pact by reoccupying the Rhineland zone (March 7).

Great Britain. Death of King George V. Succeeded by Edward VIII (Jan. 20).

King Edward VIII voluntarily abdicated, in favor of George VI (Dec. 11).

Italy. Mussolini proclaims annexation of Ethiopia and end of the war (May 5).



Rome-Berlin axis formed (Oct. 25).

Spain. Civil war in Spain begins (July 17). Gen. Francisco Franco is proclaimed head of the Nationalist (Insurgent) government (Oct. 1).




Alpha, Ladybrand, O. F. S., June 19. - The various celebrations of New Church Day, throughout the General Church Mission, are interestingly described in L. 467-9.

July 25-28. - After an interval of four years, the annual meetings of ministers, leaders and teachers from Basutoland, Transvaal, and Cape Province, are resumed. - Account in L. 558.

Nov. - The Rev. F. W. Elphick describes visits and problems in the Transvaal and North Natal. - L. 1938:89-91.

Durban, June 11. - First appearance of The Durban Society Adviser, a weekly mimeographed paper. - L. 471, 500.

June 19. - A typical Durban celebration of New Church Day is described in L. 500.

Kent Manor, Impapala, Zululand, Sept. 2-5. - Annual meetings of ministers, leaders and teachers from Natal, Durban and Zululand. - Report in L. 559.

Springs, Whitsuntide. - The first General Church service for Europeans in the Transvaal, is conducted by the Rev. Philip N. Odhner in a room in the Park Hotel. - L. 1938:89.


Rio de Janeiro, March 7. - Account of the Rio de Janeiro Society by visitors Messrs. H. F. and N. Pitcairn appears in L. 275.

Georgetown, Demerara, Dec. 20. - A Georgetown newspaper publishes a resume of an "inspiring lecture" by the Rev. H. Algernon, leader of the Tabor Mission, Third Street, Albertown. - Text in L. 276.

Kitchener, Ont., Feb. 1. - The Rev. Norman H. Reuter (Wyoming, O.) becomes assistant to the pastor here. - L. 31.

May 9-11. - The Kitchener Society celebrates the coronation of King George VI. - L. 277.



June 19. - Eight pupils graduate from the Carmel Church Day School. - L. 470.

Sept. 7. - The Carmel Church Day School re-opens with 43 pupils. - L. 532.

Toronto, Ont., Aug. - Candidate Norbert H. Rogers assists the pastor here. - l. 1938:42.

Washington, D. C., Jan. 12. - Death of Major Alan Pendleton, in his 44th year. Only son of Bishop Wm. F. Pendleton, he served in California, France and Puerto Rico. A gifted Judge Advocate and military instructor at West Point, Fort Leavenworth and Washington, he made valuable contributions to the U. S. Army textbooks. - L. 64, 92; obit., 93.

Chicago, June. - During the past two years, the Sharon Church loses a number of its members through removal to other localities. - L. 276.

Sept. 2. - Death of Miss Ellen V. Wallenberg, aged 79 years. A charter member of the Sharon Church (1903); she taught in the Chicago public schools for over forty years. - L. 504; obit., 532.

Glenview. - During the summer, Candidate Morley D. Rich assists the pastor. - L. 326.

Sept. 20. - The Immanuel Church Day School re-opens, with 71 children in nine grades and four teachers. - L. 535.

Oct. 15-17. - Thirty-second Chicago District Assembly; Bishop De Charms presiding. Nearly 200 persons attend. - Report in L. 564; address, 546.

Oct. 31. - Death of Miss Susan Minot Junge, aged 76 years. The first woman teacher in the Immanuel Church School, and afterwards teacher in the Academy's Girls' School in Philadelphia. - L. 568; obit., 565.

Detroit, Oct. 13. - Third annual visit of Bishop De Charms to the Detroit Circle. Described in L. 563; address, 546.

Newark, Sept. - Fortnightly services for members in Northern New Jersey are held in the Robert Treat Hotel; with monthly doctrinal classes in the homes of members. The visiting pastor is the Rev. Elmo C. Acton. - L. 1938:190.

Akron, May 9. - At a service by Rev. F. E. Waelchli, 42 persons from Akron, Cleveland, Youngstown and Niles are hopeful of a common center in Northern Ohio. - Account in l. 317. Cf. 561.



Middleport, Jan. - A great Ohio River flood seriously damages the church building and contents. - L. 318, 564.

Wyoming, Feb. 1. - The Rev. F. E. Waelchli (Bryn Athyn) becomes Pastor of the Wyoming Circle. - L. 31.

Bryn Athyn, Jan. 12. - The celebration of "Founder's Day" is resumed, after several years interval, at a noteworthy banquet. - Account in L. 90.

Feb. 5. - A banquet celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the General Church; valuable eyewitness account by the Rev. C. E. Doering. Historical addresses in L. 109-119.

April 1-2. - 40th annual Council of the Clergy; 25 present. After full discussion and by majority vote, the Council names the Rt. Rev. George de Charms as its choice for Bishop of the General Church. His report on "The State of the Church" is followed by three sessions of extended discussion on the doctrines and policy advocated by the Revs. Ernst Pfeiffer and Theodore Pitcairn. Full minutes and proceedings in L. 181-219; papers, 184, 200.

April 2. - The Executive Committee of the General Church "unanimously records its confidence in Bishop De Charms and in his qualifications to lead our Church and to preserve freedom and order" It also is in unanimous accord with the Council of the Clergy in nominating Bishop De Charms for the office of Bishop of the General Church. - See Extracts from Minutes in L. 270-271.

April 2. - The Executive Committee, after full discussion of the documents involved in the separation of Mr. Pfeiffer, "declares its unanimous support of the position taken by the Acting Bishop .... and agrees that the position taken by Mr. Pfeiffer constitutes insubordination to the established form and order of government of the General Church, and as such cannot be countenanced". - See Ibid, 271-4.

April 16. - At a special meeting of the Bryn Athyn Society, Bishop De Charms outlines the history of the Hague controversy, culminating in the Rev. Ernst Pfeiffer's challenge to the organization and administration of the General Church and his subsequent separation, not on doctrinal grounds, but in defense of the order and freedom of the General Church. The Rev. Theodore Pitcairn reads a prepared statement in defense of the position taken by Mr. Pfeiffer. A discussion results in a general affirmation of confidence in the administration of the General Church. - Account in L. 235.

April 23. - Bishop De Charms begins a series of three classes on the doctrinal issues involved in the Hague controversy. 283 persons attend the first class. L. 236. (The three papers are published under the title of "The Hague Views Examined"; in L. 1937: June Supplement, 241, 252, 260.)



June 5. - Annual Joint Meeting of Corporation and Faculties. Lively discussion of the merits of vocational courses. - L. 312.

June 10. - 23 boys and girls graduate from the Elementary School. - L. 321.

June 11. - Commencement exercises of the Academy Schools; 21 students graduate. - Account in L. 313; address, 454.

July-Aug. - Bishop De Charms travels about 12, 000 miles in episcopal visits to groups and members in the West and South. - L. 502.

