The Bible


Luke 4:16-30 : Jesus is Rejected at Nazareth


16 Ya mato guiya Nasaret anae jagas mapogsae: ya jumalom taemanoja y costumbreña gui jaanin sabado, gui guimayuus ya cajulo para utaetae.

17 Ya manaegüe y leblon y profeta Isaias. Ya anae jababa y leblo, jasoda anae esta matugue:

18 Y Espiritun y Señot gaegue gui jilojo, sa japalae yo para jupredica y mauleg na sinangan gui mamobble: ya matago yo para jusangane mancautibo, linibre, ya para y manbachet ufanmanlie, ya para junafanlibre y manchiguit,

19 Para jusaganñaejon y guaeyayon na año y Señot.

20 Ya jajuchom y leblo ya anae janatalo y ministro, matachong; ya todo y mangaegue gui guimayuus, güiyaja manatan.

21 Ya jatutujon sumangane sija: Pago esta macumple este na tinigue gui talanganmiyo.

22 Ya todoja manmannae testimonio ya esta ninafanmanman nu minauleg sinangan ni manjujuyong, gui pachotña; ya ilegñija: Ti güiya ini y lajin José.

23 Ya ilegña nu sija: Magajet insanganeyo nu este na sinangan: Medico, amte namaesajaoja: todo sija injingog na unfatinas guiya Capernaum, fatinas locue güine gui tanomo.

24 Ya ilegña: Magajet na jusangane jamyo, na ni un profeta guaegayon gui tanoña.

25 Lao magajet jusangane jamyo: Megae na biuda sija guaja gui Israel gui jaanin Elias, anae y langet majuchom tres años yan saes mesas, anae guaja dangculo na ñinalang gui todo y tano;

26 Lao ni uno guiya sija nae, esta matago si Elias, na as Sarepta, guiya tanon Sidon, guiya un palaoan biuda.

27 Ya megae na ategtog locue guaja guiya Israel gui tiempon y profeta Eliseo; lao taya guiya sija esta magasgas, na si Naaman taotao Siro.

28 Ayo nae todo y taotao gui guimayuus manbula y linalalo, anae jajungog estesija;

29 Ya mangajulo, ya chumulegüe gui sanjiyong y siuda, ya macone asta gui sanjilo y egso, anae esta maplanta y siudañija, para ufanyute gui papa.

30 Lao güiya, malofan gui entaloñija, ya mapos.



Jesus is Rejected at Nazareth

By Junchol Lee

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There is a saying that a person "can't see the forest for the trees." What this means is that we often get lost, focused on and attached to matters closely related to ourselves, and thus we miss seeing and acknowledging the bigger picture within which we exist. It is especially difficult to acknowledge and accept truths that reveal a reality that is not aligned with, or even opposes, the reality that we wish to be true. For the people of Nazareth, those who grew up with Jesus, accepting Jesus as the Messiah was a challenge like this, a challenge that would have been difficult for any human being...

(References: Isaiah 1:10)