The Bible


Acts of the Apostles 17:22-34 : Paul's Message to Athens


22 IwcI Pan e'kinipwIt, shi na’wiukwan Me's kwutakik,, ipi otI kikito; E'tinsuktI nIn ituk, nmukan kinwa cake'ko, ktosam te'pwe'tanawa.

23 E'pmose'ian kiwapmInum, e'numaie'k, nkimkawa, e'tshI sku’umatuk, otI e'shuonIpie'kate'k, WIN KSHE'MINE'TO PWAKE'NTAKWSIT; otI ie'i e'pwa ke'ntume'k, ktInume'kitowawat, Win ke'iactmonum.

24 Kshe'mIne'to, kaoshItot kI, ipi cake'ko pic iukwan e'te'nuk, osam win o Te'pe'n tan shpumuk, ipi kI cowi te'si, wikwamuk, onIcima kaoshIcke'k.

25 Cowike', nInwuk onIciwan ocI nume'ktowasi, ke'cwa e'ntuwe'ntuk ke'ko, osam cak wIiI ominan pmatsuwun, ipi ne'mwun, ipi cake'ko.

26 Okowshian cak e'shumnIt nInwun, e'nkot nInwuk mskwI, shotI e'icIk caye'k kik, ipi kisha, kishne'ntum e'pwamshu piamkIt nuk pic, ipi wakopmatsInIt.

27 E'wi ntone'wawat Kshe'mIne'ton tanak, kinaktawe'nmawat ipi mkawawat; co anwI pnociIsi e'tshIikon.

28 Osam win we'cpmatse'ikon, ipi we'cmacnuwiIkon, ipi we'ciIikon kpmatsiwnunanIn, ke'cwa anIt kinwa ne'kumocIk kakItwat, ke'iapI ninan ntonicansumkonan.

29 OsomcI kinan e'wi nicansumkoikon Kshe'mIne'to, cosuktashite'asimIn, Kshe'mIne'to shInakwsI, ke'cwa osaw’ shonia, tanake' shonia, tanake', SIn, kamiuk, u’koshuk, nInI, e'shkuke'ntuk.

30 Pic cI otI, pwake'ntumuk Kshe'mIne'to okicipikwe'tan, nIshcI nkom, otInan caye'k nInwun e'wikisate'ntusnIt.

31 Osam okishwshIston e'kishkiwuk shiw ke'ci tpakwnuk otI kI, shi npwakawunuk, niw nInwun, kawe'napmacIn, kashu witmoat, caye'k nIiwun, i e'kipsukwitnat, e'nponpIt.

32 IwcI kanotmoat i psukwiwun, e'npok anIt okinapto takon, ipi anIt otI ki kItwuk, minI kupsItonmIn otI katshItmIn.

33 IwcI Pan e'kinkInat e'kinmumacit.

34 NIshcI anIt nInwuk, okiwice'okon ipi kite'pwe'ie'ntumwuk, nkot-cI Tayonius E'niapikayt, nInI, ipi nkot kwe', Te'me'nIs, kishInkaso, ipi anIt pe'kanse'cIk.



Paul's Message to Athens

By Junchol Lee

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In Athens, Paul felt a strong calling to share his belief and faith in Jesus Christ as Messiah. In Paul's mind, the Athenians were miserable because they were worshiping gods that were sculpted by humans. In another way of looking at this, Paul might have felt that the Athenians were devoting themselves to a reality that was man-made instead of seeking and finding the true reality, which in Paul's mind had been revealed by Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Why is it important to know the real truth instead of just believing whatever one feels to be true?

(References: Amos 5:18)