Sept. 11. - Death of the Rev. Reginald William Brown, B. A., B. Th., (1899), M. A. (Col.), in his 61st year. Ordained in 1900; pastor of the Pittsburgh Society to 1903; taught Physical Science in the Academy Schools; 1905-1937; Dean of the College, 1914-1917; Academy Librarian, 1918-1937; spent two years in the South African Mission, 1919-1921; President of the Swedenborg Scientific Association, 1935-7. A versatile scholar and research worker, especially in the field of geology, he gave his entire life to the work of the Academy. - L. 504; memorial add., 530; biogr. sk. 531. Cf. 534, 560.

Sept. 15. - Re-opening of the Academy Schools, with 324 students. Account in L. 502; address, 1938; 64.

Oct. - The Elementary School Journal is re-named The Parent-Teacher Journal; editors: Mrs. B.E. Smith, Miss C. Bellinger, Mr. M. D. Rich. - L. 535.

N. d. - Miss Freda Pendleton, Assistant Librarian since 1929, is appointed Acting Librarian of the Academy. - L. 567.

Dec. - The Bryn Athyn Civic and Social Club opens its new club-house, - the former Vickroy residence, Alden Road. - L. 1938:89.

Dec. 19. - The new great hall at "Glencairn" (now nearing completion) is inaugurated by Christmas music by the Bryn Athyn Orchestra, Cathedral Choir, Whittington chorus and congregational hymns. Some 500 persons attend. - L. 1938:45. (Note: This custom has continued to the present day.)

Dec. 29. - Death of Bishop Emeritus Nathaniel Dandridge Pendleton, in his 73rd year. - L. 1938:96. Memorial address, 65; Biogr. sketch with photo, 60: Cf. pp. BB, 93, 94, 95, 235, 282. His last sermon, p. 97. (Dec. 12, 1937).

Pittsburgh, June. - Candidate Norbert H. Rogers assists the pastor during part of the summer. - L. 465.

June 30-July 4. - The Sixteenth General Assembly is held in the beautiful buildings and grounds of the Shady Side Academy, Fox Chapel Road. 420 persons attend. By unanimous assent, Bishop George de Charms is confirmed as the Bishop of the General Church.



A tribute to the wise leadership and rich contribution to Bishop N. D. Pendleton is sent to him at his summer home in Indian Lake, New York. Greetings are sent to "our sister body, the General Convention of the New Jerusalem". Six addresses and papers are discussed; also many reports. The general theme of the final "Assembly Banquet" is "Gratitude". A token of appreciation is presented to the Pastor of the Pittsburgh Society, the Rev. Willard D. Pendleton. - See Journal in L. 358-379. Addresses, 281, 291, 329, 341, 348, 409; reports, 380-403; banquet, 433-450; service, 424-433; photos., 329, 453; notes, 450.

Aug. 22. - Death of Mr. Jacob Schoenberger, aged 84 years. A German orphan and immigrant, he became a successful business man in the musical instrument field. A member of the German New Church circle, he joined the Academy movement under Bishop Benade, and was a valued counselor and member of the General Church. His humility, sincere faith in the Writings, and love of the use of the Church were widely known. - L. 504; obit. (With photo.), 1938:47.

Hurstville, (Sydney), April 27. - The men of the society establish a monthly men's meeting. - L. 407.

June 3. - A "Young People's Club" is formed. - L. 407.

June 19. - New Church Day is celebrated by both adults and children. - L. 408.

Aug. 5. - At the annual meeting of the society, a membership of 25 is reported. - L. 563.


Paris, June 20. - The Paris Society observes "New Church Day"; 20 persons present. - L. 325.

- Nov. 15. -Centennial celebration of the first pamphlet-publication of Sir Isaac Pitman's system of phonetic shorthand. - L. 527.

Colchester, May 13. - The Colchester Society celebrates "Coronation Week". - L. 314.

July 31-Aug. 2. - Thirtieth British Assembly; Bishop A. Acton presiding; a record attendance (140). Account in L. 557; presidential address in Monthly News Letter (Sept.).

Oct. 28. - During a visit by Bishop A. Acton, the Colchester Society sends congratulations to the two new societies at The Hague and Jnkping. - L. 1938:38.



London, Feb. 12. - Death of Mr. Samuel Lewin at Brixton, aged 90 years. An esteemed life-long member of the Michael Church. - L. 126; obit. 125. Cf.323.

- During the summer, Bishop A. Acton visits the Michael Church on three occasions (July 26, August 15, Oct. 26). - L. 1938:40.

The Hague, July 11. - The church at Nassauplein 29 is described by Dr. E. E. Iungerich in an interview With Rev. Ernst Pfeiffer. - L. 466.

Sept. 5. - At a meeting of nine members of the General Church, a new Society is organized; Bishop A. Acton presiding. President, Mr. E. Francis, Secretary, Mr. Beijerinck; Treasurer, Mr. H. G. Engeltjes. Later (Oct. 17) the Rev. E. E. Iungerich (Paris) is appointed Visiting Pastor. - L. 560; 1938:38.

Nov. 28. - The pastor conducts the first service in a hall at Nieuive School-straat 38; 18 persons present. - Account in L. 1938:91, 140.

Jnkping, Sept. 8-14. -Bishop A. Acton visits the Jnkping Circle, where twelve members have resigned. - L. 1938:56.

Oct. 5. - At a meeting called by the Rev. Erik Sandstrm, fourteen members favor a distinct society of the General Church. Three days later (Bishop A. Acton presiding), the Jnkping Society is organized with Rev. Erik Sandstrm as pastor. - Account in L. 1938:36-7.

Stockholm, Sept. - Bishop Acton visits the Stockholm Society. - L. 1938:44.

New Church Life, vol. 57.

"Equal Providence", (on DP 285), by Rev. W. L. Gladish. - p. 33.

"Spheres", by Rev. A. W. Acton. - p. 76.

A survey of the early origins of the General Church, by Rev. W. B. Caldwell. - p. 109.

An eyewitness account of the beginning of the "General Church" in 1897, by Rev. E. Doering. - p. 113.

"Seating a Bishop", (A history of appointing a Bishop of the General Church), by Rev. C. E. Doering.- p. 171.

"The Hague Views Examined", (Three papers on Divine Creation and Divine proceeding; Divine Accommodations and Divine Providence; Interior Degrees of Truth in the Writings), by the Rt. Rev. G. de Charms. - pp. 241, 252, 260. Cf. 1938, p. 27.



"The Holy Spirit", by Rt. Rev. a. Acton. - p. 409.

"The Centennial of a Use; Sir Isaac Pitman's Faith and Works", by Mr. Alex McQueen. - p. 527.

"The Progress of the Church", by Bishop G. de Charms. - p. 546.

The New Philosophy, 1937.

The Soul and its representations, by Rev. E. E. Iungerich. - p. 301.

Swedenborg's doctrine of the brain, by Rev. A. Acton. - p. 328.

The geometrical nature of spiritual substance, by C. R. Pendleton. - p. 362.

ACADEMY SCHOOLS: The Academy Year Book. Edited and published by a student committee. Illustrated. (First Year Book since 1930) Described in L. 1937:95.

BAECKSTRM, REV. GUSTAF: Andilga Sfarer (Spiritual Spheres). Appelviken, Stockholm: Bokforlaget Nova Ecclesia. Paper, 32pp. (Three sermons) Reviewed in L. 1938:84.

