L'Amour Conjugal (Le Boys des Guays traduction)

Това е превод на: De Amore Conjugiali, от Swedenborg, Emanuel

Преведено на Français


This is Swedenborg's work on marriage. It shows that a true loving marriage between a husband and wife is the ideal human state. We can work towards it preparing ourselves to receive this gift. It brings eternal happiness and it corresponds to the marriage between the love and wisdom that flow from the Lord through all of creation.

За този превод:

Un véritable mariage d'amour entre un mari et une femme est l'état humain idéal. Il correspond à l'amour et à la sagesse du Seigneur à un niveau profond. Et, nous pouvons travailler pour devenir capable de recevoir ce don.

Дата на създаване: 1855

Информация: Emanuel Swedenborg's Latin work, De Amore Conjugialis, was translated into French by J.F.E. Le Boys des Guays in 1855. It was published in St. Amand, Paris, and London.

Public domain

Лиценз: Public domain

Препоръчано цитиране:

L'Amour Conjugal. Translated. Retrieved from: newchristianbiblestudy.org