BAECKSTRM, REV. GUSTAF: Jesus ar Gud. Appelviken, Stockholm: Bokforlaget Nova Ecclesia. Paper, crown 8vo. 32pp. Reviewed in L. 1938:83.

GENERAL CHURCH: Documents Concerning the Separation of the Rev. Ernst Pfeiffer from the General Church of the New Jerusalem. Bryn Athyn. Pamphlet, 15pp. (Dated April 7, 1937, and sent to the members of the General Church) Mentioned in L. 1937:198.

MOFOKENG, REV. TWENTY: Sesuto Hymnal Alpha Ladybrand, O. F. S., South Africa; General Church Native Mission Press. Cloth, 96pp. Reviewed in L. 1938:323.

PERIODICALS: The Academian. Published monthly by the students of the Academy of the New Church, Bryn Athyn, Pa. 1937 -(date) VI -(date). Changed to twice a month Oct. 1939. Unbound. In boxes on a shelf.

Parent-Teacher Journal of the General Church of the New Jerusalem. Published at Bryn Athyn, Pa., October to May, monthly v. 2, Oct. 1937 - Editor: Besse E. Smith. Asst. Editor Celia Bellinger. Vol. 1 was called Elementary School Journal 1936-1937 see qEl 25.

PITCAIRN, REV. THEODORE: The Crisis in the General Church. Edited by Pitcairn, Boef - Leonard Odhner - Ridgway - Sigstedt. Bryn Athyn, Pa. Pamphlet, 15pp.



PITCAIRN, REV. THEODORE: Sic Doctrinal Classes on the Divine Providence, various relations and four sermons on the two great commandments. Bryn Athyn, Pa. Pamphlet, 80pp.

SIGSTEDT, SIGRID ODHNER: Wonder Footprints: Stories about Heaven for Children. Bryn Athyn, Pa. Published by the Author. Booklet, Illus., pp. 48.

America. United States. The U. S. Supreme Court upsets the conviction of an Oregon communist, asserting that the right of peaceable assembly is as fundamental as the constitutional guarantees of freedom of speech and of the press.

Great Britain. Coronation of George VI and his wife, Elizabeth (May 12).

Ireland. The Irish Free State becomes the State of fire (Ireland).

Italy. Italy announces withdrawal from League of Nations.

Russia. A Soviet airplane lands at the North Pole (May 21).

Spain. Gen. Franco sets up a one-party state (April 19).



Annals of
The General Church of the New Jerusalem
Vol. I

Containing Lists of
1. Meetings and Reports

Key: -
C - Church Life, civil, social and ecclesiastical.
E - Education

G - Government and Organization

M - Evangelization, Missionary

P - Publication and Translation
2. Notable Memorials
3. Ordinations


Academy Board of Directors L. 43 E
Baltimore Reading and Social Circle Mess. 73:50 L.1950:237 E C
Canada, Pastor's Council L. 80 G
Local Assembly L. '98:16 C
Colchester meeting L.160 E C
General Church of the New Jerusalem L. 43, 48, 44, 49 L. 1947:259-268 G C

General Assembly L. 97-109,128 N. C. R. Jan. 1898 G C
Huntingdon Valley meetings L. 32, 48 C
Huntingdon Valley Society L. 159 G
Immanuel Church meeting L. 43, 48, 64
Local Assembly L. '98:9-14 C G
Pennsylvania Assoc. L. 80, 95 C
Teachers' Institute L. '98:31 E

Academy Board meeting L. 110 C
Berlin Society meetings "Carmel Church" L. 31, 64 C
Canada Assoc. Mess. 75:206 L.112,127 L. '99:16 C
Colchester Society meetings L. 190 L. '99:64 C G
Council of the Clergy L. 126
Council of the Clergy L. 175
General Church Gen. Assembly Journal L.110, 126, 123, 173 L. 4, 56, 128 L.199:90 G C
Local Assembly L. 47, 53-62, 71 C E
London Society meetings L. 190 L. '99:64 C G
Paris, Missionary Society L. 64 Mess. 75:317 M G
Principia Club meetings L. 143 L. 175 Cf. '99:1
New Phil. Dec. L.199:14, 21 C
Swedenborg Philosophy Club L. 192 G
Swedenborg Scientific Assoc. L.110 New Phil. 1948:222-9 C
Teachers' Institute meetings L. 120 L. 69, 85, 105, 137, 151, 167 E

General Church Gen. Assembly Journal L.126, 120, 123, 117-120, 113 Cf. 114, 166 N. C. R. 7:147 Mess. 78:38 L.1900:87, 89 C
Glenview, Local Assembly L.176
Local Assemblies L. 85, 96 L. 169, 178 Cf. 159 C G E M
Pittsburgh Local Assembly L. 111 C
Principia Club meetings L. 31, 48, 63, 79, 109, 159, 175, 190 L.1900:104, 35
Teachers' Institute L. 155-158

Canada-Berlin Local Assembly L. 566

Ontario Assembly L.1901:85-102, 51, 111 M

Toronto Local Assembly L. 565
General Church Gen. Assembly Journal L.351-434, 435-458 L. 523, 588, 635
Local Assembly L.609-13, 617
Principia Club L. 619
Teachers' Institute L. 641 Cf. 532, 533 E

Council of the Clergy Journal L. 393-456
German "Swedenborg Verein" L. 1902:55 P
Illinois Assoc. - ministers' council L. 168 E
Illinois Assoc. L. 1902:53 E
Joint meeting, corporation and faculty J. E. 1901:5, 10-28 Cf. L. Feb. 9-6
Ontario Assembly L.1902:107 Journal C
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 498-501
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 1902:90-100
Principia Club meetings L.107, 164, 220, 275, 371 Life Index

New Philosophy L. 1902:50

Baltimore General Church Circle L.1903:563
Chicago District Assembly L. 704-8
General Church Council Meetings L. 429-527 Cf. 555-7
Joint Meeting, Corporation and Faculty J. E.:34, 39-50, 35-39
London Assembly L. 528-34, 572
Philadelphia Advent Society meeting L. 356
Pittsburgh District Assembly L.1903:52, 57
Swedenborg Scientific Assoc. L. 419
Swedish, Royal Academy of Sciences (A. Stroh)

Aftonbladet L.1903:216, 334, 364, 491, 566, 575, 657, 278 P

British Gen. Church Assembly L. 548-55, 509, 590 C
Chicago District Assembly L. 1904:26-43 Cf. 1, 20, 44
Chicago Swedenborg Philosophy Club L. 393 G
Council of the Clergy, Gen. Church L. 452-464 L.471-4
Denver Union Meeting L. 498 C
Joint Meeting, Corporation and Faculty J. E.:15-19, 39-49 E G
Ontario Assembly L.1904:152-9 Cf. 110, 312, 352 C
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 668, 661 P
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 671 L.1904:1-7 G C
Sharon Church first meetings L. 224, 225, 392 G
Teachers' Institute J. E.:25-38 L. 473, 474 G E

British Assembly, Gen. Church L. 609-18, 577 Cf. 627 G C
Chicago District Assembly L. 667-675 L. 1905:1-7 C
Council of the Clergy meetings L. 552-562
General Church Gen. Assembly L. 393-515, 389
Olivet Church of the New Jerusalem L. 687 G
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 34-38, 58 G

Alumni Assoc. L. 441
British Assembly L. 619-629, 645, 667
Chicago District Assembly L. 704-8, 764 L.1906:86
Council of the Clergy L. 534-592, 488-490
Ontario Assembly L. 1906:171-182, 192 Cf. 123
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 1906:57, 1,227, 275 C
Pittsburgh District Assembly L.762 C

British Assembly L. 632, Cf. 602 E
Chicago District Assembly L. 688-95 Cf. 700
Council of the Clergy L. 751-776 Cf. 637 C
Pittsburgh District Assembly
Swedenborg Scientific Assoc.
Teachers' Institute L.1907:52-5

British Assembly L. 712, 823-8
Chicago District Assembly L. 1908:47-56
Council of the Clergy L. 751-776 Cf. 637 C P
General Church Gen. Assembly L. 435-7 C
Ontario Assembly L. 1908:242-250
Theta Alpha begins L. 496-499

British Assembly L. 614-621
Chicago District Assembly L. 1909:108-112
Council of the Clergy L. 492-3, 541-558
International Philosophical Congress (A. Stroh) L. 671 C
Ontario Assembly L. 1909:241 Cf. 190
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 1909:115-122
Swedenborg General Index Report New Philosophy:33-39, 360 P
Upsala Psychological Society (A. Stroh) L. 1909:36

Arbutus Society begins L. 552 L. 1910:126, 614 C
British Assembly L. 606-612 Cf. 680
Brockton Declaration Report L. 450-9 Cf. 730, 734-6 L.1910:371 C
Chicago District Assembly L. 1910:91-100 Cf. 61
Council of the Clergy L. 506-541 Cf. 481, 745
Philadelphia District Assembly L.1910:57
Pittsburgh District Assembly L.1910:58,165
Sons of the Academy begins L. 410 G
Swedenborg Society for Holland and Belgium L. 415, 479 L. 1910:292

British Assembly L. 1910:695-706 Cf. 646, 649, 659 C
General Church Gen. Assembly L. 1910:459-585 Cf. 591, 609
London Swedenborg Society O others L. 1910:687-690 P
New York District Assembly L.1910:385
Ontario Assembly L. 1911:112-120 Cf. 65, 70, 130

British Assembly L. 763 Cf. 799 C
Chicago District Assembly L. 462
Denver Local Assembly L. 475 Cf. 438
Joint Councils L. 598-615
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 1912:55
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 836
Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences (A. Stroh) L. 293-308, 403 P

British Assembly L. 627-633 Cf. 649 L. 1913:85
Chicago District Assembly L.1913:52-9
Consistory Meeting L. 188 C
Council of the Clergy L. 548-571 Cf. 498 G
Philadelphia District Assembly L.1913:50-52
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 770-5 Cf. 1913:151 C
Ontario Assembly L. 1913:105-113,65, 160, 317

British Assembly L. 688-698
Consistory and Council of the Clergy L. 561, 567
General Church General Assembly L. 479-558 Cf. 559-566, 447, 458, 711 C
Ontario Assembly L.1914:176-85 Cf. 123, 65, 129 C
Teachers' Institute L. 562 J. E.

British Assembly L. 710-16, 761-3, 554, 747 N. C. Q. Oct.

B. S. A. Dec. C E
Council of the Clergy L. 480-95 Cf. 471, 510 G
Joint Council L. 479-95, 496-503 L. 471, 472 C
Ontario Local Assembly L. 1915:167
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 1915:99

Consistory and Council of the Clergy L. 232, 539
Joint Council L. 536-551 C
Joint Council, Clergy O Laity (Beekman) L. 1916:54 C
New York Local Assembly L. 483
Nya Kyrbans Forsamling L.1946:75
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 1916:55 C
Philadelphia Local Assembly L. 294
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 802
Ontario District Assembly L. 1916:173-189, 65 Cf. 124 C

Chicago District Assembly L.702-11 Cf. 722 C
Corporation of the General Church L. 648-55
General Church General Assembly Journal L. 493-606 L. 499, 514, 472, 459, 734 L. 1917:130 L. 1916:481 Cf. 422 C G
Kitchener Local Assembly L. 1917:192

Academy War Service Committee L. 769-78 L. 1919:703
Chicago District Assembly L. 754-8 Cf. 684
Convention and General Church Joint Meeting L. 387
Council of the Clergy L. 191
General Faculty begins J. E. XV:8
Joint Council L.456-81
Kitchener Local Assembly L. 1918:122
Philadelphia Local Assembly L. 384
Pittsburgh Local Assembly L. 386

Alumni Assoc. L. 479 E
Chicago District Assembly L. 751-6
Council of the Clergy L. 492, 535, 550, 610
Joint Council L. 489-509
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 190
Philadelphia Local Assembly L. 299-302
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 381, 327

Academy War Service Committee L. 703 Cf. 755 C
Clergy O Executive Committee L. 832, 769 C
Council of the Clergy and Joint Council L. 203, 248, 322, 446
Council of the Clergy L. 832, 772, 778, L. 1920:257 C G
General Church General Assembly L. 769-848, 705-717, 751-9, 750, 832, 833
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 203, 269-281, 225
Philadelphia Local Assembly L. 362
Preparation Meeting of Dedication L. 726-733 C

British Assembly L. 706-17 Cf. 644 L. 649, 660, 669
Bryn Athyn Society Meetings (Charter) L. 512, 766 G
Chicago District Assembly L. 1921:46-52 Cf. 73
Council of the Clergy L. 490, 513, 521,595, 540, 554, 570, 585, 595, 611, 625
Executive Committee L. 511
Glenview New Church Life meetings begin L. 255, 444, Cf. 24:171 L.1930:127 C
Joint Council L. 491-511
London New Church Club begins L. 1921:184
Ontario District Assembly L. 379, 380, 427-440, 449 C
Philadelphia Local Assembly L. 375-378
Pittsburgh District Assembly L.763-765

British Assembly L. 126-38, 344 Cf. 518 L. 540, 626 L. 1922:15, 78, 84, 249
Chicago District Assembly L. 706-713
Cincinnati Local Assembly L. 718
Council of the Clergy and Joint Council L. 188
Council of the Clergy L. 428, 475, 603 Cf. 501 E
Joint Council L. 429-48 Cf. 1945:276 C
New York Local Assembly L. 378
Ontario District Assembly L. 505, 17 Cf. 378
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 188-90, 193 L. 1922:15 C
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 654, 665 Cf. 700
Swedenborg Scientific Asso. L. 381

British Assembly L. 717-730, 679, 687, 695, 699
Chicago District Assembly L. 739 L. 1923:50, 88
Cincinnati Local Assembly L.737
Council of the Clergy L. 206, 513, 145, 170
Joint Council L.207-215 C
Ontario District Assembly L. 461-472 Cf. 408, 417, 430, 434, 440
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 216, 417, 164
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 736

Baltimore Local Assembly L. 716
British Assembly L. 1924:39-56, 1, 15, 25 L. 1923:416
Council of the Clergy (3 with Gen. Faculty) L. 175, 210
General Church Gen. Assembly L. 481-522, Cf. 400-415, 464-480, 385, 416, 432, 446, 457, 468, 534 G C
Joint Council L. 177-184
Kitchener Local Assembly L. 524
New York District Assembly L. 250
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 184-6, 336
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 774
Teachers' Institute L. 476,610
Toronto Local Assembly L. 371-5 Cf. 378

Academy Corporation and Faculties L. 445
Baltimore-Washington Local Assembly L. 380
Chicago District Assembly L. 25:2 L. 743-52, 641 Cf. 763
Cincinnati Local Assembly L. 758
Council of the Clergy L. 173
Dutch Swedenborg Society L. 702, 761
Joint Council L. 174-182 C
Joint Council and Academy Faculty L. 182-5
New York Local Assembly L. 379
Ontario District Assembly L. 430-4, 531, 599, 641
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 185, 641
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 701
Sons of the Academy L. 505-9

Academy Corporation and Faculty J. E. L. 505
Alumni Assoc. L. 505
British Assembly L. 558-63, 538, 647 C
Chicago District Assembly L. 734-40, 689, 704, 712, 717 C
Council of the Clergy L. 163-4, 193, 337 Cf. 253
Denver Local Assembly L.747
Joint Council, Clergy and Executive L. 165-85
Kitchener Local Assembly L. 442
New York Local Assembly L. 378
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 173-5, 385, 512
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 686, 689
Sons of the Academy L. 502
Theta Alpha L. 505
Toronto Local Assembly L. 444, 385

Washington-Baltimore District Assembly L. 681,684

Academy Corporation and Faculty L. 553 J. E.
Baltimore-Washington District Assembly L. 550
British Assembly L. 1927:108-16 Cf. L.1926:684, 723, 753
Chicago District Assembly L. 798 Cf. 810
Cincinnati Local Assembly L.808
Council of the Clergy L. 173-5, 209, 263
General Church General Assembly L. 505-47, 385, 403, 425, 446, 463, 487, 490, 495, 499, 578, 582, 642, 385, 505
Joint Council, Clergy O Executive L. 176-87
New York Local Assembly L. 548
Norwegian Swedenborg Society L. 1927:118 L. 1950:33
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 185
Pittsburgh Philosophy Club L. 317
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 808

Academy Corporation and Faculty J. E., L. 445
British Assembly L. 691, 641, 651
Chicago District Assembly L. 730-48 Cf. 759
Nelson pp. lx-x C
Council of the Clergy 3 sessions with Academy Faculty L.168, 173, 193, 206, 214, 321
Dutch Swedenborg Society L. 573
Joint Council L. 173-185 E
New York Local Assembly L. 380
Ontario District Assembly L. 1928:42-54, 57, 20 C E
Philadelphia District Assembly L:170 C
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 753
Washington-Arbutus Local Assembly L. 442

Chicago District Assembly L. 802 L. 1929:9
Council of the Clergy, and sessions with Academy Faculty L. 173-7, 193, 227 J. E. 185, 228, 244
Council of the Clergy L. 730, 449 Cf. 731 P
open meetings L. 654, 655, 584, 596, 577, 621,672
General Church General Assembly L. 652-6, 773-802, 449, 521, 533, 557, 563, 577, 584, 596, 601, 711, 767, 769, 770 Cf. 731 C P G
Joint Council L. 179-189, 164-5 C
New York Local Assembly L. 444
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 177, 275 C
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 812
South African Mission meetings L. 312 Cf. 507 G

British Assembly L. 117-122, 78, 140, 151, Cf. 175
British Sons of the Academy L. 57 G
Council of the Clergy, 3 sessions with Academy Faculty L. 296-300 C
Glenview Local Assembly L. 568
Joint Council L. 302-313 E
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 300
Sons of the Academy B. S. A. Sept. Cf. L. 566, 511, 689, 665
South African Mission Meetings L. 252
South African Mission General Assembly L. 1930:1-17, 15, 16, 172, 283, 672, 673, 686 L. 1930:18-40 C G
Washington District Assembly L:380

British Assembly L. 779-802, 778, 753, 762, 795
Chicago District Assembly L. 1931:42-9, 257, 10 Cf. 1930:812, 813
Corporation of the General Church L. 553
Council of the Clergy J. E. April L. 289-292, 193 Cf. 190 G C
General Church General Assembly L. 469-512, 449, 529, 549, 633, 695, 555, 613, 481-512, 586-600, 578-585 C G
Glenview New Church Reading Meeting L. 127
Joint Council L. 293-309 C
Ontario District Assembly L. 814
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 190

British Assembly L. 673-695, 629, 641, 654, 634
Bryn Athyn Local Sons begins L.1932:140
California District Assembly L. 509-512, 513
Chicago District Assembly L. 763
Council of the Clergy, 3 sessions with Academy Faculty L. 229-231 J. E. :335, 401 C
Joint Council of the Clergy O Executive Committee L. 232-249
Joint Meeting, Academy Corporation and Faculty L. 446
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 251
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 702
Sons of the Academy B. S. A. L. 507
South African Assembly L. 758, 530, 730 L. 1932:115
South African Mission Meetings L. 380
Toronto Forward Club L. 574

British Assembly L. 494-515, 481,485
Chicago District Assembly L. 551-556
Council of the Clergy, 3 sessions with Academy Faculty L. 163, 145, 193
Joint Council, Clergy and Executive Committee L. 165-184 C P
Ontario District Assembly L. 1933:42, 46, 1
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 185
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 526, L. 1933:1
South African Mission Meetings L. 190

British Assembly L. 507, 428, 449
Chicago District Assembly L. 509 L. 1934:33
Council of the Clergy, 3 sessions with Academy Faculty L:145-263 L.142, 215-237
Joint Council, Clergy ~ Executive Committee L. 263-287,125-137, 141, 373 De Hemelsche Leer 1933, 2-7 C
Joint Meeting Corporation and Faculty L. 349
Ontario District Assembly L. 478
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 478
South African Mission Meetings L. 473

British Assembly L. 361-4
Council of the Clergy (34th) L. 107-9, 139-97
Joint Council, Clergy and Executive Committee L. 110, 114-25
Joint Meeting, Corporation and Faculty L. 294
Ontario District Assembly L. 429
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 109
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 431
South African Assembly L. 327, 305

British Assembly L. 354-7 Cf. 401
Chicago District Assembly L. 1936:23 Cf. 1935:428
General Church General Assembly L. 226-9, 270-283, 193, 199, 210, 241, 255, 289, 309 Cf. 232, 324-334
General Church Corporation L. 230 G
Joint Meeting, Corporation and Faculty L. 238
Ontario District Assembly L. 1936:56 Cf. 30 C
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 429

British Assembly L. 340
Bryn Athyn Orchestra Assoc. L. 380
Chicago District Assembly L.177-82,141-151
Conference of the New Church in Australia L. 273 C G
Council of the Clergy L.173-6, 257 C
Corporation and Faculty L. 221
Joint Council L. 177-82, 141-151
Joint Meeting Council of the Clergy L. 173-6, 257C
Michigan-Ontario Local Assembly L. 377
Ontario District Assembly L. 377
Philadelphia District Assembly L. 185
Pittsburgh District Assembly L. 381

British Assembly L. 557 Monthly News letter Sept.
Bryn Athyn Society Meeting L. 235, 241, 252, 260
Chicago District Assembly L.1938:42

L. 181-219, 184, 200, L.270-274 C G
General Church General Assembly L. 358-79, 281, 291, 329, 341, 348, 409, 380-403, 433-50, 424-433, 453, 450
Joint Meeting Corporation and Faculty L. 312 E
Ontario District Assembly L. 1938:42
South African Mission Meetings L. 558, 559 General Church App. Vol. II

Burnham, Mrs. Mary Arion L. 48, 80 Mess. 72:280 pamphlet A. L.
Falk, Zachariah L. 64

Doering, Henry L. 96, 112
Hachborn, Mrs. George L. 47, 48
Hachborn, George L. 144
Hogan, Mrs. Catherine Morrison L. 80
Pitcairn, Mrs. John (Gertrude Starkey) L. 63, 64

Blackman, Orlando Chicago Tribune, July 29 L. 140, 144 Cf. 111, 126
Hibbard, Mrs. J. R. (Sarah de Charms) M. L. 22:440 Mess. 77:253 L. 187 L.1910:253 J. E. 1909:7-10
Lucas, M. Louis L.1900:168
Moir, Miss Jessie I. L.109, 112
Wade, Nicholas K. L. 1900:112

1900 (none)

Anshutz, Mrs. Jacob (Abigail Jane) L. 104
Cowley, Rev. Henry Benade L. 56, 44
Glenn, Robert Morris L. 56, 100, 105, 148, 162,176, 465, 520
Klein, Andrew L. 325-9, 332
Plummer, Miss Evelyn Elizabeth L. 559
Smith, Mrs. Willard M. L. 632
Stroh, Sr., Henry L. 504
Tuerk, Rev. Frederick Wm. Mess. 80:200 L.506

Bradbury, Mrs. Samuel L. 230
Cowley, Mrs. M. M. L. 682, 660
Klein, Samuel A. L. 716 L.1903:50, 52
Kramph, Mrs. Sarah M. L.1903:112
Scocia, Rev. Loreto L. 543, 658-660

Asplundh, Carl Hjalmar L. 172, 166, 168, 225, 485, 113-118
Ballou, Franklin L. 284 L. 324-6
Blackman, Ethel L. 1904:112, 155, 163
Bostock, Rt. Rev. Edward C. L. 284, 336, 389, 285-97
Doering, Adam L. 112, 168, 225

Fincke, Leopold Herman L. 1904:56
McCandless, Edward V. L. 339, 337
Morris, John B. L.1904:56, 165
Ruby, John L. 281
Wunderlich, John L. 620

Abrahamsen, Zacharias Edward L. 1905:191
Boericke, Mrs. Elise L. 576
Campbell, Mrs. Janet Pitcairn L. 334
Faulkner, Samuel L.1905:60
Forrest, Thomas Lawrence L. 331, 335, 390, 329
Lechner, Sr., Frederick L. 688, 686 L. 1905:60
Pitcairn, Alexander L. 516
Pollock, Mortimer L. 224
Schill, Henry L. 1905:64
Starkey, Mrs. Margaret Pitcairn L. 688 L. 1905:57

Benade, Rt. Rev. Wm. Henry L. 521, 344, 482, 449, 606, 721 L. 1906:65 Cf. 670 Monatblatter, June Mess. 89:210
Childs, Mrs. Walter C. (Ida M.) L. 712
Gyllenhaal, Anders Leonard L. 712, 765, 757
Kendig, Joseph Randolph L.120, 128
McQuigg, Mrs. John (Electra Williams) L.192
Pitcairn, Artemas L. 319
Waelchli, John L. 172, 759

Aitken, Mrs. Wm. B. (Susan) L.1907:123, 128
Hyatt, Rev. Edward S. L. 256, 320, 313, 305, 759
Kendig, Mrs. Joseph R. (Rebecca B.) L. 1907:64
Van Sickle, Wm. J. L. 1907:64

Elphick, Frederick L.704, 714
Stroh, Henry G. L. 829, 835

Kuhl, Sr. , Mrs. George L. 189
Roy, Alexander K. L. 754

Grant, Mrs. Esther Hobart L. 560
Hicks, Samuel Henry L. 1910:68, 51-4 Cf. 55, 56
Walker, Reuben L. 373, 384
Wright, Mrs. Camilla L.319

Cooper, George Madison, M. D. L. 262, 240 Cf. 250, 296, 385
Peck, Judge Wm. Wallace L. 328
Pitcairn, Miss Vera L. 590, 705, 707

Van Horn, Walter F. L. 832, 842

Gill, William L. 260, 322, 501, 308

Faber, Herman Sons Bulletin. April, 1914 L.1914:62
Stephenson Rev. John R. Mess. 105:218

deCharms, Jr., Mrs. Richard (Marie) L. 791
Farrington, Mrs. Elizabeth Aitken L. 656, 688
Grant, Miss Electra L. 1915:295
Heath, George L. 452
Junge, Carl Franz Wilhelm L.790
Pendleton, Sr., Charles Rittenhouse L. 256
Yarnall, Bennet L.792

Vickroy, Thomas L.750
Wright, Samuel B. L.818

Gastel, Emil L. 670
Hanlin, Dr. Wm. Arthur L. 670 L. 1917:173
Heilman, Mrs. Esther Maria L. 1917:64
Hobart, Mrs. Cyrinthia L. 794, 788
Macbeth, George A. L. 194, 247
Pitcairn, John L. 481, 670, 725, 656, 455, 792, 457, L. 1917:1, 79, 151, 229, 280, 414, 515, 595, 644 L.1917:242, 463
Smith, Sobieski C. L. 194
Wager, Mrs. E. Pyle Mess. 111:233

Gill, Second Lieut. W. Rey L. 671 Cf. 1918:248
Nelson, Swain L.174
Norris, Mrs. Elizabeth Hogan L. 620, 672
Odhner, Mrs. C. Th. (Marie Louise) L. 620, 674
Pemberton, Guy Christopher L. 1918:194, 253
Sherman, Mrs. Melissa Hobart L. 325
Steiger, Arnold L.768
Tuerk, Mrs. W. F. L. 258
Waters, Reginald Percy L.1918:251

Adelman, George V. L.1919:295
Anshutz, Edward Pollock, M. D. L. 251, 199, 244 Cf. 215, 305
Bellinger, Ernest L. 251
Blackman, Dr. George A. L. L. 1919:136

Brown, Charles L. 445 Cf. 525
Gilmore, Augustus Grant L.194
Odhner, Rev. Carl Theophilus L. 189, 251, 211, 214, 505 L. 1919:814 Mess. 114:233 L.1920:1,75, 147, 213, 285, 343 L.1920:1, 3, 13, Cf. 1918:248, 312, 314, 373
Synnestvedt, Mrs. Homer L. 312, 490
Synnestvedt, Lieut. Fred L.1919:55, 56
Van Horn, John Frederick L.1919:55, 38
Wells, Private Leroy L. 317, 296 Cf. 447

Barler, Rev. Orson Lloyd L. 778
Beam, Dr. Alfred H. L. 212
Clark, Mrs. Mary Wells L. 768 L. 1920:37
Czerny, Rev. Andrew L. 537, 623, 619 Cf. 761, 647-653, 778
Pendleton, Miss Emma Tebeau L. 623
Renkenberger, Jacob L. 1920:64
Zeppenfeldt, Wm. Henry L. 364, 361

Bandeira, Dr. Manoel C. de Souza L. 513, 694
Boggess, James S. L. 448, 443
Browne, Charles Francis L. 319, 317, 381, 472, 476
Cockerell, Mrs. Alfred Sidney (Emma Ridgway) L. 1921:64, 7, 10
Cranch, Dr. Edward C. L.520, 635
Frost, Mrs. Rosalia Matilda Laible L. 191
Gilmore, Mrs. A. G. L.1921:87
Kessler, John S. L. 319
Ritchie, Mrs. Mary W. L. 1921:87
Seward, Mrs. Edith de Charms L. 776
Stroh, Mrs. Henry G. L.4 21
Twiggs, Mrs. Sarah M. L.776

Barger, Gerrit L. 383, 375, 353
de Charms, Jr., Rev. Richard L. 656, 714
Klein, Rev. David Harold L. 1922:63, 508
McCandless, Mrs. Elizabeth L. 383
Motum, Arthur H. L. 384, 460, 518, 382

Behlert, Lorenz Rudolph L. 416
Caldwell, James Reminder (April) L. 1889-92 Cf. 1890:222 NCM:144
Gillespy, John H. L. 288, 265
Glebe, Adam L.1923:128
Hanlin, Dr. Samuel Bradbury L.144, 189
Mphatse, Rev. Aaron N. L. 338, 412 Cf. 542
Ottley, Rev. Glendower C. L. 224, 218, Cf. 263, 537, 727
Pitcairn, Mrs. Alexander L. 416
Potts, Miss Jane L. 1923:60, 1
Renkenberger, Solomon L. 416
Stroh, Alfred H. L.288, 353-368

Ahlberg, Peter L. 1924:62
Burnham, Mrs. Susan Wood L. 256
Glenn, Gerald Starkey L. 256
Headsten, Rev. John L. 528, 745
La Fayette, Senor Levindo Castro L. 1924:188, 191 A Nova Jerusalem 1924
Potts, Rt. Rev. John Faulkner L. 655, 657, 662 Cf. 780 N. C. Herald 1924:396
Schwindt, Orlando Benton L. 192

Cockerell, Edward R. L. 1925:256
Dill, Judge Lewis Grant L. 640
Potts, Miss Annie Faulkner L. 256

Bergstrom, Anders Elis L. 623, 618
Bradbury, Oliver L. L. 383, 577
Braga, Rev. Carlos F. deO. L.568, 546 Cf. 1926:316
Cockerell, Alfred Sydney L. 511, 615
Cooper, James Madison L. 192
Glenn, Mrs. Mary Aitken L. 752
Marelius, Dr. John W. L. 1926:128 Cf. 1925:717
McKallys, Mrs. Margaret L.1926:128, 316
Pendleton, Alexander Shaw L. 383, 317, 331
Schoenberger, Louis J. L.383, 382

Blair, James G. L.128
Burnham, Hugh Lascelle L. 255, 360, 357
Hogan, Miss Maria C. L. 318, 363, 367, 362
Keep, Richard Hamilton L. 816 L. 1927:120
Maynard, Mrs. Henry S. (Jane Lucy) L. 560
Powell, Mrs. Martha J. L. 27, 128
Schill, George L. 752
Sherman, Miss Ellen L. 1927:192
Vickroy, Miss Laura H. L. 624 Cf. Annals 1:121 L.1917:437

Deltenre, Rev. Ernest L. 255, 256, 320, 297 Cf. 1928:244
Hicks, Mrs. Samuel (Elizabeth Keppler) L. 512, 508
Misson, E. Wm. L.320, 314
Mooki, David Wm. N. C. Herald 8:358 L. 445
Pendleton, Bishop Emeritus Wm. Frederic L.768, 728, 705, 760, 764, 765 L. 1928:16, 58, 122, 506, 174, 8, 13
Pflueger, Frederick L. 637
Urwick, Mrs. Frederick L. 28, 256, 254
Vance, General Joseph W. L. 1928:137
Wells, Mrs. Pauline Starkey L. 127
Whittingdon, Charles James L. 384 L. 1928:37-38, 1

Carswell, Robert L. 318, 385 Cf. 375
Denny, David L. 256, 254
Hauser, Miss Ida L. 318
Horigan, Daniel E. L. 256
Johnson, Mrs. Amanda Bradbury L. 256, 251
Johnson, Nels L. 744, 741, 813 Cf. 1929:177
Mitchell, Miss Elizabeth L. 318, 444, 316
Schott, Esq., Colon L. 664, 663

Boericke, Dr. Felix Ariel L. 256, 193, L. 1930:296
Iungerich, Mrs. Eldred E. (Elizabeth A. Simons) L 1930:63, 125
King, Dr. John Blair Smith L. 640, 629, 633
McQueen, Mrs. G. A. L.256
Pendleton, James Coleman L.640
Potts, Mrs. James Faulkner L.320
Roehner, Wm. Frederick L. 640
Roschman, Mrs. Richard L. 320, 319, 317 Cf. 1927:83
Simons, Samuel L.128, 127 Cf. 177
Smith, Benjamin Glenn L.384
Uptegraff, Walter Denny L.192, 251
Waters, James L.1930:124

Ashley, Miss Harriet Sturetevant L. 608, 630
Decker, Dr. Henry L.608, 607, 677
Bowers, Rev. John Eby L. 687, 659, 678
Breitstein, Mrs. F. O. (Maria Czerny) L. 816
Cooper, Mrs. James M. (Mary Amity) L.1928:247
Fercken, Rev. Gaston J. L.380
Grant, Miss Alice L. 381, 411, 417, 413
Grubb, Dr. Wm. L. L.687, 681
Heilman, Dr. Uriah O. L. 254, 315
Jordan, Mrs. Annie Marie Chapman L. 687, 744, 682
Pitcairn, Miss Agnes L. 254, 250, 315
Roschman, Richard L. 254, 252, 235, L.1927:83
Tyler, George Wilson L. 128, 245, 246

Asplundh, Mrs. Emma Steiger L. 1932:96, 137 Cf. 1903:113
Bellinger, Mrs. Peter (Christinia Germann) L.704, 761
Benade, Mrs. W. H. (Mary Ann Katherine Gibbs) L.320, 317, 375
Forrest, John L.1932:96 Cf. 65, 66, 92, 95
Frankish, Charles L.1952:96, 90
Hill, John Edward L. 1932:144, 141
Pribilsky, Ernest Robert L. 512, 637
Waelchli, Mrs. Fred E. (Alena Hughes) L. 256, 313

Beam, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth L. 384
Carter, Arthur George L. 240, 284
Deltenre, Madame Maria Suetens L. 432
Hansen, Frederick Thorvald L. 192, 238
Hubbard, Miss Martha Winchester L.144, 187
Maynard, Henry Sherman L. 336, 330
Moynihan, Mrs. George T. W. (Eva May O'Meara) L. 233, 476
Pendleton, Miss Mary Zella L. 192, 239
Rott, Christian Z. F. L. 527, 528

Barger, Mrs. Eleanor S. H. L. 1934:31
Brown, Edmond Congar L. 512
Hagar, Miss Elena L. 446
Hussenet, Rev. Ferdinand L. 416, 408, L.34:108
Kendig, Julian H. L. 1934:31, 26
Kuhl, John Shierholtz L. 512
McQuigg, Miss Frances E. L. 384
Poole, George Frederic L. 384, 507
Ridgway, Charles Stedman L. 318, 345
Robinson, Ernest Frankish L.1934:64, 61 Cf. 1933:63-68
Rothermel, Mrs. John (Emily Christian Bellinger) L. 1934:64, 63
Unruh, Cornelius Peter L. 112, 139

Alden, Mrs. Wm, Hyde (Carrie Louise Tufts) L. 336 Cf. 352
Alden, Rev. Wm. Hyde B. Th L. 336, 352
Childs, Walter Cameron L. 354, 303, 304, 317, 321
Gill, Mrs. Wm. (Elizabeth Charlotte) L. 272, 237
Gyllenhaal, Leonard Ephraim L. 400, 422, 420
Jordan, Rev. Leonard G. L. 208, 238
Knudsen, Knud L. 240, 268
Macbeth, Miss Helen L. 304
Nelson, Alvin Emanuel L. 432, 424
Parker, Stanley E. N. C. Herald 15:178 L. 238
Parker, Wm. E. L. 1935:32, 29
Price, Rev, Enoch Spradling L. 368, 392, 395
Rogers, Edward Louis Colin L. 1935:25, 22, 27 L. 400

Boatman, John Stewart L. 160, 180
Lindrooth, Alvin Edmund L. 96, 92 Cf. 1927:734
Magelepo, Rev. Berry L.1956:58, 89
Nelson, Mrs. Seymour G. (Annie Emelia Magnuson) L. 189, 187, 180
Potter, John F. R. A. S. L. 400, 391
Robinson, Thomas Frederick L. 288 Cf. 354
Schnarr, John Henry L. 400, 405, 431
Smith, Charles Sonntag L. 63, 91, 92
Stroh, Jacob G. L. 240 Cf. 235, 365

Appleton, Arthur Henry L. 128, 152
Carswell, Mrs. Robert (Mary Sophie Frankish) L. 128, 156
Cleare, Rev. Albert John L. 32
Cockerell, John D'arcy L. 223
Fuller, Edmund Hamilton Sears L. 288, 282
Goerwitz, Alfred L. L. 256, 282
Iungerich, Mrs. Regina Hanan L. 256
Jubb, Wm. Cooley L.1937:96,125
Roy, Mrs. Alexander K. L. 128, 156, 159
Schreck, Mrs. Eugene J. E. L. 256, 253

Brown, Rev. Reginald Wm. L. 504, 530, 531 Cf. 534, 560
Junge, Miss Susan Minot L. 568, 565
Lewin, Samuel L.126,125 Cf. 323
Pendleton, Major Alan L. 64, 92, 93
Pendleton, Bishop Emeritus Nathaniel
Dandridge L.1938:96, 65, 60 Cf. 88, 93, 94, 95, 235, 282, 97
Schoenberger, Jacob L. 504 L. 1938:47
Wallenberg, Miss Ellen V. L. 504, 532

1898 Acton, Alfred 2nd by Bishop W. H. Benade U. S. L. 32

1897 Keep, Richard H. and by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L. 95
Klein, David H. 1st by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L.110
Stebbing, Ernest J. 1st by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L. 110

1899 Cronlund, Emil 1st by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L.1900:52
Doering, Charles E. 2nd by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L. 31

1900 none

1901 Klein, David H. 2nd by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L. 678 L. '02:45

1902 Bostock, E. C. 3rd by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L. '02:90
Caldwell, Wm. B. 1st by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L. '02:45
Starkey, George G. 2nd by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L. '02:45

1903 none

1904 Caldwell, Wm. B. 2nd by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L. 572

1905 none

1906 none

1907 Gyllenhaal, Frederick E. 1st by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L. 434

1908 none

1909 Hussenet, Fernand 2nd by Bishop W. F. Pendleton France L. 748

Iungerich, E. E. 1st by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L. 410

1910 Gyllenhaal, F. E. 2nd by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L. 451

1911 none

1912 Deltenre, Ernest 1st and 2nd by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L. 443

Iungerich, E. E. 2nd by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L. 443

Pendleton, N. D. 3rd by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L. 548-571, 498

1913 Headsten, John 1st by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L. 479-558

Smith, Gilbert H. 2nd by Bishop W. F. Pendleton U. S. L. 470-558

1914 David, L. W. T. 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L.510

de Charms, George 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 510
Headsten, John 2nd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 510
Odhner, Hugo Lj. 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L.510

1915 Baeckstrom, Gustaf 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 539

1916 none

1917 none

1918 Leonardos. Henry 1st by Rev. L. C. de La Fayette South America L. 700

Mendonca Lima, Joao de 1st by Rev. L. C. de La Fayette South America L. 700

1919 Alden, K. R. 2nd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 834

Brown, R. W. 2nd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 834

Morse, Richard 1st and 2nd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 834
Pitcairn, Theodore 2nd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L.834

1920 none

1921 Pfeiffer, Ernst 2nd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 384

1922 Cranch, Raymond Greenleaf 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 480, 478
Whitehead, Wm. 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 480, 478

1923 Heinrichs, Henry 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 528

1924 none

1925 Acton, Elmo Carman 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 448,505

Gill, Alan 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 448,505

Heinrichs, Henry 2nd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L.192

1926 Elphick, F. W. 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L.191,186

Gill, Alan 2nd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton Canada L. 503

Whitehead, Wm. 2nd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton Canada L. 503

1927 none

1928 Acton, Elmo Carman 2nd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton L. 476-81
Boef, Hendrik Willem 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L.520
de Charms, George 3rd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 246-250,193
Gladish, Victor Jeremiah 1st and 2nd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 520
Leonardos, Henry 1st and 2nd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 476-81
Mcanyana, Moffat 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton G. B. L. 477
Mendonca Lima, Joso de 1st and 2nd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton G. B. L. 476-81
Odhner, Vincent Carmond 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 520
Reuter, Norman Harold 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 520
Tilson, R. J. 3rd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton G. B. L. 476-81

1929 Boef, Hendrik Willem 2nd by Bishop G. de Charms U. S. L. 640

1930 Reuter, Norman Harold 2nd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 468, 528

1931 none

1932 Acton, A. Wynne 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 377

Odhner, Philip N. 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L.377, 359, 84

1933 Pendleton, W. D. 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 351

1934 Acton, A. Wynne 2nd by Bishop Robert Tilson G. B. L. 206
Henderson, W. Cairns 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U.S. L. 272, 276

Odhner, Philip N. 2nd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 272, 276

Pendleton, Willard D. 2nd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 368, 367

Sandstrom, Erik 1st by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L. 272, 276

1935 Henderson, W. Cairns 2nd by Bishop Robert Tilson, G. B. L. 169

Sandstrom, Erik 2nd by Bishop Robert Tilson G. B. L. 360

1936 Acton, Alfred 3rd by Bishop N. D. Pendleton U. S. L.160, 176

1937 none